TheTDA4601 regulates,controls,and protectsthe
switching transistor in reverse converter power
supplies at starting, normal, and overload opera-
Starting Behaviour
During the start-up, three consecutive operation
states are passed.
1. An internal reference voltage is built up which
supplies the voltage regulator and enables the
supply to the coupling electrolytic capacitorand
the switching transistor. Up to a supply voltage
of V9≈12V,the current I9is less than3.2mA.
2.Release of the internal reference voltage
V1= 4V. This voltage is abruptly available when
V9≈12V and enables all parts of the IC to be
supplied from the control logic with a thermally
stable and overloadprotected current supply.
3.Release of control logic. As soon as the
reference voltage is available, the control logic
is switchedonthroughan additionalstabilization
circuit. Thus, the IC is ready for operation.
This start-up sequenceis necessaryto guarantee
the supplythrough the couplingelectrolyticcapaci-
tor to the switchingtransistor.Correct switching of
the transistoris only guaranteedin this way.
Normal Operation
Zero crossing of the feedbackcoil is registered at
pin 2 and passed to the control logic.
Atpin 3(regulationof input,overload, and standby
feedbackcoil are applied. The regulating amplifier
works with an input voltage of about 2V and a
currentof about 1.4 mA.
Togetherwith thecollectorcurrentsimulationpin 4,
the overload recognition defines the operating re-
gion of the regulating amplifier depending on the
internal reference voltage. The simulation of the
collector current is generated by an external RC
network at pin 4 and internally set threshold volt-
ages. By increasing the capacitance (10nF) the
max. collector current of the switching transistor
rises, thus setting the required operating range.
The extent of the regulation lies between a 2V
clamped DC voltage and an AC voltage rising in a
sawtooth waveform,whichmay vary up to a maxi-
mum amplitude of 4V (ref. voltage).
Areductionofthesecondaryloaddownto20 watts
causes the switching frequency to rise to about
50kHz at an almost constant pulse duty factor
(periodto on-timeapprox.3).Afurtherreductionof
the secondaryload down to about1 watt results in
changing the switching frequency to approx.
70kHz,and additionallythe pulse duty factorrises
to approx. 11.At the same time the collector peak
current falls below 1A.
In the trigger the output level of the regulating
amplifier, the overload recognition, and the collec-
tor current simulation are compared and instruc-
tions are given to the control logic. There is an
additional triggering and blocking possibility by
means ofpin 5. Theoutput at pin 8 is blockedat a
voltage of lessthan 2.2Vat pin 5.
identification, and the release with the aid of the
trigger, the control logic flip flops are set which
control the base current amplifier and the base
current shut-down. The base current amplifier
moves the sawtooth voltage V4to pin 8. Acurrent
feed-back having an external resistance of R =
0.68Ωis inserted between pin 8 and pin 7. The
resistance value determines the maximum ampli-
tude of the base driving current for the switching
Protective Measures
The base current shut-down,releasedby the con-
trol logic, clamps the output of pin 7 at 1.6V and
thus blocksdriving of the switching transistor.This
protective measure will be released if the voltage
at pin 9 reaches a value ≤typ. 7.4V or if voltages
of ≤typ. 2.2V occur at pin 5. In the caseof a short
circuitof the secondarywindings of theP.S.U., the
IC continuouslymonitors the fault condition.
With the load completely removed from thesecon-
dary winding of the P.S.U., the IC is set to a low
pulse duty factor.The total power consumption of
the P.S.U. is held below 6 to 10 watts in both
operatingconditions. After having blocked the out-
put, causedatasupplyvoltage≤typ.7.4V,afurther
voltagereductionwith∆V9=0.6V resultsin switch-
ing off the reference voltage (4V).