19-2770; Rev 3; 3/11 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters The MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 low-power, highspeed transmitters for RS-485/RS-422 communication operate from a single +3.3V power supply. These devices contain one differential transmitter. The MAX3295 transmitter operates at data rates up to 20Mbps, with an output skew of less than 5ns, and a guaranteed driver propagation delay below 25ns. The MAX3293 (250kbps) and MAX3294 (2.5Mbps) are slew-rate limited to minimize EMI and reduce reflections caused by improperly terminated cables. The MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 output level is guaranteed at +1.5V with a standard 54 load, compliant with RS-485 specifications. The transmitter draws 5mA of supply current when unloaded, and 1A in lowpower shutdown mode (DE = GND). Hot-swap circuitry eliminates false transitions on the data cable during circuit initialization or connection to a live backplane, and short-circuit current limiting and thermalshutdown circuitry protect the driver against excessive power dissipation. The MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 are offered in a 6-pin SOT23 package, and are specified over the automotive temperature range. Applications Features Space-Saving 6-Pin SOT23 Package 250kbps/2.5Mbps/20Mbps Data Rates Available Operate from a Single +3.3V Supply ESD Protection 9kV--Human Body Model Slew-Rate Limited for Errorless Data Transmission (MAX3293/MAX3294) 1A Low-Current Shutdown Mode -7V to +12V Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Current Limiting and Thermal Shutdown for Driver-Overload Protection Hot-Swap Inputs for Telecom Applications Automotive Temperature Range (-40C to +125C) Ordering Information PART TEMP RANGE MAX3293AUT+T -40C to +125C PIN-PACKAGE 6 SOT23-6 MAX3294AUT+T -40C to +125C 6 SOT23-6 MAX3295AUT+T -40C to +125C 6 SOT23-6 +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. T = Tape and reel. RS-485/RS-422 Communications Selector Guide Clock Distribution Telecom Equipment Automotive PART MAXIMUM DATA RATE (Mbps) SLEWRATE LIMITED TOP MARK MAX3293AUT+T 0.25 Yes ABNI or ABVH MAX3294AUT+T 2.5 Yes ABNJ or ABVI MAX3295AUT+T 20 No ABNK or ABVJ Security Equipment Point-of-Sale Equipment Industrial Control Typical Operating Circuit 120 DI Z D Y R RO Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet. DE MAX3293 MAX3294 MAX3295 MAX3280E MAX3281E MAX3283E MAX3284E ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at www.maxim-ic.com. 1 MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 General Description MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (All voltages referenced to GND, unless otherwise noted.) Supply Voltage (VCC).............................................................+6V DE, DI .......................................................................-0.3V to +6V Y, Z .........................................................................-7V to +12.5V Maximum Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70C) SOT23 (derate 8.2mW/C above +70C) .................654.1mW Operating Temperature Ranges MAX32_ _AUT...............................................-40C to +125C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65C to +160C Junction Temperature .....................................................+160C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = +3.3V 5%, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +3.3V and TA = +25C.) (Notes 1, 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 3.135 3.300 3.465 V 5 mA 10 A POWER SUPPLY Supply Voltage Supply Current in Normal Operation Supply Current in Shutdown Mode VCC IQ ISHDN No load, DI = VCC or GND, DE = VCC No load, DE = GND 1 DRIVER Differential Driver Output Change in Magnitude of Differential Output Voltage Driver Common-Mode Output Voltage Change in Magnitude of CommonMode Voltage VOD VOD VOC VOC Figure 1, DE = VCC, DI = GND or VCC R = 50 (RS-422), TA +85C 2.0 VCC R = 27 (RS-485), TA +85C 1.5 VCC V Figure 1, R = 27 or 50, DE = VCC (Note 3) Figure 1, R = 27 or 50, DE = VCC, DI = VCC or GND -1 Figure 1, R = 27 or 50 (Note 3) 0.2 V +3 V 0.2 V DRIVER LOGIC Input High Voltage VIH DE, DI Input Low Voltage VIL DE, DI Input Current IIN DE, DI IO Y, Z DE = GND, VCC = GND or +3.3V Output Leakage Driver Short-Circuit Foldback Output Current IOSFD Driver Short-Circuit Output Current IOSD Thermal-Shutdown Threshold TTS Thermal-Shutdown Hysteresis TTSH ESD Protection 2 2.0 VIN = +12V V 0.8 V -2 +2 A -20 +20 A VIN = -7V (VCC - 1V) VOUT +12V, output high -20 +20 +25 -7V VOUT 1V, output high 0 VOUT +12V, output low -25 -250 -7V VOUT VCC, output high Y, Z Human Body Model +250 mA mA 160 C 40 C 9 kV _______________________________________________________________________________________ 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters (VCC = +3.3V 5%, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +3.3V.) PARAMETER Driver Propagation Delay Driver Differential Output Rise or Fall Time SYMBOL t PLH t PHL tR tF Driver-Output Skew t SKEW Differential Driver-Output Skew tDSKEW Maximum Data Rate CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 400 1300 400 1300 Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 400 1200 400 1200 -400 +400 ns -100 +100 ns Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF, t SKEW = | t PLH - tPHL | (Note 5) Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 250 ns ns kbps Driver Enable to Output High tZH Figures 4, 5; S2 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF Driver Enable to Output Low tZL Figures 4, 5; S1 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 2000 ns Driver Disable Time from Low tLZ Figures 4, 5; S1 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 1000 ns Driver Disable Time from High tHZ Figures 4, 5; S2 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 1000 ns Same power supply, maximum temperature difference between devices = +30C (Note 5) 900 ns MAX UNITS Device-to-Device Propagation Delay Matching 2000 ns SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (MAX3294) (VCC = +3.3V 5%, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +3.3V.) PARAMETER Driver Propagation Delay Driver Differential Output Rise or Fall Time SYMBOL t PLH t PHL tR tF Driver-Output Skew t SKEW Differential Driver-Output Skew tDSKEW Maximum Data Rate CONDITIONS MIN TYP Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 24 70 24 70 Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 10 70 10 70 -40 +40 ns -6 +6 ns Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF, t SKEW = | t PLH - tPHL | (Note 5) Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 2.5 ns ns Mbps Driver Enable to Output High tZH Figures 4, 5; S2 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF Driver Enable to Output Low tZL Figures 4, 5; S1 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 400 ns Driver Disable Time from Low tLZ Figures 4, 5; S1 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 100 ns Driver Disable Time from High tHZ Figures 4, 5; S2 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 100 ns 46 ns Device-to-Device Propagation Delay Matching Same power supply, maximum temperature difference between devices = +30C (Note 5) 400 ns _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (MAX3293) MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (MAX3295) (VCC = +3.3V 5%, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC = +3.3V.) PARAMETER Driver Propagation Delay Driver Differential Output Rise or Fall Time SYMBOL t PLH t PHL tR tF Driver-Output Skew Differential Driver-Output Skew CONDITIONS MIN TYP 25 Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 25 TA = -40C to +125C Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF MAX UNITS ns 18.5 TA < +85C 15 TA = -40C to +125C 18.5 TA < +85C ns 15 t SKEW Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF, t SKEW = | t PLH - tPHL | 5 ns tDSKEW Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 5 ns Maximum Data Rate Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF, TA +85C 20 Figures 2, 3; RDIFF = 54, CL = 50pF 16 Mbps Driver Enable to Output High tZH Figures 4, 5; S2 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF Driver Enable to Output Low tZL Figures 4, 5; S1 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 400 ns Driver Disable Time from Low tLZ Figures 4, 5; S1 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 100 ns Driver Disable Time from High tHZ Figures 4, 5; S2 closed, RL = 500, CL = 100pF 100 ns 25 ns Device-to-Device Propagation Delay Matching Same power supply, maximum temperature difference between devices = +30C (Note 5) 400 ns Note 1: Devices production tested at +25C. Limits over the operating temperature range are guaranteed by design. Note 2: All currents into the device are positive; all currents out of the device are negative. All voltages are referenced to device ground, unless otherwise noted. Note 3: VOD and VOC are the changes in VOD and VOC, respectively, when the DI input changes state. Note 4: The maximum current applies to peak current just prior to foldback current limiting. Note 5: Guaranteed by design; not production tested. 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters Y R OUTPUT UNDER TEST VOD R VCC S1 RL CL VOC S2 Z Figure 1. Driver DC Test Load Figure 4. Enable/Disable Timing Test Load 3V DE 3V 1.5V 1.5V 0V DE DI tZL(SHDN), tZL CL Y VID Z tLZ Y, Z RDIFF VOL CL 2.3V OUTPUT NORMALLY LOW OUTPUT NORMALLY HIGH Y, Z 2.3V VOH - 0.25V 0V tZH(SHDN), tZH Figure 2. Driver Timing Test Circuit tHZ Figure 5. Driver Enable and Disable Times f = 1MHz, tR 3ns, tF 3ns 3V DI VOL + 0.25V 1.5V 0V 1.5V tPLH tPHL 1/2 VO Z VO Y 1/2 VO VO VDIFF 0V -VO VDIFF = V (Y) - V (Z) 90% 90% 10% 10% tR tF tSKEW = | tPLH - tPHL | Figure 3. Driver Propagation Delays _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 Test Circuits and Timing Diagrams Typical Operating Characteristics (VCC = +3.3V, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) TA = +25C 10 TA = -40C 1.0 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 -10 20 50 80 110 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 DATA RATE (Mbps) TEMPERATURE (C) TEMPERATURE (C) OUTPUT CURRENT vs. DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE DRIVER DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. TEMPERATURE DRIVER-OUTPUT CURRENT vs. DRIVER-OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE 10 0 RDIFF = 100 2.5 2.0 RDIFF = 54 1.5 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 -10 20 50 80 TEMPERATURE (C) DRIVER-OUTPUT CURRENT vs. DRIVER-OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE OUTPUT SKEW vs. TEMPERATURE 3 OUTPUT SKEW (ns) -20 -40 -60 -80 40 0 2 1 2 4 6 8 10 OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (V) 12 DRIVER PROPAGATION DELAY vs. TEMPERATURE MAX3293-95 toc08 4 MAX3293-95 toc07 0 60 110 DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 20 80 0 -40 40 PROPAGATION DELAY (ns) 2.25 100 20 1.0 1.75 2.00 MAX3293-95 toc06 120 MAX3293-95 toc09 20 3.0 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) 30 140 MAX3293-95 toc05 40 3.5 DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) MAX3293-95 toc04 50 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) 0.8 0 -40 20 1.2 0.4 5 0 DE = GND 1.6 SUPPLY CURRENT (A) SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) 15 DE = VCC NO LOAD NO SWITCHING 1.5 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) TA = +85C TA = +125C 2.0 MAX3293-95 toc02 DE = VCC NO LOAD 20 2.0 MAX3293-95 toc01 25 SHUTDOWN SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE MAX3293-95 toc03 MAX3295 SUPPLY CURRENT vs. DATA RATE OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters RDIFF = 54 CL = 50pF 30 tPHL 20 tPLH 10 -100 -120 -7 6 -5 -3 -1 1 3 OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE (V) 5 0 0 -40 -10 20 50 TEMPERATURE (C) 80 110 -40 -10 20 50 TEMPERATURE (C) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 80 110 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters UNLOADED DRIVER-OUTPUT WAVEFORM (fIN = 16Mbps) ENABLE RESPONSE TIME DRIVER PROPAGATION DELAY MAX3293-95 toc11 MAX3293-95 toc10 DI DE 0V 0V MAX3293-95 toc12 Y-Z 0V Y, Z Y, Z 0V 0V 40ns/div 20ns/div Y, Z: 1V/div DI: 2V/div 20ns/div Y, Z: 1V/div Y, Z, DE: 2V/div LOADED DRIVER-OUTPUT WAVEFORM (fIN = 16Mbps) EYE DIAGRAM (fIN = 20Mbps) MAX3293-95 toc14 MAX3293-95 toc13 Y, Z Y, Z 0V 0V 10ns/div 20ns/div Y, Z: 500mV/div Y, Z: 500mV/div Pin Description PIN NAME FUNCTION 1 DI 2 VCC Positive Supply. VCC = +3.3V 5%. Bypass VCC to GND with a 0.1F capacitor. 3 DE Driver Output Enable. Force DE high to enable driver. Pull DE low to disable the driver. Hot-swap input, see the Hot-Swap Capability section. 4 Z 5 GND 6 Y Driver Input. A logic low on DI forces the noninverting output (Y) low and the inverting output (Z) high. A logic high on DI forces the noninverting output (Y) high and the inverting output (Z) low. Inverting RS-485/RS-422 Output Ground Noninverting RS-485/RS-422 Output _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (VCC = +3.3V, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters Detailed Description The MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 are low-power transmitters for RS-485/RS-422 communication. The MAX3295 operates at data rates up to 20Mbps, the MAX3294 up to 2.5Mbps (slew-rate limited), and the MAX3293 up to 250kbps (slew-rate limited). These devices are enabled using an active-high driver enable (DE) input. When disabled, outputs enter a high-impedance state, and the supply current reduces to 1A. The MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 have a hot-swap input structure that prevents disturbance on the differential signal lines when a circuit board is plugged into a "hot" backplane (see the Hot-Swap Capability section). Drivers are also short-circuit current limited and are protected against excessive power dissipation by thermal-shutdown circuitry. cause coupling of VCC or GND to DE. These factors could improperly enable the driver. The MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 eliminate all above issues with hot-swap circuitry. When V CC rises, an internal pulldown circuit holds DE low for approximately 10s. After the initial power-up sequence, the pulldown circuit becomes transparent, resetting the hot-swap tolerable input. VCC 10s TIMER Driver TIMER The driver accepts a single-ended, logic-level input (DI) and translates it to a differential RS-485/RS-422 level output (Y and Z). Driving DE high enables the driver, while pulling DE low places the driver outputs (Y and Z) into a high-impedance state (see Table 1). Low-Power Shutdown Force DE low to disable the MAX3293/MAX3294/ MAX3295. In shutdown mode, the device consumes a maximum of 10A of supply current. 5.6k 2mA 100A Hot-Swap Capability Hot-Swap Input When circuit boards are inserted into a "hot" or powered backplane, disturbances to the enable can lead to data errors. Upon initial circuit board insertion, the processor undergoes its power-up sequence. During this period, the output drivers are high impedance and are unable to drive the DE input of the MAX3293/ MAX3294/MAX3295 to a defined logic level. Leakage currents up to 10A from the high-impedance output could cause DE to drift to an incorrect logic state. Additionally, parasitic circuit board capacitance could DE (HOT SWAP) EN M1 M2 Figure 6. Simplified Structure of the Driver Enable Input (DE) DIFFERENTIAL POWER-UP GLITCH (0.1V/s) 2V/div VCC 0V Table 1. MAX3293/MAX3294/ MAX3295 (RS-485/RS-422) Transmitting Function Table INPUTS DE 0 1 1 X = Don't care. 8 DI X 0 1 OUTPUTS Y Z Shutdown Shutdown 0 1 1 0 Y 10mV/div AC-COUPLED Z 10mV/div AC-COUPLED 20mV/div Y-Z 4s/div Figure 7. Differential Power-Up Glitch (0.1V/s) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters DIFFERENTIAL POWER-UP GLITCH (1V/s) 2V/div VCC off. When M1 turns off, DE reverts to a standard, highimpedance CMOS input. Whenever VCC drops below 1V, the hot-swap input is reset. Hot-Swap Line Transient During a hot-swap event when the driver is connected to the line and is powered up, the driver must not cause the differential signal to drop below 200mV. Figures 7, 8, and 9 show the results of the MAX3295 during power-up for three different V CC ramp rates (0.1V/s, 1V/s, and 10V/s). The photos show the VCC ramp, the singleended signal on each side of the 100 termination, as well as the differential signal across the termination. ESD Protection Human Body Model Figure 10 shows the Human Body Model, and Figure 11 shows the current waveform it generates when discharged into low impedance. This model consists of a 100pF capacitor charged to the ESD voltage of interest, which is then discharged into the device through a 1.5k resistor. 0V 100mV/div AC-COUPLED Y RC 1M 100mV/div AC-COUPLED Z CHARGE-CURRENTLIMIT RESISTOR 200mV/div Y-Z 1s/div HIGHVOLTAGE DC SOURCE Cs 100pF RD 1.5k DISCHARGE RESISTANCE DEVICE UNDER TEST STORAGE CAPACITOR Figure 8. Differential Power-Up Glitch (1V/s) Figure 10. Human Body ESD Test DIFFERENTIAL POWER-UP GLITCH (10V/s) 2V/div VCC 0V Y 50mV/div AC-COUPLED Z 50mV/div AC-COUPLED Y-Z Ir IP 100% 90% AMPERES 36.8% 10% 0V 0V TIME 100mV/div tRL 200ns/div Figure 9. Differential Power-Up Glitch (10V/s) PEAK-TO-PEAK RINGING (NOT DRAWN TO SCALE) tDL CURRENT WAVEFORM Figure 11. Current Waveform _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 Hot-Swap Input Circuitry The MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 enable input features hot-swap capability. At the input, there are two NMOS devices, M1 and M2 (Figure 6). When V CC ramps from zero, an internal 10s timer turns on M2 and sets the SR latch, which also turns on M1. Transistors M2, a 2mA current sink, and M1, a 100A current sink, pull DE to GND through a 5.6k resistor. M2 is designed to pull DE to the disabled state against an external parasitic capacitance up to 100pF that may drive DE high. After 10s, the timer deactivates M2 while M1 remains on, holding DE low against threestate leakages that can drive DE high. M1 remains on until an external source overcomes the required input current. At this time, the SR latch resets and M1 turns MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters Reduced EMI and Reflections (MAX3293/MAX3294) The MAX3293/MAX3294 are slew-rate limited, minimizing EMI and reducing reflections caused by improperly terminated cables. Figure 12 shows Fourier analysis of the MAX3295 transmitting a 125kHz signal. High-frequency harmonics with large amplitudes are evident. Figure 13 shows the same information, but for the slewrate-limited MAX3293, transmitting the same signal. The high-frequency harmonics have much lower amplitudes, and the potential for EMI is significantly reduced. To minimize reflections, the line should be terminated at both ends in its characteristic impedance, and stub lengths off the main line should be kept as short as possible. The slew-rate-limited MAX3293 and MAX3294 are more tolerant of imperfect termination. Driver-Output Protection Two mechanisms prevent excessive output current and power dissipation caused by faults or by bus contention. The first, a foldback current limit on the output stage, provides immediate protection against short circuits over the whole common-mode voltage range (see the Typical Operating Characteristics). The second, a thermal-shutdown circuit, forces the driver outputs into a high-impedance state if the die temperature exceeds +160C. Chip Information PROCESS: BiCMOS DRIVER-OUTPUT WAVEFORM AND FFT PLOT OF MAX3295 DRIVER-OUTPUT WAVEFORM AND FFT PLOT OF MAX3293 10dB/div 10dB/div Figure 12. Driver-Output Waveform and FFT Plot of MAX3295 Transmitting a 125kHz Signal Figure 13. Driver-Output Waveform and FFT Plot of MAX3293 Transmitting a 125kHz Signal Pin Configuration TOP VIEW + DI 1 VCC 2 MAX3293 MAX3294 MAX3295 DE 3 6 Y 5 GND 4 Z Package Information For the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. Note that a "+", "#", or "-" in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE OUTLINE NO. LAND PATTERN NO. 6 SOT23 U6CN+2 21-0058 90-0175 SOT23-6 10 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 20Mbps, +3.3V, SOT23 RS-485/ RS-422 Transmitters REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE 3 3/11 DESCRIPTION Added lead-free parts to the Ordering Information and Selector Guide tables PAGES CHANGED 1 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________ 11 (c) 2011 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295 Revision History