Description The AT43USB380 is a straightforward upgrade of the AT43USB370 Host/Function Processor to support the USB 2.0 On-The-Go (OTG) specification. It can operate either as a single-chip Host/Function Processor or if used in conjunction with an external Atmel Charge Pump, as a full OTG solution. The AT43USB380 is functionally equivalent to the AT43USB370 as a Host/Function Processor and can be used in place of the AT43USB370 in the existing AT43USB370 design with minor hardware modifications. The pinout differences between the AT43USB370 and the AT43USB380 are due to the inclusion of the on-chip OTG interface in the AT43USB380. To support OTG functionality, an external Charge Pump has to be connected to the OTG interface of the AT43USB380, as shown in Figure 1 on page 7. The external Charge Pump serves in the following two capacities: 1. As a power source to the downstream USB devices. 2. As a signaling interface during the OTG session negotiation upon connection. From the hardware standpoint, the AT43USB380 is equivalent to the AT43USB370 with the following exceptions: * * On-chip OTG Interface. This hardware block is added to the AT43USB380 to support the OTG functionality. Signals in the OTG interface include ID, DISCHARGE, PUMP, CONTROL, EN, SESS_VLD, SESS_END, SESS_HIGH and SESS_LOW. This interface is used during an OTG session to determine the roles of the AT43USB380 and the connected OTG-enabled USB device either as a host or a function. 8/16/32 Bit Generic Host Processor Interface. The AT43USB380 has a variable width, generic host processor interface whereas the AT43USB370 supports only 32-bit host interface. The width of the host interface on the AT43USB380 is determined by firmware configuration. * Simplified System Interface. The GPIOs required in AT43USB370 for handshaking are no longer required in AT43USB380. The system processor can write directly to the AT43USB380 registers thus eliminates the need for PROG, SEL, READY, DONE, MORE, INTR_IN signals. The WAIT_N signal is not needed either. It is only there for precaution for SYS_CLK synchronization. * Up to 16 GPIO Pins. GPIO pins are multiplexed with the host processor interface. When the interface to the host processor is 8 or 16 bits, up to 16 of the unused pins in the host processor interface can be used as GPIO pins. High level APIs are provided to access these GPIO pins. On-The-Go Upgrade of the AT43USB370 USB 2.0 Full-Speed Host/Function Processor AT43USB380 Upgrade Map Summary From the standpoint of the firmware development environment, the AT43USB380 shares the same high level APIs and low level fir mware librar ies with the AT43USB370. Additions to the AT43USB380 firmware suite include: * High level APIs specific to the OTG support. The number of additional APIs is less than 10. * Low level OTG firmware embedded in the AT43USB380 hardware that support Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) and Session Request Protocol (SRP). The AT43USB380 share the same debugging tools with the AT43USB370 as well. During development, the AT43USB380 should be treated as a black box in terms of 3420AS-USB-03/04 Note: This is a summary document. A complete document is not available at this time. For more information, please contact your local Atmel sales office. USB functionality. Communication with the AT43USB380 is achieved through a small set (less than 25) of high level, ANSI C-compliant APIs. The actual USB protocol including HNP and SRP is transparent to the host processor. AT43USB380 OTG Processor Pin Description Table 1 gives the description of the pins. Table 1. Pin Description of the AT43USB380 Signal Name Dir. Polarity Width Description System Interface SYS_CLK I 1 Host system clock input for synchronization of WAIT_N and DREQ_N. (Synchronization requirement can be enable/disable through internal register settings) A[7:0] I 8 System Address Bus CS_N I 1 CHIP_SELECT signal from System (ARM(R)) D[15:0] B 16 System Data Bus [15:0] D[31:16]/ GPIO[15:0] B 16 BWIDTH[1:0]=1x : System Data Bus [31:16] BWIDTH[1:0]=0x : GPIO[15:0] DACK_N I LO 1 DMA Acknowledge from System (ARM) DREQ_N O LO 1 DMA Request to System (ARM) INTR_OUT O HI 1 Interrupt to System (ARM) OE_N I LO 1 OUTPUT_ENABLE from System (ARM) WAIT_N O LO 1 WAIT to System (ARM) WE_N I LO 1 WRITE_ENABLE from System (ARM) 2 System Data Bus Size: 00 : 8 Bit Interface D[7:0] 01 : 16 Bit Interface D[15:0] 1x : 32 Bit Interface D[31:0] 1 Wakeup Request from System BWIDTH[1:0] I WAKEUP_N I LO LO USB Interface DM B 1 USB Line (D-) DP B 1 USB Line (D+) ID I 1 OTG device type identification; used to differentiate a Mini-A and Mini-B plug RPU_EN O 1 Enable resistive pull-up to the D+ line RPD_EN O 1 Enable resistive pull-down to the D+/D- lines Charge Pump Interface 2 CPClk O 1 Charge Pump clock output EN O 1 Charge Pump; Enable for Charge Pump PUMP_EN O 1 Charge Pump; Enable for Charge Pump AT43USB380 Upgrade Map Summary 3420AS-USB-03/04 AT43USB380 Upgrade Map Summary Table 1. Pin Description of the AT43USB380 (Continued) Signal Name Dir. Polarity Width Description SESS_VLD I 1 Charge Pump; Active high when VBUS > VSESS_VLD otherwise "0" SESS_END I 1 Charge Pump; Active high when VBUS > VSESS_END otherwise "0" SESS_LOW I 1 Charge Pump; Active high when VBUS > VSESS_LOW otherwise "0" SESS_HIGH I 1 Charge Pump; Active high when VBUS > VSESS_HIGH otherwise "0" LOW_CUR O 1 Limits the current output of the Charge Pump. Used during VBUS pulsing when configured as B-device DISCHARGE O 1 Charge Pump; Connect VBUS to ground XTAL1 I 1 Oscillator input XTAL2 O 1 Oscillator output LFT I 1 PLL loop filter CLK_SEL I 1 Clock Source selection between crystal and external oscillator RESET_N I 1 RESET for USB Processor Oscillator, Clocks LO Jtag Interface TCK/SI I 1 TP3=0: JTAG Clock - from JTAG controller; TP3=1: SI-EEPROM TDI/SCK I 1 TP3=0: JTAG Serial Data IN - from JTAG controller; TP3=1: SCK-EEPROM TDO/SO O 1 TP3=0: JTAG Serial Data OUT - from JTAG controller; TP3=1: SO-EEPROM TMS/CS I 1 TP3=0: JTAG Mode Select - from JTAG controller; TP3=1: CS-EEPROM TRST_N I 1 JTAG Reset - from JTAG controller LO Test Pins TP0 I 1 Test pin 0 TP1 I 1 Test Pin 1 TP2 I 1 Test pin 2 TP3 I 1 Test pin 3 TP4/SCAN_EN I 1 Test pin 4/SCAN_EN TP_CLK /D_CLK O 1 Clock test output/SIE DPLL extracted clock TP_RCV_DATA /RCV_DATA O 1 Extracted serial data test output 3 3420AS-USB-03/04 Table 1. Pin Description of the AT43USB380 (Continued) Signal Name Dir. Polarity Width Description Power/Ground Pins VEXT18 O 3 1.8V regulated output VDD I 5 3.3V input 10 Ground VSS AT43USB380 OTG Processor Pin Assignment 4 Pin # Signal Type 1 A7 Input 2 A6 Input 3 A5 Input 4 A4 Input 5 A3 Input 6 A2 Input 7 A1 Input 8 A0 Input 9 CS_N Input 10 OE_N Input 11 WE_N Input 12 INTR_OUT Output 13 VSS Power Supply/Ground 14 VDD18 Power Supply/Ground 15 VDD Power Supply/Ground 16 SYS_CLK Input 17 WAIT_N Output 18 DREQ_N Output 19 DACK_N Input 20 CPClk Output 21 DISCHARGE Output 22 EN Output 23 LOW_CUR Output 24 PUMP_EN Output 25 SESS_LOW Input 26 VSS Power Supply/Ground 27 SESS_VLD Input 28 SESS_HIGH Input 29 SESS_END Input AT43USB380 Upgrade Map Summary 3420AS-USB-03/04 AT43USB380 Upgrade Map Summary Pin # Signal Type 30 ID Input 31 TP0 Input 32 TP1 Input 33 CLK_SEL Input 34 VSS Power Supply/Ground 35 XTAL1 Input 36 XTAL2 Output 37 LFT Input 38 VDD18 Power Supply/Ground 39 VDD Power Supply/Ground 40 VSS Power Supply/Ground 41 DM Bi-directional 42 DP Bi-directional 43 TP2 Input 44 TP3 Input 45 RPD_EN Output 46 RPU_EN Output 47 RESET_N Input 48 TCK/SI Input 49 TMS/CS Input 50 VDD Power Supply/Ground 51 VSS Power Supply/Ground 52 TDI/SCK Input 53 TDO/SO Output 54 TRST_N Input 55 TP_CLK/D_CLK Output 56 TP_RCV_DATA/RCV_DATA Output 57 TP4/scan_en Input 58 BWIDTH[0] Input 59 WAKEUP_N Input 60 D31/GPIO[15] Bi-directional 61 D30/GPIO[14] Bi-directional 62 D29/GPIO[13] Bi-directional 63 D28/GPIO[12] Bi-directional 64 VSS Power Supply/Ground 65 VDD18 Power Supply/Ground 66 VDD Power Supply/Ground 5 3420AS-USB-03/04 6 Pin # Signal Type 67 D27/GPIO[11] Bi-directional 68 D26/GPIO]10] Bi-directional 69 D25/GPIO[9] Bi-directional 70 D24/GPIO[8] Bi-directional 71 D23/GPIO[7] Bi-directional 72 D22/GPIO[6] Bi-directional 73 D21/GPIO[5] Bi-directional 74 D20/GPIO[4] Bi-directional 75 VDD Power Supply/Ground 76 VSS Power Supply/Ground 77 D19/GPIO[3] Bi-directional 78 D18/GPIO[2] Bi-directional 79 D17/GPIO[1] Bi-directional 80 D16/GPIO[0] Bi-directional 81 BWIDTH[1] Input 82 D15 Bi-directional 83 D14 Bi-directional 84 D13 Bi-directional 85 D12 Bi-directional 86 D11 Bi-directional 87 VDD Power Supply/Ground 88 VSS Power Supply/Ground 89 D10 Bi-directional 90 D9 Bi-directional 91 D8 Bi-directional 92 D7 Bi-directional 93 D6 Bi-directional 94 D5 Bi-directional 95 VSS Power Supply/Ground 96 D4 Bi-directional 97 D3 Bi-directional 98 D2 Bi-directional 99 D1 Bi-directional 100 D0 Bi-directional AT43USB380 Upgrade Map Summary 3420AS-USB-03/04 AT43USB380 Upgrade Map Summary USB-OTG Interface Connections for Host Mode Figure 1. AT43USB380 USB and Charge Pump Connection for Host Mode 3.3V DP 100 kOhm DM Mini-AB Receptacle ID ID DP VBUS DM GND 15 kOhm 15 kOhm RPD_EN AT43USB380 (OTG Interface) Charge Pump AT43CD001 DISCHARGE 3.3V DISCHARGE PUMP_EN PUMP_EN LOW_CUR LOW_CUR VDDAC DP EN DM EN B Receptacle CLK CPCLK SESS_VLD SESS_VLD SESS_END SESS_END SESS_HIGH SESS_HIGH SESS_LOW SESS_LOW VBUS VBUS C1 C2 GND VSSAC 3.3V CEXT1 10 kOhm C3 SELECT CEXT2 7 3420AS-USB-03/04 Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Regional Headquarters Europe Atmel Sarl Route des Arsenaux 41 Case Postale 80 CH-1705 Fribourg Switzerland Tel: (41) 26-426-5555 Fax: (41) 26-426-5500 Asia Room 1219 Chinachem Golden Plaza 77 Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721-9778 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Atmel Operations Memory 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 RF/Automotive Theresienstrasse 2 Postfach 3535 74025 Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 71-31-67-0 Fax: (49) 71-31-67-2340 Microcontrollers 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 436-4314 La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 3, France Tel: (33) 2-40-18-18-18 Fax: (33) 2-40-18-19-60 ASIC/ASSP/Smart Cards 1150 East Cheyenne Mtn. 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The Company assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property of Atmel are granted by the Company in connection with the sale of Atmel products, expressly or by implication. Atmel's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. (c) Atmel Corporation 2003. All rights reserved. Atmel (R) and combinations thereof, are the registered trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. ARM(R) is the registered trademark of ARM Limited. Other terms and product names may be the trademarks of others. Printed on recycled paper. 3420AS-USB-03/04