installation notes
Advice from: DANLERS Limited, Vincients Road, CHIPPENHAM, Wiltshire, SN14 6NQ, United Kingdom.
Telephone: +44 (0)1249 443377 Fax: +44 (0)1249 443388
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Company Registered Number 2570169 VAT Registration Number 543 5491 38
INS 003 - Instructions TWSW.indd16/02/07
The twilight switch will switch outdoor lights on during the hours of darkness.
It is suitable for external mounting.
1. Read these notes before commencing work.
2. In case of doubt, consult a qualied electrical contractor.
3. The twilight switch should be sited so that it is in the daylight.
4. It should be mounted so that the wire entry point is at the bottom.
5. Take care that none of the outdoor lights are so close to the twilight switch that they shine directly into it.
6. Make sure power is switched off from the circuits you are working on by removing appropriate fuses, or
switching off appropriate isolating switches.
7. The circuit diagram is as below:
8. The maximum load of the lights must not exceed 1500 watts of tungsten, or 1000 watts of inductive,
uorescent or discharge, with a 230VAC supply.
9. The switching lux level may be adjusted by turning the adjuster next to the
left hand side of the wire entry spout. When turned fully anti-clockwise, the
lights will come on sooner, and later when turned clockwise. There is a
built-in delay of about ve seconds before the switch responds to a change
of ambient light level.
TWSW twilight switch
optional manual
wall switch for
overriding off