Intellimod™ L-Series
Three Phase IGBT Inverter + Brake
75 Amperes/1200 Volts
Powerex, Inc., 200 E. Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272
Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics, Tj = 25°C unless otherwise specified
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Control Sector
Short Circuit Trip Level SC Inverter Part 150 — — Amperes
(-20°C ≤ Tj ≤ 125°C, VD = 15V) Brake Part 80 — — Amperes
Short Circuit Current Delay Time toff(SC) VD = 15V — 0.2 — µs
Over Temperature Protection OT Trip Level 135 145 155 °C
(Detect Tj of IGBT Chip) OTR Reset Level — 125 — °C
Supply Circuit Under-voltage Protection UV Trip Level 11.5 12.0 12.5 Volts
(-20 ≤ Tj ≤ 125°C) UVR Reset Level — 12.5 — Volts
Circuit Current ID VD = 15V, VCIN = 15V, VN1-VNC — 20 30 mA
VD = 15V, VCIN = 15V, VXP1-VXPC — 5 10 mA
Input ON Threshold Voltage Vth(on) Applied between UP-VUPC, 1.2 1.5 1.8 Volts
Input OFF Threshold Voltage Vth(off) VP-VVPC, WP-VWPC, UN- VN- WN-Br-VNC 1.7 2.0 2.3 Volts
Fault Output Current* IFO(H) VD = 15V, VCIN = 15V — — 0.01 mA
IFO(L) VD = 15V, VCIN = 15V — 10 15 mA
Fault Output Pulse Width* tFO VD = 15V 1.0 1.8 — ms
*Fault output is given only when the internal SC, OT and UV protections schemes of either upper or lower devide operate to protect it.
Thermal Characteristics, Tj = 25°C unless otherwise specified
Characteristic Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
Junction to Case Thermal Resistance Rth(j-c)Q IGBT (Per 1/6 Module) — — 0.21 °C/Watt
Inverter Part Rth(j-c)D
FWDi (Per 1/6 Module) — — 0.30 °C/Watt
Junction to Case Thermal Resistance Rth(j-c)Q IGBT — — 0.28 °C/Watt
Brake Part Rth(j-c)D
FWDi — — 0.45 °C/Watt
Contact Thermal Resistance Rth(c-f) Case to Fin Per Module, — — 0.038 °C/Watt
Thermal Grease Applied
Recommended Conditions for Use
Characteristic Symbol Condition Value Units
Supply Voltage VCC Applied across P-N Terminals ≤800 Volts
Control Supply Voltage** VD Applied between VUP1-VUPC, 15.0 ± 1.5 Volts
Input ON Voltage VCIN(on) Applied between UP-VUPC, ≤0.8 Volts
Input OFF Voltage VCIN(off) VP-VVPC, WP-VWPC, UN- VN- WN-Br-VNC ≥9.0 Volts
PWM Input Frequency fPWM — ≤20 kHz
Arm Shoot-through Blocking Time tDEAD Input Signal ≥2.5 µs
** With ripple satisfying the following conditions: dv/dt swing ≤ ±5V/µs, Variation ≤ 2V peak to peak.