BR100-03 ... BR100-04 BR100-03 ... BR100-04 Bidirectional Si-Trigger-Diodes (DIAC) Bidirektionale Si-Triggerdioden (DIAC) Version 2006-04-27 Breakover voltage Durchbruchspannung 5.1-0.1 Type 62.50.5 O 2.6-0.1 O 0.80.05 Dimensions - Mae [mm] 28 ... 45 V Peak pulse current Max. Triggerimpuls 2A Plastic case Kunststoffgehause DO-41 DO-204AL Weight approx. - Gewicht ca. 0.4 g Plastic material has UL classification 94V-0 Gehausematerial UL94V-0 klassifiziert Standard packaging taped in ammo pack Standard Lieferform gegurtet in Ammo-Pack Maximum ratings Grenzwerte Power dissipation Verlustleistung TA = 50C Ptot 150 mW 1) Peak pulse current (120 Hz pulse repetition rate) Max. Triggerstrom (120 Hz Puls-Wiederholrate) tp 20 s IPM 2 A 1) Tj TS -50...+100C -50...+175C Operating Junction temperature - Sperrschichttemperatur Storage temperature - Lagerungstemperatur Characteristics Kennwerte BR100-03 BR100-031 BR100-04 VBO VBO VBO 28 ... 36 V 30 ... 34 V 35 ... 45 V Breakover current - Durchbruchstrom V = 98% VBO IBO < 50 A Asymmetry of breakover voltage Unsymmetrie der Durchbruchspannung |V(BO)F - V(BO)R| VBO < 3.8 V Foldback voltage - Spannungs-Rucksprung I = IBO to/auf IF = 10 mA dV/dt = 10 V/s VF/R >5V Breakover voltage Durchbruchspannung dV/dt = 10 V/s Thermal resistance junction to ambient air Warmewiderstand Sperrschicht - umgebende Luft RthA < 45 K/W 1) Thermal resistance junction to leads Warmewiderstand Sperrschicht - Anschlussdraht RthL < 15 K/W 1 Valid, if leads are kept at ambient temperature at a distance of 10 mm from case Gultig, wenn die Anschlussdrahte in 10 mm Abstand vom Gehause auf Umgebungstemperatur gehalten werden (c) Diotec Semiconductor AG 1 BR100-03 ... BR100-04 2 (c) Diotec Semiconductor AG