Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Device Overview
Intel® MAX® 10 devices are single-chip, non-volatile low-cost programmable logic
devices (PLDs) to integrate the optimal set of system components.
The highlights of the Intel MAX 10 devices include:
• Internally stored dual configuration flash
• User flash memory
• Instant on support
• Integrated analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
• Single-chip Nios II soft core processor support
Intel MAX 10 devices are the ideal solution for system management, I/O expansion,
communication control planes, industrial, automotive, and consumer applications.
Related Links
Intel MAX 10 FPGA Device Datasheet
Key Advantages of Intel MAX 10 Devices
Table 1. Key Advantages of Intel MAX 10 Devices
Advantage Supporting Feature
Simple and fast configuration Secure on-die flash memory enables device configuration in less than 10 ms
Flexibility and integration • Single device integrating PLD logic, RAM, flash memory, digital signal
processing (DSP), ADC, phase-locked loop (PLL), and I/Os
• Small packages available from 3 mm × 3 mm
Low power • Sleep mode—significant standby power reduction and resumption in less than
1 ms
• Longer battery life—resumption from full power-off in less than 10 ms
20-year-estimated life cycle Built on TSMC's 55 nm embedded flash process technology
High productivity design tools • Intel Quartus® Prime Lite edition (no cost license)
• Platform Designer (Standard) system integration tool
• DSP Builder for Intel FPGAs
• Nios® II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
M10-OVERVIEW | 2017.12.15
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