July 2004 AS91L1002
BIST Sequencer Power On Operation
Test Pa ss /Fa il
PCB Asserts signal to
reset AS91L1002 (Low).
Signal JTS02_RST
BIST Se quence r
Device Resets Asserts
AS91L1002 _RST_OUT
(Low) BIST status bits (0
& 1)
Status (0) (Low) Busy/Idle
Status (1) (Low) Pass/Fail
PCB De-asserts signal to
reset AS91 L1002 (High )
Signal AS91L1002 _RST
BIST Se quence r
Device exi ts reset
AS91L1002 _RST_OUT
AS91L1002 _RUN_OUT
BIST status bits (0 & 1)
Status ( 0 ) (High) Busy Idle
Status (1) (Low) Pass/Fail
BIST Sequen cer Device
waits 150us for BIST flash
to become available
BIST Sequen cer Device
acces s es BIST F l a sh
and start s IEEE 1149.1
stored test s
BIST Sequencer
Stored programmable
delay pri or to IEEE 1149.1
bus access
BIST Sequencer Load &
run IEEE 1149. 1 test
Generate CRC,
Store & Compare
End of stored
BIST Sequencer
BIST status bits (0 & 1)
Status (0) (H ig h) Busy/ Id l e
Status (1) (H ig h) Pass/ F ail
BIST Sequencer
AS91L1008 _Run_Out
BIST status bits (0 & 1)
Status (0) (Low) Busy/Idle
PCB reacts to AS91L1002
I/O and or BIST status bits
Board continues to boot
Figure 2 - AS91L1002 Power On Sequence
The AS91L1002 does not require a
microprocessor to operate and run IEEE1149.1
tests. It can be used to perform diagnostics on the
PCB. In systems with multiple cards, all cards can
simultaneously execute self tests without
processor intervention, thereby significantly
reducing test time. AS91L1002 utilizes IEEE1149.1
tests generated by industry standard ATPG tools,
thereby eliminating the need for custom firmware
development resulting in faster time to market.
In the AS91L1002, the IEEE1149.1 test
preparation is a two-step process. The first step is
to convert the industry standard SVF format into
the compact Alliance binary BVF file. One or more
IEEE1149.1 tests represented as Alliance BVF
files can then be further compressed into an
Alliance BVI file which is then exported to a binary
file for programming into the flash device, and
then used by the AS91L1002 for test execution.
The user is able to specify the TCK rate
for each individual test execution based on a
programmable divider within the AS91L1002,
along with a programmable test start delay time
based upon the number of TCKs.
These features enable multiple tests to be
stored, in the AS91L1002 test flash. It allows each
test to operate at different TCK rate, and allows
for sufficient settling time before each test starts
to ensure that the PCB is in a stable condition.
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