SINUMERIK® Documentation
This book is part of the documentation available on the CD-ROM (DOCONCD)
Edition Order No. Remarks
05.00 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG1 C
01.02 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG2 C
09.02 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG3 C
09.03 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG4 C
trademarks of Siemens AG. Other names used in this publication may be trademarks, which, if used by third
parties for their own purposes, could infringe the rights of their owners.
Printing histor
Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.
The status of each edition is indicated by the code in the "Remarks" column.
Status code in the "Remarks" column:
A .... New documentation.
B .... Unrevised reprint with new Order No.
C .... Revised edition with new status.
Edition Order No. Remarks
09.03 6FC5297-1AE81-0BP0 A
More information is available on the Internet at:
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and DokuTool AutWinDoc.
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents
is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be
liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or
registration or a utility model or design, are reserved.
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
Other functions not described in this documentation might be
executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an
obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when
We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to the
hardware and software described. Nonetheless, differences might
exist and we cannot therefore guarantee that they are completely
identical. The information contained in this document is, however,
reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the
next edition. We welcome suggestions for improvement.
Subject to change without prior notice
Order No. 6FC5297-1AE81-0BP0
Printed in Germany
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft