Description of Functions 09/2003 Edition
motion control
information system
NC Program Management DNC Machine
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
Introduction 1
System Requirements
User interface 3
Functions 4
Appendix A
Index I
Motion Control Information
SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D
NC Program Management
DNC Machine
Description of Functions
Valid for
Motion Control Information System DNC Machine Software Version 1
09.03 Edition
SINUMERIK® Documentation
This book is part of the documentation available on the CD-ROM (DOCONCD)
Edition Order No. Remarks
05.00 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG1 C
01.02 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG2 C
09.02 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG3 C
09.03 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG4 C
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Printing histor
Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below.
The status of each edition is indicated by the code in the "Remarks" column.
Status code in the "Remarks" column:
A .... New documentation.
B .... Unrevised reprint with new Order No.
C .... Revised edition with new status.
Edition Order No. Remarks
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© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
Other functions not described in this documentation might be
executable in the control. This does not, however, represent an
obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when
We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to the
hardware and software described. Nonetheless, differences might
exist and we cannot therefore guarantee that they are completely
identical. The information contained in this document is, however,
reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the
next edition. We welcome suggestions for improvement.
Subject to change without prior notice
Order No. 6FC5297-1AE81-0BP0
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Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
09.03 Preface
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition v
Target group
This description of functions is intended for users in CNC production.
It is aimed both at interested parties and those who use DNC.
It also provides information about planning and setting up NC program
This description explains the fields of application and the scope of available
functions of DNC.
This covers the following aspects:
· Functionality
· Configuration options
· Interface parameters
If you have any questions, please contact the following Hotline:
A&D Technical Support Phone: ++49-(0)180-5050-222
Fax: ++49-(0)180-5050-223
Please send any questions about the documentation (suggestions for improve-
ment, corrections) to the following fax number or email address:
Fax: ++49-(0)9131-98-2176
Fax form: See feedback page at the end of this document.
SINUMERIK Internet address
For whom is the manual intended?
· Project planners
· Service and operating personnel
Preface 09.03
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vi Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
Danger and warning notices
The following warning notes with varying degrees of severity are used in the documentation:
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury or in substantial property damage.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury or in substantial property damage.
Used with the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or in property
Used without safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
Used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potential situation which, if not
avoided, may result in an undesirable result or state.
09.03 Preface
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Additional notices
Appears in the documentation wherever an important fact has to be taken into
Appears in the documentation wherever further references are made.
Machine manufacturer
This pictorial symbol always appears in this document to indicate that the
machine manufacturer can affect or modify the function described. Never ignore
information provided by the machine manufacturer!
IBMâ is the registered trademark of the International Business Corporation.
MS-DOSâ and WINDOWSTM are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Preface 09.03
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viii Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
09.03 Contents
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition ix
1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 1-13
1.1 MCIS for machine tools ................................................................ 1-14
1.2 NC program management ............................................................ 1-15
1.3 Using a DNC machine .................................................................. 1-16
2 System Requirements of SINUMERIK .......................................... 2-17
2.1 Hardware ...................................................................................... 2-18
2.2 Software........................................................................................ 2-18
3 User Interface.................................................................................. 3-19
3.1 User interface of DNC Machine on the SINUMERIK.................... 3-20
3.2 Structure of the user interface ...................................................... 3-21
3.2.1 General ...................................................................................... 3-21
3.2.2 Updating the NC data display.................................................... 3-23
3.3 Online Help ................................................................................... 3-23
3.4 Languages .................................................................................... 3-23
4 Functions......................................................................................... 4-25
4.1 Overview of functions ................................................................... 4-26
4.2 NC data upload from network file system to SINUMERIK............ 4-27
4.2.1 Network directory view of NC data for SINUMERIK.................. 4-27
4.2.2 NC data download to SINUMERIK with default destination ...... 4-28
4.2.3 NC data download to SINUMERIK with free choice of
destination ................................................................................. 4-29
4.2.4 NC data download to NCU ........................................................ 4-30
4.2.5 Filter........................................................................................... 4-30
4.3 NC data upload to network file system ......................................... 4-31
4.3.1 View of NC data in MMC/PCU data management .................... 4-31
4.3.2 NC data upload to network file system with default
destination ................................................................................. 4-32
4.3.3 NC data upload to network file system with free choice of
destination ................................................................................. 4-33
4.4 Automatic NC program transfer .................................................... 4-35
4.5 System settings............................................................................. 4-36
Contents 09.03
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xMotion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.5.1 Properties 1 ............................................................................... 4-36
4.5.2 Properties 2 ............................................................................... 4-38
4.6 Authorization concept ................................................................... 4-40
4.6.1 Logging on ................................................................................. 4-40
4.6.2 Changing the password............................................................. 4-41
4.6.3 User management ..................................................................... 4-42
4.7 Log book ....................................................................................... 4-44
A Appendix ......................................................................................... A-45
A.1 DNC Glossary............................................................................... A-45
A.2 References ................................................................................... A-47
I Index.................................................................................................. I-49
I.1 Subject index ................................................................................. I-49
09.03 Contents
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Table 4-1 System settings, Properties 1............................................................................................4-36
Table 4-2 System settings, Properties 2............................................................................................4-38
Table 4-3 Assignment of protection levels, keyswitch position, and users ........................................4-43
Contents 09.03
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
xii Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
Fig. 1-1 NC program management DNC ........................................................................................1-15
Fig. 1-2 SINUMERIK with DNC Machine link to a network file system ...........................................1-16
Fig. 3-1 User interface DNC Machine.............................................................................................3-21
Fig. 4-1 File system management ..................................................................................................4-27
Fig. 4-2 File system management with free choice of destination ..................................................4-29
Fig. 4-3 Data management MMC/PCU...........................................................................................4-31
Fig. 4-4 DNC Machine: MMC/PCU data management with free choice of destination ...................4-33
Fig. 4-5 DNC Machine: Filter line....................................................................................................4-34
Fig. 4-6 Screenform Properties 1....................................................................................................4-37
Fig. 4-7 Screenform Properties 2....................................................................................................4-39
Fig. 4-8 Entering the password.......................................................................................................4-40
Fig. 4-9 Changing the password.....................................................................................................4-41
Fig. 4-10 User management.............................................................................................................4-42
Fig. 4-11 Log book............................................................................................................................4-44
09.03 1 Introduction
1.1 MCIS for machine tools
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
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1 Introduction
1.1 MCIS for machine tools ................................................................ 1-14
1.2 NC program management ............................................................ 1-15
1.3 Using a DNC machine .................................................................. 1-16
1 Introduction 09.03
1.1 MCIS for machine tools
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
1-14 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
1.1 MCIS for machine tools
DNC is a software module of the system family Motion Control Information System
MCIS provides modular software solutions for integrating CNC and machine tools
in a production line. This allows you to integrate modern SINUMERIK 810D/840Di/
840D controls and older CNC and machine tools that are not equipped with an
open network interface in an interconnected automation system. MCIS is therefore
the key to greater productivity in your production processes.
MCIS consists of several function modules
1. Production data management
· MDA (Machine Data Acquisition)
· PDA (Production Data Acquisition)
· PMT (Parts Monitoring & Tracking)
For better transparency in manufacturing and to improve production processes
2. NC program management
DNC (Direct Numeric Control):
For reducing costs in NC data organization with user-friendly NC program
management and parameterization of CNC controls, and fast NC program
parameterization of the SINUMERIK 810D/840D/840Di Ethernet network
3. Tool management
TDI (Tool Data Information):
To reduce tool inventory in circulation and machine downtimes
4. Maintenance management
TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
To support the machine operator with maintenance tasks on the machine and
5. Service management
RCS (Remote Control System)
Remote diagnostics for reducing machine idle times with fast notification if a
fault occurs and simple online diagnostics via modem, ISDN, Intranet, Internet,
and DSL.
09.03 1 Introduction
1.2 NC program management
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1.2 NC program management
Fig. 1-1 NC program management DNC
NC program management DNC supports handling of NC programs and helps to
reduce costs in the organization of NC data.
With this easy to use electronic NC program management and archiving system,
NC programs can be accessed by all the machines in the production line. This is of
particular relevant to production lines with a high degree of flexibility, product
variety, and NC data that often change. For example, in machining centers, on
special-purpose machines, and flexible production lines.
NC product management DNC consists of software modules that depending on the
requirements of the function can be implemented to different degrees.
· DNC Machine
is the software module for SINUMERIK 810D/840Di/840D for transferring NC
programs between SINUMERIK and an NC programming workstation (via
network file system)
· DNC Cell
is the software module for standalone systems for DNC networking of a small
manufacturing area
· DNC Plant
is the software module for multi-user systems for a factory-wide DNC
1 Introduction 09.03
1.3 Using a DNC machine
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1-16 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
1.3 Using a DNC machine
With the software DNC Machine, Siemens controls SINUMERIK 810D/840Di/840D
can be connected to a file system via a standard Ethernet network. This is used, for
example, to transfer NC programs between the NC programming system and the
CNC machine.
From a local MMC/PCU system, the machine operator can request or upload to the
network file system, NC data located in any network directory, for example on an
NC programming system.
The file information used in the WINDOWS standard such as file name or NC data
name, file length, and storage date are also held in MMC/PCU data management.
Fig. 1-2 SINUMERIK with DNC Machine link to a network file system
09.03 2 System Requirements of SINUMERIK
2.1 Hardware
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2 System Requirements of SINUMERIK
2.1 Hardware ...................................................................................... 2-18
2.2 Software........................................................................................ 2-18
2 System Requirements of SINUMERIK 09.03
2.1 Hardware
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2-18 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
2.1 Hardware
DNC Machine runs on SINUMERIK 810D/840D/840Di with the following hardware:
· PCU 50/70 with OP 010 /012 /015
· MMC103 with OP 031 /032
- PCI/ISA adapter
- Ethernet network interface
2.2 Software
The following SINUMERIK-software is required for DNC Machine:
· HMI software as from software version 6
under Windows NTon PCU 50/70
· MMC software, software version 4.04.17 or higher
under Windows 95 on MMC 103
· If connected to a UNIX file system network software must be installed on the
SINUMERIK e.g. NetManage InterDrive for Windows. As an alternative, e.g.
the freeware software "Samba" can be used on the server. In that case, no
additional software is required on the SINUMERIK.
09.03 3 User Interface
3.1 User interface of DNC Machine on the SINUMERIK
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3 User Interface
3.1 User interface of DNC Machine on the SINUMERIK.................... 3-20
3.2 Structure of the user interface ...................................................... 3-21
3.2.1 General ...................................................................................... 3-21
3.2.2 Updating the NC data display.................................................... 3-23
3.3 Online Help ................................................................................... 3-23
3.4 Languages .................................................................................... 3-23
3 User Interface 09.03
3.1 User interface of DNC Machine on the SINUMERIK
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3-20 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
The user interface of DNC Machine has the look and feel of the Windows Explorer
and provides the functions of the SINUMERIK operator panels. DNC Machine is
integrated in SINUMERIK HMI and can be called up with function key DNC.
3.1 User interface of DNC Machine on the SINUMERIK
The following basic user interface is available:
· Management file system
for displaying existing NC programs in the file system and for transferring NC
data to the SINUMERIK
· Data management MMC/PCU
for displaying existing NC programs in the SINUMERIK data management and
transferring the NC data back to the file system
· Setting parameters
for adapting the most important settings of
· User management
for changing the password and for user administration
· Log book
for displaying NC program uploads, for example, and various system
· Filter
for selecting and changing the NC data filter in the file system
09.03 3 User Interface
3.2 Structure of the user interface
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3.2 Structure of the user interface
3.2.1 General
Fig. 3-1 User interface DNC Machine
The screenforms of DNC Machine are divided into the following areas:
(2) Title line
(3) Screenform content DNC Machine
(4) Vertical soft keys
(5) Horizontal soft keys
(6) Message line
(7) Direction of upload
Header (1)
The header is part of the SINUMERIK HMI. The most important machine states,
the numerical control status and the alarms of the alarm server are displayed here.
3 User Interface 09.03
3.2 Structure of the user interface
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3-22 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
Title line (2)
The title of the screen window is displayed in the title line. This is also where the
NC data storage structure of the machine in the network directory or is displayed.
Screenform content of DNC Machine (3)
The content consists of a destination and target area. The DNC data management
is always displayed in the upper part of the screenform; depending on the screen-
form this is either the destination or the source.
DNC Machine provides two views of the NC data in the system:
· File system management
· MMC/PCU data management
You can upload the NC programs you have selected with the softkeys.
You can also select other functions with the softkeys:
· Setting parameters
· User management
· Log book
· Login
Transfer arrow (7)
A directional arrow is shown at the interface between the upper and lower screen
areas to indicate the direction of transfer for the transmission of NC data.
09.03 3 User Interface
3.3 Online Help
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3.2.2 Updating the NC data display
The NC programmer can insert new NC programs in the network directly while the
system is in operation. So that these changes are also displayed in DNC Machine
the display is updated:
· automatically when DNC Machine is switched to the foreground
· cyclically if this has been configured in the settings.
3.3 Online Help
Operator support of the DNC Machine software is available by pressing the Info
key to access the Online Help. The Online Help provides information about the
screenform that is currently open.
3.4 Languages
If the language on the control is changed DNC Machine automatically adapts to
the new language, as long as the language is available for DNC Machine.
DNC Machine is supplied in the following languages: English, French, German,
Italian, and Spanish.
3 User Interface 09.03
3.4 Languages
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3-24 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
09.03 4 Functions
4.1 Overview of functions
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4 Functions
4.1 Overview of functions ................................................................... 4-26
4.2 NC data upload from network file system to SINUMERIK............ 4-27
4.2.1 Network directory view of NC data for SINUMERIK.................. 4-27
4.2.2 NC data download to SINUMERIK with default destination ...... 4-28
4.2.3 NC data download to SINUMERIK with free choice of
destination ................................................................................. 4-29
4.2.4 NC data download to NCU ........................................................ 4-30
4.2.5 Filter........................................................................................... 4-30
4.3 NC data upload to network file system ......................................... 4-31
4.3.1 View of NC data in MMC/PCU data management .................... 4-31
4.3.2 NC data upload to network file system with default
destination ................................................................................. 4-32
4.3.3 NC data upload to network file system with free choice of
destination ................................................................................. 4-33
4.4 Automatic NC program transfer .................................................... 4-35
4.5 System settings............................................................................. 4-36
4.5.1 Properties 1 ............................................................................... 4-36
4.5.2 Properties 2 ............................................................................... 4-38
4.6 Authorization concept ................................................................... 4-40
4.6.1 Logging on ................................................................................. 4-40
4.6.2 Changing the password............................................................. 4-41
4.6.3 User management ..................................................................... 4-42
4.7 Log book ....................................................................................... 4-44
4 Functions 09.03
4.1 Overview of functions
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4-26 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.1 Overview of functions
With DNC Machine NC data are downloaded from a network directory into
SINUMERIK data management (MMC 103 or PCU 50/70) or uploaded from
SINUMERIK to a network directory (network file system), on the MMC/PCU
operator panel.
· Overview of NC data/programs that are available for SINUMERIK in a network
· Set transmission or free navigation to a network directory
· Filtering by means of the displayed NC data/programs in the network directory
· Selection and download of single or several NC data files (NC programs,
workpieces etc.) to SINUMERIK
· Default or target directory selection on SINUMERIK
· Selecting and deleting NC data in the network file system
· Overview of NC data/programs located on SINUMERIK (workpieces, main
programs, subroutines, cycles, etc. – all the data of the SINUMERIK data
management server)
· Selection and upload of single or several NC data items (NC programs and
workpieces etc.) to the network file system
· Automatic NC program upload
· Default or target directory selection in the network
· Selecting and deleting NC data on SINUMERIK
· Password-dependent user interface for system settings
· Authorization concept can be controlled with user management
· Logbook of uploaded files and important events
· Language versions English, French, German, Italian and Spanish
09.03 4 Functions
4.2 NC data upload from network file system to SINUMERIK
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4.2 NC data upload from network file system to SINUMERIK
4.2.1 Network directory view of NC data for SINUMERIK
Fig. 4-1 File system management
The left-hand part of the screen shows the directory tree of the file system and
allows you to navigate within the directories permitted by the parameter
assignment. The NC programs available in a particular directory are displayed on
the right-hand side. The file types shown might be restricted by parameterization.
You can activate a filter line at the top of the screenform for an even more
restrictive selection of NC programs and files.
The copy destination in the control is shown in the lower part of the screen. The
mid-screen arrow indicates the direction of copying. A copy destination in the
control is proposed automatically in accordance with the file type selected.
4 Functions 09.03
4.2 NC data upload from network file system to SINUMERIK
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4-28 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.2.2 NC data download to SINUMERIK with default destination
Before you can upload NC data you must select one or several files in the NC
program list.
Activating the filter, deactivating the filter
The NC program list displayed is influenced by the filter conditions. You can restrict
the selection of visible NC programs here.
Select all
The Select all function key is used to select or deselect all the entries in the
program list. File types are not taken into account.
If more than one NC file is selected they must all be of the same type. NC files in
workpiece directories are the exception. In workpiece directories, you can mix
different file types in the selection.
Download with default destination
The relevant default destination (parts programs, subroutines) will be preset on
SINUMERIK to correspond to the selected NC data file type (.MPF, .SPF) in the
network directory. Select the Transfer function key to download the NC data to the
relevant SINUMERIK directories.
MMC or NC transfer destination
With this function key you can toggle between the SINUMERIK transfer destination
control (MMC/PCU) and NC (NCU). The transfer destination currently active is
indicated by the function key Transfer. Its text is supplemented by the currently
active transfer destination.
Use the Delete function key to delete all the selected files.
Show play list only
If the parameterization does not allow you to navigate in the directory tree, you can
hide the directory tree with function key Only list view. The NC data list is now
displayed across the entire screenform.
The directory tree can be shown again with the same function key, which is now
labeled Show directory.
09.03 4 Functions
4.2 NC data upload from network file system to SINUMERIK
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4.2.3 NC data download to SINUMERIK with free choice of destination
Fig. 4-2 File system management with free choice of destination
Download with free choice of destination
If the NC data are to be downloaded to a specific directory other than the default
directory (e.g. tool directory or user-specific directory in SINUMERIK data manage-
ment), this can be defined explicitly with the function Transfer to....
In the File system management screen, select the required destination for trans-
ferring the NC data. It is possible to change the directory by navigating in the direc-
tory tree. With workpieces, you can adapt the name of the workpiece as a target
directory. The file name and type of the target file is only available for modification
if a single NC program is being transferred.
Operating screen
The upper part of the screen shows the previously selected NC data files of the
DNC file system. In the lower part, you can navigate in MMC/PCU data manage-
ment. The critical fields are Target directory, Target file name, and Type. These
fields define the transfer destination on the MMC/PCU.
Every selection that you make in the directory tree or in the file list is automatically
transferred to the target fields.
4 Functions 09.03
4.2 NC data upload from network file system to SINUMERIK
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4-30 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.2.4 NC data download to NCU
The function Transfer to NCU can be activated by configuring the properties.
In this way the operator can download NC programs from the file system to the
control (MMC/PCU) or to the NC (NCU).
4.2.5 Filter
The function key Activate filter/Deactivate filter is used to display or hide the line
with the filter conditions. The filter conditions affect the NC program list currently
displayed. The last filter condition to be entered remains active even when you hide
the filter or change the screenform.
09.03 4 Functions
4.3 NC data upload to network file system
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4.3 NC data upload to network file system
On the SINUMERIK, the operator can upload NC data such as main programs,
subroutines, workpieces, cycles and any other data that are stored on the data
management server to the network file system.
4.3.1 View of NC data in MMC/PCU data management
Fig. 4-3 Data management MMC/PCU
The transfer destination in the file system is shown in the upper part of the screen.
The destination is automatically suggested and defined in the properties. In the
lower part of the screen you can navigate in the directory tree of the MMC/PCU
data management and select one or several files. The mid-screen arrow indicates
the transfer direction.
4 Functions 09.03
4.3 NC data upload to network file system
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4.3.2 NC data upload to network file system with default destination
You can define the extent of NC data to be viewed and uploaded in the properties.
In the properties you also define the default destination in the DNC file system.
One or more files can be selected from the NC data list.
Select all
The Select all function key is used to select or deselect all the entries in the NC
data list. File types are not taken into consideration here.
The selected NC files are downloaded with function key Download to the default
network directory.
Use the Delete function key to delete all the selected files.
09.03 4 Functions
4.3 NC data upload to network file system
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4.3.3 NC data upload to network file system with free choice of
Fig. 4-4 DNC Machine: MMC/PCU data management with free choice of destination
If the NC data are to be downloaded to another directory tree in the network file
system (e.g. when a particular NC program is to be stored in a defined workpiece
directory), this can be defined explicitly with the function Transfer to....
You can select any destination to which you want to download the NC data in the
upper part of the screenform. It is possible to change the directory by navigating in
the directory tree. Any target directory can be assigned. If the directory does not
yet exist it is created automatically. The file name and type of the target file is only
available for modification if a single NC program is being transferred.
Operating screen
The lower part of the screen shows the previously selected files in MMC/PCU data
management. In the upper part, you can navigate in file system management. The
critical fields are Target directory, Target file name, and Type. These fields
define the transfer destination in the DNC file system.
Every selection made in the directory tree or in the file system NC data list is
automatically transferred to the target fields.
4 Functions 09.03
4.3 NC data upload to network file system
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4-34 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
Fig. 4-5 DNC Machine: Filter line
The selection in the NC data list can be restricted by means of a filter. The filter line
can be displayed via the function key Filter on. The appropriate filter can then be
09.03 4 Functions
4.4 Automatic NC program transfer
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4.4 Automatic NC program transfer
Automatic NC program transfer means that NC programs, NC data, and workpiece
directories are transferred from the file system to the control cyclically and in the
You must define your own directory for automatic program import. The directory
must only contain files that are to be transferred automatically. This read directory
is defined in the Properties 2 screenform.
In screenform Properties 2 you also specify the cycle time for automatic import.
Make sure you do not select a time interval that is too short because you cannot
perform operations on the DNC machine user interface while automatic import is
active. Automatic import is only performed if the defined time interval is greater
than zero.
The download destination is the default directory of the file in question or, in the
case of workpieces, the workpiece directory. If you always work with "Internal path"
(see screenform Properties 1) this is also taken into account with automatic
program import.
After successful downloading the original file is immediately deleted. If downloading
has not been successful, the extension .ERR is appended to the file name plus its
extension. A workpiece directory is given the extension .ERR if at least one of the
files has not been downloaded successfully. If an error occurs while a file is down-
loaded, downloading is continued with the next file. Files with the extension .ERR
are ignored on the next download.
· Because files are deleted and renamed in the directory when they are auto-
matically downloaded, this directory must not contain any files or directories
that may not be deleted.
· Because this process includes deleting and renaming, write access must be
enabled for the directory and files.
· Automatic program import can only be executed when the user interface of
DNC Machine is started. If automatic import is always to be performed, DNC
Machine must be started up when the control is booted.
4 Functions 09.03
4.5 System settings
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4-36 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.5 System settings
4.5.1 Properties 1
The Properties 1 and Properties 2 screenforms are where you adapt the most
important parameters for the user interface DNC Machine.
Table 4-1 System settings, Properties 1
System settings Explanation Parameter
Read path in the
DNC file system
Paths shown when the screenform File system
management is displayed for the first time. As
many as four path names can be specified in
succession, separated by a semicolon. The
default path is the first path name specified.
Absolute path name, e.g.
or UNC notation:
or "-" for the application
Write path in the
DNC file system
Destination paths of the MMC/PCU data
management screen. As many as four path
names can be specified in succession,
separated by a semicolon. The default path for
the upload is the first path specified.
Absolute path name, e.g.
or UNC notation:
or "-" for the application
Legal MMC
Only legal MMC/PCU directories are displayed
in the MMC/PCU data management directory
Any number of MMC
directory short forms
separated by commas, e.g.
Legal DNC
In the file system view only files with the file
extensions defined here are displayed.
Any number of file
extensions separated by
commas, e.g. "TXT, ARC,
or a blank field for all file
Overwriting in MMC
Can files in the MMC/PCU data management
be overwritten?
0 - No
1 - Yes
You are allowed to
change the read
Can the operator navigate outside the read
path in the DNC file system? (You are always
allowed to navigate in the subdirectories.)
0 - No
1 - Yes
Overwriting in DNC
Can files be overwritten in the file system
0 - No
1 - Yes
You are allowed to
change the write
Can the operator navigate outside the write
path in the DNC file system? (You are always
allowed to navigate in the subdirectories.)
0 - No
1 - Yes
End of line in the file
If "1 - LF", CR is eliminated from every line that
is transferred by the MMC/PCU to the file
system and added to each line that is loaded
into the MMC/PCU.
0 - CRLF
1 - LF
09.03 4 Functions
4.5 System settings
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Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition 4-37
System settings Explanation Parameter
Internal path Structured NC programs contain the MMC/PCU
path name in program code. Should this
internal path name be used? (Operator input
relating to the destination in MMC/PCU is then
0 - Internal paths not taken
into consideration
1 - Max. one internal path
at the start of the file
taken into considera-
2 - All internal paths taken
into consideration
Conversion of a
DNC type to an
MMC type and
MMC default
Only certain file types are permitted in
MMC/PCU data management. This table allows
automatic conversion of any file type of the
DNC file system to a data type of the
MMC/PCU file management. You must also
specify which MMC/PCU data management
directory is to be used as the default for saving
The DNC file type TXT is
converted to the MMC/
PCU data type MPF and
saved in MMC/PCU data
management in the main
program directory
Setup screen for Properties 1
Fig. 4-6 Screenform Properties 1
4 Functions 09.03
4.5 System settings
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
4-38 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.5.2 Properties 2
You can adapt the most important parameters for the DNC Machine user interface
in screenforms Properties 1 and Properties 2.
Table 4-2 System settings, Properties 2
System settings Explanation Parameter
Upload to the NCU is
Are you always allowed to upload data to the
Only if uploading to the NCU is enabled is the
File system management screen toggle
button Upload Target MMC/NC in
screenform File system management
displayed and upload variants Upload
MMC/PCU and Upload NCU possible.
0 - No
1 - Yes
Default time for
manual upload and
automatic import
In the case of automatic import, all the data at
the transfer location specified here are
In the case of manual import, this specifies
the default for the transfer location. This
always applies whenever the user is not
allowed to change the transfer location.
Otherwise the operator can specify the
transfer destination with a button in the File
system management screen.
1 - NCU
The user is allowed to
change the transfer
If the user is allowed to change the transfer
location, an additional button appears in the
File system management screen to enable
the user to toggle between MMC/PCU and
0 - No
1 - Yes
NCU name The NCU name is the NCDDE name of the
The NCU name need only be specified if
there are a number of NCUs available in the
If no entry is made here, the default NCU is
taken as the destination of the transfer to the
A typical default NCU name
is Ncu840d
Read path for autom.
All files from this directory are automatically
transferred to the MMC/PCU or to the NCU.
The uploaded files are deleted or renamed if
an error occurs during the transfer.
Make sure that the directory does not contain
any data that must not be deleted or
Absolute path name, e.g.
Interval for autom.
Automatic import is run cyclically, at the
specified time interval. The time unit is in
0 - No automatic upload
Any max. 8-digit integer
value in mins.
09.03 4 Functions
4.5 System settings
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition 4-39
System settings Explanation Parameter
Refresh cycle This is how often the data in the File system
management and MMC/PCU data manag.
screens is updated. The time unit is in
0 - No refresh
integer value between 1 and
65 seconds.
Trace level If trace is activated, internal program
information is written to a circulating buffer
with 3 trace files.
This slows down the program run.
0 - No trace
1 - Minimal trace
3 - Maximum trace
Default language Language in which the user interface appears
the first time it is displayed.
The default language is only active if a
language has not been explicitly specified in
the MMC/PCU.
The default language on
delivery is English
Length of log file The size of the log file is limited to 64 kBytes
for technical reasons.
The log messages are recorded in a
circulating buffer of 10 files
500 - 65535 bytes
Setup screen for Properties 2
Fig. 4-7 Screenform Properties 2
4 Functions 09.03
4.6 Authorization concept
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4-40 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.6 Authorization concept
4.6.1 Logging on
With DNC Machine a user must be logged on before he or she can work on the
user interface. This is done in one of the following ways
Automatic logon
When DNC Machine is started, the current protection level of the control is
ascertained and an automatic logon generated from that, i.e. the rights of the user
assigned to this protection level are used.
Manual logon
Any user can log on with his or her rights in the logon screenform. Manual logon
always takes priority over automatic logon.
Manual logon is deactivated as soon as the user logs off.
If manual logon is to be used exclusively, automatic logon must be disabled for all
Fig. 4-8 Entering the password
09.03 4 Functions
4.6 Authorization concept
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Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition 4-41
4.6.2 Changing the password
Depending on the rights of the current user a screenform of varying appearance
appears when the function key User management is activated. A user with
administration rights can manage all users in this screenform. For all other users
this form is only available for changing their password.
Fig. 4-9 Changing the password
4 Functions 09.03
4.6 Authorization concept
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4-42 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.6.3 User management
Users are added, deleted, disabled, or changed in the screenform User manage-
ment. User rights are also assigned in this screenform.
Changes do not take effect until the next time the user is changed, i.e. by logging
on manually or changing the protection levels of the control.
Fig. 4-10 User management
Some users may not be deleted at all. These are the administrator and the users
who represent the eight protection levels of the control. The administrator cannot
be disabled and always has all rights.
09.03 4 Functions
4.6 Authorization concept
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Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition 4-43
Protection level concept of SINUMERIK
The protection levels of the control depend on the keyswitch position and assign-
ment of a password. There are eight protection levels. Protection level 0 has the
most rights, protection level 7, the least. On DNC Machine there is one
non-deletable user for each protection level. Assignment is as follows:
Table 4-3 Assignment of protection levels, keyswitch position, and users
Protection level Keyswitch position Users in DNC Machine
Protection level 0 Password HMISystem
Protection level 1 Password HMIManufacturer
Protection level 2 Password HMIService
Protection level 3 Password HMIUser
Protection level 4 Keyswitch 3 HMIKeyPosition3
Protection level 5 Keyswitch 2 HMIKeyPosition2
Protection level 6 Keyswitch 1 HMIKeyPosition1
Protection level 7 Keyswitch 0 HMIKeyPosition0
4 Functions 09.03
4.7 Log book
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4-44 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
4.7 Log book
The log book contains the most important events and messages together with the
date, time, and user. That way, you can trace events, such as transmission,
deletion, etc. and any errors that have occurred.
The size of the log file can be set in Properties.
Fig. 4-11 Log book
09.03 A Appendix
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Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition A-45
A Appendix
A.1 DNC Glossary
Short form Meaning
ASCII code American Standard Code for Information
7-bit code
Graphics file for clamping diagrams etc.
CNC Computerized Numeric Control
Numerical control with microprocessors
DNC Direct Numeric Control
System on which several CNC machines are linked by bidirectional data
exchange to a central computer
Direct Numeric Control InterFace Client
System on which several CNC machines are linked by bidirectional data
exchange to a central computer. Data is transmitted via network to the
EIA code Electronic Industries Association
8-track punched-tape code in accordance with the ISO code, but with an even
number of perforations per character
FTP File Transfer Protocol
HMI Human Machine Interface
ISO code International Organization for Standardization
8-track punched-tape code
ISQL Interactive Structured Query Language
Allows interactive database access
MDA Machine Data Acquisition
Production data acquisition and evaluation on SINUMERIK 840D
Machine Data Acquisition
Stand alone for SINUMERIK/PC incl. evaluation
Machine data acquisition/production data acquisition
MMC Men Machine Communication
MPF MainProgramFile
NC main program
OCX OLE Custom Controls
OLE DB Object Linking and Embedding DataBase
Database access functions over OLE/COM
A Appendix 09.03
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
A-46 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
OLE/COM Object Linking and Embedding/Component Object Model
Object-oriented program model for defining object behavior, even beyond
process limits
PCU PC unit
SPF SubProgramFile
NC subroutine
SQL Structured Query Language
Database query language
SQL net Structured Query Language Net
Interface for database access via network
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Transfer protocol
TDI Machine Tool Data Information Machine
Information about availability and handling of tools.
TOA ToolOffsetActiv
Tool offsets
WPL WorkPLan
ASCII file for tool plans
ZOA ZeroOffsetActive
Zero offset
09.03 A Appendix
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Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition A-47
A.2 References
IT Solutions
Computer link SinCOM (04.00 Edition)
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5 297-5AD60-0BP0
NFL Interface to host computer
NPL Interface to PLC/NCK
User's Guide MDA User Interface (02.99 Edition)
Order No.: Supplied with software
User's Guide User Interface "Configuring" (02.99 Edition)
Order No.: Supplied with software
/FBTD/ Sinumerik 840D/810D
IT Solutions
Tool Data Information System (SinTDI) (03.01 Edition)
with Online Help
Description of Functions
Order No.: 6FC5 297-6AE00-0BP0
A Appendix 09.03
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
A-48 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
09.03 I Index
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition I-49
I Index
I.1 Subject index
Automatic import
Time interval.......................................4-38
Automatic logon.....................................4-40
Automatic NC program transfer.............4-35
Changing the password.........................4-41
Connection to a UNIX file system..........2-18
Data management MMC/PCU...............3-20
Default destination.................................4-32
Default language ...................................4-39
Default time ...........................................4-38
Delete ....................................................4-28
Directory tree .........................................4-27
DNC file system
Read path...........................................4-36
Read path change..............................4-36
Write path...........................................4-36
Write path change ..............................4-36
Download to NCU..................................4-30
Download with default destination.........4-28
Download with free choice of
destination ........................................4-29
File system ............................................4-27
File types ...............................................4-28
Filter............................................. 3-20, 4-30
HMI software ......................................... 2-18
Languages ............................................ 3-23
Log book ......................................3-20, 4-44
Management file system ....................... 3-20
Manual logon......................................... 4-40
MCIS ..................................................... 1-14
MMC or NC transfer destination ........... 4-28
MMC software....................................... 2-18
MMC/PCU data management............... 1-16
Multiple selection................................... 4-28
NC program list ..................................... 4-28
NCU name ............................................ 4-38
Online Help ........................................... 3-23
Overview of functions............................ 4-26
Properties 1........................................... 4-36
Properties 2........................................... 4-38
Protection level concept SINUMERIK... 4-43
I Index 09.03
© Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
I-50 Motion Control Information System (FB) – 09.03 Edition
Refresh cycle.........................................4-39
Setting parameters ................................3-20
SINUMERIK HMI ...................................3-20
Time interval
Automatic import ................................4-38
Trace level .............................................4-39
Transfer location change ......................4-38
Upload NCU .......................................... 4-38
User management .......................3-20, 4-42
User rights............................................. 4-42
Windows 95........................................... 2-18
Windows NT.......................................... 2-18
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