1-866-9-OHMITE • Int’l 1-847-258-0300 • Fax 1-847-574-7522 • www.ohmite.com • info@ohmite.com
Surface Mount
RC Series: carbon composition (1/4 & 1/2 watt)
RC Series: ceramic composition (above 1/2 watt)
RF Series: metal film
RW Series: wirewound
RP Series: power film
RM Series: high voltage thick film
• Tolerance 1%, 5%, 10%, depending on construction
• Twelve wattage ratings
• Seven package sizes
• Two mounting designs to accommodate your soldering process
• Five power resistor technologies to optimize your operating perfor-
1. Carbon and Ceramic composition for surge and low inductance
2. Metal film for high ohmic value and low T.C.
3. Wire element for inrush current combined with low ohmic values.
Resistance values as low as 0.005Ω
4. Power film for high ohmic value and high wattage
5. High Voltage thick film for high voltage applications
• Flexible J-bend terminations
• Working Temperature Range: -55°C to +150°C
pedestal mount
Power Maximum Resistance range Temp. Coefficient Dielectric Tape Size Quantity
Part Number (watts)* voltage 1% tol. 5% tol. 10% tol. 0.1Ω–1Ω 1Ω–10Ω 10Ω+ Withstanding 13” reels per reel
RC0S2CA––––– 0.25 250 — — 2.2Ω–5.6M — ±400 ±400 1000V 16mm 1500
RC0R5DB––––– 0.50 350 — — 2.2Ω–20M — ±400 ±400 1000V 24mm 1000
RW0S6BB––––– 0.6 50 0.010Ω–1K 0.005Ω–1K ±90 ±50 ±20 1000V 12mm 2500
RF0S8BA––––– 0.8 200 1Ω–5M — — ±100 ±100 1000V 12mm 2000
RW1S0BA––––– 1.0 50 0.005Ω–1K 0.005Ω–1K ±90 ±50 ±20 1000V 12mm 2000
RF1S0CA––––– 1.0 350 10Ω–1M 1Ω–10M — ±200 ±100 1000V 16mm 1500
RC1R0EA––––– 1.0 500 3.3-100K (10% tol only) -1300 1000V 32mm 750
RP1S3CA––––– 1.25 350 — 1Ω–1M — ±250 ±250 1000V 16mm 1500
RW1S5CA––––– 1.5 75 0.005Ω–1.5K 0.005Ω–1.5K ±90 ±250 ±250 1000V 16mm 1500
RP1S5CB––––– 1.5 350 — 1Ω–1M — ±250 ±250 1000V 16mm 1000
RW2S0CB––––– 2.0 100 0.005Ω–5K 0.005Ω–5K ±90 ±50 ±20 1000V 16mm 1000
RP2S0DA––––– 2.0 500 — 1Ω–1M — ±250 ±250 1000V 24mm 1000
RW2S0DA––––– 2.0 100 0.005Ω–5K 0.005Ω–5K ±90 ±50 ±20 1000V 24mm 1000
RP2R5DB––––– 2.5 500 — 1Ω–1M — ±250 ±250 1000V 24mm 1000
RW3R0DB––––– 3.0 200 0.005Ω–13K 0.005Ω–13K ±90 ±50 ±20 1000V 24mm 1000
RP3R0EA––––– 3.0 750 — 1Ω–1M — ±250 ±250 1000V 32mm 750
RW3R5EA––––– 3.5 350 0.005Ω–25K 0.005Ω–25K ±90 ±50 ±20 1000V 32mm 750
RM0R7EA––––– 0.75 2500 1KΩ–1000M 1KΩ–1000M — — ±50 1000V 32mm 750
*25°C ambient. E24 values standard; contact Ohmite for custom values. (continued)