Issued on Oct. 1st,2020
Product Name Model No.
EKMB110911 Page:
6-3 Handling Cautions
1) Do not solder with a soldering iron above 350℃(662゚F), or for more than 3 seconds.
This sensor should be hand soldered.
2) To maintain stability of the product, always mount on a printed circuit board.
3) Do not use liquids to wash the sensor. If washing fluid gets through the lens, it can reduce
4) Do not use a sensor after it fell on the ground.
5) The sensor may be damaged by ±200 volts of static electricity. Avoid direct hand contact with
the pins and be very careful when operating the product.
6) When wiring the product, always use shielded cables and minimize the wiring length to prevent
noise disturbances.
7) The inner circuit board could be destroyed by a voltage surge. Use of surge absorption elements
is highly recommended.
Surge resistance :below the power supply voltage value indicated in the maximum rated
values section.
8) Please use a stabilized power supply. Power supply noise can cause operating errors.
Noise resistance : ±20V or less (Square waves with a width of 50ns or 1μs)
To reduce the effect of power supply noise, install a capacitor on the sensor’s power supply pin.
9) Operating errors can be caused by noise from static electricity, lightning, cell phone, amateur
radio, broadcasting offices etc…
10) Detection performance can be reduced by dirt on the lens, please be careful.
11) The lens is made of soft materials (Polyethylene). Please avoid adding weight or impacts that
might change its shape, causing operating errors or reduced performance.
12) Operating “temperatures” and “humidity level” are suggested to prolong usage. However, they do
not guarantee durability or environmental resistance. Generally, high temperatures or high
humidity levels will accelerate the deterioration of electrical components. Please consider both
the planned usage and environment to determine the expected reliability and length of life of the
13) Do not attempt to clean this product with any detergent or solvent, such as benzene or alcohol,
as these can cause shape or color alterations.
14) Avoid storage in high, low temperature or liquid environments. As well, avoid storage in
environments containing corrosive gas, dust, salty air etc. It could cause performance
deterioration and the sensor’s main part or the metallic connectors could be damaged.
15) Storage conditions
Temperature: +5 ~+40℃(+41 ~+104゚F)
Humidity: 30 ~75%
Please use within 1 year after products delivery.