QSFP28 Optical Transceiver
— Up to 2 km reach for
100G FEC-enabled
LQ2 Series
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 2
The Lumentum 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Optical Transceiver is a full duplex, photonic-
integrated optic transceiver that provides a high-speed link at aggregated data rate of
103.13 Gbps over 2 km of single-mode ber with a maximum link budget of 8 dB when
maximum transmitter and dispersion penalty (TDP) of 3 dB is presented. Operation at
103.125 Gbps requires the host system to enable Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction
(RS-FEC) compliant with IEEE Std 802.3bj clause 91. For CWDM4 applications the RS-FEC
sublayer shall implement RS(528,514). This ensures post FEC bit error ratio (BER) of better
than 1x10-12with pre-FEC optical link BER of 5x10-5.
The Lumentum 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Optical Transceiver
integrates transmit and receive path in one module. On the
transmit side, four lanes of serial data are recovered by a
programmable continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE), retimed
and passed to four laser drivers, which control four lasers with
center wavelengths of 1271 nm, 1291 nm, 1311 nm and 1331
nm. The optical signals are then multiplexed into a single-mode
ber through an industry standard LC connector. On the receive
side, four lanes of optical data streams are optically de-
multiplexed by an integrated optical demultiplexer. Each data
stream is recovered by a PIN photodetector transimpedance
amplier, retimed and passed to a CAUI-4 compliant output
This module features a hot-pluggable electrical interface, low
power consumption and 2-wire I2C management interface.
Key Features
Optical line rate of 103.125 Gbps (4 x 25.78125 Gbps)
Requires host system to enable RS-FEC RS (528,514) in
accordance with IEEE802.3 clause 91
Supports up to 5 dB channel insertion loss including up to 2 km
of single-mode ber
Operating case temperature range of 0ºC to 70ºC
Tx and Rx re-timers
External reference clock is not required
Power dissipation < 3.5 W
Single 3.3 V power supply
Duplex single-mode LC optical receptacle
CAUI-4 chip-to-module 100G four-lane electrical interface per
IEEE 802.3 Annex 83E compliant
Supports digital diagnostic monitoring
Hot pluggable 38-pin electrical interface
2-wire I2C management interface
Green handle
Local area networks (LAN)
Wide area networks (WAN)
Ethernet switch and router applications
100G CWDM4 MSA Technical Specication Rev 1.1
IEEE 802.3bm CAUI-4 chip to module electrical standard
SFF-8661 Rev 2.3 QSFP28 Module Mechanical
SFF-8679 Rev 1.7 QSFP28 Base Electrical
SFF-8636 Rev 2.6 Common Management Interface
Class 1 laser safety
Tested in accordance with Telcordia GR-468
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 3
Section 1 Functional Description
The Lumentum 100G QFP28 CWDM4 optical transceiver is a full
duplex device with both transmit and receive functions contained
in a single module. The optical signals are multiplexed to a
single-mode ber through an industry standard LC connector.
The module provides a high speed link at an aggregated signaling
rate of 103.125 Gbps. It is compliant with: 100G CWDM4 MSA
Technical Specication Rev 1.0 and the IEEE 802.3bm CAUI-4
chip-to-module electrical specications at 103.125 Gbps. The
two-wire management interface complies with SFF-8636. The
transceiver mechanical design complies with SFF-8661 and the
base electrical design complies with SFF-8679. A block diagram is
shown in Figure 1.
-Wire SCL
38-pin Connector
Duplex LC Connector
Figure 1. Lumentum QSFP28 CWDM4 Optical Transceiver functional
block diagram
The transmitter path converts four lanes of serial NRZ electrical
data from line rate of 25.78 Gbps to a standard compliant optical
signal. Each signal path, accepts a 100  differential 100 mV
peak-to-peak to 900 mV peak-to-peak electrical signal on TDxn
and TDxp pins. Inside the module, each differential pair of electric
signals is input to an equalizer and then to a CDR (clock- data
recovery) chip. The recovered and retimed signals are then
passed to a laser driver which transforms the small swing voltage
to an output modulation that drives an un-cooled EML laser. The
laser drivers control four EMLs with center wavelengths of 1271
nm, 1291 nm, 1311 nm and 1331 nm, respectively. The optical
signals from the four lasers are optically multiplexed and coupled
to single-mode optical ber through an industry standard LC
optical connector. The optical signals are engineered to meet the
CWDM4 MSA specications.
The receiver takes incoming combined four lanes of DC balanced
CWDM NRZ optical data from line rate of 25.78 Gbps through an
industry standard LC optical connector. The four incoming
wavelengths are separated by an optical demultiplexer into four
separated channels. Each output is coupled to a PIN
photodetector. The electrical currents from each PIN
photodetector are converted to a voltage in a high-gain
transimpedance amplier. The electrical output is recovered and
retimed by the CDR chip. The four lanes of reshaped electrical
signals are output on the RDxp and RDxn pins as a 100 
differential CAUI-4 chip-to-module signals.
Low-Speed Signaling
The Lumentum 100G QSFP28 CWDM4 Optical Transceiver has
several low-speed interface connections including a 2-wire serial
interface (SCL and SDA). These connections include; Low Power
Mode (LPMode), Module Select (ModSelL), Interrupt (IntL), Module
Present (ModPrsL) and Reset (ResetL) as shown in Figure 1.
ModSelL: The ModSelL is an input pin. When held low by the
host, the module responds to 2-wire serial communication
commands. The ModSelL allows the use of multiple QSFP28
modules on a single 2-wire interface bus. When the ModSelL is
“High”, the module does not respond to or acknowledge any
2-wire interface communication from the host.
In order to avoid conflicts, the host system shall not attempt
2-wire interface communications within the ModSelL de-assert
time after any QSFP28 module is deselected. Similarly the host
must wait for at least the ModSelL assert period of time before
communicating with a newly selected module. The assertion and
de-assertion periods of different modules may overlap as long as
the above timing requirements are met.
ResetL: The ResetL pin is pulled up to Vcc inside the QSFP28
module. A low level on the ResetL pin for longer than the
minimum pulse length (t_Reset_init) initiates a complete module
reset, returning all user module settings to their default state.
Module Reset Assert Time (t_init) starts upon the rising edge
after the low level on the ResetL pin is released. During the
execution of a reset (t_init) the host shall disregard all status bits
until the module indicates a completion of the reset interrupt. The
module indicates this by posting an IntL signal with the Data_
Not_Ready bit negated. Note that on power up (including hot
insertion) the module will post this completion of reset interrupt
without requiring a reset.
LPMode: : The LPMode pin is pulled up to Vcc inside the QSFP28
module. This function is affected by the LPMode pin and the
combination of the Power_over-ride and Power_set software
control bits (Address A0h, byte 93, bits 0,1).
The module has two modes: a low power mode and a high power
mode. The high power mode operates in one of the four power
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 4
When the module is in a low power mode it has a maximum power
consumption of 1.5 W. This protects hosts that are not capable of
cooling higher power modules, should such modules be accidentally
The module’s 2-wire serial interface and all laser safety functions are
fully operational in this low power mode. The module still supports
the completion of reset interrupt in this low power mode.
The Extended Identifier bits (Page 00h, byte 129 bits 6-7) indicate
that our module has power consumption greater than 1.5 W. When
the module is in low power mode, the module will reduce its power
consumption to less than 1.5 W while still maintaining the
functionality above. However, the Tx or Rx may not be operational in
this state.
The module will be in low power mode if the LPMode pin is in the
high state, or if the Power_over-ride bit is in the high state and the
Power_set bit is also high. The module will be in high power mode if
the LPMode pin is in the low state, or the Power_over- ride bit is high
and the Power_Set bit is low. Note that the default state for the
Power_over-ride bit is low.
A truth table for the relevant configurations of the LPMode and the
Power_over-ride and Power_set are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Power Mode Truth Table
LPMode Power Over-ride Bit Power_set Bit Module Power
1 0 X Low power
0 0 X High power
X 1 1 Low power
X 1 0 High power
At power up, the Power_over-ride and Power_set bits are set to 0.
ModPrsL: ModPrsL is pulled up to Vcc_Host on the host board and
grounded in the module. The ModPrsL is “Low” when the module
is inserted and “High” when the module is physically absent from
the host connector.
IntL: IntL is an output pin. “Low” indicates a possible module
operational fault or a status critical to the host system. The host
identies the source of the interrupt using the 2-wire serial
interface. The IntL pin is an open collector output and must be
pulled to host supply voltage on the host board
Application Schematics
An example application schematic (reference SFF 8679) showing
connections from a host IC and host power supply to the Lumentum
100G QSFP28 CWDM4 optical transceiver is shown in Figure 2.
QSFP28 CWDM4 modules are hot pluggable and active connections
are powered by individual power connection at 3.3 V nominal
voltage. Multiple modules can share a single 3.3 V power supply with
individual filtering. To limit wide band noise power, the host system
and module shall each meet a maximum of 2% peak-to-peak noise
when measured with a 1 MHz low pass filter. In addition, the host
system and the module shall each meet a maximum of 3% peak-to-
peak noise when measured with a filter from 1 MHz - 10 MHz.
A module will meet all electrical requirements and remain fully
operational in the presence of noise on the 3.3 V power supply.
Power supply filtering components should be placed as close to the
Vcc pins of the host connector as possible for optimal performance.
Note: Decoupling Capacitor values vary depending on the
Tx Data Bus
Rx Data Bus
To other QSFP28 modulesVcc Host = +3.3V
4.7k to 10k
Tx <1:4>
Rx <1:4>
Vcc Host = +3.3V
Figure 2. Typical application schematics for the Lumentum QSFP28 optical
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 5
Section 2 Specications
Section 2.1 Pin Function Denitions
Section 2.2 QSFP28 CWDM4 Lane Assignment
Section 2.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Section 2.4 Recommended Operating Condition
Section 2.5 Low Speed Electrical Characteristics
Section 2.6 Timing Requirement of Control and Status I/O
Section 2.7 Optical Transmitter Characteristics
Section 2.8 Optical Receiver Characteristics
Section 2.9 Electrical Input and Output Squelch Behavior
Section 2.10 Module CTLE Behavior
Section 2.11 Regulatory Compliance
Section 2.12 Module Outline
Section 2.13 Connectors
2.1 Pin Function Denitions
38 GND
37 TX1n
36 TX1p
35 GND
34 TX3n
33 TX3p
32 GND
31 LPMode
30 VCC1
29 VCCTx
28 IntL
27 ModPrsL
26 GND
25 RX4p
24 RX4n
23 GND
22 RX2p
21 RX2n
20 GND
TX2n 2
TX2p 3
TX4n 5
TX4p 6
ResetL 9
VCCRx 10
SCL 11
SDA 12
GND 13
RX3p 14
RX3n 15
GND 16
RX1p 17
RX1n 18
GND 19
Module Card Edge
Top side
Viewed from top
Bottom side
Viewed from bottom
Figure 3 QSFP28 optical transceiver pin-out
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 6
Table 2 QSFP28 optical transceiver pin descriptions
Pin Number Type Name Description
1 GND Module Ground
2C M L- I Tx2n Transmitter Inverted Data Input
3C M L- I Tx2p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input
4 GND Module Ground
5C M L- I Tx4n Transmitter Inverted Data Input
6C M L- I Tx4p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input
7 GND Module Ground
8LV T T L- I ModSelL Module Select
9LV T T L- I ResetL Module Reset
10 Vcc Rx +3.3V Power Supply
11 LVCMOS-I/O SCL 2-wire serial interface clock
12 LVCMOS-I/O SDA 2-wire serial interface data
13 GND Module Ground
14 C M L- O Rx3p Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
15 C M L- O Rx3n Receiver Inverted Data Output
16 GND Module Ground
17 C M L- O Rx1p Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
18 C M L- O Rx1n Receiver Inverted Data Output
19 GND Module Ground
20 GND Module Ground
21 C M L- O Rx2n Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
22 C M L- O Rx2p Receiver Inverted Data Output
23 GND Module Ground
24 C M L- O Rx4n Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
25 C M L- O Rx4p Receiver Inverted Data Output
26 GND Module Ground
27 LVTTL-O ModPrsL Module Present
28 LVTTL-O IntL Interrupt
29 Vcc Tx +3.3V Power supply
30 Vcc1+3.3V Power supply
31 LV T T L- I LPMode Low Power Mode
32 GND Module Ground
33 C M L- I Tx3p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input
34 C M L- I Tx3n Transmitter Inverted Data Input
35 GND Module Ground
36 C M L- I Tx1p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Input
37 C M L- I Tx1n Transmitter Inverted Data Input
38 GND Module Ground
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 7
2.2 QSFP28 SWDM4 Lane Assignment
Lane Center wavelength Wavelength range Module electrical lane per SFF8679
L11271 nm 1264.5 nm to 1277.5 nm Tx1, Rx1
L21291 nm 1284.5 nm to 1297.5 nm Tx2, Rx2
L31311 nm 1304.5 nm to 1317.5 nm Tx3, Rx3
L41331 nm 1324.5 nm to 1337.5 nm Tx4, Rx4
2.3 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings represent the damage threshold of the device. Damage may occur if the device is operated outside the limits
stated. Performance is not guaranteed and reliability is not implied for operation at any condition outside the recommended operating
Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Note
Storage temperature TST −40 to +85 °C
Relative humidity RH 5 to 85 % Noncondensing
Static electrical discharge
(human body model)
ESD 1000 V1 kV for high speed lines.
2 kV for others
Power supply voltages VCC3, max −0.3 to 3.6 V
Receive damage threshold Pdmg +3.5 dBm Per lane
2.4 Operating Conditions
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Power supply voltage Vcc 3.135 3.3 3.465 V
Operating case temperature TOP 0+70 ºC
Signal rate (per channel) 1fD 25.78125 Gbps
Operating range m 2 2000 m
1. FEC (Reed-Solomon 528,514) is required for 25.78125 Gbps
2.5 Low Speed Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Notes
Supply Currents and Voltages
Voltage VCC 3.135 3.3 3.465 VWith respect to GND
Supply current Icc 1118 mA
Power dissipation Pwr 3.5 W
Power dissipation (low power mode) Plp 1.5 W
Low speed control and sense signals (detailed specication in SFF-8679 Rev 1.6)
(Interrupt, ModPrsL)
V 00.4 V Rpullup pulled to host _Vcc, measured at
host side of connector. IOL(max)=2 m A
VOH host_Vcc-0.5 host_Vcc + 0.3 V Rpullup pulled to host _Vcc, measured at
host side of connector
(ModSelL, ResetL, LPMode)
VIL −0.3 0.8 VPulled up in module to VCC3
VIH 2 Vcc3 + 0.3 VPulled up in module to VCC3
SCL and SDA inputs VIL −0.3 VCC3 * 0.3 V Rpullup pulled to host _VCC,
measured at QSFP+ side of connector
VIH VCC3 * 0.7 VCC3 + 0.5 V Rpullup pulled to host _VCC,
measured at QSFP+ side of connector
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 8
2.6 Timing Requirement of Control and Status I/O
Parameter Symbol Max Unit Notes
Initialization time t_init 2000 ms Time from power on, hot plug or rising edge of reset until the
module is fully functional. This time does not apply to non-
power level 0 modules in low power state
Reset initialization assert time t_reset_init 10 µs A reset is generated by a low level longer than the minimum
reset pulse time present on the ResetL pin
Serial bus hardware ready time t_serial 2000 ms Time from power on until the module responds to data
transmission over the 2-wire serial bus
Monitor data ready time t_data 2000 ms Time from power on to data not ready, bit 0 of Byte 2,
deasserted and IntL asserted
Reset assert time t_reset_init 2000 ms Time from rising edge on the ResetL pin until the module is
fully functional
LPMode assert time ton_LPMode 100 µs Time for assertion of LPMode (Vin: LPMode=Vin) until module
power consumption reaches Power Level 1.
LPMode deassert time Toff_LPMode 300 ms Time for deassertion of LPMode (Vin:LPMode=Vil) until
module is fully functional
IntL assert time ton_IntL 200 ms Time from occurrence of condition triggering IntL until
IntL deassert time toff_IntL 500 µs Time from clear on read operation of associated ag until
Vout:IntL=Voh. This includes deassert times for Rx Los, Tx
Fault and other ag bits.
Rx LOS assert time ton_los 100 ms Time from Rx LOS state to Rx LOS bit set (Value = 1b) and IntL
Tx fault assert time ton_Txfault 200 ms Time from Tx Fault state to Tx Fault bit set (value = 1b) and IntL
Flag assert time ton_ag 200 ms Time from occurrence of condition triggering ag to
associated ag bit set (value=1b) and IntL asserted.
Mask assert time ton_mask 100 ms Time from mask bit set (Value = 1b) until associated IntL
assertion is inhibited
Mask deassert time toff_mask 100 ms Time from mask bit set (Value = 0b) until associated IntL
operation resumes
Application or rate select change time t_ratesel 100 ms Time from change of state of Application or Rate Select bit
until transmitter or receiver bandwidth is in conformance
with appropriate specication, Not applicable.
Power_over-ride or power-set assert time ton_Pdown 100 ms Time from P_Down bit set (Value = 1b) until module power
consumption reaches Power Level 1
Power_over-ride or power-set deassert time toff_Pdown 300 ms Time from P_Down bit set (Value = 0b) until module is fully
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 9
2.7 Optical Transmitter Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Notes
Signaling rate, each lane 25.78125 ± 100 ppm GBd
The following specications are applicable within the operating case temperature range
Optical modulation amplitude, each lane 1OMA -4.0 2.5 dBm
Transmitter and dispersion penalty, each lane 2TDP 3.0 dB
OMA minus TDP, each lane OMA-TDP -5.0 dBm
Average launch power, each lane 3,4 Pavg -6.5 2.5 dBm
Total launch power Pavg _total 8.5 dBm
Extinction ratio ER 3.5 dB
Side-mode suppression ratio SMSR 30 dB
Difference in launch power between any two lanes (OMA) 6.5 dB
Average launch power of OFF transmitter, each lane Toff -30 dBm
Optical return loss toleranc ORL 20 dB
Transmitter reectance 5-12 dB
Transmitter eye mask {X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Y3} {0.31, 0.4, 0.45, 0.34, 0.38, 0.4}
Tx DD reporting accuracy 4Tx DD Error -2 +2 dB
1. The minimum value for launch OMA is increased by the actual value of TDP, up to a maximum TDP of 3.0 dB. At TDP of 3.0 dB, the minimum launch OMA is -2 dBm.
2. TDP does not include a penalty for multi-path interference (MPI).
3. Average launch power, each lane (min) is informative and not the principal indicator of signal strength. A transmitter with launch power below this value cannot be compliant; however, a value above this does not ensure compliance.
4. Measured using an external wavelength demultiplexer with all four channels enabled.
5. Transmitter reflectance is defined looking into the transmitter.
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 10
2.8 Optical Receiver Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Notes
Signaling rate, each lane 25.78125 ± 100 ppm Gbd
The following specications are applicable within the operating case temperature range
Damage threshold 13.5 dBm
Average receive power, each lane 2Pavg -11.5 2.5 dBm
Receiver reectance -26 dB
Receiver Sensitivity (OMA), each lane Rx Sens -10 dBm 5E-5 BER, pre-FEC, PRBS31,
using typical Lumentum
Stressed receiver sensitivity (OMA), each lane 4SRS -7. 3 dBm Measured with conformance test
signal at TP3 for BER = 5x10-5.
Stressed receiver sensitivity test conditions [ Note: test conditions for measuring stress receiver sensitivity, not characteristic of the receiver]
Vertical eye closure penalty, each lane VECP 1.9 dB
Stressed sys J2 jitter, each lane J2 0.33 UI
Stressed sys J4 jitter, each lane J4 0.48 UI
SRS eye mask denition {X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Y3} {0.39, 0.5, 0.5, 0.39, 0.39, 0.4}
LOS assert LOS_A -15 dBm
LOS hysteresis LOS_Hys 0.5 dB
Rx DD reporting accuracy Rx DD Error -2 +2 dB
1. The receiver shall be able to tolerate, without damage, continuous exposure to an optical signal having this average power level
2. Average receive power, each lane (min) is informative and not the principal indicator of signal strength. A received power below this value cannot be compliant; however, a value above this does not ensure compliance.
3. Receiver sensitivity (OMA), each lane (max) at 5E-5 BER is an normative specification and tested with crosstalk present.
4. Refer to IEEE Std 802.3-2015 CI.88.8.10.
2.9 Electrical Input and Output Squelch Behavior
The Lumentum 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver is compliant to the Tx and Rx squelch behavior described in SFF-8636 section 6.6.2
and will be indicated in Page 00h, Byte 194, bit 0:3.
Rx(n)(p/n) are QSFP28 module receiver data outputs. Output squelch for loss of optical input signal, hereafter Rx Squelch, is supported
by the Lumentum QSFP28 transceiver. In the event of the optical signal on any channel becoming equal to or less than the level
required to assert LOS, then the receiver data output for that channel shall be squelched or disabled. In the squelched or disabled state
output impedance levels are maintained while the differential voltage swing shall be less than 50 mVpp.
In normal operation the default case has Rx Squelch active. Rx Squelch can be deactivated using Rx Squelch Disable through the 2-wire
serial interface. For the Lumentum 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver, squelch and output disable is controlled for each channel using
bytes 240 and 241 of page 03h. Writing a '1' in the Squelch Disable register (byte 240, page 03h) disables the squelch for the
associated channel. Writing a '1' in the Output Disable register (byte 241, page 03h) squelches the output of the associated channel.
When a '1' is written in both registers for a channel, the associated output is disabled.
The Lumentum 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver will disable Tx Squelch Function as default. Tx(n)(p/n) are QSFP28 module transmitter
data inputs and Tx Squelch is implemented to reduce OMA only (Page 00h, Byte 195, bit 2=0b). For details regarding Tx Squelch
behaviors, please contact Lumentum to learn more.
2.10 Module CTLE Behavior
The Lumentum 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver supports manual (provisional) equalization with non-readable CTLE gain. Please
contact Lumentum for details if automatic (adaptive) equalization is preferred.
2.11 Regulatory Compliance
The transceiver is RoHS 6/6 compliant and complies with international EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and product safety
regulations and standards.
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 11
Table 3 Regulatory Compliance
Feature Test Method Performance
Product safety UL 60950 -1 UL recognized component for US and CAN
CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1
EN 60950-1 TUV certicate
IEC 60950-1 CB certicate
Flame class V-0 Passes Needle Flame Test for component ammability verication
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU Certied to harmonized standards listed; Declaration of
Conformity issued
Laser safety EN 60825-1, EN 60825-2 TUV certicate
IEC 60825-1 CB certicate
U.S. 21 CFR 1040.10 FDA/CDRH certied with accession number
Electromagnetic compatibility
Radiated emissions EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Class B digital device with a minimum -6dB margin to the limit.
Final margin may vary depending on system implementation.
Tested frequency range: 30 MHz to 40 GHz or 5th harmonic (5
times the highest frequency), whichever is less.
Good system EMI design practice is required to achieve Class B
margins at the system level.
FCC rules 47 CFR Part 15
EN 55022, EN 55032
ICES-003, Issue 6
VCCI regulations
Immunity EMC Directive 2014/30/EU Certied to harmonized standards listed; Declaration of
Conformity issued
EN 55024
ESD IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Exceeds Requirements. Withstands discharges of ±8kV contact,
±15kV air
Radiated immunity IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Exceeds Requirements. Field strength of 10V/m from 80 MHz to
6 GHz. No effect on transmitter / receiver performance is
detectable between these limits.
Restriction of hazardous substances (ROHS)
RoHS EU Directive 2011/65/EU Compliant per the Directive 2011/65/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of
the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment (recast).
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 12
2.12 Module Outline
72.2 REF
16.75 REF
3.80 REF
1.31 REF
Module outline with pull tab
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 13
2.13 Connectors
The QSFP28 module has a duplex single-mode LC receptacle
The electrical connector is a 38-pin two row PCB edge connector.
Section 3 Related Information
Section 3.1 Packing and Handling Instructions
Section 3.2 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Section 3.3 Laser Safety
Section 3.4 EMC Compliance
3.1 Package and Handling Instructions
Connector Covers
The Lumentum 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver is supplied with
an LC duplex receptacle. The connector plug supplied protects the
connector during standard manufacturing processes and handling
by preventing contamination from dust, aqueous solutions, body
oils, or airborne particles.
Note: It is recommended that the connector plug remain on
whenever the transceiver optical ber connector is not inserted.
Recommended Cleaning and De-Greasing Chemicals
Lumentum recommends the use of methyl, isopropyl and isobutyl
alcohols for cleaning.
Do not use halogenated hydrocarbons (e.g. trichloroethane,
ketones such as acetone, chloroform, ethyl acetate, MEK,
methylene chloride, methylene dichloride, phenol,
This product is not designed for aqueous wash.
The Lumentum QSFP28 Optical Transceiver housing is made from
3.2 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Normal ESD precautions are required during the handling of this
module. This transceiver is shipped in ESD protective packaging.
It should be removed from the packaging and otherwise handled
only in an ESD protected environment utilizing standard
grounded benches, oor mats, and wrist straps.
Test and Operation
In most applications, the optical connector will protrude through
the system chassis and be subjected to the same ESD
environment as the system. Once properly installed in the
system, this transceiver should meet and exceed common ESD
testing practices and fulll system ESD requirements.
Typical of optical transceivers, this module’s receiver contains a
highly sensitive optical detector and amplier which may
become temporarily saturated during an ESD strike. This could
result in a short burst of bit errors. Such an event might require
that the application re-acquire synchronization at the higher
layers (e.g. Serializer / Deserializer chip).
3.3 Laser Safety
The transceiver is certied as a Class 1 laser product per
international standard IEC 60825-1:2014 3rd edition and is
considered non-hazardous when operated within the limits of
this specication. This device complies with 21 CFR 1040.10
except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50.
Operating this product in a manner inconsistent with intended
usage and specications may result in hazardous radiation
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures
other than these specied in this product datasheet may result
in hazardous radiation exposure.
Tampering with this laser product or operating this product
outside the limits of this specication may be considered an ‘act
of manufacturing’ and may require recertication of the
modied product.
Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments (e.g.,
eye loupes, magniers, microscopes) within a distance of 100mm
may pose an eye hazard.
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems 14
European Union:
This product complies with the European Union’s Low Voltage Directive
2014/35/EU and EMC Directive 2014/30/EU and is properly CE
marked. This declaration is made by Lumentum Operations LLC. who is
solely responsible for the declared compliance.
Translation: This is a Class B product based on the standard of the
Voluntary Control Council for Interference from Information
Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or
television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio
interference. Install and use the equipment according to the
instruction manual.
3.4 EMC (Electromagnetic) Compliance
The transceiver has been tested and found compliant with
international electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards and
regulations and is declared EMC compliant as stated below. Note,
EMC performance depends on the overall system design.
United States:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Caution: Any changes or modications to the product not
expressly approved by the Lumentum Operations LLC could void
the user's authority to operate this equipment.
ICES-3 (B) / NMB-3 (B)
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme
NMB-003 du Canada.
North America
Toll Free: 844 810 LITE (5483)
Outside North America
Toll Free: 800 000 LITE (5483)
Toll Free: 400 120 LITE (5483)
© 2017 Lumentum Operations LLC
Product specications and descriptions in this
document are subject to change without notice.
qsfp28-cwdm4-1.5-ds-oc-ae 30179652 002 1117
Lumentum Operations LLC
400 North McCarthy Boulevard
Milpitas, CA 95035 USA
QSFP28 Optical Transceiver — Up to 2 km reach for 100G FEC-enabled systems
Ordering Information
For more information on this or other products and their availability,
please contact your local Lumentum account manager or Lumentum
directly at 1-800-498-LUMENTUM (1-800-498- 5378) in North
America and +800-5378-LUMENTUM (+800- 5378-5378) worldwide or
via e-mail at customer.service@
Description Product Code
100GE, 2 km reach, CWDM4 Gen 1.5,
commercial temperature range, QSFP28
optical transceiver, pull tab