SMT Pad Detail 0.37mm 20mm [0.787"] 0.97mm 1.12mm [0.044"] 2.15mm [0.085"] 6.02mm x 6.02mm thermal /GND pad 1.11mm 2.38mm [0.044"] [0.094"] 20mm [0.787"] -01W version (3 level, 0.64mm [0.025"] Sqr. WW pin) 0.65mm Top View 8.36mm [0.329"] 17.78mm [0.672"] 6.42mm [0.253"] Recommended Torque 1.25 in-lbs. 12.88mm [0.523"] GHz socket 15.63mm [0.615"] 0.020" 1 4.7mm 6.35mm [0.185"] [0.250"] 2.54mm [0.100"] 3 2 O 0.46mm [0.018"] 1 Substrate: 0.125"0.007" FR4/G10 or equivalent high temp material. 1/2 oz. Cu clad. SnPb plating 2 Pins: Material- Brass Alloy 360 1/2 hard; finish10" Au over 50" Ni (min.). 3 Stand-off: material- Teflon; 0.090" Dia; 0.060" thick. Front View Description: Prototyping adaptor 40 position, MLF GHz socket (-Z version) to type PGA base pins (0.100" centers). Add "W" to end of part number for inclusioin of optional wire wrap sub base. All tolerances: 0.005" (unless stated otherwise). Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. PA-MLF40B-P-Z-01(W) Drawing (c) 2008 IRONWOOD ELECTRONICS, INC. Tele: (800) 404-0204 Status: Released Drawing: MA Fedde File: PA-MLF40B-P-Z-01 Dwg Scale: 3:1 Rev: D Date: 2/14/03 Modified: 2/08/08 Modifications: Rev B MAF 9/3/03 added thermal pad, Changed location of center pins, added pad detail, gnd pins, deleted dims. Rev. C, 7/24/07, BM Fedde 1. Removed "S" verison from drawing. Rev.D, 2/08/08, GL, ECO#5731 1. Added optional wire wrap sub base and detail.