AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential AS3606/7 - AN01 - Evalboard System PMU with HV Back Light Driver 1 General Description The AS3606/07 is an ultra compact System PMU with integrated battery charger and HV back light driver. The device offers advanced power management functions. All necessary ICs and peripherals in a battery powered mobile device are supplied by the AS3606/07. It features 3 DCDC converters as well as 5 low noise LDOs. The different regulated supply voltages are programmable via the serial control interface. The step-up converter for the backlight can operate up to 26V. Both constant voltage (OLED supply) as well as constant current (white LED backlight) operations with 2 current sinks are possible. An internal voltage protection is limiting the output voltage in the case of external component failures. AS3606/07 also contains a Li-Ion battery charger with constant current and constant voltage. The maximum charging current is 1A. An integrated battery switch and an optional external switch are separating the battery during charging or whenever an external power supply is present. With this switch it is also possible to operate with no or deeply discharged batteries. A programmable current limit can be used to control the maximum current used from a USB supply. The single supply voltage may vary from 2.7V to 5.5V. (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 1 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential Table of Contents 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 1 2 OTHER APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS AND PAPERS........................................................................... 3 3 FURTHER APPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 3 4 REVISION STATUS .......................................................................................................................... 3 5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 3 6 GETTING STARTED ......................................................................................................................... 4 6.1 6.2 6.3 AS3606/07 Demo Software Installation .................................................................................................... 4 Connecting the Evalboard and USB Box with the PC............................................................................... 5 Starting the AS3607 Demo software......................................................................................................... 6 7 AS3607 EVALBOARD 1V0 CONNECTOR AND JUMPER LOCATIONS ............................................... 7 8 APPLICATION SCHEMATIC OF AS3607 EVALBOARD 1V0............................................................... 9 9 AS3607 EVALBOARD 1V0: LAYOUT (TOP VIEW) ........................................................................... 11 10 AS3607 EVALBOARD 1V0: LAYOUT (MID LAYER 1) ...................................................................... 11 11 AS3607 EVALBOARD 1V0: LAYOUT (MID LAYER 2) ...................................................................... 12 12 AS3607 EVALBOARD 1V0: LAYOUT (BOTTOM VIEW) ................................................................... 12 13 AS3606 EVALBOARD 1V1 CONNECTOR AND JUMPER LOCATIONS ............................................. 13 14 APPLICATION SCHEMATIC OF AS3606 EVALBOARD 1V1............................................................. 15 15 AS3606 EVALBOARD 1V1: LAYOUT (TOP VIEW) ........................................................................... 17 16 AS3606 EVALBOARD 1V1: LAYOUT (MID LAYER 1) ...................................................................... 17 17 AS3606 EVALBOARD 1V1: LAYOUT (MID LAYER 2) ...................................................................... 18 18 AS3606 EVALBOARD 1V1: LAYOUT (BOTTOM VIEW) ................................................................... 18 COPYRIGHT ........................................................................................................................................... 19 (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 2 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 2 Other applicable documents and papers Data Sheet: AS3607 0v1 3 Further Applications Applications based on the AS3607 are continuously updated. Visit our home-page: http: // 4 Revision status AS3607_AN01_Evalboard Application note (this document): AS3607 Evalboard schematic: AS3607 Evalboard layout AS3606 Evalboard schematic: AS3606 Evalboard layout Rev.: 1v1 Rev.: 1v0 Rev.: 1v0 Rev.: 1v1 Rev.: 1v1 5 General description Remark: all subsequent component numbering refers to the application schematics, shown in pt. Application Schematic. (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 3 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 6 Getting Started 6.1 AS3606/07 Demo Software Installation Start the demo software Installation Shield with "Install Demo Software". The Install Shield will guide you through the rest of the installation. (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 4 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 6.2 Connecting the Evalboard and USB Box with the PC After the successful installation of the demo software, the USB Box can be connected to the PC and to the Evalboard as shown in the picture below. (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 5 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 6.3 Starting the AS3607 Demo software The correct installed demo software can be started from Start > Programs > austriamicrosystems > AS3607 EvalSW. USB connection is immediately indicated in the status bar of the demo software. (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 6 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 7 AS3607 Evalboard 1V0 connector and jumper locations Listed below are the various connectors and jumpers. Jumper J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15 J16 J17 J18 J20 J21 J22 J23, J24, J26,J27 J25 J29,J30 BU1 - BU7 BU9 U2 B12 B13 B8,B10, B13 S1 S2 comment Function PVDD1 CVDD1 I2C Interface PVDD2 CVDD2 PVDD3 CVDD3 PVDD4 I USB measurement pinhead ON LED VBAT CURR1 CURR2 GPIO1 GPIO2 measurement pinhead I BAT DVDD regulator output BATTEMP VSS disable protection jumper GPIO3, GPIO4 LDO and DCDC converter output measurement pinhead of LDO PVDD1 measurement pinhead of DCDC CVDD1 USB-Box connector measurement pinhead of LDO PVDD2 measurement pinhead of DCDC CVDD2 measurement pinhead of LDO PVDD3 measurement pinhead of DCDC CVDD3 measurement pinhead of LDO PVDD4 current measurement jumper of charge current status LED connected to VDD27 Battery voltage measurement pinhead current measurement jumper of CURR1 current measurement jumper of CURR2 if set, LED D12 is connected to GPIO1 if set, LED D13 is connected to GPIO2 current measurement jumper of battery current DVDD can be supplied with one of the regulators; default: set to VDD27 DVDD can be supplied with one of the regulators; default: set to VDD27 if set, pull up resistor is connected to GPIO3/4 Charger input Charger input VBAT+ VBATVSS Charger input: 2mm connector Charger input: USB connector Battery connector Battery connector ON Reset ON button Reset button (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 7 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential Connector and Jumper locations of AS3607 Eval Board 1V0 (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 8 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 8 Application Schematic of AS3607 Evalboard 1v0 Application Schematic AS3607 Evalboard 1v0- page 1 (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 9 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential Application Schematic AS3607 Evalboard 1v0 - page2 (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 10 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 9 AS3607 Evalboard 1v0: Layout (top view) Layout (top view) 10 AS3607 Evalboard 1v0: Layout (mid layer 1) Layout (mid1 view) (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 11 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 11 AS3607 Evalboard 1v0: Layout (mid layer 2) Layout (mid2 view) 12 AS3607 Evalboard 1v0: Layout (bottom view) Layout (bottom view) (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 12 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 13 AS3606 Evalboard 1V1 connector and jumper locations Listed below are the various connectors and jumpers. Jumper J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J9 J10 J11 J12 J13 J14 J15 J16 J17 J18 J20 J21 J22 J23, J24, J26,J8 J25 BU1 - BU7 BU9 U2 B12 B13 B8,B10, B11 S1 S2 comment Function PVDD1 CVDD1 I2C Interface PVDD2 CVDD2 PVDD3 CVDD3 I USB measurement pinhead ON LED VBAT CURR1 CURR2 GPIO1 GPIO2 measurement pinhead I BAT DVDD regulator output BATTEMP VSS measurement pinhead of LDO PVDD1 measurement pinhead of DCDC CVDD1 USB-Box connector measurement pinhead of LDO PVDD2 measurement pinhead of DCDC CVDD2 measurement pinhead of LDO PVDD3 measurement pinhead of DCDC CVDD3 current measurement jumper of charge current status LED connected to VDD27 Battery voltage measurement pinhead current measurement jumper of CURR1 current measurement jumper of CURR2 if set, LED D12 is connected to GPIO1 if set, LED D13 is connected to GPIO2 current measurement jumper of battery current DVDD can be supplied with one of the regulators; default: set to VDD27 DVDD can be supplied with one of the regulators; default: set to VDD27 disable protection jumper LDO and DCDC converter output Charger input Charger input VBAT+ VBATVSS Charger input: 2mm connector Charger input: USB connector Battery connector Battery connector ON Reset ON button Reset button (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 13 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential Connector and Jumper locations of AS3606 Eval Board 1V1 (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 14 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 14 Application Schematic of AS3606 Evalboard 1v1 Application Schematic AS3606 Evalboard 1v1 - page1 (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 15 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential Application Schematic AS3606 Evalboard 1v1 - page2 (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 16 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 15 AS3606 Evalboard 1v1: Layout (top view) Layout (top view) 16 AS3606 Evalboard 1v1: Layout (mid layer 1) Layout (mid1 view) (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 17 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential 17 AS3606 Evalboard 1v1: Layout (mid layer 2) Layout (mid2 view) 18 AS3606 Evalboard 1v1: Layout (bottom view) Layout (bottom view) (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 18 - 19 AS3606/7 Preliminary Application Note - Confidential Copyright Copyright (c) 1997-2009, austriamicrosystems AG, Schloss Premstaetten, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, AustriaEurope. Trademarks Registered (R). All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Diclaimer Devices sold by austriamicrosystems AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. austriamicrosystems AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. Austriamicrosystems AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with austriamicrosystems AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or lifesustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by austriamicrosystems AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might show deviations from the standard production flow, such as test flow or test location. The information furnished here by austriamicrosystems AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, austriamicrosystems AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of austriamicrosystems AG rendering of technical or other services. Contact Information Headquarters austriamicrosystems AG A-8141 Schloss Premstatten, Austria T. +43 (0) 3136 500 0 F. +43 (0) 3136 5692 For Sales Offices, Distributors and Representatives, please visit: (dgm) Revision 1v1 / 20100309 19 - 19 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ams: AS3606 EVAL BOARD AS3607 EVAL BOARD