STV7733 320 output dot-matrix display driver Preliminary Data High-voltage, row/column driver IC 320, tri-level (high-voltage, medium voltage and ground) power outputs: - capable of operating at 90V, absolute max. - capable of sinking or sourcing 2mA - Hi-Z Logic supply range: 2.5V to 3.3V Slim shape die for COG, COF and TCP solutions Interface: - four dual (2-bit) input serial buses: DBA[1:2], DBB[1:2], DBC[1:2] and DBD[1:2] operating at shift clock frequency of 10MHz, max. - three control inputs: shift clock direction (DIR), chip select (/CS) and data latch (/DL) - two "all output" stage control inputs: AOC1 and AOC2 Power supplies: - high-voltage for power outputs: 90V, max. - logic supply suitable for battery powered applications: 2.5V, min. Logic inputs are LVCMOS compatible. The STV7733 is available in bumped die form. Bumped die can be assembled in either a TCP or COG module. Figure 1. Block diagram DIR DBB1 DBB2 DBC1 DBC2 SCLK VDD 2 x 80-bit shift register DBD1 DBD2 /DL /CS VSSL DBA1 DBA2 Data decoding The STV7733 communicates with the host controller through an 8-bit parallel interface. The input data bus is organized as four, 2 x 80-bit shift registers operating in parallel at a maximum clock frequency of 10MHz. Shift register direction Features 2 x 80-bit shift register STBTEST 2 x 80-bit shift register OE 2 x 80-bit shift register Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2 x 320-bit latch Q320 AOC1 Output control AOC2 VSSS POE HVDD HVDD Tri-level output buffer stage MVDD MVDD VSSP Description VSSP OUT1 The STV7733 device is a low-power, controller/driver IC for dot-matrix displays. Data is encoded on two bits to select one of four possible output states: high level, medium level, ground or high impedance (Hi-Z). OUT2 OUT320 Inputs AOC1 and AOC2 control the all output stages simultaneously to select one of five possible configurations: high level, medium level, ground, Hi-Z or data through. Except for the data through mode, the configuration selected by AOC1 and AOC2 is applied to all outputs at the same time. May 2007 Rev 1 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. 1/28 28 Contents STV7733 Contents 1 Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Pin description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Die pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 Data bus configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 Power output stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Absolute maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 8 AC timing requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 9 AC Timing characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 10 Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 11 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 12 Ordering information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 13 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2/28 STV7733 Block diagram Figure 2. STV7733 block diagram DIR DBC1 DBC2 DBD1 DBD2 /DL SCLK VDD 2 x 80-bit shift register Shift register direction DBB1 DBB2 /CS VSSL DBA1 DBA2 Data decoding 1 Block diagram 2 x 80-bit shift register STBTEST 2 x 80-bit shift register OE 2 x 80-bit shift register Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2 x 320-bit latch Q320 AOC1 Output control AOC2 VSSS POE HVDD HVDD Tri-level output buffer stage MVDD MVDD VSSP VSSP OUT1 OUT2 OUT320 3/28 Pin description 2 STV7733 Pin description Table 1. STV7733 pin description Pin type (I/O) Pin name Power supplies Input logic block Power output control Power outputs Pin description HVDD I Output buffer - high-voltage supply MVDD I Output buffer - medium voltage supply VSSP I Output buffer - ground level VDD I Logic power supply VSSL I Logic ground VSSS I Chip substrate level DBA[1:2] I Input data bus, 2-bit serial interface DBB[1:2] I Input data bus, 2-bit serial interface DBC[1:2] I Input data bus, 2-bit serial interface DBD[1:2] I Input data bus, 2-bit serial interface SCLK I Data shift clock DIR I Shift clock direction /CS I Chip select (0 = select, 1 = un-select) /DL I Data latch. Shift register data is transferred to the driver outputs at the falling edge of this pulse. AOC1 I "All-output" control (all HVDD, all MVDD, all VSSP, data through mode) selection pin AOC2 I "All-output" control (all HVDD, all MVDD, all VSSP, data through mode) selection pin POE I Power output enable OUT1to OUT320 O High-voltage power outputs STBTEST I Must be grounded OE I Must be grounded Test 4/28 STV7733 Die pinout Die pinout VSSP VSSP HVDD HVDD MVDD MVDD VSSL VSSS VDD DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY 0/0 X OUT1 OUT2 OUT3 OUT4 OUT5 Y Figure 3. OUT316 OUT317 OUT318 OUT319 OUT320 DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY VDD VSSS VSSL OE DBD2 DBD1 DBC2 DBC1 DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DBB2 DBB1 DBA2 DBA1 VDD VSSS VSSL CS SCLK DL VSSL VSSS VDD AOC2 AOC1 DUMMY DUMMY POE DIR STBTEST VSSL VSSS VDD DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY VSSP VSSP HVDD HVDD MVDD MVDD VSSL VSSS VDD DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY DUMMY 3 Die pinout 5/28 Data bus configuration 4 STV7733 Data bus configuration Below, Table 2 describes the position of the first data sampled by the first rising edge of the SCLK clock. For the first configuration described in Table 2, that is, with input DIR = "H", data on the 2-bit bus DBA is sampled by the first SCLK clock pulse and appears on power output OUT1. After 80 clock pulses, data on OUT1 will be shifted to OUT317 - on the high-to-low transition of input /DL. Input /CS is the chip select. Table 2. Data bus configuration SCLK pulse number /CS L L Note: DIR Input Position Comment OUT1 OUT2 ... OUT79 OUT80 H DBA[1:2] DBB[1:2] DBC[1:2] DBD[1:2] OUT OUT OUT OUT 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 Left/Right shift L DBA[1:2] DBB[1:2] DBC[1:2] DBD[1:2] OUT OUT OUT OUT 320 319 318 317 316 315 314 313 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 Right/Left shift Data is transferred from the shift register to a latch block and then on to power output stages on the falling edge of input /DL, see Figure 2. All output data is stored and held in the latch block on the rising edge of the input /DL, see Figure 2. 6/28 STV7733 5 Power output stage Power output stage The power output stage is defined by a set of three switches that can select three different output voltages (HVDD, MVDD or VSSP). These switches can also be all opened to configure the output stage in a high impedance (Hi-Z) mode. Depending on the configuration of logic inputs AOC1 and AOC2, the power output stage is configured in either a "data through" mode or a "simultaneous" mode. In the "data through" mode (for AOC1 = AOC2 = "L"), the power output stage converts the 2-bit encoded data that was loaded into the latch stage for each column into a high-voltage level that appears on the output pin. When AOC1 and AOC2 are not both "L", the power outputs can all operate simultaneously - going to VSSP, MVDD or HVDD depending on AOC1 and AOC2 as described below in Table 3. Table 3. Power output truth table DBn[1] DBn[2] POE AOC1 AOC2 OUTn Comment X X L X X All Hi-Z (1) L L H L L Hi-Z (2) H L H L L VSSP (2) H H H L L MVDD (2) L H H L L HVDD (2) X X H H L All VSSP (3) X X H L H All MVDD (3) X X H H H All HVDD (3) 1. With input POE = "L", all power outputs are not active, that is, they are all in Hi-Z. 2. Data through mode: each power output depends on the DBn[1:2] value at the falling edge of input /DL. 3. Output simultaneous mode: all power outputs depend on the "H"/"L" input values for AOC1 and AOC2. 7/28 Absolute maximum ratings 6 Absolute maximum ratings Table 4. Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Parameter Value Units VDD Logic supply range -0.3, +7 V HVDD Driver supply range -0.3, +90 V MVDD Driver supply range -0.3, +HVdd -10 V Logic input voltage range -0.3, VDD + 0.3 V 5 mA -0.3, +90 V VIN IPOUT Driver output current VOUT Power output voltage range VESD ESD susceptibility, Human Body model (100pF discharged through 1.5kohms) 2.0 kV Tjmax Maximum junction temperature 100 C -50, +150 C Tstg 8/28 STV7733 Storage temperature range STV7733 7 Electrical characteristics Electrical characteristics VDD = 3V, HVDD = 70V, MVDD = 35V, VSSP = 0V, VSSL = 0V, VSSS = 0V, Tamb = 25C, F = 10MHz, unless otherwise specified. Table 5. Electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units 2.5 3 3.3 V Supply VDD VDD supply voltage IDD VDD supply current with no clock, all logic inputs set to either 0V or VDD and all power outputs in Hi-Z - - 0.5 A IDD1 VDD dynamic supply current @ clock frequency = 5MHz (data frequency is 2.5MHz) - 3 - mA IDD2 VDD dynamic supply current @ clock frequency = 100kHz (data frequency = 50kHz(1) - 0.1 - mA HVDD MVDD IPP HVDD supply voltage 15 80 V voltage(2) 15 70 V HVDD supply current in steady state - - 10 A - - -10 V - - +10 -10 V V - - +10 V - mA mA MVDD supply OUT1 to OUT320 VHPOUTH Power output high level (voltage difference versus HVDD) @ IHPOUTH = -0.5mA and HVDD = 80V Power output medium level (voltage difference versus MVDD) VMPOUTH @ IMPOUTH = + 0.5mA and MVDD = 40V @ IMPOUTL = - 0.5mA and MVDD = 40V VPOUTL Power output low level @ IPOUTL = + 0.5mA IPOUTH Output current from HVDD, MVDD (see Figure 4) 1) HVDD = 80V, MVDD = 40V 2) HVDD = 60V, MVDD = 30V -1.42 -0.7 IPOUTM Output current from output to MVDD (Figure 4) 1) HVDD = 80V and MVDD = 40V 2) HVDD = 60V and MVDD = 30V +1.5 +0.7 IPOUTL Output current from output to VSSP @ Vdd=2.5V (Figure 4) 1) HVDD = 80V and MVDD = 40V IHiZ Output current during Hi-Z mode @ VDD = 2.5V, HVDD = 80V and MVDD = 40V mA mA +1.5 - mA - 10 A 9/28 Electrical characteristics Table 5. STV7733 Electrical characteristics (continued) Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units SCLK, DIR, /CS, DBn[1:2], /DL, AOC1, AOC2 and POE VIH High level input voltage (% of VDD) 70 - - % VIL Low level input voltage (% of VDD) - - 30 % IIH High level input current @ VIH > 0.7 x VDD - - 5 A IIL Low level input current @ VIL = 0V - - 5 A 1. This measurement is performed during device evaluation - it is not tested on all devices. 2. HVDD must be greater than MVDD under all conditions. Figure 4. Sink/source current capability test of power outputs HVDD MVDD S1 MVDD IPOUTH (-) Out S3 S2 VSSP a) IPOUTH HVDD Cp MVDD S1 S3 IPOUTM (+) Out Cp HVDD S1 S3 Out Cp S2 S2 VSSP b) IPOUTM VSSP IPOUTL (+) c) IPOUTL Reminder: * Current going into the device is a "sinking" current, considered as "positive" * Current coming out of the device is a "sourcing" current, considered as "negative" 10/28 STV7733 8 AC timing requirements AC timing requirements VDD = 2.5V to 3.3V, Tamb = - 20C to +70C, input signal edge maximum rise and fall times (tr, tf) = 5ns. Table 6. AC timing requirements Symbol Min. Typ. 100 - - ns tWHSCLK Clock pulse duration at high level 40 - - ns tWLSCLK Clock pulse duration at low level 40 - - ns tSCLK Parameter Data clock period Max. Units tSDAT Input data set-up time before low-to-high clock transition 25 - - ns tHDAT Input data hold-time after low-to-high clock transition 25 - - ns tSCS /CS set-up time before low-to-high clock transition 40 - - ns tHCS /CS hold-time after low-to-high clock transition 25 - - ns tHDL /DL hold-time after low-to-high transition of /CS 25 - - ns tDL Low level pulse duration 25 - - ns tSDL /DL set-up time before low-to-high transition of /CS 475 ns 11/28 AC Timing characteristics 9 STV7733 AC Timing characteristics VDD = 3V, HVDD = 70V, MVDD = 35V, VSSP = 0V, VSSL = 0V, VSSS = 0V, Tamb = 25C, F = 5MHz, Cload = 10pF, unless otherwise specified (VILMAX = 0.3 x VDD, VIHMIN = 0.7 x VDD). Table 7. AC timing characteristics Symbol Parameter tPHL2 tPLH2 tPLH3M tPLH3H tPHL3M tPHL3L Min. Typ. Max. Units Delay between /DL transition and change in level of power output @ VDD = 3V (see Figure 5) 1. OUT1 and OUT320 2. OUT160 and OUT161 - 150 500 250 850 ns ns Delay between AOC1,2 transitions and change in level of power output (see Figure 5) 1. OUT1 and OUT320 2. OUT160 and OUT161 - 150 500 250 850 ns ns - 400 500 800 200 Output transition time for one single power output with VDD = 3V, MVDD = 35V and HVDD = 70V (see Figure 5) tR_OUTM Output rise time from VSSP to MVDD tR_OUTH Output rise time from MVDD to HVDD tF_OUTM Output fall time from HVDD to MVDD tF_OUTL Output fall time from MVDD to VSSP 12/28 ns ns ns ns STV7733 Timing 10 Timing Figure 5. Timing diagram tSCLK Input timing tWHSCLK tWLSCLK tSDAT 50% tHDAT 50% 50% DB (input) 50% 50% 50% SCLK tSCS tHCS 50% /CS tSDL Output timing tHDL tDL 50% 50% /DL (Latch on falling edge) tPHL2 90% OUT(n) 10% tPLH2 3-Steps output timing AOC1,2 50% 50% tPLH3M 50% tPLH3H tPHL3M 95% HVDD 55% 45% MVDD 45% 5% tR_OUTM tPHL3L 95% 55% OUT(n) 50% 5% tR_OUTH tF_OUTM VSSP tF_OUTL 13/28 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions 11 STV7733 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions The reference (x=0, y=0) is the center of the die. Bump pad pitch: 68m, minimum (on the power output side of the die). Table 8. Die size Dimension Units X 22440 m Y 1550 m X 22550 m Y 1660 m Die size without scribe Die size with scribe Pad placement coordinate values correspond to the center of each bump pad center. Number of pads: 404 Table 9. Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name 14/28 X Y X Y OUT320 -10845.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT319 -10777.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT318 -10709.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT317 -10641.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT316 -10573.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT315 -10505.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT314 -10437.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT313 -10369.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT312 -10301.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT311 -10233.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT310 -10165.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT309 -10097.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT308 -10029.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT307 -9961.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT306 -9893.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT305 -9825.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT304 -9757.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT303 -9689.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 STV7733 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name X Y X Y OUT302 -9621.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT301 -9553.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT300 -9485.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT299 -9417.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT298 -9349.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT297 -9281.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT296 -9213.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT295 -9145.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT294 -9077.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT293 -9009.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT292 -8941.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT291 -8873.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT290 -8805.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT289 -8737.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT288 -8669.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT287 -8601.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT286 -8533.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT285 -8465.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT284 -8397.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT283 -8329.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT282 -8261.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT281 -8193.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT280 -8125.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT279 -8057.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT278 -7989.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT277 -7921.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT276 -7853.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT275 -7785.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT274 -7717.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT273 -7649.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT272 -7581.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT271 -7513.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT270 -7445.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 15/28 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. STV7733 Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name 16/28 X Y X Y OUT269 -7377.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT268 -7309.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT267 -7241.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT266 -7173.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT265 -7105.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT264 -7037.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT263 -6969.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT262 -6901.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT261 -6833.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT260 -6765.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT259 -6697.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT258 -6629.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT257 -6561.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT256 -6493.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT255 -6425.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT254 -6357.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT253 -6289.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT252 -6221.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT251 -6153.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT250 -6085.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT249 -6017.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT248 -5949.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT247 -5881.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT246 -5813.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT245 -5745.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT244 -5677.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT243 -5609.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT242 -5541.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT241 -5473.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT240 -5405.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT239 -5337.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT238 -5269.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT237 -5201.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 STV7733 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name X Y X Y OUT236 -5133.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT235 -5065.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT234 -4997.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT233 -4929.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT232 -4861.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT231 -4793.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT230 -4725.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT229 -4657.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT228 -4589.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT227 -4521.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT226 -4453.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT225 -4385.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT224 -4317.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT223 -4249.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT222 -4181.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT221 -4113.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT220 -4045.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT219 -3977.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT218 -3909.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT217 -3841.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT216 -3773.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT215 -3705.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT214 -3637.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT213 -3569.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT212 -3501.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT211 -3433.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT210 -3365.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT209 -3297.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT208 -3229.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT207 -3161.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT206 -3093.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT205 -3025.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT204 -2957.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 17/28 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. STV7733 Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name 18/28 X Y X Y OUT203 -2889.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT202 -2821.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT201 -2753.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT200 -2685.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT199 -2617.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT198 -2549.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT197 -2481.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT196 -2413.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT195 -2345.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT194 -2277.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT193 -2209.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT192 -2141.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT191 -2073.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT190 -2005.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT189 -1937.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT188 -1869.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT187 -1801.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT186 -1733.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT185 -1665.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT184 -1597.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT183 -1529.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT182 -1461.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT181 -1393.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT180 -1325.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT179 -1257.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT178 -1189.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT177 -1121.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT176 -1053.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT175 -985.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT174 -917.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT173 -849.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT172 -781.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT171 -713.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 STV7733 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name X Y X Y OUT170 -645.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT169 -577.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT168 -509.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT167 -441.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT166 -373.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT165 -305.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT164 -237.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT163 -169.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT162 -101.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT161 -33.9 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT160 34.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT159 102.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT158 170.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT157 238.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT156 306.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT155 374.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT154 442.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT153 510.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT152 578.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT151 646.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT150 714.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT149 782.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT148 850.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT147 918.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT146 986.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT145 1054.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT144 1122.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT143 1190.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT142 1258.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT141 1326.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT140 1394.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT139 1462.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT138 1530.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 19/28 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. STV7733 Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name 20/28 X Y X Y OUT137 1598.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT136 1666.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT135 1734.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT134 1802.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT133 1870.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT132 1938.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT131 2006.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT130 2074.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT129 2142.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT128 2210.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT127 2278.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT126 2346.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT125 2414.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT124 2482.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT123 2550.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT122 2618.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT121 2686.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT120 2754.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT119 2822.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT118 2890.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT117 2958.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT116 3026.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT115 3094.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT114 3162.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT113 3230.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT112 3298.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT111 3366.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT110 3434.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT109 3502.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT108 3570.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT107 3638.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT106 3706.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT105 3774.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 STV7733 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name X Y X Y OUT104 3842.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT103 3910.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT102 3978.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT101 4046.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT100 4114.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT99 4182.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT98 4250.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT97 4318.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT96 4386.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT95 4454.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT94 4522.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT93 4590.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT92 4658.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT91 4726.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT90 4794.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT89 4862.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT88 4930.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT87 4998.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT86 5066.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT85 5134.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT84 5202.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT83 5270.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT82 5338.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT81 5406.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT80 5474.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT79 5542.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT78 5610.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT77 5678.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT76 5746.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT75 5814.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT74 5882.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT73 5950.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT72 6018.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 21/28 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. STV7733 Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name 22/28 X Y X Y OUT71 6086.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT70 6154.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT69 6222.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT68 6290.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT67 6358.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT66 6426.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT65 6494.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT64 6562.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT63 6630.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT62 6698.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT61 6766.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT60 6834.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT59 6902.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT58 6970.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT57 7038.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT56 7106.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT55 7174.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT54 7242.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT53 7310.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT52 7378.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT51 7446.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT50 7514.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT49 7582.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT48 7650.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT47 7718.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT46 7786.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT45 7854.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT44 7922.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT43 7990.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT42 8058.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT41 8126.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT40 8194.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT39 8262.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 STV7733 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name X Y X Y OUT38 8330.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT37 8398.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT36 8466.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT35 8534.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT34 8602.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT33 8670.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT32 8738.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT31 8806.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT30 8874.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT29 8942.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT28 9010.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT27 9078.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT26 9146.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT25 9214.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT24 9282.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT23 9350.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT22 9418.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT21 9486.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT20 9554.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT19 9622.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT18 9690.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT17 9758.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT16 9826.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT15 9894.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT14 9962.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT13 10030.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT12 10098.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT11 10166.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT10 10234.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT9 10302.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT8 10370.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT7 10438.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT6 10506.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 23/28 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. STV7733 Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name 24/28 X Y X Y OUT5 10574.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT4 10642.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT3 10710.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT2 10778.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 OUT1 10846.1 600.6 51.0 73.1 VSSP 11142.5 675.5 73.1 51.0 VSSP 11142.5 607.5 73.1 51.0 HVDD 11142.5 505.5 73.1 51.0 HVDD 11142.5 437.5 73.1 51.0 MVDD 11142.5 335.5 73.1 51.0 MVDD 11142.5 267.5 73.1 51.0 VSSL 11142.5 164.7 73.1 51.0 VSSS 11142.5 -107.5 73.1 51.0 VDD 11142.5 -328.9 73.1 51.0 VDD_DUMMY31 11142.5 -428.9 73.1 51.0 VDD_DUMMY30 11142.5 -496.9 73.1 51.0 VDD_DUMMY29 11142.5 -598.9 73.1 51.0 VDD_DUMMY28 11142.5 -666.9 73.1 51.0 VDD_DUMMY27 10273.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY26 10001.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY25 9729.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY24 9457.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY23 9185.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY22 8913.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY21 8641.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY20 8369.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY19 8097.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY18 7825.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY17 7276.9 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD 6383.4 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VSSS 6169.1 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VSSL 5897.0 -700.9 51.0 73.1 OE 5527.6 -700.9 51.0 73.1 STV7733 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name X Y X Y DBD2 5157.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBD1 4787.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBC2 4417.8 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBC1 4047.9 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBC1_DUMMY2 3684.5 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBC1_DUMMY1 2873.6 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBB2_DUMMY2 2049.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBB2_DUMMY1 1298.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBB2 380.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBB1 12.6 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBA2 -355.4 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DBA1 -732.9 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD -801.0 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VSSS -1015.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VSSL -1287.4 -700.9 51.0 73.1 /CS -2180.9 -700.9 51.0 73.1 SCLK -2473.8 -700.9 51.0 73.1 /DL -2766.7 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VSSL -2834.8 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VSSS -3106.9 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD -3321.2 -700.9 51.0 73.1 AOC2 -3389.2 -700.9 51.0 73.1 AOC1 -3682.1 -700.9 51.0 73.1 AOC1_DUMMY1 -4378.2 -700.9 51.0 73.1 POE_DUMMY1 -5131.9 -700.9 51.0 73.1 POE -5989.1 -700.9 51.0 73.1 DIR -6282.0 -700.9 51.0 73.1 STBTEST -6574.9 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VSSL -6643.0 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VSSS -6915.1 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD -7129.4 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY16 -7406.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY15 -7678.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 25/28 Pad dimensions (in microns)/pad positions Table 9. STV7733 Pad placement and bump dimensions (in microns) (continued) Pad placements Bump dimensions(1) Lead pad name X Y X Y VDD_DUMMY14 -7950.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY13 -8222.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY12 -8494.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY11 -8766.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY10 -9038.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY9 -9310.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY8 -9582.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY7 -9854.3 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY6 -10398.2 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY5 -10942.2 -700.9 51.0 73.1 VDD_DUMMY4 -11142.6 -666.9 73.1 51.0 VDD_DUMMY3 -11142.6 -598.9 73.1 51.0 VDD_DUMMY2 -11142.6 -496.9 73.1 51.0 VDD_DUMMY1 -11142.6 -428.9 73.1 51.0 VDD -11142.6 -328.9 73.1 51.0 VSSS -11142.6 -107.5 73.1 51.0 VSSL -11142.6 164.7 73.1 51.0 MVDD -11142.6 267.5 73.1 51.0 MVDD -11142.6 335.5 73.1 51.0 HVDD -11142.6 437.5 73.1 51.0 HVDD -11142.6 505.5 73.1 51.0 VSSP -11142.6 607.5 73.1 51.0 VSSP -11142.6 675.5 73.1 51.0 1. Tolerance: +/- 3m 26/28 STV7733 12 Ordering information Ordering information Table 10. Order codes Part numbers Description STV7733/BMP Tested and usawn bump wafer (u = die) STV7733/WPB3 13 Gold bumped dice Revision history Table 11. Document revision history Date Revision 29-May-2007 1 Changes Initial release 27/28 STV7733 Please Read Carefully: Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries ("ST") reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice. All ST products are sold pursuant to ST's terms and conditions of sale. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein. UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ST DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF ST PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED ST REPRESENTATIVE, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. ST PRODUCTS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS "AUTOMOTIVE GRADE" MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER'S OWN RISK. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST. ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries. Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners. (c) 2007 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America 28/28