MILITARY DATA SHEET Original Creation Date: 08/25/94 Last Update Date: 08/25/94 Last Major Revision Date: 08/25/94 MNHPC16064-20-X REV 0A0 16 BIT HIGH PERFORMANCE MICROCONTROLLER General Description The HPC16064 and HPC16004 are members of the HPC family of High Performance microControllers. Each member of the family has the same core CPU with a unique memory and I/O configuration to suit specific applications. The HPC16064 has 16k bytes of on-chip ROM. The HPC16004 has no on-chip ROM and is intended for use with external memory. Each part is fabricated in National's advanced microCMOS technology. This process combined with an advanced architecture provides fast, flexible I/O control, efficient data manipulation, and high speed computation. The HPC devices are complete microcomputers on a single chip. All system timing, internal logic, ROM, RAM, and I/O are provided on the chip to produce a cost effective solution for high performance applications. On-chip functions such as UART, up to eight 16-bit timers with 4 input capture registers, vectored interrupts, WATCHDOG(TM) logic and MICROWIRE/PLUS(TM) provide a high level of system integration. The ability to address up to 64k bytes of external memory enables the HPC to be used in powerful applications typically performed by microprocessors and expensive peripheral chips. The microCMOS process results in very low current drain and enables the user to select the optimum speed/power product for his/her system. The IDLE and HALT modes provide further current savings. The HPC is available in 68-pin PGA and 80-pin CQFP packages. Industry Part Number NS Part Numbers HPC16064 HPC064XXX/U/883 HPC064XXX/W/883 Prime Die HPC064 Processing Subgrp Description MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A 8B 9 10 11 Quality Conformance Inspection MIL-STD-883, Method 5005 1 Static tests at Static tests at Static tests at Dynamic tests at Dynamic tests at Dynamic tests at Functional tests at Functional tests at Functional tests at Switching tests at Switching tests at Switching tests at Temp ( oC) +25 +125 -55 +25 +125 -55 +25 +125 -55 +25 +125 -55 MILITARY DATA SHEET MNHPC16064-20-X REV 0A0 Features - HPC family-core features: - 16-bit architecture, both byte and word - 16-bit data bus, ALU, and registers - 64k bytes of external direct memory addressing - FAST-200 ns for fastest instruction when using 20.0MHz clock. - High code efficiency-most instructions are single byte - 16 x 16 multiply and 32 x 16 divide - Eight vectored interrupt sources - Four 16-bit timer/counters with 4 synchronous outputs and WATCHDOG logic - MICROWIRE/PLUS serial I/O interface - CMOS-very low power with two power save modes: IDLE and HALT - UART-full duplex, programmable baud rate - Four additional 16-bit timer/counters with pulse width modulated outputs - Four input capture registers - 52 general purpose I/O lines (memory mapped) - 16k bytes of ROM, 512 bytes of RAM on-chip - ROMless version available (HPC16004) - -55 C to +125 C temperature range 2 MILITARY DATA SHEET MNHPC16064-20-X REV 0A0 (Absolute Maximum Ratings) (Note 1) Total Allowable Source or Sink 100mA Storage Temperature Range -65 C to +150 C Lead Temp. Soldering, 10 sec. 300 C Vcc with Respect to GND -0.5V to 7.0V Voltage All Other Pins Vcc+0.5V to GND-0.5V Note 1: Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifications are not ensured when operating the device at absolute maximum ratings. 3 MILITARY DATA SHEET MNHPC16064-20-X REV 0A0 Electrical Characteristics DC PARAMETERS (The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified.) DC: Vcc = 5V +10% SYMBOL Icc1 Icc2 Icc3 Vih1 Vih2 Vil1 Vil2 PARAMETER Supply Current IDLE Mode Current HALT Mode Current Input Voltage Logic High Input Voltage Logic High Input Voltage Logic Low Input Voltage Logic Low CONDITIONS NOTES PINNAME MIN MAX UNIT SUBGROUPS Vcc = 5.5V, fin = 2MHz 1 10 mA 1, 2, 3 Vcc = 5.5V, fin = 20MHz 1 47 mA 1, 2, 3 Vcc = 5.5V, fin = 2MHz 1 1 mA 1, 2, 3 Vcc = 5.5V, fin = 20MHz 1 3 mA 1, 2, 3 Vcc = 2.5V, fin = 0KHz 1 100 uA 1, 2, 3 Vcc = 5.5V, fin = 0KHz 1 300 uA 1, 2, 3 RESET, NMI, CKI, WO, Vcc=4.5V 4.05 V 1, 2, 3 RESET, NMI, CKI, WO, Vcc=5.5V 4.95 V 1, 2, 3 All Other Inputs, Vcc = 4.5V 3.15 V 1, 2, 3 All Other Inputs, Vcc = 5.5V 3.85 V 1, 2, 3 RESET, NMI, CKI, WO, Vcc = 4.5V .45 V 1, 2, 3 RESET, NMI, CKI, WO, Vcc = 5.5V .55 V 1, 2, 3 All Other Inputs, Vcc = 4.5V .9 V 1, 2, 3 All Other Inputs, Vcc = 5.5V 1.1 V 1, 2, 3 +/-1 uA 1, 2, 3 Ili1 Input Leakage Current Ili2 Input Leakage Current RDY/HLD, EXUI -3 -50 uA 1, 2, 3 Ili3 Input Leakage Current B12 Port B12, Vcc=4.5V .5 5 mA 1, 2, 3 Port B12, Vcc=5.5V 1 7 mA 1, 2, 3 Voh2 Output Voltage Logic High Ioh = -7mA, Port A/B Drive, CK2 (A0-A15, B10, B11, B12, B15) 2.4 V 1, 2, 3 Voh3 Output Voltage Logic High Ioh = -1.6mA, Other Port Pin Drive, WO(Open drain)(B0-B9,B13,B14,P0-P3) 2.4 V 1, 2, 3 4 MILITARY DATA SHEET MNHPC16064-20-X REV 0A0 Electrical Characteristics DC PARAMETERS(Continued) (The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified.) DC: Vcc = 5V +10% SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES Voh4 Output Voltage Logic High Ioh = -6mA, ST1 and ST2 Drive Vol2 Output Voltage Logic Low Iol = 3mA, Port A/B Drive, CK2 (A0-A15, B10, B11, B12, B15) Vol3 Output Voltage Logic Low Vol4 PINNAME MIN MAX 2.4 UNIT SUBGROUPS V 1, 2, 3 .4 V 1, 2, 3 Iol=0.5mA,Other Port Pin Drive,WO(Open drain)(B0-B9,B13,B14,P0-P3) .4 V 1, 2, 3 Output Voltage Logic Low Iol =1.6mA, ST1 and ST2 Drive .4 V 1, 2, 3 VRam RAM Keep-Alive Voltage Test Duration is 100 ms V 1, 2, 3 Ioz TRI-STATE Leakage Current +/-5 uA 1, 2, 3 CI Input Capacitance ftest=1.0MHz, Input pin to GND 2 10 pF 4 CI/O Input/Output Capacitance ftest=1.0MHz, I/O pin to GND 2 20 pF 4 2.5 AC PARAMETERS (The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified.) AC: Vcc = 5V +10% fC=CKI frequency Operating Frequency 3 2 20 MHz 9, 10, 11 tC1=1/fC Clock Period 3 50 500 ns 9, 10, 11 tC=2/fC Timing Cycle 3 100 ns 9, 10, 11 tWait = tC Wait State Period 3 100 ns 9, 10, 11 tDC1C2R Delay from CKI falling Edge to CK2 Rising Edge 3, 4 45 ns 9, 10, 11 tDC1C2F Delay from CKI falling Edge to CK2 Falling Edge 3, 4 45 ns 9, 10, 11 fU = fC/8 External UART Clock Input Frequency 3, 5 2.5 MHz 9, 10, 11 fMW = fC/16 External MICROWIRE/PLUS Clock Input Frequency 3 1.25 MHz 9, 10, 11 fXIN = fC/16 External TIMER INPUT Frequency 3 1.25 MHz 9, 10, 11 5 MILITARY DATA SHEET MNHPC16064-20-X REV 0A0 Electrical Characteristics AC PARAMETERS(Continued) (The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified.) AC: Vcc = 5V +10% SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES tXIN = tC Pulse Width for Timer Inputs 3 fXOUT = fC/16 Timer Output Frequency 3 tUWS MICROWIRE Setup Time tUWH tUWV MICROWIRE Hold Time MICROWIRE Output Valid Time PINNAME MIN MAX 100 1.25 UNIT SUBGROUPS ns 9, 10, 11 MHz 9, 10, 11 Slave 3 20 ns 9, 10, 11 Master 3 100 ns 9, 10, 11 Slave 3 50 ns 9, 10, 11 Master 3 20 ns 9, 10, 11 Slave 3 150 ns 9, 10, 11 Master 3 50 ns 9, 10, 11 tSALE = 3/4tC + 40 Falling Edge of HLD to ALE Rising Edge 3 115 ns 9, 10, 11 tHWP = tC + 10 HLD Pulse Width 3 110 ns 9, 10, 11 tHAE = tC + 100 Falling Edge on HLD to HLDA Falling Edge 3, 6 200 ns 9, 10, 11 tHAD = 3/4tC + 85 Rising Edge on HLD to HLDA Rising Edge 3 160 ns 9, 10, 11 tBF = 1/2tC + 66 Data Valid after HLDA Falling Edge 3 116 ns 9, 10, 11 tBE = 1/2tC + 66 Bus Enable from HLDA Rising Edge 3 116 ns 9, 10, 11 tUAS Address Setup Time to URD Falling Edge 3 10 ns 9, 10, 11 tUAH Address Hold Time from URD Rising Edge 3 10 ns 9, 10, 11 tRPW URD Pulse Width 3 100 ns 9, 10, 11 tOE URD Falling Edge to Output Data Valid 3 0 ns 9, 10, 11 6 60 MILITARY DATA SHEET MNHPC16064-20-X REV 0A0 Electrical Characteristics AC PARAMETERS(Continued) (The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified.) AC: Vcc = 5V +10% SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS NOTES PINNAME MIN SUBGROUPS 45 ns 9, 10, 11 70 ns 9, 10, 11 tOD URD Rising Edge to Output Data Invalid 3 tDRDY RDRDY Delay from URD Rising Edge 3 tWDW UWR Pulse Width 3 40 ns 9, 10, 11 tUDS Input Data Valid before Rising Edge of UWR 3 10 ns 9, 10, 11 tUDH Input Data Hold after Rising Edge of UWR 3 20 ns 9, 10, 11 tA WRRDY Delay from Rising Edge of UWR 3 70 ns 9, 10, 11 tDC1ALER Delay from CKI Rising Edge to ALE Rising Edge 3, 4, 7 35 ns 9, 10, 11 tDC1ALEF Delay from CK1 Rising Edge to ALE Falling Edge 3, 4, 7 35 ns 9, 10, 11 tDC2ALER = 1/4tC+20 Delay from CK2 Rising Edge to ALE Rising Edge 3, 7 45 ns 9, 10, 11 tDC2ALEF = 1/4tC+20 Delay from CK2 Falling Edge to ALE Falling Edge 3, 7 45 ns 9, 10, 11 tLL = 1/2tC - 9 ALE Pulse Width 3 41 ns 9, 10, 11 tST = 1/4tC - 7 Address Valid to ALE Falling Edge 3 18 ns 9, 10, 11 tVP = 1/4tC - 5 Address Hold from ALE Falling Edge 3 20 ns 9, 10, 11 tARR = 1/4tC - 5 ALE Falling Edge to RD Falling Edge 3 20 ns 9, 10, 11 tACC = tC + WS - 55 Address Valid to Input Data Valid 3, 8 145 ns 9, 10, 11 tRD=1/2tC + WS - 65 RD Falling Edge to Input Data Valid 3, 8 85 ns 9, 10, 11 tRW=1/2tC + WS - 10 RD Pulse Width 3, 8 ns 9, 10, 11 7 5 UNIT MAX 140 MILITARY DATA SHEET MNHPC16064-20-X REV 0A0 Electrical Characteristics AC PARAMETERS(Continued) (The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified.) AC: Vcc = 5V +10% UNIT SUBGROUPS ns 9, 10, 11 85 ns 9, 10, 11 3 45 ns 9, 10, 11 WR Pulse Width 3, 8 160 ns 9, 10, 11 tV = 1/2tC + WS - 5 Data Valid before Rising Edge of WR 3, 8 145 ns 9, 10, 11 tHW = 1/4tC - 5 Data Hold after Rising Edge of WR 3 20 ns 9, 10, 11 tDAR=1/4tC + WS - 50 Falling Edge of ALE to RDY Falling Edge 3, 8 ns 9, 10, 11 tRWP = tC RDY Pulse Width 3 ns 9, 10, 11 CONDITIONS NOTES PINNAME SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN tDR = 3/4tC - 15 Data Hold after Rising Edge of RD 3 0 tRDA = tC - 15 RD Rising Edge to Address Valid 3 tARW = 1/2tC - 5 ALE Falline Edge to WR Falling Edge tWW = 3/4tC + WS -15 MAX 60 75 100 Burn-in/QCI Electrical End-Point Tests OP# 01 Operation description Sub-Groups (When Required) for Groups C and D 1,2,9,10 Graphics and Diagrams GRAPHICS# DESCRIPTION 5864HRA1 PIN GRID ARRAY, CERAMIC, 68 PIN (B/I CKT) 6267HRB2 CERQUAD, EIAJ, 80 LEAD (B/I CKT) P000006A PIN GRID ARRAY, CERAMIC, 68 PIN (PIN OUT) P000007A CERQUAD, EIAJ, 80 LEAD (PIN OUT) U68CRB PIN GRID ARRAY, CERAMIC, 68 PIN (P/P DWG) WA80ARB CERQUAD, EIAJ, 80 LEAD (P/P DWG) See attached graphics following this page. 8 I5 I4 I3 I2 VCC2 EXUI B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 WO GND CKI CKO I0 I1 ST1 ST2 RESET A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 RDY/HLD CK2 DGND B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 VCC1 I7 I6 D0 D1 D2 D3 EI D4 D5 D6 D7 EXM P0 P1 P2 P3 NC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6867666564636261 10 60 9 7 5 3 1 67 65 63 61 11 59 121011 8 6 4 2 686664626058 13 57 1213 59 58 14 56 151415 575655 16 54 1617 55 54 TOP 17 53 181819 535252 19 51 VIEW 2021 515050 20 212223 494849 22 48 2425 47 46 47 23 24262830323436384042454446 25 45 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 26 44 2728293031323334353637383940414243 HPC003U20/883, HPC083XXX/U/883 HPC004U20/883, HPC064XXX/U/883 CONNECTION DIAGRAM 68 - LEAD PGA (TOP VIEW) P000006A N/C N/C P3 P2 P1 P0 EXM D7 D6 D5 D4 EI D3 D2 N/C D1 D0 I6 I7 N/C 60 55 50 45 40 65 35 70 30 75 25 80 1 5 10 15 20 I5 I4 I3 I2 N/C VCC GND N/C EXUI B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 WO N/C GND DGND N/C N/C CK2 RDY A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 RESET ST2 ST1 I1 I0 CKO CKI B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 VCC GND N/C A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 VCC HPC004W20/883, HPC064XXX/W/883 CONNECTION DIAGRAM 80 - LEAD CQFP (TOP VIEW) P000007A