Universal Options
The Cascaded Boards control must be set to the num-
ber of boards that are connected.
When Multiplexing is disabled, only the left half of the
4 x 8 grid is driven. See the Detailed Description of
Hardware section.
Clicking the Upload Control Command Only button
writes the control command to all cascaded MAX6974s
(see Figure 2). Refer to the MAX6974/MAX6975 data
sheet Commands section, Table 15.
Individual Board Options
The Individual Board Options controls apply to the
two MAX6974s on the selected board. If using a single
EV kit board, leave Select Board set at 1. See the
Cascading Boards section.
The Board Calibration controls determine the peak
LED current for each group of output ports. Because
the LEDs used on the EV kit board are only rated for
20mA, setting the calibration controls to a value greater
than about 50/255 can exceed the LED’s rated drive
current, causing permanent damage to the LED.
The 4 x 8 grid of circles inside Board LED Colors cor-
responds to the 4 x 8 grid of LEDs on the EV kit board.
These can be individually selected by clicking them
with the mouse. The Change… button chooses the
color of the single selected LED. Clicking the Change
All button sets all 32 LEDs to a chosen color.
Upload All
Clicking the Upload All button writes universal and
individual board options to all cascaded MAX6974s.
File-Load Test Patterns
Pressing the key combination Ctrl+T brings up a con-
venient window containing a list of test pattern files
(see Figure 3). All files whose names begin with “test_”
and end with “.clr” are listed as test patterns. Click on a
filename from the list, and the chroma pattern is
immediately loaded. For example, test pattern
test_921_ 2boards_all_white.clr loads a master and one
slave board with a 4 x 16 pattern where all of the LEDs
are on. The test pattern default.clr is loaded at startup.
Disabling LED Multiplexing
As shipped from the factory, the 4 x 8 grid of tricolor LEDs
is multiplexed. To disable multiplexing, and drive only the
left 4 x 4 half of the grid, two steps are necessary. First,
jumpers JU1–JU6 and JU19 and JU20 must be reconfig-
ured. See Table 5. Second, the Multiplexing must be set
to Disabled in Universal Options.
Cascading Boards
Two or more MAX6974 EV kit boards can be connected
together in a master-slave configuration, using the mas-
ter/slave connectors, J2 and J3.
1) With power off, connect the J3 pins of one board to
the J2 socket of the next board.
2) The board on the left is the master. On the master
board, set the JU14–JU18 shunts to position 1-2.
On all other boards, set the JU14–JU18 shunts to
position 2-3.
3) The board on the right is the last slave. On the last
slave board, set the JU10–JU13 shunts closed. On
all other boards, remove the JU10–JU13 shunts.
4) Connect 5VDC power to the master board, between
the VLED and GND pads.
5) Connect a cable from the computer’s serial port to
the master board. If using a 9-pin serial port, use a
straight-through, 9-pin, female-to-male cable.
6) Install the evaluation software on your computer by
launching MAX6974.msi. The program files are
copied and icons are created for them in the
Windows Start menu.
7) Turn on the power supply. None of the LEDs light
up at this time.
8) Start the MAX6974 program by opening its icon in
the Windows Start menu.
9) In the Select Maxim MAX6974 Evaluation Kit
Software Mode window, select Connect to EVKit
on port (Autodetect). See Figure 1. Click OK.
10) Set the software’s Cascaded Boards to 2, 3, 4, or
5, depending on the number of boards used.
11) Set the software’s Select Board to 1 to work with
the master board.
12) In the Board 1 LED Colors grid, double-click one
of the large round color dots in the 4 x 8 grid (or
select one of the dots and click OK). The standard
color selector dialog box appears. Select a color
and click OK.
13) Click Upload All to write the 4 x 8 color grid data to
the board. Verify that the LEDs light up in colors
corresponding to the software color grid settings.
14) Set Board 1 Global Intensity to 5/63 and click
Upload All. Verify that the LEDs are brighter.
15) Set the software’s Select Board to 2 to work with
the next board, and repeat the process of setting
LED colors, global intensity, and upload all.
Evaluates: MAX6974
MAX6974 Evaluation Kit
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