Built-in memory management functions designed
specifically for MIL-STD-1553B applications aid processor
off-loading. The host needs only to establish the parameters
within memory so the BCRT can access this information as
required. For example, in the RT mode, the BCRT can store
data associated with individual subaddresses anywhere
within its 64K address space. The BCRT then can
automatically buffer up to 128 incoming messages of the
same subaddress, thus preventing the previous messages
from being overwritten by subsequent messages. This
buffering also extends the intervals required by the host
processor to service the data. Selecting an appropriate
MCLK frequency to meet system memory access time
requirements controls the memory access rate. The
completion of a user-defined task or the occurrence of a
user-selected event is indicated by using the extensive set
of interrupts provided.
In the BC mode, the BCRT can process multiple messages,
assist in scheduling message lists, and provide host-
programmable functions such as auto retry. The BCRT is
incorporated in systems with a variety of interrupt latencies
by using the Interrupt History List feature (see Exception
Handling and Interrupt Logging, page 33). The Interrupt
History List sequentially stores the events that caused the
interrupt in memory without losing information if a host
processor does not respond immediately to an interrupt.
5.1 DMA Transfers
The BCRT initiates DMA transfers whenever it executes
command blocks (BC mode) or services commands (RT
mode). DMAR initiates the transfer and is terminated by the
inactive edge of DMACK. The Address Enable (AEN)
input enables the BCRT to output an address onto the
Address bus.
The BCRT requests transfer cycles by asserting the DMAR
output, and initiates them when a DMAG input is received.
A DMACK output indicates
that the BCRT has control of the Data and Address buses.
The TSCTL output is asserted when the BCRT is actually
asserting the Address and Data buses.
To support using multiple bus masters in a system, the BCRT
outputs the DMAGO signal that results from the
DMAG signal passing through the chip when a BCRT bus
request was not generated (DMAR inactive). You can use
DMAGO in daisy-chained multimaster systems.
5.2 Hardware Interface
The BCRT provides a simple subsystem interface and
facilitates DMA arbitration. The user can configure the
BCRT to operate in a variety of memory-processor
environments including the pseudo-dual-port RAM and
standard DMA configurations.
For complete circuit description, such as arbitration logic
and I/O, please refer to the appropriate application note.
5.3 CPU Interconnection
Pseudo-Dual-Port RAM Configuration
The BCRT’s Address and Data buses connect directly to
RAM, with buffers isolating the BCRT’s buses from those
of the host CPU (figures 3a and 3b). The CPU’s memory
control signals (RD, WR, and MEMCSI) pass through the
BCRT and connect to memory as RRL, RWR,
Standard DMA Configuration
The BCRT’s and CPU’s data, address, and control signals
are connected to each other as shown in figures 3c and 3d.
The RWR, RRL, and MEMCSO are activated after DMAG
is asserted.
In either case, the BCRT’s Address and Data buses remain
in a high-impedance state unless the CS and RD signals are
active, indicating a host register access; or TSCTL is
asserted, indicating a memory access by the BCRT. CPU
attempts to access BCRT registers are ignored during BCRT
memory access. Inhibit DMA transfers by using the Busy
function in the Remote Terminal Address Register while
operating in the Remote Terminal mode.
The designer can use TSCTL to indicate when the BCRT is
accessing memory. AEN is also available (use is optional),
giving the CPU control over the BCRT’s Address bus. A
DMA Burst (BURST) signal indicates multiple
DMA accesses.
Register Access
Registers 0 through 13 are accessed with the decode of the
four LSBs of the Address bus (A0-A3) and asserting CS.
Pulse either RD or WR for multiple register accesses