Silicon Low Capacitance Hyperabrupt Junction Varactor Diodes SMV2019 to SMV2023 Features @ Octave Frequency Tuning from 0 to 10 Volts Good Linearity Tuning Ratio Without Compensation Network @ Offered in Package Styles Suitable for a Wide Range of Applications Description Alpha microwave hyperabrupt diodes are designed for wideband tuning of microwave filters, resonators, and local oscillators. Linear tuning, not possible with conventional abrupt-junction tuning diodes, is accomplished by maintaining an accurate silicon doping profile using ionimplantation precision control techniques. This series of hyperabrupt diodes offer wide bandwidth tuning with low bias voltage. For example, a 22 volt hyperabrupt diode can provide the same tuning variation as a 90 volt abruptjunction diode. When capacitance and tuning ratio values are equal, a hyperabrupt diode will have a Q (measured at -4 volts, 50 MHz) approximately 1/2 to 1/3 that of an abrupt-junction diode. Electrical Specifications at 25C Square Passivated Silicon Chips Maximum Ratings Reverse Voltage, Vp: 22V Forward Current, Ir: 100 mA Power Dissipation at 25C: 250 mW Operating Temperature: 55 to 150C Storage Temperature: 65 to 200C These diodes are available in many Alpha ceramic packages. They can be supplied in chip form or mounted on a variety of packages. All chips are passivated with silicon dioxide for reliability and low leakage current. The specifications table indicates chip capacitance measured at 1 MHz. For packaged varactors add appropriate package capacitance, e.g., 0.22 pF for package 210, to obtain total capacitance. Ve IR Cy Cy Q . Part @10nA @17.6V @4V @ 20V @4V Chip Number (Vv) (nA) (pF) (pF) 50 MHz Outline - - - - Number Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. pb SMV2019-000 22 50 0.68 0.88 0.13 0.23 500 149-801 SMV2020-000 22 50 1.13 1.43 0.23 0.33 500 149-801 SMV2021-000 22 50 1.58 1.98 0.32 0.44 500 149-801 SMV2022-000 22 50 2.48 3.08 0.48 0.68 400 149-801 pb SMV2023-000 22 50 4.28 5.28 0.78 1.08 400 149-801 > Available through distribution. 2-1 0 Alpha Industries [617] 935-5150 Fax [617] 824-4579 E-mail e Visit our web site: www.alphaind.comSilicon Low Capacitance Hyperabrupt Junction Varactor Diodes SMV2019 to SMV2023 Ordering Information The following packages are also available. To order Available Package Outlines: 202, 203, 204, 210, part in a different package just replace the dash 219, 230, 240 number with a package style listed below. For Refer to the Outline Drawings section in this catalog example, SMV2019-000 becomes SMV2019-210. for the total selection of outline (package) dimensions. > ~ 202 203 204 210 219 230 240 Outline Dimensions 149-801 .012 + .002 SILICON Lr BACK CONTACT - GOLD 005 NOM. METALIZED GOLD DOT .002 DIA. MIN. Alpha Industries [617] 935-5150 Fax [617] 824-4579 E-mail Visit our web site: 2-11