Technical Data Sheet Photo link Light Receiver Unit PLR151 Series Features 1. High PD sensitivity optimized for red light 2. Data Rate up to 13.2Mbps at least (NRZ signal) 3. Low power consumption for extended battery life 4. Built-in threshold control for improved noise margin 5. Pb Free Descriptions The optical receiver is packaged with custom optic data link interface, integrated on a proprietary CMOS PDIC process. The unit functions by converting optical signals into electric ones with data rate up to 13.2Mbps at least. The unit is operated at 5V and the signal output interface is TTL compatible with high performance at low power consumption. Applications 1. Digital Optical Data-Link 2. Dolby AC-3 Digital Audio Interface EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Rev 1.1 Page: 1 of 7 Device NO: DPL-151-002 Prepared Date:04-28-2003 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu PLR151 Series Package Dimensions A 2.200.1 5 1.50 0.500.05 3 2 A1 6.60 0.90 2.48 AT 4.950.1 R0 .6 R1 .40 1 0.25 2.54 5.08 A' Rear View Front View 5.700.1 Side View PIN FUNCTION: 1.Vout 2.GND 3.Vcc Notes: 1.All dimensions are in mm. 2.General Tolerance: Pin length tolerance is 0.25 mm others are 0.10 mm 3.Leadframe Material: Alloy C194 4.Plating Thickness: Tin Layer>2um 5.It must be placed a 0.1uF capacitor in the between of Vcc and GND within 7mm. 6.Device Selection Table: Device Name Pin Length A1 (mm) PLR151 12.550.25 PLR151/S1 7.500.25 PLR151/S2 5.220.25 PLR151/S3 10.200.25 EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Rev 1.1 Page: 2 of 7 Device NO: DPL-151-002 Prepared Date:04-28-2003 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu PLR151 Series Absolute Maximum Ratings( Ta = 25C) Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply Voltage Output Voltage Vcc Vout 6 Vcc+0.3 V V Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Soldering Temperature Tstg Topr Tsol -40 to 85 -20 to 70 260* C C C * Soldering time 10 s. Electro-Optical Characteristics(Ta= -20~70,Vcc=50.25V) Parameter Symbol Conditions Vcc - 4.75 5.00 5.25 V Peak sensitivity wavelength Maximum receiver power p Pc,max - - 650 - Refer to Fig.1 - - -14 nm dBm Minimum receiver power Pc,min Refer to Fig.1 -24 - - dBm Icc Refer to Fig.2 - 4 12 mA VOH VOL Refer to Fig.3 Refer to Fig.3 2.4 4.8 - V - 0.2 0.4 V Rise time tr Refer to Fig.3 10 30 ns Fall time tf Refer to Fig.3 15 30 ns Propagation delay Low to High tPLH Refer to Fig.3 - - 120 ns Propagation delay High to Low tPHL Refer to Fig.3 - - 120 ns Pulse Width Distortion tw Refer to Fig.3 -30 - +30 ns Jitter tj Refer to Fig.3, Pc=-14dBm - 1 20 ns Refer to Fig.3, Pc=-24dBm - - 20 Transfer rate T NRZ signal 0.1 - 13.2 ns Mb/s Power supply voltage Dissipation current High level output voltage Low level output voltage MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Rev 1.1 Page: 3 of 7 Device NO: DPL-151-002 Prepared Date:04-28-2003 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu PLR151 Series Measuring Method *Fig.1 Measuring Method of Maximum and Minimum Input Power that Receiver Unit Need Optical Power Meter Standard plastic optic fiber cable Standard Transmitter unit PLR151 Receiver Unit Control Circuit *Fig.2 Measuring Method of Dissipation Current Standard plastic optic fiber cable Standard Transmitter Unit Vin Vcc PLR151 Receiver Unit GND Vcc Vout 0.1uF 47uH Signal Input GND A 13.2 Mbps NRZ "0101" successive signal input 5V EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Rev 1.1 Page: 4 of 7 Device NO: DPL-151-002 Prepared Date:04-28-2003 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu PLR151 Series *Fig.3 Measuring Method of Output Voltage, Pulse and Jitter Standard plastic optic fiber cable PLR151 Receiver Unit Standard Transmitter Unit Vin Vcc GND Vcc Vout 0.1uF 47uH Signal Input GND A 5V 13.2 Mbps NRZ "0101" successive signal input TPHL TPLH Input 50% Output 50% CH1 CH2 tj1 tj2 tw = TPHL-TPLH Application Circuit Receiver Unit C1 Vcc GND Vout C1:0.1uF L2 5V L2:47uH Note: For having good coupling, the C1 capacitor must be placed within 7mm EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Rev 1.1 Page: 5 of 7 Device NO: DPL-151-002 Prepared Date:04-28-2003 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu PLR151 Series RELIABILITY TEST ITEMS Test Sample Size Number (n) Hour/Cycle (Piece) Failure (c) 10 seconds 22 n=22, c=0 2 High Temp. Storage Ta=100 1000hrs 22 n=22, c=0 Ta=-55 1000hrs 22 n=22, c=0 Ta=85, RH=85% 1000hrs 22 n=22, c=0 300cycle 22 n=22, c=0 300cycle 22 n=22, c=0 1000hrs 22 n=22, c=0 No. Item 1 Soldering Heat 3 Low Temp. Storage 4 High Temp. & Test Condition 2605 Humid. Test -40 ~~~~ 85 5 Temperature Cycle (30min) (5min) (30min) -10 ~~~~ 100 6 Thermal Shock (5min) (10sec) (5min) 7 DC Operating Life Vcc=5V, Ta=25 EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Rev 1.1 Page: 6 of 7 Device NO: DPL-151-002 Prepared Date:04-28-2003 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu PLR151 Series Application Notes: PLR151 Series PCB layout for motherboard integration To achieve better jitter and low input optical power performances, several PCB layout guidelines must be followed. These guidelines ensure the most reliable PLR151 POF performance for the motherboard integration. Failed to implement these PCB guidelines may affect the PLR151 jitter and low input power performances. 1. Careful decoupling of the power supplies is very important. Place a 0.1uf surface mount (size 805 or smaller) capacitor as close as (less than 7cm) to the POF Vdd and Gnd leads. The 0.1uf act as a low impedance path to ground for any stray high frequency transient noises. 2. To reduce the digital noises form the digital IC on the motherboard, the planar capacitance formed by an isolated Vcc and Gnd planes is critical. The POF device must be mounted directly on these two planes to reduce the lead parasitic inductance. 3. The isolated Vdd and Gnd planes must be connected to the main Vcc and Gnd (digital) planes at a single point using ferrite beads. The beads are used to block the high frequency noises from the digital planes while still allowing the DC connections between the planes EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Office: No 25, Lane 76, Sec 3, Chung Yang Rd, Tucheng, Taipei 236, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel: 886-2-2267-2000, 2267-9936 Fax:886-2-2269-8114, 2267-6189, 2267-6306 EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Rev 1.1 Page: 7 of 7 Device NO: DPL-151-002 Prepared Date:04-28-2003 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu