EVERLIGHT ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. http://www.everlight.com Rev 1.1 Page: 3 of 7
Device NO: DPL-151-002 Prepared Date:04-28-2003 Prepared By: Chin-Chia Hsu
PLR151 Series
Absolute Maximum Ratings( Ta = 25ºC)
Parameter Symbol Rating Unit
Supply Voltage Vcc 6 V
Output Voltage Vout Vcc+0.3 V
Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to 85 ºC
Operating Temperature Topr -20 to 70 ºC
Soldering Temperature Tsol 260* ºC
* Soldering time ≤ 10 s.
Electro-Optical Characteristics(Ta= -20~70℃,Vcc=5±0.25V)
Parameter Symbol Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit
Power supply voltage Vcc - 4.75 5.00 5.25 V
Peak sensitivity wavelength λp - - 650 - nm
Maximum receiver power Pc,max Refer to Fig.1 - - -14
Minimum receiver power Pc,min Refer to Fig.1 -24 - -
Dissipation current Icc Refer to Fig.2 - 4 12
High level output voltage VOH Refer to Fig.3 2.4 4.8 - V
Low level output voltage VOL Refer to Fig.3 - 0.2 0.4
Rise time tr Refer to Fig.3 10 30
Fall time tf Refer to Fig.3 15 30
Propagation delay Low to High tPLH Refer to Fig.3 - - 120 ns
Propagation delay High to Low tPHL Refer to Fig.3 - - 120 ns
Pulse Width Distortion ∆tw Refer to Fig.3 -30 - +30 ns
Refer to Fig.3, Pc=-14dBm - 1 20 ns
Jitter ∆tj Refer to Fig.3, Pc=-24dBm - - 20 ns
Transfer rate T NRZ signal
0.1 - 13.2 Mb/s