Precision Low-Power Dual 2:1 LVPECL MUX
with Inter nal Termination
Precision Edge is a registered tradem ark of Micrel, Inc
Micrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 •
August 2007
M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
General Description
The SY89853U features two, low jitter 2:1 differential
multiplexers with 100K LVPECL (800mV) compatible
outputs, capable of handling clocks up to 2.5GHz and
data streams up to 2.5Gbps.
The SY89853U differential inputs include Micrel’s
unique, 3-input termination architecture that allows
users to interface to any differential signal (AC- or DC-
Coupled) as small as 100mV without any level shifting
or term ination resistors networks in the signal path. The
result is a clean, stub-free, low jitter interface solution.
The differential 800mV LVPECL outputs have fast
rise/fall times guaranteed to be less than 180ps.
The SY89853U operates from a 2.5V ±5% or a 3.3V
±10% supply, and is guaranteed over the full industrial
temperature range (40°C to +85°C). For applications
that require higher performance, consider the
SY58026U. The SY89853U is part of Micrel's Precision
Edge® product family.
All support doc umentat ion can be found on Mic rel’s web
site at
Precision Edge®
Dual 2:1 MUX, each channel selects from inputs
Unique, patent -pending input isolation design
minimizes crosstalk
Low power 210mW (VCC = 2.5V)
Guaranteed AC performance over temperature and
- DC-to->2.5Gbps data rate throughput
- <360ps IN-to-Q tpd
- <180ps tr/tf times
Ultra-low jitter design:
- <1psRMS random jitter
- <10psPP deterministic jitter
- <10psPP total jitter (clock)
- <0.7psRMS crosstalk-induced jitter
Unique, patent -pe nd ing 50Ω input termination and
VT pin accepts DC- and AC-coupled inputs (CML,
800mV LVPECL output swing
Power supply 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%
40°C to +85°C temperature range
Available in 32-pin (5mm x 5mm) QFN package
Data communication systems
All SONET OC-3 to OC-48 app licat ions
All Fibre Channel applications
All GigE applications
LAN/WAN communication
Enterprise servers
Test and measurement
Micrel, Inc.
August 2007 2 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
Functional Block Diagram
Truth Table
0 IN0 Input Select
1 IN1 Input Select
Micrel, Inc.
August 2007 3 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
Ordering Information(1)
Part Number Package
Type Operating
Range Package Marking Lead Finish
SY89853UMG QFN-32 Industrial SY89853U with Pb-Free bar-line indicator NiPdAu Pb-Free
SY89853UMGTR(2) QFN-32 Industrial SY89853U with Pb-F ree bar-line indicator NiPdAu Pb-Free
1. Contact f act ory for die availabi lit y. Dice are guaranteed at TA = 2 5ºC, DC Electricals on l y.
2. Tape and Reel.
Pin Configuration
32-Pin QFN
Pin Description
Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function
25, 28,
29, 32
1, 4
5, 8
INA0, /INA0,
INA1, /INA1,
INB0, /INB0,
Differential Inputs: These input pairs are the differential signal inputs to the device. Inputs
accept AC- or DC-coupled signals as small as 100mV. Each pin of a pair internally
terminates to a VT pin through 50Ω. Note that these inputs will default to an indeterminate
state if left open. Connecting one input to VCC and the complementary input-to-GND
through 1kresistor can terminate unused differential input pairs. The VT pin is to be left
open in this configuration. Please refer to the Input Interface Applicationssection for more
10, 13, 16, 17,
20, 23 VCC Positive power supply. Bypass with 0.1µF//0.01µF low ESR capacitors. The 0.01µF
capacitor should be as close to VCC pin as possible.
14, 19 NC Not connected.
15 SELA,
SELB Bank A and Bank B Input Channel Select (TTL/CMOS): These TTL/CMOS-compatible
inputs select the inputs to the multiplexers. These inputs are internally connected to a
25kΩ pull-up resistor and will default to logic HIGH state if left open.
22, 21
12, 11 QA, /QA,
QB, /QB Differential Outputs: These LVPECL output pairs are the outputs of the device. They are a
logic function of the INA0, INA1, INB0, INB1 and SELA and SELB inputs. Please refer to
the “Truth Tablebelow for details.
26, 30
2, 6 VTA0, VTA1
VTB0, VTB1 Input Termination Center-Tap: Each side of the differential input pair terminates to a VT
pin. The VTA0, VTA1, VTB0, VTB1 pins provide a center-tap to a termination network for
maximum interf ac e flex ibil ity . S ee Input Interface Applic ationssection for details.
Reference Voltages: These reference voltage outputs are equivalent to VCC-1.2V. They are
used for AC-coupled inputs. Connect VREF-AC directly to the VT pin and bypass with
0.01µF low ESR capacitor to VCC. See Input Interfac e App li cati ons section. Maximum
sink/source current is ±1.5mA.
9, 24 GND,
Exposed Pad Ground: Ground pins and exposed pad must be connected to the same ground plane.
Micrel, Inc.
August 2007 4 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)
Supply Voltage (VCC) ............................ 0.5V to +4.0V
Input Voltage (VIN) .................................... 0.5V to VCC
LVPECL Output Current (IOUT)
Continuous ................................................. ±50mA
Surge ....................................................... ±100mA
Termination Current
Source or Sink Current on VT .................... ±50mA
Input Current
Source or Sink Current on IN, /IN .............. ±50mA
Current (VREF-AC)
Source or Sink Current on VREF-AC ............... ±2mA
Lead Temperature (soldering, 20sec.) ............... 260°C
Storage Temperature (Ts) .................65°C to +150°C
Operating Ratings(2)
Supply Voltage (VCC) ..................... +2.375V to +2.625V
..................................................... +3.0V to +3.6V
Ambient Temperature (TA) .................... 40°C to +85°C
Package Thermal Resistance(3)
Still-Air ...................................................... 35°C/W
500lfpm .................................................... 28°C/W
Junction-to-Board ..................................... 16°C/W
DC Electrical Characteristics(4)
TA = 40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
VCC Power Supply VCC = 2.5V
VCC = 3.3V 2.375
3.0 2.5
3.3 2.625
3.6 V
ICC Power Supply Current No load, max. VCC. 65 85 mA
RIN Input Resistance
(IN-to-VT) 45 50 55
RDIFF_IN Differential Input Resistance
(IN-to-/IN) 90 100 110
VIH Input High Voltage
(IN, /IN) Note 5 VCC1.6 VCC V
VIL Input Low Voltage
(IN, /IN) 0 VIH0.1 V
VIN Input Voltage Swing
(IN-to-/IN) See Figure 1a. 0.1 1.7 V
VDIFF_IN Differential Input Voltage Swing
|IN - /IN| See Figure 1b. 0.2 V
VT_IN Maximum Input Voltage
(IN-to-VT) 1.28 V
VREF-AC Output Reference Vol tage VCC1.3 VCC1.2 VCC1.1 V
1. Permanent device dam age may occur if absolute maximum ratings are exceeded. This is a stress rating only and functi onal operation is not
implied at conditions other than those detailed i n the operational sect i ons of this data sheet. Exposure to absol ut e maximum ratings condit i ons
for extended periods may affect device reliabil ity.
2. The data sheet limits are not guaranteed if the device is operated beyond the operating ratings.
3. Package thermal resistance assumes exposed pad is soldered (or equivalent) to the devices most negative potential on the PCB. θJA and ψJB
values are determined for a 4-layer board in still-air, unl ess ot herwise stated.
4. The ci rcuit is designed to meet the DC specifications shown in the above table after thermal equilibrium has been establis hed.
5. VIH (min) not lower than 1.2V.
Micrel, Inc.
August 2007 5 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
LVPECL Outputs DC Electrical Characteristics(5)
VCC = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; RL = 50Ω to VCC2V; TA = 40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
VOH Output High Voltage
(Q, /Q) VCC1.145 VCC0.895 V
VOL Output Low Voltage
(Q, /Q) VCC1.945 VCC1.695 V
VOUT Output Voltage Swing
(Q, /Q) See Figure 1a. 400 800 mV
VDIFF-OUT Differential Output Voltage Swing
(Q, /Q) See Figure 1b. 800 1600 mV
LVTTL/CMOS DC Electrical Characteristics(5)
VCC = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; TA = 40°C to +85 °C, unl es s other wis e noted.
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 V
VIL Input Low Voltage 0.8 V
IIH Input High Current VIN = VCC 75 µA
IIL Input Low Current VIN = 0.5V 300 µA
5. The ci rcuit is designed to meet the DC specifications shown in the above table after thermal equilibrium has been establis hed.
Micrel, Inc.
August 2007 6 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
AC Electrical Characteristics(6)
VCC = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; TA = 40°C to + 85°C, RL = 5 0Ω to VCC2V, unless otherwise stated.
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
fMAX Maximum Operating Frequency NRZ Data 2.5 Gbps
Clo ck, VOUT > 400mV 2.5 GHz
tpd Propagation Delay
160 250 360 ps
100 260 400 ps
Tempco Differential Propagation Del ay
Temperature Coefficient 143 fs/ ºC
tSKEW Input-to-Input Skew (Within-bank)
Bank-to-Bank Skew Note 7 10 20 ps
Note 8 12 25 ps
Random Jitter (RJ) Note 9 1 psRMS
Determini sti c Jitt er (DJ) Note 10 10 psPP
Clo ck
Cycle-to-Cyc le Jitter Note 11 1 psRMS
Total Jitter (TJ) Note 12 10 psPP
Crosstalk-Induced Jitter
Channel-to-Channel (Within-bank)
Note 13, within-bank
tr, tf Output Rise/Fall Time (20% to 80%) At full output swing. 50 100 180 ps
6. High-speed AC parameters are guaranteed by design and characterization. VIN swing ≥ 100mV, unless otherwise stated.
7. Input-to-input skew is the difference in time between two inputs to the output within a bank.
8. Bank-to-bank skew is the difference in time from input to the output between banks.
9. Random jitt er is measured with a K28.7 character pattern, measured at <fMAX.
10. Determini st ic jitter is m easured at 2.5Gbps with both K28.5 and 223-1 PRBS pattern.
11. Cycle-to-cycle jitter definition: the variation of periods between adjacent cycles, Tn – Tn-1 where T is the t ime between rising edges of the
output signal.
12. Total jitter definition: with an ideal clock input of frequency <fMAX, no more than one output edge in 1012 output edges will deviate by more than
the specified peak-to-peak jitter value.
13. Crosst alk is measured at the output while applying two similar differential cl ock frequencies that are asynchronous with respect to each other
at the inputs.
Micrel, Inc.
August 2007 7 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
Typical Operating Characteristics
VCC = 3.3V ±10%; TA = 40°C to + 85°C, RL = 50Ω to VCC2V, unless otherwise stated.
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August 2007 8 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
Functional Characteristics
VCC = 3.3V ±10%; TA = 40°C to + 85°C, RL = 50Ω to VCC2V, unless otherwise stated.
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9 M9999-082907-
C or (408) 955-1690
Single-Ended and Differential Swings
Figure 1a. Single-Ended Voltage Swing
Figure 1b. Differential Voltage Swin g
Timing Diagram
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C or (408) 955-1690
Input and Output Stages
Figure 2a. Simplified Differential Input Stage
Figure 2b. Simplified LVPECL Output Stage
Input Interface Applications
Figure 3a. LVPECL Interface
Figure 3b. LVPECL Interface
Figure 3c. LVDS Interface
option: may connect VT to VCC.
Figure 3d. CML Interface
Figure 3e. CML Interface
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August 2007
11 M9999-082907-
C or (408) 955-1690
Output Interface Applications
LVPECL has high input impedance, very low output
(open emitter) impedance, and small signal swing,
which result in low EMI. LVPECL is ideal for driving
50Ω and 100Ω controlled impedance transmission
lines. There are different techniques for terminating
LVPECL outputs: Parallel Termination Thevenin-
Equivalent, Parallel Term ination (3-r esistor), an d AC-
coupled term ination. Un used outp ut pairs m ay be left
floating; however, single-ended outputs must be
terminated or balanced.
1. For a 2.5V system, R1 = 250Ω, R2 = 62.5 Ω.
2. For a 3.3V system, R1 = 130Ω, R2 = 82Ω.
Figure 4a. Parallel Thevenin-Equivalent
1. For a 2.5V system, Rb = 19Ω.
2. For a 3.3V system, Rb = 50 Ω.
Figure 4b. Parallel Termination
For a 2.5V system, R = 50Ω.
Figure 4c. AC-Coupled Termination
For a 2.5V system, R1 = 250Ω, R2 = 62.5 Ω.
Figure 4d. Parallel Thevenin-Equivalent
Related Product and Support Documentation
Part Number Function Data Sheet Link
SY58026U 5Gbps Dual 2 :1 400mV LVPECL MUX
with Internal Term i nation
HBW Sol utions New Products and Applications
Micrel, Inc.
August 2007 12 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
Package Information
32-Pin QFN
PCB Thermal Consideration for 32-Pin QFN Package
(Always solder, or equivalent, the exposed pad to the PCB)
Packages Notes:
1. Package m eets Level 2 Moisture Sensiti vity Classification.
2. All parts are dry-packed before shipment.
3. Exposed pads must be soldered to a ground for proper thermal management.
Micrel, Inc.
August 2007 13 M9999-082907-C or (408) 955-1690
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The information furnished by Micrel in this data sheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Micrel for
its use. Micrel reserves the right to change circuit ry and specificati ons at any time without notification to the customer.
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product can reasonably be expected to result in personal i nj ury. Lif e support devices or systems are devices or systems that (a) are intended for
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© 2005 Micrel, Incorporated.