Bypass Capacitors
Protection Circuitry
SLVS036M – SEPTEMBER 1981 – REVISED APRIL 2008 ...............................................................................................................................................
The internal reference (see functional block diagram ) generates 1.25 V nominal (V
) between OUT and ADJ.This voltage is developed across R1 and causes a constant current to flow through R1 and the programmingresistor R2, giving an output voltage of:V
= V
(1 + R2/R1) + l
(1 + R2/R1)
The TL783 was designed to minimize the input current at ADJ and maintain consistency over line and loadvariations, thereby minimizing the associated (R2) error term.
To maintain I
at a low level, all quiescent operating current is returned to the output terminal. This quiescentcurrent must be sunk by the external load and is the minimum load current necessary to prevent the output fromrising. The recommended R1 value of 82 Ωprovides a minimum load current of 15 mA. Larger values can beused when the input-to-output differential voltage is less than 125 V (see the output-current curve in Figure 12 ) orwhen the load sinks some portion of the minimum current.
The TL783 regulator is stable without bypass capacitors; however, any regulator becomes unstable with certainvalues of output capacitance if an input capacitor is not used. Therefore, the use of input bypassing isrecommended whenever the regulator is located more than four inches from the power-supply filter capacitor. A1- µF tantalum or aluminum electrolytic capacitor usually is sufficient.
Adjustment-terminal capacitors are not recommended for use on the TL783 because they can seriously degradeload transient response, as well as create a need for extra protection circuitry. Excellent ripple rejection presentlyis achieved without this added capacitor.
Due to the relatively low gain of the MOS output stage, output voltage dropout may occur under large-loadtransient conditions. The addition of an output bypass capacitor greatly enhances load transient response andprevents dropout. For most applications, it is recommended that an output bypass capacitor be used, with aminimum value of:C
(µF) = 15/V
Larger values provide proportionally better transient-response characteristics.
The TL783 regulator includes built-in protection circuits capable of guarding the device against most overloadconditions encountered in normal operation. These protective features are current limiting, safe-operating-areaprotection, and thermal shutdown. These circuits protect the device under occasional fault conditions only.Continuous operation in the current limit or thermal shutdown mode is not recommended.
The internal protection circuits of the TL783 protect the device up to maximum-rated V
as long as certainprecautions are taken. If V
is switched on instantaneously, transients exceeding maximum input ratings mayoccur, which can destroy the regulator. Usually, these are caused by lead inductance and bypass capacitorscausing a ringing voltage on the input. In addition, when rise times in excess of 10 V/ns are applied to the input,a parasitic npn transistor in parallel with the DMOS output can be turned on, causing the device to fail. If thedevice is operated over 50 V and the input is switched on, rather than ramped on, a low-Q capacitor, such astantalum or aluminum electrolytic, should be used, rather than ceramic, paper, or plastic bypass capacitors. A Qfactor of 0.015, or greater, usually provides adequate damping to suppress ringing. Normally, no problems occurif the input voltage is allowed to ramp upward through the action of an ac line rectifier and filter network.
Similarly, when an instantaneous short circuit is applied to the output, both ringing and excessive fall times canresult. A tantalum or aluminum electrolytic bypass capacitor is recommended to eliminate this problem. However,if a large output capacitor is used, and the input is shorted, addition of a protection diode may be necessary toprevent capacitor discharge through the regulator. The amount of discharge current delivered is dependent onoutput voltage, size of capacitor, and fall time of V
. A protective diode (see Figure 15 ) is required only forcapacitance values greater than:C
(µF) = 3 ×10
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