YAGEO CORPORATION ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Miniature Size Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors and power supply applications SV [ ForSeriesadapter ] 105C Single-Ended Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors For High Frequency Applications ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Temperature : -40 ~ +105C Working Voltage : -25 ~ +105C 160V 450V Rate Capacitance Range : 22 ~ 220F 10 ~ 150F Capacitance Tolerance : -20 ~ +20% DC Leakage Current (A) : I = 0.06 CV + 10(A) whichever is greater.( After 2 minutes application of rated voltage at 25C ) Dissipation Factor : at 120 Hz, 25C WV (V) : 160 D.F (%) : 15 DESCRIPTION Used in switching regulator applications in computers. Especially for high frequency. Low impedance and E.S.R., high permissible ripple current at high frequency and higher operating temperature (-40C to +105C). Frequency(Hz) &RHIAFLHQW 250 15 350 20 : Impedance : Z - 25C / Z + 20C Impedance : Z - 40C / Z + 20C 400 20 450 20 200 400 3 6 5 __ Load Life : After apply rated voltage with rated ripple current for 2000hrs at 105C the capacitors shall meet the following reuirements. (a) Capacitance Change : Within 20% of Initial Value (b) Dissipation Factor : Not Exceed 200% of Initial Requirement (c) Leakage Current : Not Exceed the Initial Requirement Shelf Life : 1000 Hours, No Voltage Applied, at 105C (a) Capacitance Change : Within 20% of Initial Value (b) Dissipation Factor : Not Exceed 200 % of Initial Requirement (c) Leakage Current : Not Exceed 200% of Initial Requirement )UHTXHQF\FRHIAFLHQW WV (V) 200 15 120 500 1K 10K~100K 7HPSHUDWXUHFRHIAFLHQW Temperature(C) Factor 65 2.10 85 1.70 105 1.00 DIAGRAM OF DIMENSIONS Dimensions : mm Rubber Stand-off Vinyl Sleeve (P.V.C) Rubber End Seal Vinyl Sleeve (P.V.C) Rubber End Seal 15Min. 5Min. Fp0.5 Fp0.5 L Dp0.5 L //PD[ /!/PD[ ' / 0.4Max. 15Min. 5Min. Dp0.5 '' '' Do 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 13.0 16.0 18.0 22.0 F 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 do 0.45 0.5 7.5 0.8 10.0 0.8 0.6 64 CASE SIZE OF STANDARD PRODUCTS 'PPZLWK6DIHW\9HQWDW&DQ%RWWRP CAP. (F) RATED VOLTAGE WV 160 Size 200 Ripple Size 250 Ripple Size 350 Ripple Size 400 Ripple 1 1.5 1.8 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 x 12 100 5.6 6.8 10 10 x 15 320 10 x 15 320 10 x 15 320 450 Size Ripple 8 x 11 60 10 x 12 70 10 x 12 30 10 x 12 30 10 x 12 35 10 x 12 35 10 x 12 40 10 x 12 140 10 x 12 150 10 x12 180 Size Ripple 10 x 15 55 10 x 15 20 10 x 19.5 220 10 x 15 58 10 x 15 250 10 x 19.5 250 10 x 19.5 65 10 x 15 280 10 x 19.5 280 10 x 19.5 350 10 x 15 64 13 x 20 450 13 x 25 600 16 x 25 980 18 x 25 1200 10 x 19.5 120 13 x 25 15 22 33 47 68 10 x 19.5 500 13 x 20 13 x 25 13 x 20 315 420 1180 10 x 19 233 13 x 20 366 10 x 19 366 13 x 25 400 13 x 20 400 13 x 25 10 x 19.5 13 x 20 16 x 25 500 500 600 18 x 25 18 x 40 13 x 25 1420 16 x 20 1420 16 x 32 800 16 x 25 1530 120 150 16 x 25 1890 16 x 36 800 220 18 x 25 2370 16 x 36 933 18 x 40 650 800 82 100 13 x 20 750 Note : * 1. D x L : mm * 2. Ripple Current : (mA r.m.s 105C / 100KHz), ESR (M:Max25C / 100KHz) 1470 380 200 13 x 20 550 12 x 25 190 13 x 20 225 13 x 25 225 16 x 25 300 16 x 20 360 16 x 25 400 16 x 32 437 13 x 30 370 16 x 25 450 18 x 25 470 18 x 32 538 13 x 40 480 18 x 25 480 16 x 32 520 18 x 32 520 18 x 32 580 16 x 36 540 18 x 32 670 18 x 36 670 18 x 36 770