DocID031526 Rev 1 11/25
STCH03 Application information
6.4 Zero current detection and triggering block
The zero current detection (ZCD) and triggering blocks switch on the power MOSFET if a
negative-going edge falling below 60 mV is applied to the ZCD pin. To do so, the triggering
block must be previously armed by a positive-going edge exceeding 110 mV.
This feature is used to detect transformer demagnetization for the QR operation, where the
signal for the ZCD input is obtained from the transformer auxiliary windings used also to
supply the IC.
The triggering block is blanked after MOSFET turn-on to prevent any negative-going edge
that follows leakage inductance demagnetization from triggering the ZCD circuit
The switching frequency is top-limited below 167 kHz.
To prevent the tendency of the system to excessively increase the frequency at the light
load and high input voltage, a variable blanking time function is implemented.
This blanking time is dependent on the voltage on the FB pin: it is TBLANK = 32 µs
for VFB = 0.6 V, and decreases linearly down to TBLANK = 5.7 µs for VFB 1.65 V. In this
way, the switching frequency is progressively reduced, resulting in lower frequency-related
If the demagnetization completes - hence a negative-going edge appears on the ZCD pin -
after a time exceeding time TBLANK from the previous turn-on, the MOSFET will be turned
on again, with some delay to ensure minimum voltage at turn-on (“QR mode”).
If, instead, the negative-going edge appears before TBLANK has elapsed, it will be ignored
and only the first negative-going edge after TBLANK will turn-on the MOSFET. In this way one
or more drain ringing cycles will be skipped (“valley-skipping mode”) and the switching
frequency will be prevented from exceeding 1/TBLANK.
The blanking time limits and the mode of operation are reported in Figure 4.
A forced turn-on time function is implemented in case the residual oscillation on ZCD are not
enough to trigger again the switching, during the low frequency operation: the power
MOSFET is forced to turn-on 6 µs (typical value) after the blanking time is elapsed.
A starter block is also used to start-up the system when the signal on the ZCD pin is not high
enough to trigger the MOSFET.
After the first few cycles initiated by the starter, as the voltage developed across the auxiliary
winding becomes large enough to arm the ZCD circuit, the MOSFET's turn-on will start to be
locked to transformer demagnetization, hence setting up the QR operation.
The starter is activated also when the IC is in CC regulation and the output voltage is not
high enough to allow the ZCD triggering.
The voltage on the ZCD pin is both top and bottom limited by a double clamp. The upper
clamp is typically located at 3 V, while the lower clamp is located at -60 mV. The interface
between the pin and the auxiliary winding will be a resistor divider. Its resistance ratio as
well as the individual resistance values will be properly chosen (see Section 6.10:
Overvoltage protection on page 16 and Section 6.7: Voltage feedforward block on page 14).
Please note that the maximum IZCD sink/source must not exceed ± 3 mA (AMR) in all
the input voltage range conditions (88 - 265 VAC). No capacitor is allowed between
the ZCD pin and the auxiliary winding of the transformer.