FN3949 Rev 8.00 Page 10 of 14
March 2003
Detailed Description
The HI5721 is a 10-bit, current out D/A converter. The DAC
can convert at 125 MSPS and runs on +5V and -5.2V supplies.
The architecture is an R/2R and segmented switching current
cell arrangement to reduce glitch and maintain 10-bit linearity
without laser trimming. The HI5721 achieves its low power and
high speed performance from an advanced BiCMOS process.
The HI5721 consumes 700mW (typical) and has an improved
hold time of only 0.5ns (typical). The HI5721 is an excellent
converter to be used for communications applications and high
performance video systems.
Digital Inputs
The HI5721 is a TTL/CMOS compatible D/A. The inputs can be
inverted using the INVERT pin. When INVERT is LOW (‘0’) the
input quadrature logic simply passes the data through
When INVERT is HIGH (‘1’) bits D0 (LSB) through D8 are
inverted. D9 is not inverted and can be considered a sign bit
when enabling this quadrature compatible mode. The INVERT
function can simplify the requirements for large sine wave
lookup tables in a Numerically Controlled Oscillator. The NCO
used in a DDS application would only have to store or generate
90 degrees of information and then use the INVERT control to
control the sign of the output waveform.
Data Buffer/Level Shifters
Data inputs D0 (LSB) through D9 (MSB) are internally translated
from TTL to ECL. The internal latch and switching current
source controls are implemented in ECL technology to maintain
high switching speeds and low noise characteristics.
The architecture employs a split R/2R and Segmented Current
source arrangement. Bits D0 (LSB) through D5 directly drive a
typical R/2R network to create the binary weighted current
sources. Bits D6 through D9 (MSB) pass through a
“thermometer” encoder that converters the incoming data into
15 individual segmented current source enables. The split
architecture helps to improve glitch while maintaining 10-bit
linearity without laser trimming. The worst case glitch is more
constant across the entire output transfer function.
Clocks and Termination
The internal 10-bit register is updated on the rising edge of the
clock. Since the HI5721 clock rate can run to 125 MSPS, to
minimize reflections and clock noise into the part proper
termination should be used. In PCB layout clock runs should be
kept short and have a minimum of loads. To guarantee consistent
results from board to board, controlled impedance PCBs should
be used with a characteristic line impedance ZO of 50.
To terminate the clock line a shunt terminator to ground is the
most effective type at a 125 MSPS clock rate. A typical value for
termination can be determined by the equation:
RT = ZO,
for the termination resistor. For a controlled impedance board
with a ZO of 50, the RT = 50. Shunt termination is best
used at the receiving end of the transmission line or as close to
the HI5721 CLK pin as possible.
Rise and Fall times and propagation delay of the line will be
affected by the Shunt Terminator. The terminator can be
connected to DGND.
Noise Reduction
To reduce power supply noise, separate analog and digital
power supplies should be used with 0.1F and 0.01F ceramic
capacitors placed as close to the body of the HI5721 as
possible on the analog (AVEE) and digital (DVEE) supplies.
The analog and digital ground returns should be connected
together back at the device to ensure proper operation on
power up. The VCC power pin should be decoupled with a
0.1F capacitor.
The internal reference in the HI5721 is a -1.25V (typical)
bandgap voltage reference with a 100V/oC temperature drift
(typical). The internal reference should be buffered by the
Control Amplifier to provide adequate drive for the segmented
current cells and the R/2R resistor ladder. Reference Out (REF
OUT) should be connected to the Control Amplifier Input
(CTRL AMP IN). The Control Amplifier Output (CTRL AMP
OUT) should be used to drive the Reference Input (REF IN)
and a 0.1F capacitor to analog V- (AVEE). This improves
settling time by decoupling switching noise from the analog
output of the HI5721.
The Full Scale Output Current is controlled by the CTRL AMP
IN pin and the set resistor (RSET). The ratio is:
IOUT (Full Scale) = (VCTRL AMP IN/RSET) x 32.
Multiplying Capability
The HI5721 can operate in two different multiplying
configurations. First, using the CTRL AMP IN input pin, a -0.6V
to -1.2V signal can be applied with a bandwidth up to 1MHz. To
increase the multiplying bandwidth, the 0.1F capacitor
connected from REF IN to AVEE can be reduced.
RT = 50
ZO = 50