Supertex inc. HV9120 High-Voltage, Current-Mode PWM Controller Features 10 to 450V input voltage range <1.3mA supply current >1.0MHz clock >20:1 dynamic range @ 500KHz 49% Maximum duty cycle version Low internal noise Applications Off-line high frequency power supplies Universal input power supplies High density power supplies Very high efficiency power supplies Extra wide load range power supplies General Description The Supertex HV9120 is a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller subsystem that can start and run directly from almost any DC input, from a 12V battery to a rectified and filtered 240V AC line. It contains all the elements required to build a single-switch converter except for the switch, magnetic assembly, output rectifier(s) and filter(s). A unique input circuit allows the HV9120 to self-start directly from a high voltage input, and subsequently take the power to operate from one of the outputs of the converter it is controlling, allowing very efficient operation while maintaining input-to-output galvanic isolation limited in voltage only by the insulation system of the associated magnetic assembly. A 2% internal bandgap reference, internal operational amplifier, very high speed comparator, and output buffer allow production of rugged, high performance, high efficiency power supplies of 50W or more, which can still be over 80% efficient at outputs of 1.0W or less. The wide dynamic range of the controller system allows designs with extremely wide line and load variations with much less difficulty and much higher efficiency than usual. The exceptionally wide input voltage range also allows better usage of energy stored in input dropout capacitors than with other PWM ICs. Remote on/off controls allow either latching or nonlatching remote shutdown. During shutdown, the power required is under 6.0mW. For detailed circuit and application information, please refer to application notes AN-H13, AN-H21 to AN-H24. Functional Block Diagram 15 FB OSC OSC IN OUT 9 (11) 8 (10) COMP 14 (18) (19) Error Amplifier OSC - 11 (14) VREF + 2V 4V Modulator Comparator - + REF GEN Current Sources To Internal Circuits + Q OUTPUT 6 (8) 1.2V VDD 8.1V + Undervoltage Comparator To VDD 5 (6) Q Current Limit Comparator - - R S + - 16 (20) BIAS 7 (9) VDD 1 (3) +VIN T Q S R -VIN 4 (5) SENSE 12 (16) SHUTDOWN 13 (17) RESET 8.6V Pre-regulator/Startup Note: Pin numbers in parentheses are for PLCC package. Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 Supertex inc. HV9120 Ordering Information Pin Configurations Part Number Package Options Packing HV9120NG-G 16-Lead SOIC 45/Tube HV9120NG-G M934 16-Lead SOIC 2500/Reel HV9120P-G 16-Lead PDIP 24/Tube HV9120PJ-G 20-Lead PLCC* 48/Tube HV9120PJ-G M910 20-Lead PLCC* 1000/Reel 1 16-Lead SOIC (NG) 2 16-Lead SOIC 83OC/W 16-Lead PDIP 51OC/W 20-Lead PLCC 66 C/W Top Marking HV9120NG YWW O Absolute Maximum Ratings LLLLLLLL CCCCCCCCC AAA Parameter Value Input voltage, +VIN 450V Device supply voltage, VDD 15.5V Logic input voltage -0.3V to VDD +0.3V Linear input voltage -0.3V to VDD +0.3V Pre regulator input current (continuous), IIN 2.5mA Operating junction temperature, TJ 150OC -65 to +150OC Power dissipation: 16-Lead SOIC 20 Y = Last Digit of Year Sealed WW = Week Sealed L = Lot Number C = Country of Origin* A = Assembler ID* = "Green" Packaging *May be part of top marking Package may or may not include the following marks: Si or 16-Lead SOIC (NG) Top Marking YYWW HV9120P LLLLLLLLLL Bottom Marking CCCCCCCCCCC AAA Y = Last Digit of Year Sealed WW = Week Sealed L = Lot Number C = Country of Origin* A = Assembler ID* = "Green" Packaging *May be part of top marking Package may or may not include the following marks: Si or 16-Lead PDIP (P) Top Marking 900mW 16-Lead PDIP 1000mW 20-Lead PLCC 1400mW Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Voltages are referenced to -VIN. Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 1 Product Marking Bottom Marking Storage temperature 16-Lead PDIP (P) 20-Lead PLCC (PJ) Typical Thermal Resistance ja 16 4 -G Indicates package is RoHS compliant (`Green') * Obsolescence notice issued for the product in the 20-Lead PLCC package. Package 1 16 2 YY = Year Sealed WW = Week Sealed LLLLLLLLLL L = Lot Number A = Assembler ID Bottom Marking C = Country of Origin* = "Green" Packaging YYWW AAA HV9120PJ CCCCCCCCCCC *May be part of top marking Package may or may not include the following marks: Si or 20-Lead PLCC (PJ) Supertex inc. HV9120 Electrical Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified, VDD = 10V, +VIN = 48V, RBIAS = 390K, ROSC = 330K, TA = 25C.) Sym Parameter # Min Typ Max 3.92 4.00 4.08 3.84 4.00 4.16 Units Conditions Reference V RL = 10M VREF Output voltage - ZOUT Output impedance # 15 30 45 K --- ISHORT Short circuit current - - 125 250 A VREF = -VIN VREF Change in VREF with temperature # - 0.25 - mV/C - 1.0 3.0 - MHz - 80 100 120 - 160 200 240 RL = 10M, TA = -55 to 125OC TA = -55 to 125C Oscillator fMAX Oscillator frequency fOSC Initial accuracy1 VOSC Voltage stability - - - 15 % TCOSC Temperature coefficient # - 170 - ppm/C Maximum duty cycle # 49.0 49.4 49.6 % --- Minimum duty cycle - - - 0 % --- Maximum pulse width before pulse drops out # - 80 125 ns --- Maximum input signal - 1.0 1.2 1.4 V VFB = 0V Delay to output # - 80 120 ns VSENSE = 1.5V, VCOMP 2.0V PWM DMAX DMIN KHz ROSC = 0 ROSC = 330K ROSC = 150K 9.5V < VDD < 13.5V TA = -55 to 125C Current Limit VLIM tD Error Amplifier VFB Feedback voltage - 3.92 4.00 4.08 V VFB shorted to COMP IIN Input bias current - - 25 500 nA VFB = 4.0V VOS Input offset voltage - nulled during trim AVOL Open loop voltage gain # 60 80 GB Unity gain bandwidth # 1.0 1.3 ZOUT Out impedance # Output source current - -1.4 -2.0 - mA VFB = 3.4V Output sink current - 0.12 0.15 - mA VFB = 4.5V Power supply rejection # dB --- ISOURCE ISINK PSRR - --- - dB --- - MHz --- --- see Fig. 1 see Fig. 2 Notes: # Guaranteed by design. 1. Stray capacitance on OSC In pin must be 5pF. Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 3 Supertex inc. HV9120 Electrical Characteristics (cont.) (Unless otherwise specified, VDD = 10V, +VIN = 48V, RBIAS = 390K, ROSC = 330K, TA = 25C.) Sym Parameter # Min Typ Max Units Conditions Pre-Regulator/Startup +VIN Input voltage - 10 - 450 V IIN < 10A; VCC > 9.4V +IIN Input leakage current - - - 10 A VDD > 9.4V VTH VDD pre-regulator turn-off threshold voltage - 8.0 8.7 9.4 V IPREREG = 10A Undervoltage lockout - 7.0 8.1 8.9 V --- IDD Supply current - - 0.75 1.3 mA CL < 75pF IQ Quiescent supply current - - 0.55 - mA SHUTDOWN = -VIN IBIAS Nominal bias current - - 20 - A --- VDD Operating range - 9.0 - 13.5 V --CL = 500pF, VSENSE = -VIN VLOCK Supply Shutdown Logic tSD SHUTDOWN delay # - 50 100 ns tSW SHUTDOWN pulse width # 50 - - ns tRW RESET pulse width # 50 - - ns --- tLW Latching pulse width # 25 - - ns SHUTDOWN and RESET low VIL Input low voltage - - - 2.0 V --- VIH Input high voltage - 7.0 - - V --- IIH Input current, input high voltage - - 1.0 5.0 A VIN = VDD IIL Input current, input low voltage - - -25 -35 A VIN = 0V - VDD -0.25 - - V IOUT = 10mA - VDD -0.3 - - V IOUT = 10mA, TA = -55 to 125C - - - 0.2 V IOUT = -10mA - - - 0.3 V IOUT = -10mA, TA = -55 to 125C Pull up - - 15 25 Pull down - - 8.0 20 Pull up - - 20 30 Pull down - - 10 30 IOUT = 10mA, TA = -55 to 125C Output VOH Output high voltage VOL Output low voltage ROUT Output resistance IOUT = 10mA tR Rise time # - 30 75 ns CL = 500pF tF Fall time # - 20 75 ns CL = 500pF Note: # Guaranteed by design. Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 4 Supertex inc. HV9120 Test Circuits +10V (VDD) Error Amp ZOUT 0.1V swept 10Hz - 1.0MHz PSRR 1.0V swept 100Hz - 2.2MHz 100K 1% 10.0V 60.4K (FB) 100K1% - + Reference GND (-VIN) V1 Tektronix P6021 (1 turn secondary) 4.0V 40.2K Reference V2 0.1F - V1 + V2 0.1F Note: Set feedback voltage so that VCOMP = VDIVIDE 1.0mV before connecting transformer. Detailed Description Pre regulator VDD is used, or a 510 to 680K resistor if VDD will be 12V. A precision resistor is not required; 5% is fine. The pre regulator/startup circuit for the HV9120 consists of a high-voltage n-channel depletion-mode DMOS transistor driven by an error amplifier to form a variable current path between the VIN terminal and the VDD terminal. Maximum current (about 20 mA) occurs when VDD = 0, with current reducing as VDD rises. This path shuts off altogether when VDD rises to somewhere between 7.8 and 9.4V, so that if VDD is held at 10 or 12V by an external source (generally the supply the chip is controlling), no current other than leakage is drawn through the high voltage transistor. This minimizes dissipation. Clock Oscillator The clock oscillator of the HV9120 consists of a ring of CMOS inverters, timing capacitors, a capacitor discharge FET, and a frequency dividing flip-flop. A single external resistor between the OSC IN and OSC OUT pins is required to set oscillator frequency (see graph). One difference exists between the Supertex HV9120 and competitive 9120s: The oscillator is shut off when a shutoff command is received. This saves about 150A of quiescent current, which aids in the construction of power supplies to meet CCITT specification I-430, and in other situations where an absolute minimum of quiescent power dissipation is required. An external capacitor between VDD and VSS is generally required to store energy used by the chip in the time between shutoff of the high voltage path and the VDD supply's output rising enough to take over powering the chip. This capacitor should have a value of 100X or more the effective gate capacitance of the MOSFET being driven, i.e., Reference The Reference of the HV9120 consists of a stable bandgap reference followed by a buffer amplifier which scales the voltage up to approximately 4.0V. The scaling resistors of the reference buffer amplifier are trimmed during manufacture so that the output of the error amplifier, when connected in a gain of -1 configuration, is as close to 4.0V as possible. This nulls out any input offset of the error amplifier. As a consequence, even though the observed reference voltage of a specific part may not be exactly 4.0V, the feedback voltage required for proper regulation will be. CSTORAGE 100 x (gate charge of FET at 10V) as well as very good high frequency characteristics. Stacked polyester or ceramic caps work well. Electrolytic capacitors are generally not suitable. A common resistor divider string is used to monitor VDD for both the undervoltage lockout circuit and the shutoff circuit of the high voltage FET. Setting the undervoltage sense point about 0.6V lower on the string than the FET shutoff point guarantees that the undervoltage lockout always releases before the FET shuts off. A 50K resistor is placed internally between the output of the reference buffer amplifier and the circuitry it feeds (reference output pin and non-inverting input to the error amplifier). This allows overriding the internal reference with a low-impedance voltage source 6.0V. Using an external reference reinstates the input offset voltage of the error amplifier, and its effect of the exact value of feedback voltage Bias Circuit An external bias resistor, connected between the bias pin and VSS is required by the HV9120 to set currents in a series of current mirrors used by the analog sections of the chip. Nominal external bias current requirement is 15 to 20A, which can be set by a 390 to 510K resistor if a 10V Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 5 Supertex inc. HV9120 Current Sense Comparators required. In general, because the reference voltage of the Supertex HV9120 is not noisy, as some previous examples have been, overriding the reference should seldom be necessary. The HV9120 uses a true dual-comparator system with independent comparators for modulation and current limiting. This allows the designer greater latitude in compensation design, as there are no clamps (except ESD protection) on the compensation pin. Like the error amplifier, the comparators are of low-noise BiCMOS construction. Because the reference of the HV9120 is a high impedance node, and usually there will be significant electrical noise near it, a bypass capacitor between the reference pin and VSS is strongly recommended. The reference buffer amplifier is intentionally compensated to be stable with a capacitive load of 0.01 to 0.1F. Remote Shutdown The SHUTDOWN and RESET pins of the HV9120 can be used to perform either latching or non-latching shutdown of a converter as required. These pins have internal current source pull-ups so they can be driven from open-drain logic. When not used, they should be left open or connected to VDD. Error Amplifier The error amplifier in the HV9120 is a true low-power differential input operational amplifier intended for around-theamplifier compensation. It is of mixed CMOS-bipolar construction: A PMOS input stage is used so the common-mode range includes ground and the input impedance is very high. This is followed by bipolar gain stages which provide high gain without the electrical noise of all-MOS amplifiers. The amplifier is unity-gain stable. Output Buffer The output buffer of the HV9120 is of standard CMOS construc-tion (P-channel pull-up, N-channel pull-down). Thus the body-drain diodes of the output stage can be used for spike clipping if necessary, and external Schottky diode clamping of the output is not required. Truth Table SHUTDOWN RESET Output H H H HL L H Off, not latched L L Off, latched LH L Off, latched, no change Normal operation Normal operation, no change Shutdown Timing Waveforms 1.5V SENSE 0 VDD 50% SHUTDOWN tR 10ns tF 10ns 50% 0 tSD tD VDD OUTPUT 0 VDD SHUTDOWN 0 VDD OUTPUT 0 90% tSW 50% 90% 50% tR, tF 10ns tLW VDD RESET 0 Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 50% 50% 6 tRW 50% Supertex inc. HV9120 Typical Performance Curves Error Amplifier Output Impedance (Z0) 106 Output Switching Frequency vs. Oscillator Resistance 1M 105 104 fOUT (Hz) Z0 () 103 102 100k 10 1.0 0.1 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10k 10k 10M 100k Frequency (Hz) PSRR - Error Amplifier and Reference 80 -10 70 -20 60 -30 50 -40 -50 180 60 40 0 20 -60 10 -70 0 -80 Error Amplifier Open Loop Gain/Phase 120 Gain (dB) PSRR (dB) 0 1M ROSC () 10 100 1K 10K 100K -10 100 1M -60 -120 -180 1K 10K 100K 1M Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Bias Current (A) 100 VDD = 10V VDD = 10V 10 1.0 105 106 107 Bias Resistance () Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 7 Supertex inc. HV9120 Pin Descriptions 16-Lead SOIC (NG) Pin # Description Pin # Description 1 +VIN 9 OSC IN 2 - 10 NC 3 - 11 VREF 4 SENSE 12 SHUTDOWN 5 OUTPUT 13 RESET 6 -VIN 14 COMP 7 VDD 15 FB 8 OSC OUT 16 BIAS Pin # Description Pin # Description 1 +VIN 9 OSC IN 2 NC 10 NC 3 NC 11 VREF 4 SENSE 12 SHUTDOWN 5 OUTPUT 13 RESET 6 -VIN 14 COMP 7 VDD 15 FB 8 OSC OUT 16 BIAS Pin # Description Pin # Description 1 NC 11 OSC IN 2 NC 12 NC 3 +VIN 13 NC 4 NC 14 VREF 5 SENSE 15 NC 6 OUTPUT 16 SHUTDOWN 7 NC 17 RESET 8 -VIN 18 COMP 9 VDD 19 FB 10 OSC OUT 20 BIAS 16-Lead PDIP (P) 20-Lead PLCC (PJ) Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 8 Supertex inc. HV9120 16-Lead SOIC (Narrow Body) Package Outline (NG) 9.90x3.90mm body, 1.75mm height (max), 1.27mm pitch D 16 1 E1 E Note 1 (Index Area D/2 x E1/2) Gauge Plane L2 1 L Top View View B A A A2 e A1 View B h h Seating Plane Seating Plane L1 Note 1 b Side View View A-A A Note: 1. This chamfer feature is optional. If it is not present, then a Pin 1 identifier must be located in the index area indicated. The Pin 1 identifier can be: a molded mark/identifier; an embedded metal marker; or a printed indicator. Symbol Dimension (mm) A A1 A2 b D E E1 MIN 1.35* 0.10 1.25 0.31 9.80* 5.80* 3.80* NOM - - - - 9.90 6.00 MAX 1.75 0.25 1.65* 0.51 3.90 10.00* 6.20* 4.00* e 1.27 BSC h L 0.25 0.40 - - 0.50 1.27 L1 L2 1.04 0.25 REF BSC 1 0 5O O - - 8O 15O JEDEC Registration MS-012, Variation AC, Issue E, Sept. 2005. * This dimension is not specified in the JEDEC drawing. Drawings are not to scale. Supertex Doc. #: DSPD-16SONG, Version G041309. Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 9 Supertex inc. HV9120 16-Lead PDIP (.300in Row Spacing) Package Outline (P) .790x.250in body, .210in height (max), .100in pitch D 16 Note 1 (Index Area) E1 E b1 1 D1 D1 b Top View A View B View B A Seating Plane A2 A1 L eA eB e A Side View View A - A Note: 1. A Pin 1 identifier must be located in the index area indicated. The Pin 1 identifier can be: a molded mark/identifier; an embedded metal marker; or a printed indicator. Symbol Dimension (inches) A A1 A2 b b1 D MIN .130* .015 .115 .014 .045 .745 NOM - - .130 .018 .060 MAX .210 .035* .195 .023 .070 D1 E .005 .290 .790 - .310 .250 .810 .050* .325 .280 E1 .240 e eA .100 BSC .300 BSC eB L .300* .115 - .130 .430 .150 JEDEC Registration MS-001, Variation AB, Issue D, June, 1993. * This dimension is not specified in the JEDEC drawing. This dimension differs from the JEDEC drawing. Drawings not to scale. Supertex Doc. #: DSPD-16DIPP, Version C021312. Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 10 Supertex inc. HV9120 20-Lead PLCC Package Outline (PJ) .353x.353in body, .180in height (max), .050in pitch .048/.042 x 45O D D1 1 3 .150 MAX .056/.042 x 45O 20 Note 1 (Index Area) 18 .075 MAX E1 E 8 Note 2 .020max (3 Places) 13 Top View Vertical Side View View B A b1 Base .020 MIN Plane A1 A2 Seating Plane e b Horizontal Side View R View B Notes: 1. A Pin 1 identifier must be located in the index area indicated. The Pin 1 identifier can be: a molded mark/identifier; an embedded metal marker; or a printed indicator. 2. Actual shape of this feature may vary. Symbol Dimension (inches) A A1 A2 b b1 D D1 E E1 MIN .165 .090 .062 .013 .026 .385 .350 .385 .350 NOM .172 .105 - - - .390 .353 .390 .353 MAX .180 .120 .083 .021 .032 .395 .356 .395 .356 e .050 BSC R .025 .035 .045 JEDEC Registration MS-018, Variation AA, Issue A, June, 1993. Drawings not to scale. Supertex Doc. #: DSPD-20PLCCPJ, Version C031111 (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to Supertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate "product liability indemnification insurance agreement." Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http// Supertex inc. (c)2012 Supertex inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited. Doc.# DSFP-HV9120 B060412 11 1235 Bordeaux Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Tel: 408-222-8888