CP850/Nd -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This 2" professional high quality compression driver features a compact, lightweight neodymium rare-earth magnet system, an integral pure titanium dome and suspension attached to a lightweight aluminium voice coil. It provides an exceptional high acoustic power output over an extremely wide frequency range, with reduced harmonic distortion and excellent power handling capacity. The use of a rim centred diaphragm and push terminals permits simple field replacement without soldering. Motor de compresion de 2" de muy alta calidad. Incorpora un sistema magnetico ultracompacto y ligero a base de un iman en corona de neodimio, que genera un campo magnetico extremadamente elevado. La bobina de 4" de diametro, esta realizada con hilo rectangular de aluminio y unida a un diafragma de titanio moldeado a presion. Proporciona una potencia acustica excepcional, una respuesta en frecuencia muy amplia, y un rendimiento elevado, con una calidad sonora sin parangon. SPECIFICATIONS 49 mm. 2 in. 8 ohms. 7.5 ohms @ 2 kHz 5.6 ohm 60 w RMS above 500 Hz 125 w RMS above 1.5 kHz 120 Watts. above 500 Hz Program Power 250 Watts. above 1.5 kHz 112 dB 1w @ 1m Sensitivity* coupled to TD-460 horn 0.5 - 20 kHz Frequency range 500 Hz or higher Recommended crossover 100 mm. 4 in. Voice coil diameter 3.6 kg. 7.9lb. Magnetic assembly weight 2T Flux density 16.5 N/A BL factor Throat diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power Capacity* FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD590 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD590 Horn FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD460/N Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD460/N Horn FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD400/N Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD400/N Horn MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 165 mm. 6.5 in. Depth 114 mm. 4.5 in. Mounting Four M6 threaded holes, 90 apart on 101.6 mm (4 in.) diameter circle. Mounting hardware is supplied. Net weight 4.4 kg. 9.7 Ib. Shipping weight 5 kg. 11 Ib. MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet Titanium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Neodymium NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 32 - CP800/Ti -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER The CP 800/Ti is a high performance compression driver capable of high acoustic output over a wide frequency range. It features an integral pure titanium dome and surround, a precision lightweight voice coil made from flat aluminium wire, wound on high temperature polymide former and a massive, powerful magnet structure, providing high energy and the ability to handle extremely high power levels over extended periods of time. Modelo de compresion de 2" con unas caracteristicas muy similares al CP850/Nd, aunque con un sistema magnetico mas macizo al utilizar un iman de ferrita de gran tamano. Este modelo se caracteriza por su excelente rendimiento, amplia banda pasante y gran potencia admisible. SPECIFICATIONS Throat diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power Capacity* Program Power Sensitivity* 49 mm. 2 in. 8 ohms. 7.5 ohms @ 1.5 kHz 5.6 ohm 60 w RMS above 500 Hz 125 w RMS above 1.5 kHz 120 Watts. above 500 Hz 250 Watts. above 1.5 kHz 112 dB 1w @ 1m coupled to TD-460 horn 0.5 - 20 kHz Frequency range Recommended 500 Hz or higher, 12 dB/oct. min. crossover 100 mm. 4 in. Voice coil diameter 8.9 kg. 19.6lb. Magnetic assembly weight 1.75 T Flux density 15 N/A BL factor FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD590 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD590 Horn MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 228 mm. 9 in. Depth 117 mm. 4.6 in. Mounting Four M6 threaded holes, 90 apart on 101.6 mm (4 in.) diameter circle. Mounting hardware is supplied. Net weight 10.3 kg. 22.7 Ib. Shipping weight 11 kg. 22.4 Ib. FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD460/N Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD460/N Horn MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD400/N Horn Titanium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Ferrite FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD400/N Horn NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 33 - CP650/Ti -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This 2" high frequency compression driver features a lightweight diaphragm assembly made with pure titanium material for the dome and suspension, attached to a 3" edgewound aluminium ribbon voice coil, providing exceptional high acoustic pressure over an extremely wide frequency range. A short-circuit copper ring over pole piece reduces dramatically the harmonic distortion and maintains a constant impedance response. The use of a rim centred diaphragm and push terminals permits simple field replacement without soldering. Este motor de compresion de 2" se caracteriza por una respuesta en frecuencia muy amplia un rendimiento elevado y un buen comportamiento en potencia. La utilizacion de un diafragma de titanio y una bobina de 3" de diametro le confieren una extraordinaria naturalidad en la reproduccion de voz, asi como una gran fidelidad en alta frecuencia. SPECIFICATIONS Throat diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power Capacity* 49 mm. 2 in. 8 ohms. 8 ohms @ 6 kHz 5.5 ohm 80 w RMS above 1 kHz Program Power 160 Watts. above 1 kHz Sensitivity* 110 dB 1w @ 1m coupled to TD-460 horn 0.6 - 18 kHz Frequency range Recommended crossover Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight Flux density BL factor 800 Hz or higher 72.2 mm. 2.87 in. 6.5 kg. 14.33lb. 1.875 T 10 N/A FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD590 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD590 Horn FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD460/N Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD460/N Horn FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD400/N Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD400/N Horn MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 200 mm. 7.87 in. Depth 75 mm. 2.95 in. Mounting Four M6 threaded holes, 90 apart on 101.6 mm (4 in.) diameter circle. Mounting hardware is supplied. Net weight 7 kg. 15.43 Ib. Shipping weight 7.25 kg. 16 Ib. MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet Titanium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Ferrite NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 34 - CP385/Nd -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This 1" professional high quality compression driver features a compact, lightweight neodymium rare-earth magnet system, an integrated polyester diaphragm attached to an edgewound aluminium ribbon wire voice coil, providing exceptionally acoustic pressure over an extremely wide frecuency range, with smooth and flat response, and low harmonic distortion. The coil diaphragm assembly is easily field replaceable without soldering. Este motor de compresion para altas frecuencias de 1" de salida presenta un compacto y ligero sistema magnetico a base de iman de nedoimio, un diafragma de polyester y bobina de aluminio de hilo plano puesta de canto". Este motor suministra una excepcional presion acustica sobre una amplia repuesta de frecuencia, aportando ademas una muy baja distorsion armomica. 80 30 90 O100 76,2 25 SPECIFICATIONS M-5 25 mm-1 in. 8 ohms 5.2 ohms @ 4.5 kHz 4.7 ohms 50 w RMS above 1.5 kHz 100 w above 1.5 kHz 107 dB 1w @ 1 m coupled to TD 250 horn 0.8 - 20 kHz Frequency range 1.2 kHz or higher Recommended crossover 44.4 mm. 1.75 in. Voice coil diameter 1.1 kg. 2.42 lb. Magnetic assembly weight 2.2 T Flux density 7.5 N/A Bl factor Throat diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power capacity Program Power Sensitivity 57 FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD250 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD250 Horn MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 100 mm. - 4 in. Depth 80 mm. 3.1 in. Mounting Three M-5 threaded holes, 120 apart on 57 mm. (2.24 in.) diameter circle. Two M5 threaded holes, 180 apart on 76.2 mm. (3 in) diameter circle. Net weight 1.35 kg. 2.97 lb Shipping weight 1.5 kg. 3.3 lb FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD245 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD245 Horn MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD235 Horn Polyester Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Neodymium FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD235 Horn NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 35 - CP380M -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This 1" professional high quality compression driver features a lightweight diaphragm assembly made with temperature polyester, attached to an edgewound aluminium ribbon voice coil, providing exceptionally acoustic pressure over an extremely wide frequency range, with smooth and flat response and low harmonic distortion. The coil diaphragm assembly is easily field replaceable without soldering. Este modelo de compresion de 1" de salida incorpora un diafragma ultra ligero de poliester, unido a una bobina de hilo plano de aluminio, lo que le dota de una extraordinaria sensibilidad y amplisima banda pasante. Su gran linealidad le permite ser utilizado con bocinas de directividad constante sin ningun tipo de ecualizacion. SPECIFICATIONS Throat diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power Capacity* 25 mm. 1 in. 8 ohms. 5.2 ohms @ 4.5 kHz 4.7 ohm 50 w RMS above 1.5 kHz Program Power 100 Watts. above 1.5 kHz Sensitivity* Frequency range Recommended crossover Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight Flux density BL factor 107 dB 1w @ 1m coupled to TD-250 horn 0.8 - 20 kHz 1.2 kHz or higher 44.4 mm. 1.75 in. 3 kg. 6.6lb. 2T 7 N/A FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD250 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD250 Horn FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD245 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD245 Horn FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD235 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD235 Horn MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 146.5 mm. 5.77 in. Depth 75 mm. 2.95 in. Mounting Three M5 threaded holes, 120 apart on 57 mm (2.24 in.) diameter circle. Two M5 threaded holes, 180 apart on 76.2 mm. (3 in.) diameter circle. Mounting hardware is supplied. Net weight 3.25 kg. 7.16 Ib. Shipping weight 3.4 kg. 7.5 Ib. MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet Polyester Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Ferrite NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 36 - CP350/Ti -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This 1" compression driver features an integral dome and suspension formed from pure titanium, attached to an edgewound aluminium ribbon voice coil, providing exceptional high acoustic pressure with low distortion and extended response, with extra power handling. The coil diaphragm assembly is easily field replaceable without soldering. Motor de compresion de 1" con diafragma de titanio. La extraordinaria resistencia mecanica de este material, asi como su gran ligereza hacen que este transductor se comporte de forma inmejorable desde las frecuencias audibles mas altas hasta frecuencias tan bajas como 1000 Hz sin merma de prestaciones. SPECIFICATIONS Throat diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power Capacity* 25 mm. 1 in. 8 ohms. 5 ohms @ 5 kHz 6.8 ohm 50 w RMS above 1.5 kHz Program Power 100 Watts. above 1.5 kHz Sensitivity* 104 dB 1w @ 1m coupled to TD-250 horn 0.8 - 20 kHz Frequency range Recommended 1 kHz or higher, 12 dB/oct. min. crossover 44.4 mm. 1.75 in. Voice coil diameter 3.06 kg. 6.7lb. Magnetic assembly weight 1.9 T Flux density 9.6 N/A BL factor FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD250 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD250 Horn MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 140 mm. 5.5 in. Depth 65 mm. 2.55 in. Mounting Three M5 threaded holes, 120 apart. on 57 mm (2.24 in.) diameter circle Two M5 threaded holes, 180 apart. on 76.2 mm. (3 in.) diameter circle. Mounting hardware is supplied Net weight 3.28 kg. 7.2 Ib. Shipping weight 3.4 kg. 4.48 Ib. FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD245 Horn FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD245 Horn MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Coupling to TD235 Horn Titanium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Ferrite FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Coupling to TD235 Horn NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal senoidal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 37 - CP25 -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This compression tweeter is designed for use in multi-element loudspeaker systems in both sound reinforcement and studio applications. It features smooth response with wide controlled dispersion and high output. The voice coil is wound from flat aluminium wire, bonded to an aluminium diaphragm for extended response and excellent transient attack. The diaphragm assembly is field replaceable without soldering. Tweeter de compresion de gran potencia con diagrama de dispersion constante para aplicaciones que requieran un control preciso de la respuesta tanto en el eje como fuera del mismo. Dotado de un diafragma y de un bobinado de aluminio movidos por un sistema magnetico muy potente, supera con creces en calidad, rendimiento y potencia, a la mayoria de los reproductores de agudos presentes en el mercado. SPECIFICATIONS Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power capacity* Program Power Sensitivity** Frequency range Recommended crossover Dispersion H x V Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight Flux density BL Factor 8 ohms. 8.5 ohms @ 9 kHz 6.1 ohm 25 w RMS 50 Watts. 104 dB 1w @ 1m. 2.5 - 20 kHz 5 kHz or higher 100 x 60 37.6 mm. 1.5 in. 1.45 kg. 3.2 Ib. 1.75 T 6 N/A HORIZONTAL POLAR PATTERN MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 160 x 135 mm. 6.3 x 5.3 in. Depth 125 mm. 4.9 in. Baffle cutout dimensions 120 x 130 mm. 4.72 x 5.12 in. Bolt circle diameter Net weight 1.7 kg. 3.75 Ib. Shipping weight 1.84 kg. 4.05 Ib. FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. TIME RESPONSE, MAGN. FREQUENCY RESPONSE PHASE. On axis, 1w @ 1m. FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet Aluminium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Ferrite NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 38 - CP22 -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This compression tweeter is designed for use in multi-element loudspeaker systems in sound reinforcement applications that require high output, narrow controlled dispersion and long throw. This model produces a very high output level with flat response and excellent transient attack. This unit features an aluminium voice coil diaphragm assembly, which is field replaceable without soldering. Tweeter de compresion para aplicaciones de gran alcance. Su ajustada directividad asi como su rendimiento excepcional e importante potencia admisible le hacen imprescindible en aquellas aplicaciones que precisen de una presion elevada en alta frecuencia a grandes distancias. SPECIFICATIONS Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power capacity* Program Power Sensitivity** Frequency range Recommended crossover Dispersion H x V Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight Flux density BL Factor 8 ohms. 8.5 ohms @ 9 kHz 6.1 ohm 25 w RMS 50 Watts. 107 dB 1w @ 1m. 4 - 20 kHz 5 kHz or higher 40conical 37.6 mm. 1.5 in. 1.2 kg. 2.64 Ib. 1.55 T 5.2 N/A POLAR PATTERN MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 102 x 102 mm. 4 x 4 in. Depth 71 mm. 2.79 in. Baffle cutout dimensions o 92 mm. 3.62 in. 107 mm. 4.21 in. Bolt circle diameter 1.6 kg. 3.5 Ib. Net weight 1.67 kg. 3.67 Ib. Shipping weight FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. TIME RESPONSE, MAGN. MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet FREQUENCY RESPONSE PHASE. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Aluminium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Ferrite FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 39 - CP21/F -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This compression tweeter is designed for use in multi-element loudspeaker systems in both sound reinforcement and studio applications. It features smooth response with wide controlled dispersion in the horizontal plane (140). The voice coil is wound from flat aluminium wire, bonded to an aluminium diaphragm for extended response and excellent transient attack. The diaphragm assembly is field replaceable without soldering. Modelo similar al CP22, pero con una dispersion horizontal muy amplia. Especialmente recomendado para aplicaciones que precisen de una gran definicion en alta frecuencia, pero que ademas requieran una cobertura horizontal importante. SPECIFICATIONS Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power capacity* Program Power Sensitivity** Frequency range Recommended crossover Dispersion H x V Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight Flux density BL Factor 8 ohms. 8 ohms @ 9 kHz 6.1 ohm 25 w RMS 50 Watts. 105 dB 1w @ 1m. 3.5 - 20 kHz 5 kHz or higher 140 x 40 37.6 mm. 1.5 in. 1.2 kg. 2.64 Ib. 1.55 T 5.2 N/A HORIZONTAL POLAR PATTERN MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 102 x 102 mm. 4 x 4 in. Depth 72 mm. 2.83 in. Baffle cutout dimensions o 92 mm. 3.62 in. Bolt circle diameter 107 mm. 4.21 in. Net weight 1.7 kg. 3.75 Ib. 1.75 kg. 3.85 Ib. Shipping weight FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. TIME RESPONSE, MAGN. FREQUENCY RESPONSE PHASE. On axis, 1w @ 1m. FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet Aluminium Edgewound alum. ribbon Kapton Ferrite NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 40 - CP16 -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This compression tweeter is designed for using in multi-element loudspeaker systems in sound reinforcement applications that require high output, narrow controlled dispersion and long throw. This model produces a very high output level with flat response and excellent transient attack. This unit features an aluminium voice coil diaphragm assembly, which is field replaceable without soldering. Tweeter de compresion de pequeno tamano, pero de grandes prestaciones. Se caracteriza por una directividad pronunciada, para aplicaciones en exteriores que precisen de un buen nivel de presion acustica en alta frecuencia. SPECIFICATIONS Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power capacity* Program Power Sensitivity** Frequency range Recommended crossover Dispersion H x V Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight Flux density BL Factor 8 ohms. 8.5 ohms @ 10 kHz 7.3 ohm 15 w RMS 30 Watts. 105 dB 1w @ 1m. 3 - 20 kHz 6 kHz or higher 40 conical 25.8 mm. 1 in. 0.66 kg. 1.45 Ib. 1.45 T 4 N/A POLAR PATTERN MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 86 x 86 mm. 3.38 x 3.38 in. Depth 65 mm. 2.56 in. Baffle cutout dimensions o 75 mm. 2.95 in. 92 mm. 3.62 in. Bolt circle diameter 0.76 kg. 1.67 Ib. Net weight 0.8 kg. 1.76 Ib. Shipping weight FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. TIME RESPONSE, MAGN. MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet FREQUENCY RESPONSE PHASE. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Aluminium Copper Kapton Ferrite FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 41 - CP12/N -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER The model CP 12/N is a professional lightweight compression tweeter, featuring an aluminium voice coil-diaphragm assembly. This device has a smooth response in all its frequency ranges with an incredibly high sound pressure (107 dB), as well as a narrow controlled dispersion for long throw applications. This models is well suited for use in two or three-way compact size enclosures. The diaphragm assembly is field replaceable without soldering. Modelo similar al CP16, pero con una eficiencia mayor gracias a la utilizacion de una bobina de hilo plano de aluminio y a un optimizado diseno. Su aplicacion principal es en instalaciones de exteriores, pero puede ser utilizado con mucho exito en sistemas semiprofesionales y de alta fidelidad. SPECIFICATIONS 8 ohms. Rated impedance 8 ohms @ 8 kHz Minimum impedance 5 ohm D.C. Resistance 15 w RMS Power capacity* 30 Watts. Program Power 107 dB 1w @ 1m. Sensitivity** 3 - 20 kHz Frequency range 6 kHz, 12 dB/oct. min. Recommended crossover 40 conical Dispersion H x V 25.8 mm. 1 in. Voice coil diameter 0.7 kg. 1.54 Ib. Magnetic assembly weight 1.4 T Flux density 4 N/A BL Factor POLAR PATTERN MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter 87 x 87 mm. 3.4 x 3.4 in. Depth 72 mm. 2.83 in. Baffle cutout dimensions o 74 mm. 2.9 in. Bolt circle diameter 91 mm. 3.58 in. Net weight 0.75 kg. 1.65 Ib. 0.85 kg. 1.87 Ib. Shipping weight FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. TIME RESPONSE, MAGN. FREQUENCY RESPONSE, PHASE. On axis, 1w @ 1m. FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet Aluminium Edgewound alum. ribbon Nomex Ferrite NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 42 - CP09 -Pro- HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER This compression tweeter is a professional lightweight, featuring an aluminium voice coil-diaphragm assembly and constant directivity horn. The voice coil is wound from flat aluminium wire, bonded to an aluminium diaphragm for extended response and excellent transient attack. This device has a wide controlled dispersion in the horizontal and vertical axes (90 x 60), and a smooth response in all its frequency ranges with an incredibly high sound pressure. The diaphragm assembly is field replaceable without soldering. Este tweeter de compresion, dotado de un diafragma y un bobinado de aluminio y cargado por una bocina de directividad constante, proporciona una cobertura angular muy amplia y una respuesta transitoria excelente con una sensibilidad elevada y una potencia admisible importante a pesar de su pequeno tamano. SPECIFICATIONS 8 ohms. Rated impedance 7.5 ohms @ 8 kHz Minimum impedance 5 ohm D.C. Resistance 15 w RMS Power capacity* 30 Watts. Program Power 104 dB 1w @ 1m. Sensitivity** 2 - 20 kHz Frequency range 6 kHz, 12 dB/oct. min. Recommended crossover 90 x 60 conical Dispersion H x V 25.8 mm. 1 in. Voice coil diameter 0.7 kg. 1.54 Ib. Magnetic assembly weight 1.4 T Flux density 4 N/A BL Factor HORIZONTAL POLAR PATTERN MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall dimensions 98 x 92 mm. 3.85 x 3.6 in. Depth 96 mm. 3.78 in. Baffle cutout dimensions 90x70 mm. 3.54x2.75 in. Net weight 0.75 kg. 1.65 Ib. Shipping weight 0.85 kg. 1.87 Ib. FREQUENCY RESPONSE & DISTORTION CURVES, MAGN. On axis, 1w @ 1m. TIME RESPONSE, MAGN. MATERIALS Diaphragm Voice coil Voice coil former Magnet FREQUENCY RESPONSE PHASE. On axis, 1w @ 1m. Aluminium Edgewound alum. ribbon Nomex Ferrite FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE NOTES *The power capacity corresponds to the RMS maximum value that can dissipate the loudspeaker when a sinus signal is applied for a period of at lest two hours. Program power is defined as the transducer's ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1m distance, on axis, with 1w input, averaged in the range 3-15 kHz. NOTAS * La potencia admisible corresponde a la maxima potencia RMS que puede disipar el altavoz durante al menos dos horas, cuando se le aplica una senal determinada. Por potencia programa se entiende la capacidad de altavoz en el manejo de senales transitorias como seria el proporcionado por el contenido de un pasaje musical normal. **Medicion realizada con el microfono a 1 m de distancia, en el eje, aplicando 1w al altavoz, promediando en el rango 1-7 kHz. - 43 -