ADS831 11
driving amplifier. The internal reference ladder has a nomi-
nal impedance of 800Ω. Depending on the selected refer-
ence voltages, the required drive current will vary accord-
ingly and the external reference circuitry should be designed
to supply the maximum required current.
Clock Input Requirements
Clock jitter is critical to the SNR performance of high speed,
high resolution Analog to Digital Converters. It leads to
aperture jitter (tA) which adds noise to the signal being
converted. The ADS831 samples the input signal on the
rising edge of the CLK input. Therefore, this edge should
have the lowest possible jitter. The jitter noise contribution
to total SNR is given by the following equation. If this value
is near your system requirements, input clock jitter must be
Jitter SNR = 20log 1
rms signal to rms noise
Where: ƒIN is Input Signal Frequency
tA is rms Clock Jitter
Particularly in udersampling applications, special consider-
ation should be given to clock jitter. The clock input should
be treated as an analog input in order to achieve the highest
level of performance. Any overshoot or undershoot of the
clock signal may cause degradation of the performance.
When digitizing at high sampling rates, the clock should
have a 50% duty cycle (tH = tL), along with fast rise and fall
times of 2ns or less.
Digital Outputs
The output data format of the ADS831 is in positive Straight
Offset Binary code, see Table I. This format can easily
converted into the Two’s Binary Complement code by
inverting the MSB.
Digital Output Driver (VDRV)
The ADS831 features a dedicated supply pin for the output
logic drivers, VDRV, which is not internally connected to
the other supply pins. Setting the voltage at VDRV to +5V
or +3V the ADS831 produces corresponding logic levels
and can directly interface to the selected logic family. The
output stages are designed to supply sufficient current to
drive a variety of logic families. However, it is recom-
mended to use the ADS831 with +3V logic supply. This will
lower the power dissipation in the output stages due to the
lower output swing and reduce current glitches on the supply
line which may affect the ac performance of the converter.
In some applications, it might be advantageous to decouple
the VDRV pin with additional capacitors or a pi-filter.
Proper grounding and bypassing, short lead length, and the
use of ground planes are particularly important for high
frequency designs. Multilayer PC boards are recommended
for best performance since they offer distinct advantages
like minimizing ground impedance, separation of signal
layers by ground layers, etc. The ADS831 should be treated
as an analog component. Whenever possible, the supply pins
should be powered by the analog supply. This will ensure
the most consistent results since digital supply lines often
carry high levels of noise which otherwise would be coupled
into the converter and degrade the achievable performance.
All ground connections on the ADS831 are internally joined
together, obviating the design of split ground planes. The
ground pins (1, 18) should directly connect to an analog
ground plane which covers the PC board area around the
converter. While designing the layout, it is important to keep
the analog signal traces separated from any digital lines to
prevent noise coupling onto the analog signal path. Because
of its high sampling rate, the ADS831 generates high fre-
quency current transients and noise (clock feedthrough) that
are fed back into the supply and reference lines. This
requires that all supply and reference pins are sufficiently
bypassed. Figure 9 shows the recommended decoupling
scheme for the ADS831. In most cases, 0.1µF ceramic chip
capacitors at each pin are adequate to keep the impedance
low over a wide frequency range. Their effectiveness largely
depends on the proximity to the individual supply pin.
Therefore, they should be located as close to the supply pins
as possible. In addition, a larger bipolar capacitor (1µF to
22µF) should be placed on the PC board in proximity of the
converter circuit.
It is recommended to keep the capacitive loading on the data
lines as low as possible (≤ 15pF). Higher capacitive loading
will cause larger dynamic currents as the digital outputs are
changing. Those high current surges can feed back to the
analog portion of the ADS831 and affect the performance. If
necessary, external buffers or latches close to the converter’s
output pins may be used to minimize the capacitive loading.
They also provide the added benefit of isolating the ADS831
from any digital noise activities on the bus coupling back
high frequency noise.
19 18
FIGURE 9. Recommended Bypassing for the Supply Pins.
+FS (IN = +3.5V) 1111 1111
+1/2 FS 1100 0000
+1LSB 1000 0001
Bipolar Zero (IN = 2.5V) 1000 0000
–1LSB 0111 1111
–1/2 FS 0100 0000
–FS (IN = +1.5V) 0000 0000
(IN = CMV) (SOB)
TABLE I. Coding Table for the ADS831.