Alle Rechte vorbehalten/ Ald rights reserved { 2 3 4 | 5 6 28,4 39,52 max [24,9] a 19,32 | $1 ,6 4, Ou oO ou = ry aa B2,1d.05 " Both Holes \ qT IN 7288- PAE Sa eeueee | 3,85 | Lt SAH Ho | | | ale | | | 2,9 Ls lolz [1,2] @ 190.05 2,76 All pads 8, 28 Mating face according to CECC #5301-802 PCB Layout, component side (thickness 1,6mm min.) = s NYO Y reeeo - ] 2 Y ANROOCOOCOs uM ie | _ Hd aL x ee 7 {0.10 t AUC contacts Ln .o and grounds y 7,2 _ = 4-40 UNC ~ 8 Nut thread / 33,32 6,05 max Dat. Nane 4O- D-SUB SMT Mapsteh/ Max. Temperature: 260C during 10 seconds Detail. | 295ep2009 |___ LP Low Profile Male 15p Insp. ALL Din, in om with die casted grounds 15.4 09552663816. 741 { Black Reel Packaging Stand, Orig. Size DIN A 4 and 4-40 UNC nuts yt 09552666816.741 | 2 | 4-40 UNC (160 connectors) | (0125? | 25Jan2040 ED Blatt/ Page 09552667816. 741 | 3 nstlator | see page 2/2_| tewsas [snr] | HARTING EURL fore TB 09 55 266 x816_ | 1 Part number PL_| Thread Index desiqnation Mod, Dat, Name aris Sub. dAlle Rechte vorbehalten/ Ald rights reserved i 2 3 L | 5 6 Last 11 pes 160 pcs First 10 pcs without connector with connectors without connector POSS FF OOOP FOSS SVT OCCT 13,4, 646464446664666466% See TB 09 55 266 x816 folio 1/2 for connector dimensions and PCB layout _ 2 Packaging in accordance with EIA 481-2-A I nba Dat. Nene D-SUB SMT Mapsteby Dieit, | (7ul2006 | 6D 4O- Low Profile Male 15p m Insp. ALL Dim. in om with die casted grounds 09552663616.741 | 1 Stend. Orig. Size DIN A 4 and 4-40 UNC nuts Black | Reel Packaging 09552666816.741 | 2 | 4-40 UNC FC0125? | 25Jan2010 ED Blatt/ Page msc TA Insulator | (160 connectors) Fo tt HART ING EURL fore TB 09 55 266 x816 Part number PL_| Thread Index desiqnation Mod, Dat, Name aris Sub. )