of any in is the propertly a r reproduced, copied, of es without al and the information her soever for the use his mater ent, or SPECIFICATION Device Name Power MOSFET 2S5K3102-01R Type Name Spec. No. MS5 F 4 Z 07 Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. Matsumoto Factory DATE _|_NAME _| Approve? Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. DRAWN | Feb.-13- 98) C. Ota . al CHECKED Fn, ~/p- "7% Lfezset | aa DWG.NO. MSSF4207 in HO04-004-07| 1.Scope 2.Construction 3.Applications 4.0utview N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFET for Switching TO-3PF Outview See to 5/2 page This specifies Fuji Power MOSFET 2SK3102-01R .Absolute Maximum Ratings at Tc=25C (unless otherwise specified) lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co. Lid. This material and the information herein is the property of Description Symbol . Characteristics Unit Remarks Drain-Source Voltage Vos 600 - V Continuous Drain Current lo +10 A Pulsed. Drain Current lbp +36 A Gate-Source Voltage Ves +35 V Repetitive or non-repetitive lar 10 A TchS150C Avalanche energy jEas - 433.7 mj Maximum, Power Dissipation [Pp ~ 80 Ww Operating and Storage Toh 150 C Temperature range Tstg -55 to +150 C 6.Electrical Characteristics at Tc=25C (unless otherwise specified) Static Ratings _ *L=7.95mH,Vcc=60V Description Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Unit Drain-Source lp=1mMA Breakdown Voltage|BVpss Ves=0V 600 V Gate Threshold Ip=1mA Voltage|Ves(th) |Vps=Ves 3.5 4.0 4.5 V Zero Gate Voltage Vps=600V |T,,=25C 10 500 LA Drain Current|loss Ves=0V | T,p=125C 0.2 1.0 mA Gate-Source Ves=+30V Leakage Current|lcss Vps=0V 10. 100 nA Drain-Source ID=5A On-State Resistance/Rps(on) |VGS=10V 0.85 1 Q Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. DWG.NO. MS5F4207 in H04-004-03Dynamic Ratings lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor used for the manufacturing purposes without Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. They shail be neither reproduced, copied, the express written consent of Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. This material and the information herein fs the property of Description Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Unit Forward Ip=5A Transconductance| g;, Vps=25V 3.0 6.0 Ss Input Capacitance Ciss Vps=25V 1100 1700 Output Capacitance [Coss |Veg=0V - 170 260 | Reverse Transfer f=1MHz | pF Capacitance|Crss 75 120 td(on) = |V.~=300V 25 40 Turn-On Time tr Ves=10V 70. 110 td(off) Ip=10A 15 120 ns Turn-Off Time tf Res=102 40 60 Reverse Diode Description Symbol Conditions min. typ. max. Unit Avalanche Capability L=1.19mMH Tch=25C lav See Fig.1 and Fig.2 10 A Diode Forward IF=2 X lpr On-Voltage|Vsp Ves=0V T= 25C 1.0 1.5 V Reverse Recovery lF-=lbr Time|trr Vgs=0V 500 . ns Reverse Recovery -di/dt=100A/ us Charge|Qrr Toh=25C 6.5 BC 7.Thermal Resistance Description Symbol min. typ. max. Unit Channel to Case Rth(ch-c) 1.56 CW Channel to Ambient | Rth(ch-a) 30.0 | C/W , " tA Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. s| MSOF4207 % H04-004-03Fig.1 Test circuit __ a Vee Vec=1/10 # Vos L= 2945mH . - 1 pulse De Fig.2 Operating waveforms 9 --_ , WJ ag Vos lo MS5SF4207) 4% DWG.NO. Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. Y 0257-R-003athe Information in ls the property of r reproduced, copied, er for the use of any ing purpos oo > ne ie. uo This material an Ht 0 ct Fuji Electric Co.,Lid. They shall be a lent, or disclosed In any way what es without c 3 s ed for the manuf third party nor u 9 onsent of Fuji Electri o the express written FUJI POWER MOSFET TYPE : 2SK3102-O1R _- . N - on 15.540.3 3 5,540.3 3 +03 1x oe 3.20 Se | Ww) + L | r f O : 4 YO z an . | NX) Or ca ~ Trademark e N lO 7 nm - Type name = aint oO See Note 1. | 2SK 3102 gq N - TO1 m4 m) A Lot No. jp ="}- N ~ - oes ee a mL 7 4 po oa 1.6+0.3 4 Al1620.3 _ | f 0140.3 E Le 4 jo rns cI My Pre-Solder 1.1 8F 0.6$? 5.45240.2 | 5.452+0.2 3.540.2 ] T | | fr} (ee) |r| = OD CONNECTION Note 1. Guaranteed mark of avalanche ruggedness. @) GATE (@) DRAIN @ source DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. g 9 = a "A r MS5 4207. HO4-004-03Power Dissipation Oo > N ul oO poe oO oS & oO XM @ a0 c 4 w i @ Qa qe @ |D=f (VDS) :D *pYT09 9179949 I{ny Jo UasUOD UAT ssaidxa ou} ynoyym sesodind Buysnjoejnuew ou] JO} pesn sou Aysed psiyt Aue jo osn ayy 40) Joaoasyeym fem Aue ut poesojas|p Jo yuay peidos peonposdes sayyjau aq peus Aoys pyT"OD 941}9913 ting Jo Ayodosd eyy sy Ujesey YOreWsOsU! OY} PUB [BJoyeur SIYL 10 10 107! Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. HO04-004-03Typical output characteristics ID=f (VDS) :80 4s pulse test, Tc=25C VGS=20V 25V, Tch=25C Typical transfer characteristic ID=f VGS) :80 4s pulse test, VDS pYT'09 91.99019 Ing jo yUaSUOD Ua}LUM sseidxe ety ynoyym sosodind Buysnjoejnuew ayy joj pesn sou Ayaed pajyy Aue jo ogn ayy 10) s9A80s}eym Aem Aue Ul pasopssip Jo jua] paidoo paonpoides seyyiou oq yjeys Aeyy py 1'oD 91430073 [ny jo Aysodosd ey} 81 Ufssey UOTPEWJOJUT OY} PUB jeezeW sTyL 104 2 re CS ON bie Ss = ON'SMO Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. H04-004-03Typical forward transconductance =25C 25V,Tch f (ID) :80us pulse test, VDS= gfs= 10 =25C 10 1 o Oo <= @ wwe) aa L oO o oO ie 3 Oo | Cc XS me) . Oo Q. ~ _ RDS (on) =f (ID) :80 4s pulse test, Tc 1040 : *py1'09 91.4993 Ifny Jo JUasUOD UALIM sseidxe OL] ynoyyM sesodind Sujsnyoesnuew ay} Joy pasn sou Aysed pay) Aug jo esn 043 40) s9A00S}EYM ABM Aue Ul posojostp JO juB] peidoo peonpozdes seyjieu oq yeys Aey) pyy'0g o1y901g {fn4 jo Ajsodosd oy} S} Usosey UOHBUJOJU] OY} pus jelazeW sus [6] (4)saa In S35 F4207 Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. HO4-004-032 +. w he w w aa) Ls) | c 0) Oo i. 3 0 y) ! c @ az =10V 4. 5A, VGS : ID= f (Tch) RDS (on) [6] (uo) say =1mA, VDS=VGS Gate threshold voltage VGS (th) =f (Teh) : 1D pyT09 9199279 Ifny Jo JUESUOD LayIM ssaudke eu} yNoyym sesodind Gujinpoesnuew oyy Joy pasn sou Apaed psyyy Aue jo 98n at} Jo) ssaa0syeym Aem Aue ul pesoyosip Jo yua] peidos poonposdes soyiou og yyeys Aoyy 'pyq''0D ofy9073 Ing jo Aysadosd 94] 81 Uj249y VORBUWJOJU! OY} PUB [elieyeur siqy [A] (+) SDA Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd.oO Pe n X a) oO w - < oO " @o an See = oO 9) a0 a > VGS=f Qg) : ID=10A, Tc=25C Typical capacitances C=f (WS) : VGS=0V, f=1MHz pyT"09 917,99/g Ing jo JUSSUOD UE]LIM ssaudxea ot] youy|M sesodind Bulsnjoeynuew ayy Joy pasn sou Aysed psyyy Aue jo osn By} 304 s9Av0s]Eym ABM Aus ul pasojosip Jo yua] paidoo paonposdas s9ypau oq yeys Ady pyqog 91399)/9 Ing jo Aysodosd |y] 8} UJeJBY UONEuOsUT BY] puB JBlIeyeU SIyL 107 10p "0 2| MS5F4207 Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. HO4-004-038 Ts qe o n ML oO > XM Qe Oo a) 7 Y oO O XL oO <& Oo Tw ae wc = XL 2 cS => o y n rt) 5 Q. on oO co oN Q no > nN tt ve TO-3PF/80W __ Transient Thermal Impedance Zth(ch-c)=f{(t) : D=t/T *BIT05 91LN90/3 Hfng Jo JUESUOD UAzIIM Ssozdxe EL] yNoyyM sesodind Burnjoeynuew ey] 20; pasn sou Asred psyyy Aue jo osn ayy 40) Joacosyeym Aem Aue ul pesojosip so yua] paidoo psonpoidas seyyiou aq jeys Aeyt py7'e9 91539913 1[n4 yo Aysedoid ayy s! Ulasey VoNjeusJojU! BY) pUB Boye sity) 3 (Ww) (2-Duaz GET 97/5/16 T.SHIMATOH Wy $ Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. MS5F4207 H04-004-03a0 7 ae) ra o ow > ao X o Cc oO < oO c O > <= =10A 2 > Oo vit Oo Oo > < oO _ 2 ~ % as) n ~Y Ge Eas= Starting Tch [C] PIT 09 9154994q In4 Jo JUOSUOS UOT ssesdxe ay ynoyyM sesodind Bulinjoesnuew ayy Jog pasn sou Aysed psy} Aue jo osn ayy cog s2A00SzEyM Aem Aue Ul pesojpOsip JO yUa, peidoo peonposdes seyyjou aq yeys Aayy pyy''o5 9149019 Ing yo Aysodosd oy} sj Usesey vOEUJOJU) BY PUB jBLIezEW sIYyt Yy MS5F 4207 9g = = a Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. H04-004-03