EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B General Description Benefits and Features The MAX8901A/MAX8901B step-up converters drive from two to six series-connected white LEDs (WLEDs) with constant current to provide uniform WLED intensity for LCD backlighting in cell phones, PDAs, and other handheld devices. The MAX8901_ operate at a fixed 750kHz (typ) switching frequency, allowing for tiny external components, and are optimized for the highest possible efficiency over the full 1-cell Li+/Li-Poly battery range. These converters use a single input (ON) to enable the IC and to control WLED intensity. The MAX8901A requires a direct PWM input to regulate WLED intensity with the WLED current proportional to the PWM duty cycle. The MAX8901B uses single-wire, serial-pulse dimming that reduces the WLED intensity in 32 linear steps. Full-scale WLED current for serial-pulse dimming is 24.75mA (MAX8901B, 0.75mA/step). The MAX8901_ feature an internal soft-start to eliminate inrush currents during startup, input overvoltage protection, WLED overvoltage protection, and a shutdown mode with 0.01A (typ) shutdown current. No WLED current is present in shutdown provided the WLED forward voltage is greater than the input supply voltage. Additional features include undervoltage lockout (UVLO) and thermal shutdown. The MAX8901_ are available in tiny 8-pin, 2mm x 2mm TDFN-EP packages (0.8mm max height). * Cost-Effective and Flexible Solution for Wide Range of Applications Display Backlight (from 2 to 6 WLEDs) Cellular Phones PDAs and Smartphones MP3 and Portable Media Players Portable Navigation Devices Digital Cameras Backlighting Applications * Supplies from 2 to 6 WLEDs with 1.3% LED Current Accuracy * 2.6V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range * Fixed-Frequency Operation * Flexible Dimming Control * Direct PWM Dimming (MAX8901A) * 32-Step, Single-Wire Serial Dimming (MAX8901B) * Protection Features Improve System Reliability * WLED Overvoltage Protection (25V typ) * Internal Soft-Start and Thermal Shutdown * Input Undervoltage Lockout * Input Overvoltage Lockout * High Efficiency Extends Battery Life * Up to 91% Efficiency * 0.01A (typ) Shutdown Current * No WLED Current in Shutdown * 8-Pin, 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package Saves Space Ordering Information PART PIN-PACKAGE TOP MARK MAX8901AETA+T 8 TDFN-EP* 2mm x 2mm +ABA MAX8901BETA+T 8 TDFN-EP* 2mm x 2mm +ABB Note: All devices are specified over the -40C to +85C operating temperature range. +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. *EP = Exposed pad. T = Tape and reel. Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet. Typical Operating Circuits INPUT 2.6V TO 5.5V INPUT 2.6V TO 5.5V 3 LX IN 4 OUTPUT UP TO 25V 3 6 COMP OVP GND PGND PWM DIMMING CONTROL 2 19-0865; Rev 4; 5/15 ON EP 4 MAX8901B MAX8901A 7 LX IN CS 1 5 8 7 SERIAL-PULSE DIMMING CONTROL 6 2 OVP COMP GND PGND ON EP CS 1 5 8 OUTPUT UP TO 25V Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B Absolute Maximum Ratings IN to GND .................................................................-0.3V to +7V CS, COMP, ON to GND ...............................-0.3V to (VIN + 0.3V) OVP, LX to GND .....................................................-0.3V to +28V PGND to GND .......................................................-0.3V to +0.3V LX Current ..................................................................770mARMS Continuous Power Dissipation (multilayer board at +70C) 8-pin, 2mm x 2mm TDFN (derate above +70C by 11.9mW/C) ..........................953mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40C to +85C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65C to +150C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Electrical Characteristics (VIN = VON = VOVP = 3.6V, VPGND = VGND = 0V, COMP, CS, and LX are unconnected, TA = -40C to +85C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER Input Voltage Input Undervoltage Lockout Threshold SYMBOL CONDITIONS VIN VIN_UVLO VIN rising MIN TYP MAX UNITS 2.6 5.5 V 2.25 2.55 VIN falling Input Overvoltage Lockout Threshold Shutdown Input Current Quiescent Current Output Voltage Range OVP Overvoltage Protection Threshold OVP Input Current VIN_OVLO ISHDN IQ VIN rising 6.2 6.35 VIN falling 6.0 6.3 VON = 0V VCS = 0.55V, no load (not switching) V 2.53 TA = +25C 0.01 TA = +85C 0.1 1 MAX8901A 70 135 MAX8901B 115 185 VOUT VDIODE = external boost diode voltage drop VOV 6 LEDs with 25V OVP option IOV VOVP = 20V VCS VIN VDIODE V A A VOV V 26 V 24 25 No dimming 0.475 0.50 0.525 V tSHDN Time VON is below low threshold until shutdown (Figure 1) 1.18 1.33 1.50 ms ON High Voltage VON_HI 2.6V < VIN < 5.5V 1.3 ON Low Voltage VON_LO 2.6V < VIN < 5.5V ON Input Current ION CS Regulation Voltage ON Shutdown Delay Initial ON High Pulse Width tHI_INIT ON = IN 20 V 0.4 TA = +25C 0.01 TA = +85C 0.1 First ON high pulse to enable IC (MAX8901B) (Figure 1) 40 ON High Pulse Width tHI MAX8901B (Figure 1) 0.5 ON Low Pulse Width tLO MAX8901B (Figure 1) 0.5 www.maximintegrated.com A 1 V A s s 500.0 s Maxim Integrated | 2 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B Electrical Characteristics (continued) (VIN = VON = VOVP = 3.6V, VPGND = VGND = 0V, COMP, CS, and LX are unconnected, TA = -40C to +85C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25C.) (Note 1) PARAMETER SYMBOL Serial Dimming Full-Scale LED Current Accuracy CONDITIONS ILED = 24.75mA (MAX8901B) PWM Frequency for PWM Dimming Control fPWM MIN TA = +25C MAX UNITS -1.3 +1.3 % -3 +3 % TA = -40C to +85C MAX8901A 100 CS to COMP Transconductance 40 tSOFT- Soft-Start Interval START TYP CCOMP = 0.022F (Figure 1) Thermal Shutdown kHz 60 80 S 10 ms 160 C OSCILLATOR Operating Frequency fSW Maximum Duty Cycle DMAX VCS = 0.4V ILXLKG VLX = 27V 700 750 90 92 800 kHz % n-CHANNEL SWITCH LX Leakage Current n-Channel Switch On-Resistance RLX n-Channel Current Limit ILIM TA = +25C 0.1 TA = +85C 0.1 0.63 5 A 0.7 1.4 0.70 0.77 A Note 1: Specifications to -40C are guaranteed by design and characterization and are not production tested. STEP tHI_INIT > 40s 1 0 2 3 4 5 28 29 30 31 32 33 ON tHI tSOFT-START FULL tLO 500ns TO 500s 32/33 31/33 30/33 29/33 ILED_ tSHDN 32/33 1.33ms (typ) 28/33 6/33 SHUTDOWN FULL > 500ns 5/33 4/33 3/33 2/33 1/33 SHUTDOWN Figure 1. MAX8901B Timing Diagram www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 3 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B Typical Operating Characteristics (Circuit of Figure 5, ILED = 24.75mA, VIN = VON = 3.6V, C1 = 1F, C2 = 1F, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) LED EFFICIENCY vs. INPUT VOLTAGE 3 WLEDs 4 WLEDs 80 6 WLEDs 85 75 3 WLEDs 80 6 WLEDs 75 INDUCTOR: TOKO 1069AS-220M DIODE: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH05-4 INDUCTOR: TOKO 1098AS-100M DIODE: NXP PMEG3005EB 70 70 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 LED EFFICIENCY vs. LED CURRENT (6 WLEDs) LED EFFICIENCY vs. LED CURRENT (6 WLEDs) VIN = 3.6V 75 VIN = 4.2V VIN = 3V 70 65 VIN = 5V VIN = 5.5V 85 80 EFFICIENCY (%) 80 90 MAX8901A/B toc03 VIN = 5.5V VIN = 5V 85 VIN = 4.2V VIN = 3.6V 75 VIN = 3V 70 65 60 60 INDUCTOR: TOKO 1069AS-220M DIODE: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH05-4 55 55 INDUCTOR: TOKO 1098AS-100M DIODE: NXP PMEG3005EB 50 5 10 15 20 0 25 5 10 15 20 LED CURRENT (mA) LED CURRENT (mA) LED EFFICIENCY vs. LED CURRENT (4 WLEDs) LED EFFICIENCY vs. LED CURRENT (4 WLEDs) VIN = 5V VIN = 5.5V 85 VIN = 4.2V VIN = 3.6V 80 75 VIN = 3V 70 90 VIN = 5V 65 VIN = 5.5V 85 80 EFFICIENCY (%) 90 MAX8901A/B toc05 0 VIN = 4.2V 75 25 MAX8901A/B toc06 50 EFFICIENCY (%) 3 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 90 EFFICIENCY (%) 2 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) MAX8901A/B toc04 2 VIN = 3.6V VIN = 3V 70 65 60 60 INDUCTOR: TOKO 1069AS-220M DIODE: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH05-4 55 55 INDUCTOR: TOKO 1098AS-100M DIODE: NXP PMEG3005EB 50 50 0 5 10 15 LED CURRENT (mA) www.maximintegrated.com MAX8901A/B toc02 4 WLEDs EFFICIENCY (%) 85 EFFICIENCY (%) LED EFFICIENCY vs. INPUT VOLTAGE 90 MAX8901A/B toc01 90 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 LED CURRENT (mA) Maxim Integrated | 4 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Circuit of Figure 5, ILED = 24.75mA, VIN = VON = 3.6V, C1 = 1F, C2 = 1F, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) LED AND BOOST EFFICIENCY vs. INPUT VOLTAGE IN CURRENT (IIN) vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE 90 MAX8901A/B toc08 BOOST MAX8901B 700 600 LED MAX8901A 500 85 IIN (A) EFFICIENCY (%) 800 MAX8901A/B toc07 95 80 400 300 200 75 6WLEDs, INDUCTOR: TOKO A915AY-220M, DIODE: CENTRAL SEMI CMDSH05-4 70 2 3 4 5 100 0 2 6 3 4 5 6 7 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) INPUT OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION RESPONSE SWITCHING WAVEFORMS MAX8901A/B toc9 MAX8901A/B toc10 50mV/div AC-COUPLED VI 6.4V VIN 5.4V VOUT VLX 1V/div (AC-COUPLED) 10V/div 10V/div 0V 100mV/div AC-COUPLED VOUT 0V ILEDs 20mA/div 0mA 100mA/div ILX 0mA 20mA/div VLX 1s/div 0V 20ms/div STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN RESPONSE (MAX8901B) STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN RESPONSE (MAX8901A) MAX8901A/B toc12 MAX8901A/B toc11 C2 = 0.1F VON 2V/div 0V 10V/div 10V/div VOUT 0V VOUT 0V 100mA/div 100mA/div ISUPPLY 0mA ILEDs 20mA/div 0mA 10ms/div www.maximintegrated.com 2V/div 0V VON ISUPPLY 0mA 20mA/div ILEDs 0mA 10ms/div Maxim Integrated | 5 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Circuit of Figure 5, ILED = 24.75mA, VIN = VON = 3.6V, C1 = 1F, C2 = 1F, TA = +25C, unless otherwise noted.) PWM DIMMING RESPONSE (MAX8901A) SERIAL PULSE DIMMING RESPONSE (MAX8901B) MAX8901A/B toc13 MAX8901A/B toc14 2V/div VON D = 90% D = 10% VIN VCS 2V/div 0V VON 0V 50mV/div (AC-COUPLED) VIN 50mV/div (AC-COUPLED) 500mV/div VCS 1V/div 0V 0V VOUT VOUT 20mV/div fON_PWM = 100kHz, DUTY CYCLE CHANGE: 90% TO 10%, C2 = 0.1F ILEDs 0V ILEDs 20mA/div 20mA/div 0mA 0mA 4ms/div 10ms/div LED CURRENT vs. PWM DIMMING (MAX8901A) VCS vs. LED CURRENT STEP (MAX8901B) 25 507.0 506.5 506.0 VCS (mV) 20 15 10 505.5 505.0 504.5 504.0 503.5 5 RCS = 20, fPWM = 100kHz 0 0 20 40 60 80 503.0 502.5 100 PWM DUTY CYCLE (%) 10 15 20 25 LED CURRENT STEP MAXIMUM LED CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE (MAX8901B) MINIMUM LED CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE (MAX8901B) 24.8 30 745 ILED (A) 24.6 5 750 MAX8901A/B toc17 25.0 0 35 MAX8901A/B toc18 ILED (mA) MAX8901A/B toc16 507.5 MAX8901A/B toc15 30 ILED (mA) 20mV/div 0V 740 24.4 735 24.2 730 24.0 -40 -15 10 35 TEMPERATURE (C) www.maximintegrated.com 60 85 -40 -15 10 35 60 85 TEMPERATURE (C) Maxim Integrated | 6 MAX8901A/MAX8901B Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package Pin Description PIN NAME 1 OVP FUNCTION WLED Overvoltage Protection Input. OVP monitors voltage at the WLEDs. Connect OVP to the positive terminal of the output capacitor. If an OVP condition is detected, the MAX8901_ latch off. Cycle VIN or toggle VON to restart the IC. Enable and Dimming Control Input. Drive ON high to enable the IC. Drive ON low for greater than 1.33ms (typ) to shutdown the WLED current regulator. 2 ON For the MAX8901A: After VIN is above VUVLO and ON is driven high, the MAX8901A enters soft-start and increases the WLED current to full brightness. Apply a minimum 30kHz (500kHz max) PWM signal to ON to adjust the WLED brightness from 100% to off, proportional to the duty cycle of the PWM signal. See the PWM Dimming Control (MAX8901A) section for more details. For the MAX8901B: After ON is driven high for 40s (min), the MAX8901B enters soft-start and increases the WLED current to full brightness. Subsequent pulses on ON cause the MAX8901B WLED current to decrease in 32 equal steps. See the Serial-Pulse Dimming Control (MAX8901B) section for more details. IN Power Supply Input. Bypass IN to GND with a 1F ceramic capacitor placed as close as possible to the IC. If VIN exceeds the input overvoltage lockout threshold (6.5V max, VIN rising), the IC stops switching and no WLED current flows (if the forward voltage of the WLED string is greater than VIN). When VIN falls below the overvoltage lockout hysteresis level (6.0V min, VIN falling), soft-start is initiated and normal operation resumes. 4 LX Boost Inductor Node. Connect an inductor between IN and LX. LX is high impedance in shutdown. 5 PGND 6 GND 3 7 COMP Power Ground. Connect to GND and the exposed paddle (EP) with a short, wide trace. Analog Ground. Connect GND to the exposed paddle with a short, wide trace. WLED Boost Compensation Node. Connect a 0.022F ceramic capacitor from COMP to GND. CCOMP stabilizes the converter and sets the soft-start time. COMP discharges to GND when in shutdown. 8 CS WLED Current Sense Input. For the MAX8901A, connect a current-sense resistor from CS to GND. Voltage sensed at CS regulates the WLED current. For the MAX8901B, do not connect a sense resistor from CS to GND. The MAX8901B provides an internal current source from CS to GND to program the WLED current. The MAX8901B regulates VCS to 0.5V (typ) for all ILED. The MAX8901A regulates VCS to 0.5V (typ) for maximum duty cycle only. -- EP Exposed Metal Paddle. Connect EP to GND. For good thermal dissipation, the exposed paddle must be connected to a large ground plane. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 7 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B MAX8901A GND REF THERMAL SHUTDOWN IC POWER BOOST CONTROL LOGIC INTERNAL 750kHz OSC IN LX SHUTDOWN TIMER PGND OVP CS Gm D*0.5V PWM COMP ON EP Figure 2. MAX8901A Block Diagram Detailed Description The high efficiency and tiny size of the MAX8901A/ MAX8901B WLED step-up converters make them ideally suited for driving LCD backlighting in cell phones, PDAs, and other portable and handheld devices. The MAX8901_ drive from 2 to 6 series-connected WLEDs with constant current for uniform WLED intensity and are optimized for the highest possible efficiency (up to 91%) over the full 1-cell Li+/Li-Poly battery range. These tiny www.maximintegrated.com 2mm x 2mm devices operate at a constant 750kHz switching frequency, and use small external components to achieve minimal input and output ripple while occupying the smallest possible footprint. These converters use a single input (ON) to enable the IC and to control WLED intensity. The MAX8901A requires a direct PWM input to modulate WLED intensity, with WLED current proportional to the PWM duty cycle. The MAX8901B uses single-wire, serial-pulse dimming that Maxim Integrated | 8 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B MAX8901B GND REF THERMAL SHUTDOWN IC POWER BOOST CONTROL LOGIC INTERNAL 750kHz OSC SHUTDOWN TIMER IN LX PGND OVP CS Gm 0.5V PULSE DIMMING COMP ON EP Figure 3. MAX8901B Block Diagram reduces the WLED intensity in 32 equal steps. Full-scale WLED current for serial-pulse dimming is 24.75mA. The MAX8901_ feature: * Internal soft-start that gradually illuminates the WLEDs to eliminate inrush current during startup. * Input overvoltage protection (6.5V max) that prevents IC switching when exceeded. * WLED overvoltage protection (25V typ) that latches off the IC. * Shutdown mode that reduces current to 0.01A (typ). No WLED current is present in shutdown or during an overvoltage condition if the WLED forward voltage is greater than the input supply voltage. Figures 2 and 3 show the block diagrams for the MAX8901A and MAX8901B, respectively. www.maximintegrated.com Input Overvoltage Lockout When V IN exceeds 6.2V (min), input overvoltage lockout (OVLO) is engaged to protect the MAX8901_ from high-input voltage conditions. Once input OVLO occurs, the MAX8901_ stop switching and no WLED current flows, provided the forward voltage of the WLED string is greater than VIN. When VIN falls below 6V (min), the input OVLO condition is cleared, and the IC is enabled and enters soft-start. WLED Overvoltage Protection WLED overvoltage protection (OVP) occurs when the WLED output voltage rises above the WLED OVP threshold. The WLED OVP protection circuitry latches off the IC and the IC enters shutdown when the WLED OVP threshold is exceeded. After OVP is engaged, cycle VIN or toggle ON to reenable the IC and enter soft-start. Maxim Integrated | 9 MAX8901A/MAX8901B Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package Startup and Soft-Start PWM Dimming Control (MAX8901A) The MAX8901_ use a single input (ON) to enable the IC and to control WLED intensity. After ON is driven high, the MAX8901_ enter soft-start and gradually increase the WLED current to full brightness. When the MAX8901_ are first turned on, C COMP is charged to 1.25V with a 60A current source. When VCOMP rises above 1.25V, CCOMP is charged with a 4A current source, and the internal MOSFET begins switching at a reduced duty cycle. When VCOMP rises above 2.25V, the duty cycle is at its maximum. The VCOMP where the IC exits soft-start depends on the final duty cycle required by the load. Typical startup timing characteristics are shown in the Typical Operating Characteristics section. A PWM signal (MAX8901A) or serial pulses (MAX8901B) are applied to dim the WLEDs. See the PWM Dimming Control (MAX8901A) and Serial-Pulse Dimming Control (MAX8901B) sections for more details. After VIN is above UVLO, apply a PWM signal to ON for a WLED current that is proportional to the PWM signal's duty cycle (0% duty cycle corresponds to zero LED current and 100% duty cycle corresponds to full LED current). Restrict PWM frequency to between 30kHz to 500kHz for a maximum ILED current accuracy. If dimming control is not required, ON works as a simple on/off control. Drive ON high to enable the IC, or drive ON low for shutdown. A resistor connected from CS to GND programs maximum ILED. See the Current-Sense Resistor (MAX8901A Only) section for more details. Shutdown The MAX8901_ enter shutdown when VON is held low for more than 1.33ms (typ), or when an output overvoltage condition is engaged. In shutdown, the supply current is reduced to 0.01A (typ) by powering down the entire IC except for the ON voltage-detection circuitry. C COMP is discharged to GND during shutdown, allowing the device to reinitiate soft-start when it is re-enabled. Although the internal n-channel MOSFET does not switch in shutdown, there is still a DC current path between the input and the WLEDs through the inductor and Schottky diode. In shutdown, the minimum forward voltage of the WLED string must exceed the maximum input voltage to ensure that the WLEDs remain off. Typically, with two or more WLEDs, the forward voltage is large enough to keep leakage current low, less than 1A (typ). Shutdown timing characteristics are shown in the Typical Operating Characteristics. Thermal Shutdown The MAX8901_ include a thermal shutdown feature that protects the IC by turning it off when the die temperature reaches +160C (typ). After thermal shutdown occurs, the MAX8901_ must be restarted by toggling the ON pin low, then high, or by cycling the input voltage. Serial-Pulse Dimming Control (MAX8901B) After the MAX8901B is enabled by driving ON high for the minimum initial ON high pulse width (40s, min), soft-start is engaged and brings WLED current to maximum brightness. After soft-start is completed, dim the MAX8901B by pulsing ON low (500ns to 500s pulse width). Each pulse reduces the WLED current by 0.75mA. The maximum WLED current is 24.75mA for the MAX8901B (0.75mA/step). The overall dimming range for serial-pulse dimming control is from maximum WLED current down to 1/33 of maximum WLED current. The WLEDs are turned off by holding ON low for at least 1.33ms (typ). See Figure 1 for the serial-pulse dimming control timing diagram. Applications Information Inductor Selection Recommended inductor values range from 10H to 47H. A 22H inductor optimizes the efficiency for most applications while maintaining low input voltage ripple. With input voltages near 5V, a larger value of inductance may be more efficient. To prevent core saturation, ensure that the inductor saturation current rating exceeds the peak inductor current for the application. Calculate the peak inductor current with the following formula: IPEAK = VOUT(MAX) x ILED(MAX) 900 x VIN(MIN) + VIN(MIN) x 1.2 2xL where ILED(MAX) is in mA and L is in H. www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 10 MAX8901A/MAX8901B Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package Schottky Diode Selection Current-Sense Resistor (MAX8901A Only) The high switching frequency of the MAX8901_ demands a high-speed rectification diode for optimum efficiency. A Schottky diode is recommended due to its fast recovery time and low forward voltage drop. Ensure that the diode's average and peak current rating exceeds the average output current and peak inductor current. In addition, the diode's reverse breakdown voltage must exceed VOUT. The RMS diode current can be approximated from the following equation: The MAX8901A uses a sense resistor (RCS) connected from CS to GND to program the maximum WLED current for 100% PWM duty cycle. The MAX8901A regulates VCS to 0.5V (typ) for 100% duty cycle. Calculate RCS (in ohms) using the following equation: IDIODE (RMS) = ILED x IPEAK Capacitor Selection Ceramic capacitors with X5R, X7R, or better dielectric are recommended for stable operation over the entire operating temperature range. The exact values of input (C1) and output (C2) capacitors are not critical (see Figures 4 and 5). The typical value for the input capacitor is 1F, and the typical value for the output capacitor is 0.1F (MAX8901A) or 1F (MAX8901B). Higher value capacitors can reduce input and output ripple, but at the expense of size and higher cost. The compensation capacitor (C3) stabilizes the converter and controls soft-start. The compensation capacitor is typically chosen to be 0.022F for most applications. www.maximintegrated.com RCS = 500 ILED(MAX) where I LED(MAX) is the maximum WLED current in milliamps. Maximum WLED current is programmed to 25mA using a 20 resistor. PCB Layout Due to fast switching waveforms and high-current paths, careful attention is required when the PCB layout is designed. Minimize trace lengths between the IC and the inductor, the diode, the input capacitor, and the output capacitor. For the MAX8901A, minimize the trace length between the IC and R CS. Keep traces short, direct, and wide. Keep noisy traces, such as the LX node trace, away from CS. The input bypass capacitor (CIN) should be placed as close as possible to the IC. The ground connections of CIN and COUT should be as close together as possible. PGND and GND should be connected together at the input capacitor ground terminal. Refer to the MAX8901 EV Kit for an example layout. Maxim Integrated | 11 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B L1 22H INPUT 2.6V TO 5.5V C1 1F 3 LX IN OUTPUT UP TO 25V D1 4 C2 0.1F MAX8901A 7 C3 0.022F 6 COMP OVP GND PGND PWM DIMMING CONTROL 2 ON CS EP 1 D2-D7 5 8 R1 (RCS) 20 Figure 4. MAX8901A Application Circuit L1 22H INPUT 2.6V TO 5.5V C1 1F 3 7 LX IN SERIAL-PULSE DIMMING CONTROL OVP 6 2 PGND GND ON EP OUTPUT UP TO 25V D1 C2 1F MAX8901B COMP R1 0 C3 0.022F 4 CS 1 5 8 Figure 5. MAX8901B Application Circuit www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 12 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B Pin Configuration Chip Information PROCESS: BiCMOS TOP VIEW CS 8 COMP GND PGND 7 6 5 Package Information MAX8901 *EP + 1 2 3 4 OVP ON IN LX TDFN-EP (2mm x 2mm) For the latest package outline information and land patterns (footprints), go to www.maximintegrated.com/packages. Note that a "+", "#", or "-" in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE OUTLINE NO. LAND PATTERN NO. 8 TDFN-EP T822-1 21-0168 90-0064 *EP = EXPOSED PAD www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated | 13 Highest Efficiency Supply for 2 to 6 Series WLEDs in a 2mm x 2mm TDFN Package MAX8901A/MAX8901B Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE PAGES CHANGED DESCRIPTION 0 8/07 Initial release -- 1 5/08 Replaced TOC 16 6 2 6/08 Updated LED current accuracy, input undervoltage lockout threshold, and input overvoltage lockout threshold. 3 8/10 Removed Input Undervoltage Lockout Threshold (VIN falling) minimum value and added soldering temperature 2 4 4/15 Updated Benefits and Features section 1 1, 2, 3 For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim Integrated's website at www.maximintegrated.com. Maxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance. Maxim Integrated and the Maxim Integrated logo are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (c) 2015 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. | 14 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Maxim Integrated: MAX8901AETA+T MAX8901BETA+T MAX8901BETA+TCH8