IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions.
IXYS MOSFETs and IGBTs are covered by one or more 4,850,072 4,931,844 5,034,796 5,063,307 5,237,481 5,381,025 6,404,065B1 6,162,665 6,534,343 6,583,505
of the following U.S. patents: 4,835,592 4,881,106 5,017,508 5,049,961 5,187,117 5,486,715 6,306,728B1 6,259,123B1 6,306,728B1 6,683,344
Symbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values
(TJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)
Min. Typ. Max.
gfs VDS= 10 V; ID = 0.5 ID25, pulse test 20 28 S
Ciss 2250 pF
Coss VGS = 0 V, VDS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz 890 pF
Crss 275 pF
td(on) 27 ns
trVGS = 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS, ID = ID25 53 ns
td(off) RG = 10 Ω (External) 66 ns
tf45 ns
Qg(on) 74 nC
Qgs VGS= 10 V, VDS = 0.5 VDSS, ID = 0.5 ID25 18 nC
Qgd 40 nC
RthJC 0.42 K/W
RthCK (TO-3P) 0.21 K/W
(TO-220) 0.25 K/W
Source-Drain Diode Characteristic Values
(TJ = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)
Symbol Test Conditions Min. typ. Max.
ISVGS = 0 V 75 A
ISM Repetitive 200 A
VSD IF = IS, VGS = 0 V, 1.5 V
Pulse test, t ≤ 300 µs, duty cycle d ≤ 2 %
trr IF = 25 A 120 ns
-di/dt = 100 A/µs
QRM VR = 75 V 1.4 µC
TO-3P (IXTQ) Outline
Pins: 1 - Gate 2 - Drain
TO-220 (IXTA) Outline
Dim. Millimeter Inches
Min. Max. Min. Max.
A 4.06 4.83 .160 .190
A1 2.03 2.79 .080 .110
b 0.51 0.99 .020 .039
b2 1.14 1.40 .045 .055
c 0.46 0.74 .018 .029
c2 1.14 1.40 .045 .055
D 8.64 9.65 .340 .380
D1 7.11 8.13 .280 .320
E 9.65 10.29 .380 .405
E1 6.86 8.13 .270 .320
e 2.54 BSC .100 BSC
L 14.61 15.88 .575 .625
L1 2.29 2.79 .090 .110
L2 1.02 1.40 .040 .055
L3 1.27 1.78 .050 .070
L4 0 0.38 0 .015
R 0.46 0.74 .018 .029
TO-263 (IXTP) Outline