Avantek Products CD eackano IF/RF Cascadable Amplifiers Selection Guide Description HPs ACT Series are multi-stage, high performance amplifiers packaged in a hermetic stainless steel Avanpak package with removable connectors for SMA connections or drop-in assembly. The 5 to 2000 MHz part of the line uses some of HPs most popular UTO devices cascaded in sub- strate form. This permits the cascades to be factory-tuned to provide a wide selection of low NF, high gain, flat frequency response and moderate output power products. Other parts in the line are a 0.1 to 4000 MHz ex- tremely broadband unit, and several narrowband ultra-low-NF amplifiers. The ACT line is recommended for use as instru- mentation amplifiers, LNAs, Fiber optic system amplifiers or any other application where perfor- mance plays a major role. 1-330 ACT Series Case Types (See Section 5 for detailed case drawings.)Product Options ACT10 - 221-1R Model Number Prefix -<" ACT- ACT5- ACT10- ACT20- Model Number Connector Options <$ Connector Option Table Dash No. RF iy RF out -1 Female Female -2 PIN PIN -3 Male Male -4 Male Female 5 Female Male 1-331 Screening Option blank = No Screening required R = R-Series Screening For more information on R-Series screening, see Reliability Screening, Section 6.ACT Series Cascaded Amplifiers (Guaranteed Specifications at 0 to 50C Case Temperature, V = +15 VDC) Power Output Intercept Noise for 1 dB Gain Gain Point for VSWR Input Bias Frequency Gain Figure Compression Flatness IM Products ; 50 Ohms Current Range (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dB) (dBm) In/Out (mA) Model (MHz) Typ./Min. | Maximum Minimum Maximum Typical Maximum Typical 10 to 500 MHz ACT5-200-X 10-500 26.5/25 2.7 +6 +15 +22 2.0:1 35 ACT5-201-X 10-500 37/35 27 +7 +15 +20 2.0:1 33 ACT5-202-X 10-500 51.5/49 27 +6 =15 +18 2.0:1 60 ACT5-203-X 10-500 64.5/62 27 +6 2.0 +18 2.021 70 ACTS5-210-X | 10-500 275/26 30 +14 +15 43000 | 2.01 78 ACT5-211-X 10-500 38/36 3.5 +14 +15 +30 2.0:1 76 ACT5-212-X 10-500 47/45, 27 +14 +15 427 2.0:1 80 ACT5-213-X 10-500 54/52 27 +14 42.0 +27 2.0:1 92 ACT5-214-X 10-500 67/65 2.7 +14 2.0 +27 2.0:1 103 ACT5-220-X 10-500 24.5/23 3.5 +23 +15 +35 2.0:1 165 ACT5-221-X 10-500 35/33 3.0 +23 0) +35 2.0:1 190 ACT5-222-X 10-500 46/44 3.0 +23 0 +35 2.0:1 193 ACT5-223-X 10-500 60.5/58 3.0 +23 0) +35 2.0:1 210 10 to 1000 MHz ACT10-210-X 10-1000 21.5/20 45 +11 +2.0 +28 2.0:1 60 ACT10-211-X 10-1000 31/29 3.7 +9 +15 +20 2.0:1 37 ACT10-212-X 10-1000 41/39 3.7 +9 +2.0 +20, 2.0:1 62 ACT10-213-X 10-1000 52/50 37 +22 +15 427 2.0:1 101 ACTI10-220-X 20-1000 22.5/21 5.0 +20 +2.0 +35 2.0:1 125 ACT10-221-X 10-1000 33/31 4.5 +20) +2.0 +35 2.0:1 150 ACT10-222-X 10-1000 42/40 3.7 +20 +2.0 +35 2.0:1 155 ACT10-223-X 10-1000 A9/AT 37 +20 $2.0 +35 2.0:1 163 10 to 2000 MHz ACT20-210-X 10-2000 19.5/18 5.0 +7 +15 +17 4l ACT20-211-X 10-2000 28/26 5.0 +14 +2.) +29 91 ACT20-212-X 10-2000 34/32 6.0 +14 $2.0 +29 104 ACT20-213-X 10-2000 40/38 6.0 +12 +2.0 +29 126 Avanpak Cascaded Amplifier (Guaranteed Specifications @ 0 to 50C Case Temperature) Noise Figure Power Output Third-Order (dB) @ 1.0 dB Comp. Intercept Point Maximum (dBM), Min. (dBm) Typ. 0.1 >2000 0.1 >2000 Gain 0.1 >2000 | Input Frequency Gain to to to to Flatness to to Power | Current Range (dB) 2000 4000 2000 4000 (dB) 2000 4000 |Voltage | (mA) Page Model (MHz) |Typ./Min. | (MHz) (MHz) | (MHz) (MHz) Max. (MHz) (MHz) | (VDC) Typ. Number ACT-4032-X | 0.1-4000 19/18 75 9.0 7.5 2.0 +1.0 19.0 10.0 +15 105 1-333 ACT Series Ultra Low Noise, Narrowband Amplifiers (Guaranteed Specifications at 0 to 50C Case Temperature, V = +12 VDC) Frequency Noise | Power Output Gain Range Gain | Figure @1dB Gain | Flatness| Third-Order | Input Power (MHz) (dB) (dB) Compression (dB) [Intercept Point Voltage Current Page Model Min. Min. Max. (dBm) Min. Max. (dBm) Typ. (VDC) = {GmA) Typ. |Number ACT-120923-X 950-1250 35.5 L5 +14 0.5 26 +12-15 95 1-336 ACT-141223-X | 1200-1400 35 1.5 +13 0.5 25 412-15 95 1-339 ACT-161223-X | 1200-1600 34 1.5 +15 +0.7 24 +12-15 90 1-342 1-332