AMPMODU MTE Interconnection System 114- 25026
Rev D 3 of 20Tyco Electronics Corporation
2.1. Revision Summary
This paragraph is reserved for a revision summary of changes and additions made to this specification. The
following changes were made for this revision.
SUpdated document to corporate requirements
SDeleted obsolete document and tooling in Paragraph 2.6 and Section 5, TOOLING
2.2. Customer Assistance
Reference Part Number 103684 and Product Code 5470 are representative numbers that identify the
AMPMODU MTE Interconnection System. These numbers are used in the network of customer service to
access tooling and product application information. This service is provided by your local Tyco Electronics
Representative or, after purchase, by calling the Tooling Assistance Center number at the bottom of page 1.
2.3. Drawings
Customer Drawings for specific products are available from the responsible Tyco Electronics Engineering
department via the service network. The information contained in the Customer Drawings takes priority if there
is a conflict with this specification or with any other technical documentation supplied by Tyco Electronics.
2.4. Specifications
The following Product Specifications (108--series) provide test and performance results, and Application
Specifications (114--series) provide related application information:
Specification Number Specification Title
108--25034 AMPMODU MTE Connector
114--25038 AMPMODU Short Point Contacts and Housings (Replacement Receptacle Contacts)
2.5. Manuals
Manual 402--40 is available upon request and can be used as a guide in soldering. This manual provides
information on various flux types and characteristics along with the commercial designation and flux removal
procedures. A checklist is included in the manual as a guide for information on soldering problems.
2.6. Instructional Material
The following list includes available instruction sheets (408--series) that provide assembly procedures for
product, operation, maintenance and repair of tooling, as well as setup and operation procedures of
applicators; and customer manuals (409--series) that provide setup, operation, and maintenance of machines.
Document Number Document Title
408--3295 Preparing Reel Of Contacts for Application Tooling
408--6789 Pistol Grip Pneumatic Handle Assembly 58075--1
408--6790 Pistol Grip Manual Hand Assembly 58074--1
408--6919 AMPMODU MTE Connectors
408--6923 Manual Arbor Frame Assembly 58024--1
408--7424 Checking Terminal Crimp Height or Gaging Die Closure
408--7763 Pneumatic Applicator Frame Assemblies 91112--2 and 91112--7
408--8059 General Preventative Maintenance for Applicators
408--9230 Keying Tool 91417--1
408--9359 Terminating Head 58336--1 for AMPMODU MTE Connectors
408--9393 Pneumatic Power Bench Assembly 58338--1
408--9407 Hand Crimping Tools 58342--1 and 58342--2 (Crimp Snap--In Pin Contact)
408--9453 Extraction/Lance Reset Tools 843477--[ ], and 843996--2, --3, --4, and --5
408--9515 Ribbon Cable Notcher 854449--[ ]
408--9590 Hand Crimping Tool 58438--1 (Short Point Receptacle Contact; 32--22 AWG)
408--9759 MTE Tube Feed Assembly 856675--1 for AMPMODU MTE Connectors
408--9816 Handling of Reeled Products