Alt er a Cor pora t ion 1
MAX 9000
Programmable Logic
Device Family
November 2001, ver. 6.3 Data Sheet
MAX 9000A
Features... High-perform ance CMOS EEPROM-base d programmable logic
devices (PLDs) built on third-generation Multiple Array MatriX
(MAX®) architecture
5.0-V in-system programmability (ISP) through built-in IEEE Std.
1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface
Built-in JTAG boundary-scan test (BST) circuitry compliant with IEEE
Std. 1149 .1-1 990
High-density erasable programmable logic device (EPLD) family
ranging from 6,000 to 12,000 usable gates (see Table 1)
10-ns pin-to-pin logic delays with counter frequencies of up to
144 MHz
Fully compliant with the peripheral component interconnect Special
Int ere st Gr oup’s ( PC I SIG) PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2
Dual-output macrocell for independent use of combinatorial and
registered logic
FastTrack® Interconnect for fast, predictable interconnect delays
Input/output registers with clear and clock enable on all I/O pins
Programmable output slew-rate control to reduce switching noise
MultiVolt I/O interface operation, allowing devices to interface
wit h 3.3- V and 5.0- V devices
Configurable expander product-term distribution allowing up to 32
pro du ct term s per macroc ell
Programmable power-saving mode for more than 50% power
reduction in each macrocell
Table 1. MAX 9000 Device Features
Feature EPM9320
EPM9320A EPM9400 EPM9480 EPM9560
Usable gates 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000
Flipflops 484 580 676 772
Macrocells 320 400 480 560
Logic array blocks (LABs) 20 25 30 35
Maxim um us er I/O pins 168 159 175 216
tPD1 (ns) 10 15 10 10
tFSU (ns) 3.0 5 3.0 3.0
tFCO (ns) 4.5 7 4.8 4.8
fCNT (MHz) 144 118 144 144
2Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
...and More
Programmable macrocell flipflops with individual clear, preset,
clock, and clock enable controls
Programmable security bit for protection of proprietary designs
Software d esign suppor t and automa tic place- and-route provided by
Altera’s MA X+ PLUS®II development system on Windows-based
PCs as well as Sun SPARCstation, HP 9000 Series 700/800, and IBM
RISC System/6000 workstations
Additional design entry and simulation support provided by EDIF
2 0 0 and 3 0 0 netlist files, library of parameterized modules (LPM),
Verilog HDL, VHD L, and othe r i nterfaces to popula r ED A tools from
manufacturers such as Cadence, Exemplar Logic, Mentor Graphics,
OrCAD, Synopsys, Synplicity, and VeriBest
Programming support with Altera’s Master Programming Unit
(MPU), BitBlasterTM serial download cable, ByteBlasterTM parallel
port do wnload cable, an d ByteBlaste rMV TM parallel port download
cable, as well as programming hardware from third-party
Offered in a variety of package options with 84 to 356 pins (see
Table 2)
(1) MAX 9000 device package types include plastic J-lead chip carrier (PLCC), power
quad fla t pack (RQFP), cera mic pin-gri d ar ra y (P GA), and ball-g r id ar r ay (B GA )
(2) Perform a complete thermal analysis before committing a design to this device
package. See Application Note 74 (Evaluating Power for Altera Devices).
Table 2. MAX 9000 Package Options & I/O Counts Note (1)
Device 84-Pin
PLCC 208-Pin
RQFP 240-Pin
RQFP 280-Pin
PGA 304-Pin
RQFP 356-Pin
EPM9320 60 (2) 132 168 168
EPM9320A 60 (2) 132–––168
EPM9400 59 (2) 139 159
EPM9480 146 175
EPM9560 153 191 216 216 216
EPM9560A 153 191 216
Altera Corporation 3
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
The MAX 9000 family of in-system-programmable, high-density, high-
performance EPLDs is based on Altera’s third-generation MAX
archit ecture. Fabr icated on an adva nced CMOS technolog y, the EEPROM -
based MAX 9000 family provides 6,000 to 12,000 usable gates, pin-to-pin
delays as fast as 10 ns, and counter speeds of up to 144 MHz. The -10 speed
grade of the MAX 9000 family is compliant with the PCI Local Bus
Specification, Revision 2.2. Table 3 shows the speed grades available for
MAX 9000 devi c es .
Table 4 show s the pe rfor mance o f MAX 9000 device s for typica l functi ons.
(1) Intern al logic array block (LAB) perfo rman ce is show n. Nu mbers in pare nthese s sho w external delays from row
input pin to row I/O pin.
The MAX 9000 architecture supports high-density integration of system-
level logic functions. It easily integrates multiple programmable logic
devices ranging from PALs, GALs, and 22 V10s to field-programmable
gate arra y (FP G A) devices an d EPLDs.
Table 3. MAX 9000 Speed G rade Availability
Device Speed Grade
-10 -15 -20
EPM9320 vv
EPM9320A v
EPM9400 vv
EPM9480 vv
EPM9560 vv
EPM9560A v
Table 4. MAX 9000 Performance Note (1)
Application Macrocells Used Speed Grade Units
-10 -15 -20
16-bit loadable counter 16 144 118 100 MHz
16-bit up/down counter 16 144 118 100 MHz
16-bit prescaled counter 16 144 118 100 MHz
16-bit address decode 1 5.6 (10) 7.9 (15) 10 (20) ns
16-to -1 m ult iplex er 1 7.7 (12 .1) 10.9 (18) 16 (26) ns
4Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
All MAX 9000 device packages provide four dedicated inputs for global
control signa ls with la r ge fan-o uts. Each I/O pin has a n associ ated I/O
cell regi ster with a clock enable cont rol on the per iphery of the device . As
outputs , the se r egist ers pr ovide f ast clock -to-out put ti mes; a s in puts, they
of fer quick setup time s.
MAX 9000 EPLDs provide 5.0-V in-system programmability (ISP). This
feature allows the devices to be programmed and reprogrammed on the
printed circuit board (PCB) for quick and efficient iterations during design
deve lopment and debug cycles. MAX 9000 de vices ar e guar anteed f or 100
program and er ase cycles.
MAX 9000 EPLDs contain 320 to 560 m acrocell s that are combined into
groups of 16 macrocel ls, ca lled logic arr ay blocks (LABs). Each macrocell
has a programmable-AND/fixed-OR arra y and a config urable regist er with
independently programmable clock, clock enable, clear, and preset
functions. For increased flexibility, each macrocell offers a dual-output
structure that allows the register and the product terms to be used
independently. This feature allows register-rich and combinatorial-
in tensi ve de signs to be implemented efficient ly. The dual-ou tput
structur e of the MAX 9000 macro cel l al so imp roves log ic u tiliz ation, thus
increasing the effective capacity of the devices. To build complex logic
functions, each macrocell can be supplemented with both shareable
expa nder p roduct t erms a nd hi gh-spe ed pa rallel e xpan der prod uct te rms
to provide up to 32 product terms per macrocell.
The MAX 9000 family provides programmable speed/power
optimization. Speed-critical portions of a design can run at high
speed/full power, while the remaining portions run at reduced
speed/low power. This speed/power optimization feature enables the
user to configure one or more macrocells to operate at 50% or less powe r
while adding only a nominal timing delay. MAX 9000 devices also
provide an option that reduces the slew rate of the output buffers,
minimizing noise transients when non-speed-critical signals are
switching. MAX 9000 devices offer the MultiVolt feature, which allows
output drivers to be set for either 3.3-V or 5.0-V operation in mixed-
vo ltage systems .
Altera Corporation 5
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
The MAX 9000 family is supported by Altera’s MAX+PLUS II
dev elopment system, a single, integra ted so ftware pack age th at of fer s
schematic, text—including VHDL, Verilog HDL, and the Altera
Hardware Description Langu age (AHDL)—and wave fo rm des i gn entry,
compilation and logic synthesis, simulation and timing analysis, and
device programming. The MAX+PLUS II software provides EDIF 2 0 0
and 3 0 0, LPM, and other interfaces for additional design entry and
simulation support from other industry-standard PC- and UNIX-
workstation-based EDA tools. The MAX+PLUS II software runs on
Windows-b a sed PCs as well as Sun SPARCstation, HP 9000 Serie s
700/800, and IBM RISC System/6000 workstations.
fFor more information on development tools, see the MAX+P LUS II
Programmable Logic Development System & Software Data Sheet.
MAX 9000 devices use a third-generation MAX architecture that yields
both high performance and a high degree of utilization for most
applications. The MAX 9000 architecture includes the following elements:
Logic array blocks
Expander product terms (shareable and parallel)
FastTrack In terconnect
Dedicat ed inputs
I/O cells
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the MAX 9000 architecture.
6Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Figure 1. MAX 9000 Device Block Diagram
Logic Array Blocks
The MAX 9000 architecture is based on linking high-performance, flexible
logic array modules called logic array blocks (LABs). LABs consist of
16-macrocell arrays that are fed by the LAB local array, as shown in
Figure 2 on page 7. Multiple LABs are linked together via the FastTrack
Interconnect, a series of fast, continuous channels that run the entire
length and width of the device. The I/O pins are supported by I/O cells
(IOCs) located at the end of each row (horizontal) and column (vertical)
path of the FastTrack Interconnect.
Each LAB is fed by 33 inputs from the row interconnect and 16 feedback
signals from the macrocells within the LAB. All of these signals are
available within the LAB in their true and inverted form. In addition,
16 shared expander product terms (“expanders”) are available in their
inverted form, for a total of 114 signals that feed each product term in the
LAB. Each LAB is also fed by two low-skew global clocks and one global
clear that can be used for register control signals in all 16 macrocells.
I/O Cell
Logic Array
Block (LAB)
LAB Local Array
Altera Corporation 7
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
LABs drive the row and colu mn inter connect d irectly. Ea ch macroce ll can
drive out of the L AB on to on e or b ot h ro uti ng resou rces . Onc e on the row
or column interconnect, signals can traverse to other LABs or to the IOCs.
Figure 2. MAX 9000 Logic Array Block
Column FastTrac
Row FastTrack
To Peripheral Bus and
Other LABs in the Device
Global Control Select
16 16
See Figure 7
for details.
Macrocell 1
Macrocell 2
Macrocell 3
Macrocell 4
Macrocell 5
Macrocell 6
Macrocell 7
Macrocell 8
LAB Local Array
(114 Channels)
Shared Expander
Signals Local Feedback
DIN4 GOE To Peripheral Bus
Macrocell 9
Macrocell 10
Macrocell 11
Macrocell 12
Macrocell 13
Macrocell 14
Macrocell 15
Macrocell 16
8Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
The MAX 9000 macrocell consists of three functional blocks: the product
terms, the product-term select matrix, and the programmable register.
The macrocell can be individually configured for both sequential and
combinatorial logic operation. See Figure 3.
Figure 3. MAX 9000 Macrocell & Local Array
Combinatorial logic is implemented in the local array, which provides five
product terms per macrocell. The product-term select matrix allocates
these product terms for use as either primary logic inputs (to the OR and
XOR gates) to implement combinatorial functions, or as secondary inputs
to the ma crocell’s reg ister clear, preset, cl ock, and cl ock enable control
functions. Two kinds of expander product terms (“expanders”) are
available to supplement macrocell logic resources:
Sh area ble expanders, whic h are inverted product term s that are f e d
back into the log ic array
Parallel expanders, which are product terms borrowed from adjacent
The MAX+PLUS II software automatically optimizes product-term
allocation according to the logic requirements of the design.
16 Local
Feedbacks 16 Shareable
Expander Product
LAB Local
(from Other
Clear Global
To Row or
Input Select
Local Array
33 Row
Altera Corporation 9
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
For registered functions, each macrocell register can be individually
programmed for D, T, JK, or SR operation with programmable clock
control. The flipflop can also be bypassed for combinatorial operation.
During design entry, the user specifies the desired register type; the
MAX+PLUS II software then selects the most efficient register operation
for each registered function to optimize resource utilization.
Each programma bl e register can be c locked in three di fferent modes:
By eithe r global clock signa l . This m od e ach ieves the f ast es t clock - to -
output performance.
By a global clock sign al and enabl ed by an acti ve-high clock enab le.
This mode provides an enable on each flipflop while still achieving
the fast clock-to-output performance of the global clock.
By an array clock im plemente d with a product term. In this mode, th e
flipflop can be clocked b y signa ls from bu ried macroce lls or I /O pins.
Two global cloc k sign als ar e ava ilable . A s sh own in Figure 2, th es e glob al
clock signals can be the true or the complement of either of the global cl ock
pins (DIN1 and DIN2).
Each register also supports asynchronous preset and clear functions. As
show n in Figure 3, the produ ct-term s elect ma trix a llocate s prod uct te rms
to cont ro l the se operat ions. Althoug h the product- term-d riven preset and
clea r inputs to reg isters are a ctive high, active-low co ntrol can be obtained
by inverting the signal within the logic array. In addition, each register
clear function can be ind ividually dr iven b y t he ded icated global clea r pin
(DIN3). The g lobal cl ear can b e progr ammed for a ctive-high or act ive-low
All MAX 9000 macrocells offer a dual-output structure that provides
independent register and combinatorial logic output within the same
macrocell. This function is implemented by a process called register
packing. When register packing is used, the product-term select matrix
alloc ates one prod uct term to the D input of the register, whil e the
remaining product terms can be used to implement unrelated
combinatorial logic. Both the registered and the combinatorial output of
the macrocell can feed either the FastTrack Interconnect or the LAB local
10 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Expa nder Product Terms
Althoug h most l ogic functio ns can b e imple m ent ed w ith the f ive pr oduct
terms availa ble in each mac rocell, some logic function s are more comp lex
and require addi tiona l produ ct terms . Althoug h anothe r macroc ell can
supply the requ ired lo gic resour ces, the MAX 9000 ar chitectu re also offers
both shareable and parallel expander product terms that provide
additio nal product terms directly to any macrocel l in the same LAB. These
expanders help ensure that logic is synthesized with the fewest possible
logic resources to obtain the fastest possible speed.
Shareable Expanders
Each LAB has 16 shareable expanders that can be viewed as a pool of
uncommitted single product terms (one from each macrocell) with
inverted outputs that feed back into the LAB local array. Each shareable
expander can be used and shared by any or all macrocells in the LAB to
build complex logic functions. A small delay (tLOCAL + tSEXP) is incurred
when shareable ex pander s are used. Figure 4 shows how shareable
expanders can feed multiple macrocells.
Figure 4. MAX 9000 Shareable Expanders
Product-Term Select Matrix
LAB Local Array
16 Local
Feedbacks 16 Shared
33 Row
Shareable expanders can be shared by any or all macrocells in the LAB.
Altera Corporation 11
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Parallel Expanders
Parallel expand ers are unus ed pro du ct terms tha t can be allocate d to a
neighboring macrocell to implement fast, complex logic functions.
Parallel expanders allow up to 20 product terms to directly feed the
macrocell OR logic, with five product terms provided by the macrocell and
15 parallel expanders provided by neighboring macrocells in the LAB.
Figure 5 shows how parallel expanders can feed the neighboring
Figure 5. MAX 900 0 Parallel Expa nders
Term Logic
To Next
LAB Local
Term Logic
33 Row
16 Local
Feedbacks 16 Shared
Unused product terms in a macrocell can be allocated to a neighboring macrocell.
12 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
The MAX+PL US II Compiler a utomatically alloca tes as many a s three sets
of up to five parallel expanders to macrocells that require additional
product terms. Each set of expanders incurs a small, incremental timing
delay (tPEXP). For example, if a macrocell requires 14 product terms, the
Compiler uses the five dedicat ed product terms within the macroc ell and
allocates tw o se ts of p aral l el ex pa nd ers; the f irst set includes f ive pr oduct
terms and the second set in cludes f our prod uct te rms, i ncreasin g the total
delay by 2 × tPEXP.
Two groups of eight macrocells within each LAB (e.g., macrocells 1
through 8 and 9 through 16) form two chains to lend or borrow parallel
expa nd er s . A macro c el l borrow s par allel ex pa nd er s f ro m lowe r -
numbered macrocells. For example, macrocell 8 can borrow parallel
expanders from macrocell 7, from macrocells 7 and 6, or from macrocells
7, 6, and 5. Within each group of 8, the lowest-numbered macrocell can
only lend parallel expanders and the highest-numbered macrocell can
only borrow them.
FastTrack Interconnect
In the MAX 9000 architecture, connections between macrocel ls and device
I/O pins are provided by the FastTrack Interconnect, a series of
continuous horizontal and vertical routing channels that traverse the
entire device. This device-wide routing structure provides predictable
perfo rmance e ven in comp lex de signs. In contrast , the segme nted routing
in FPGAs requires switch matrices to connect a variable number of
routing paths, increasing the delays between logic resources and reducing
performance. Figure 6 shows the interconnection of four adjacent LABs
with row and column interconnects.
Altera Corporation 13
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Figure 6. MAX 900 0 Devi ce In t ercon nect R esources
The LABs within MAX 9000 devices are arranged into a matrix of columns
and r ows. Table 5 shows the number of columns and rows in each
MAX 900 0 de vice.
Each LAB is named on the basis of its physical row (A, B, C, etc.) and column (1, 2, 3, etc.) position within the device.
Interconnect Row FastTrack
See Figure 8
for details.
See Figure 9
for details.
See Figure 7
for details.
Table 5. MAX 9000 Rows & Columns
Devices Rows Columns
EPM9320, EPM9320A 4 5
EPM9400 5 5
EPM9480 6 5
EPM9560, EPM9560A 7 5
14 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Each row of LABs has a dedicate d ro w interconnect that routes signals
both into and out of the LABs in the row. The row interconnect can then
drive I/O pins or feed other LABs in the device. Each row interconnect has
a total of 9 6 chann els. Figure 7 shows how a macrocell drives the row and
column interconnect.
Figure 7. MA X 9 000 LA B Connections to Row & Colum n Interconnect
Each macrocell in the LAB can drive one of three separate column
interconnect channels. The column channels run vertically across the
enti re d evi c e, and ar e sha r ed by the macr o ce ll s in the sam e col um n. The
MAX+PLUS II Compiler optimizes connections to a column channel
Macrocell 1
Macrocell 2
96 Row Channels
48 Column
Each macrocell drives one
of three column channels
Local Array
Each macrocell drives
one row channel.
Additional multiplexer provides
column-to-row path if
macrocell drives row channel.
macrocell feeds
both FastTrack
Interconnect and
LAB local array.
Altera Corporation 15
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
A row interconnect channel can be fed by the output of the macrocell
throug h a 4-to -1 multi plexer that the macr ocell sha res wi th thr e e column
channe ls. If the mul tiplexer is used for a macroc ell-to-row connection, the
three column signals can access another row channel via an additional
3-to-1 multiplexer. Within any LAB, the multiplexers provide all
48 column channels with access to 32 row channels.
Row-to-I/O Cell Connections
Figure 8 illustrates the connections between row interconnect channels
and IOCs. An input signal from an IOC can drive two sep arate row
channels. When an IOC is used as an output, the signal is driven by a
10-to-1 multiplexer that selects the row channels. Each end of the row
channel feeds up to eight IOCs on the periphery of the device.
Figure 8. MAX 900 0 R ow-t o-IO C Connect i ons
Colu mn- to-I /O Cel l Conn ect ions
Each end of a column channel has up to 10 IOCs (see Figure 9). An input
signal from an IOC can drive two separate column channels. When an IOC
is used as an output, the signal is driven by a 17-to-1 multiplexer that
selects the column channels.
Each IOC is driven by
a 10-to-1 multiplexer.
Each IOC can drive up to
two row channels.
Row FastTrack
16 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Figure 9. MAX 9000 Column-to-IOC Connections
Dedicated Inputs
In addition to the gen eral-purpo se I/O pins, MAX 9000 device s have fo ur
dedica te d input pins. These dedica te d inputs provide low-skew, device -
wide si gnal distribut i on to the LABs and IOCs in the device, and are
typically used for global clock, clear, and output enable control signals.
The global control signals can feed the macrocell or IOC clock and clear
inputs, as well as the IOC out put enable. The dedi cated inputs can also be
used as general-purpose data inputs because they can feed the row
FastTrack Interconnect (see Figure 2 on page 7).
I/O Cells
Figure 10 shows the IOC block diagram. Signals enter the M AX 9000
device from either the I/O pins that provide general-purpose input
capability or from the four dedicated inputs. The IOCs are located at the
ends of the row and column interconnect channels.
Each IOC is driven by
a 17-to-1 multiplexer .
Each IOC can drive u
to two column
17 17
Column FastT rack
Altera Corporation 17
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Figure 10. MAX 9000 IOC
I/O pins can be used as input, output, or bidirectional pins. Each IOC has
an IO C register wi th a c lock e nable inp ut. This regis te r ca n b e use d eit he r
as an input r egis ter for e xt ernal data that r equire s fast setup ti mes, or a s an
output register for data that requires fast clock-to-output performance.
The IOC register clock enable allows the global clock to be used for fast
clock-to-output performance, while maintaining the flexibility required
for select ive clocki ng.
The clock , clock enable, clear, a nd output enab le controls for the IOCs are
provided by a network of I/O control signals. These signals can be
supplied by either the dedicated input pins or internal logic. The IOC
contr ol -signal paths a re d esigne d to mi nimi ze the skew acro ss the device.
All con trol-signal sou rces are buffe red onto hig h-speed drive rs that dr ive
the signals around the pe riphe r y of t he de vic e. This “p eriph er a l bus” c an
be configured to provide up to eight output enable signals, up to four
clock signals, up to six clock enable signals, and up to two clear signals.
Table 6 on page 18 shows the sources that drive the peripheral bus and
how the IOC control signals share the peripheral bus.
From Row or
Column FastTrack
To Row or
Column FastTrack
OE [7..0]
CLK [3..0]
ENA [5..0]
CLR [1..0]
Bus [12..0]
18 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
The out put buff er in eac h IOC ha s an adju stabl e output sl ew rate that can
be configured for low-noise or high-speed performance. A slower slew
rate reduces board-level noise and adds a nominal timing delay to the
output buffe r delay (tOD) parame ter . The fast slew ra te s hould b e use d fo r
speed-critical outputs in systems that are adequately protected against
noise . Des igners c an specif y the slew rate on a pin-by-pin bas is during
design e ntr y or assig n a de fau lt slew rate to all pins on a g lob al b as is. The
slew rate c ontrol affects bo th rising and fallin g edges of the out put signals.
The MAX 9000 device architecture supports the MultiVolt I/O interface
feature, which allows MAX 9000 devices to interface with systems of
differin g supply volt ag es. T he 5.0- V devic es in all pa ck ag es can be se t for
3.3-V or 5.0-V I/O pin operation. These devices have one set of VCC pins
for internal operation and i nput buffers (VCCINT), and another set for I/O
output driv ers ( VCCIO).
The VCCINT pins must always be connected to a 5.0-V power supply.
With a 5. 0-V VCCINT level, input voltages are at TTL levels and are
therefore compatible with 3.3-V and 5.0-V inputs.
Table 6. Per i pheral Bus Sour ces
Peri pher al Cont rol
Signal Source
EPM9320A EPM9400 EPM9480 EPM9560
OE0/ENA0 Row C Row E Row F Row G
OE1/ENA1 Row B Row E Row F Row F
OE2/ENA2 Row ARow ERow ERow E
OE3/ENA3 Row BRow BRow BRow B
OE4/ENA4 Row ARow ARow ARow A
OE5 Row DRow DRow DRow D
OE6 Row CRow CRow CRow C
CLK2 Row DRow DRow DRow D
CLK3 Row CRow CRow CRow C
Altera Corporation 19
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
The VCCIO pins can be c onnecte d to e ither a 3.3- V or 5. 0-V powe r supp ly,
depending on the output requirements. When the VCCIO pins are
connected to a 5.0-V power supply, the output levels are compatible with
5.0-V systems. When the VCCIO pins are connected to a 3.3-V power
supp ly, the out put high is at 3.3 V and is there for e compati ble wit h 3.3-V
or 5.0-V systems. Devices operating with VCCIO levels lower than 4.75 V
incur a nominally greater timing delay of tOD2 instead of tOD1.
bility (ISP)
MAX 9000 devices can be programmed in-system through a 4-pin JTAG
interface. ISP offers quick and efficient iterations during design
develop m ent and debug cycles. The MAX 9000 archite cture internally
generates the 12.0-V programming voltage required to program EEPROM
cell s, eliminatin g the need for an external 12 .0-V power suppl y to
pr ogra m the de vic es on th e b oa rd. D ur ing I SP, t he I/O pins ar e t r i-sta te d
to eliminate board conflicts.
ISP simplifies the manufacturing flow by allowing the devices to be
mounted on a printed circuit board with standard pick-and-place
equipme nt before they are programm ed . MAX 9000 devices can be
programmed by downloading the information via in-circuit testers,
embedded processors, or the Altera BitBlaster, ByteBlaster, or
ByteBlasterMV download cable. (The ByteBlaster cable is obsolete and has
be en rep laced b y the ByteBl aster MV cab le, w hich c an int erface with 2 .5-V ,
3.3-V, an d 5.0 -V devices.) Programming th e devices after they ar e placed
on the board eliminates lead damage on high pin-count packages (e.g.,
QFP packages) due to device handling. MAX 9000 devices can also be
reprogrammed in the field (i.e., product upgrades can be performed in the
field via software or modem).
In-system programming can be accomplished with either an adaptive or
constant algo ri thm. An ada p tiv e a l go ri thm reads information from the
unit and adapts subsequent programming steps to achieve the fastest
possible programming time for that unit. Because some in-circuit testers
platforms have difficulties supporting an adaptive algorithm, Altera
offers devices tested with a constant algorithm. Devices tested to the
con stant algorithm ar e mar ked with an “F” suffix in the ordering code.
with External
MAX 9000 devices can be programmed on Windows-based PCs with an
Altera Logic Programmer card, th e Ma ster Pro gramming Unit (MPU ),
and the appropr iate devi ce adapter. The MPU perfor m s con tin u i ty
checking to ensure adequate elec trical contact between t he ad apter and
the device.
fFor more informati on, see the Altera Programming Hardware Data Sheet.
20 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
The MAX+PLUS II software can u se text- or waveform-format t est vectors
created with the MAX+PLUS II Text Editor or Waveform Editor to test a
program m ed device. For added design veri fi cation, designers can
perform functional testing to compare the functional behavior of a
MAX 9000 device with the results of simulation.
Data I/O, BP Microsystems, and other programming hardware
manufacturers also provi de pro gra mmi n g s upp o rt for Al te ra de v ice s.
fFor more informati on, see Programming Hardware Manufacturers.
1149.1 (JTAG)
MAX 9000 de vic es sup port JTAG BST circuitry as specif i ed by IEEE Std.
1149.1-1990. Table 7 describes the JTAG instructions supported by the
MAX 9000 family. The pin-out tables starting on page 35 sho w the
location of the JTAG control pins for each device. If the JTAG interface is
not required, the JTAG pins are available as user I/O pins.
Table 7. MAX 9000 JTAG Instructio ns
JTAG Instruction Description
SAMPLE/PRELOAD Allows a snapshot of signals at the device pins to be captured and examined during
normal devic e operation, and permits an initial dat a pat te rn out put at the dev ic e pins .
EXTEST Allows the external circuitry and board-level interconnections to be tested by forcing a test
pattern at the out put pins and c apt uring test results at the inp ut pins.
BYPASS Places the 1-bit bypass register between the TDI and TDO pins, which allows the BST
data to pass synchronously through a selected device to adjacent devices during normal
device operation.
IDC OD E Selec t s the IDC OD E register and plac es it betw een TDI and TDO, allowing th e IDC OD E
to be shifted out of TDO. Supported by the EPM9320A, EPM9400, EPM9480, and
EPM956 0A dev ic es only.
UE SC OD E Selects the us er elec t ronic s ignat ure (UESCOD E) register and allow s the U ESC OD E t o
be shifted ou t of TDO se rially . This ins tr uc tio n is supported by MAX 9000A de vices only .
ISP Instructions These instructions are used when programming MAX 9000 devices via the JTAG ports
with the BitBlas t er or By te Blas t erM V dow nload cable, or us ing a Ja m File (.jam), Jam
Byte-Co de Fi le (.jbc), or Serial Vector Format (.svf) File via an embedded processor or
test equipment.
Altera Corporation 21
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
The instruction register length for MAX 9000 devices is 10 bits. EPM9320A
and E PM9560A de vic es suppor t a 16-bit U E SCODE register . Tables 8
and 9 show the boundary-sc an register length and devi ce IDCODE
information for MAX 9000 devices.
(1) Th e ID CODE’s least sig n ifi can t b it (LSB ) is al ways 1.
(2) The most significant bit (MSB) is on the left.
(3) Although the EPM9320A and EPM9560A devices support the IDCODE instruction,
the EPM9320 and EP M 9560 devices d o not.
Figure 11 shows the timing requirements for the JTAG signals.
Table 8. MAX 9000 Boundar y-Scan Regist er Le ngth
Device Boundary-Scan Register Length
EPM9 320, EPM 9320A 504
EPM9400 552
EPM9480 600
EPM9 560, EPM 9560A 648
Table 9. 32- Bit MAX 9000 Device ID CODE Note (1)
Device IDCODE (32 Bits)
(4 Bits) Part Number
(16 Bits) (2) Manufacturer’s
Identity (11 Bits) 1
(1 Bit)
EPM9320A (3) 0000 1001 0011 0010 0000 00001101110 1
EPM9400 0000 1001 0100 0000 0000 00001101110 1
EPM9480 0000 1001 0100 1000 0000 00001101110 1
EPM9560A (3) 0000 1001 0101 0110 0000 00001101110 1
22 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Figure 11. MAX 9000 JTAG Waveforms
Table 10 shows the JTAG timing parameters and values for MAX 9000
fFor detailed information on JTAG operation in MAX 9000 devices, refer to
Application Note 39 (IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary-Scan Testing in Altera
Table 10. JTAG Timing Parameters & Values for M A X 9 000 D evice s
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit
tJCP TCK clock period 100 ns
tJCH TCK clo ck high t im e 50 ns
tJCL TCK clock low time 50 ns
tJPSU JTAG port se tu p time 20 ns
tJPH JTAG port hold time 45 ns
tJPCO JTAG port clo ck to outp ut 25 ns
tJPZX JTAG port high impedance t o val id out put 25 ns
tJPXZ JTAG port va lid out put to hig h im pedance 25 ns
tJSSU Capture register setup time 20 ns
tJSH Capture register hold time 45 ns
tJSCO Update register clock to output 25 ns
tJSZX Update register high impedance to valid output 25 ns
tJSXZ Update register valid output to high impedance 25 ns
to Be
to Be
Altera Corporation 23
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
MAX 9000 d e vices offer a power-saving mo de that supp ort s low- power
operation across user-defined signal paths or the entire device. Because
most logic app lications require only a small fraction of all g ates to ope rate
at maximum frequency, this feature allows total power dissipation to be
reduced by 50% or more.
The designer can program each individual macrocell in a MAX 9000
device for either high-speed (i.e., with the Turbo Bit option t urned on) or
low-power (i.e., with the Turbo Bit option turned off) operation. As a
result, speed-critical paths in the design can run at high speed, while
remaining paths operate at reduced power. Macrocells that run at low
power incur a nominal timing delay adder (tLPA) for the LA B l ocal array
delay (tLOCAL).
Design Security All MAX 9000 EPLDs contain a programmable security bit that controls
access to the data programmed into the device. When this bit is
program med, a p r opri etary d esign implemented in the devi ce cannot be
copied or retrieved. This feature provides a high level of design security,
becau se prog rammed data within EEPROM cells is inv isible. The secur ity
bit that controls this function, as well as all other programmed data, is
reset only when the devi ce is erased.
Generic Testing MAX 9000 EPLDs are fully function ally tested. Co mplet e testing of each
programmable EEPROM bit and all logic functionality ensures 100%
pr ogra mmi ng yield . AC test me as urem e nts are tak en unde r condit ions
equivalent to those shown in Figure 12. Te st patt erns c an be used and t hen
erased during the early stages of the production flow.
Figure 12. MAX 9000 AC Test Conditions
To Test
C1 (includes
JIG capacitance
Device input
rise and fall
times < 3 ns
(703 )
(8.06 K)
Power supply transients can affect AC
measurements. Simultaneous transitions of
multi ple outputs should be avoided for
accurate measurement. Threshold tests
must not be performed under AC
conditions. Large-am plitude, fast ground-
current transients normally occur as the
device outputs discharge the load
capacitances. When these transients flow
thro ugh the paras itic inductance between
the dev ice ground pi n and the test system
ground, significant reductions in
obser vab le noise imm unit y can result.
Numb ers in parentheses are for 3.3-V
outpu ts. Numbers wit hou t parentheses are
for 5.0-V devices or outp uts.
24 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Tables 11 through 17 provide infor ma tion on abs olut e maximu m ratin gs,
recommended operating conditions, operating conditions, and
capacitance for MAX 9000 devices.
Tabl e 11. MAX 9000 D e vice Abs olute Maximu m Ratings Note (1)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VCC Supply voltage With respect to ground (2) –2.0 7.0 V
VIDC input voltage
–2.0 7.0 V
VCCISP Supply voltage during in-system
programming –2.0 7.0 V
IOUT DC output current, per pin –25 25 mA
TSTG Storage temperature No bias –65 150 ° C
TAMB Ambient temperature Under bias –65 135 ° C
TJJunction temperature C eramic packages, under bias 150 ° C
PQFP and RQFP packages, under bias 135 ° C
Table 12. MAX 9000 Device R ecommen ded Op erating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VCCINT Supply voltage for internal logic and
input buffers (3), (4) 4.75
(4.50) 5.25
(5.50) V
VCCIO Supply voltage for output drivers,
5.0-V operation (3), (4) 4.75
(4.50) 5.25
(5.50) V
Supply voltage for output drivers,
3.3-V operation (3), (4) 3.00
(3.00) 3.60
(3.60) V
VCCISP Supply voltage during in-system
programming 4.75 5.25 V
VIInput voltage –0.5 VCCINT +
0.5 V
VOOutput voltage 0V
TAAmbient temperature For commercial use 0 70 ° C
For industrial use –40 85 ° C
TJJunction temperature For commercial use 0 90 ° C
For industrial use –40 105 ° C
tRInput rise time 40 ns
tFInput fall time 40 ns
Altera Corporation 25
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Table 13. MAX 9000 Device DC Operating Conditions No tes (5), (6)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VIH High-level input voltage (7) 2.0 VCCINT +
0.5 V
VIL Low-level input voltage –0.5 0.8 V
VOH 5.0-V high-level TTL output voltage IOH = –4 mA DC, VCCIO = 4.75 V (8) 2.4 V
3.3-V high-level TTL output voltage IOH = –4 mA DC, VCCIO = 3.00 V (8) 2.4 V
3.3-V high-level CMOS output voltage IOH = –0.1 mA DC, VCCIO = 3.00 V (8) VCCIO
0.2 V
VOL 5.0-V low level TTL output voltage IOL = 12 mA DC, VCCIO = 4.75 V (8) 0.45 V
3.3-V low-level TTL output voltage IOL = 12 mA DC, VCCIO = 3.00 V (8) 0.45 V
3.3-V low-level CMOS output voltage IOL = 0.1 mA DC, VCCIO = 3.00 V (8) 0.2 V
III/O pin leakage current of dedicated input
pins VI = –0.5 to 5.5 V (9) –10 10 µA
IOZ Tri-state output off-state current VI = –0.5 to 5.5 V –40 40 µA
Table 14. MAX 9000 Device Capacitance: EPM9320, EPM9400, EPM9480 & EPM9560 Devices Note (10)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
CDIN1 Dedicated input capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 18 pF
CDIN2 Dedicated input capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 18 pF
CDIN3 Dedicated input capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 17 pF
CDIN4 Dedicated input capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 20 pF
CI/O I/O pin capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 12 pF
Table 15. MAX 9000A Device Capacitan ce: EP M9320A & EPM9560A Devices Note (10)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
CDIN1 Dedicated input capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 16 pF
CDIN2 Dedicated input capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 10 pF
CDIN3 Dedicated input capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 10 pF
CDIN4 Dedicated input capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 12 pF
CI/O I/O pin capacitance VIN = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz 8 pF
Table 16. MAX 9000 D evice Typical ICC Supp l y Current V al ues
Symbol Parameter Conditions EPM9320 EPM9400 EPM9480 EPM9560 Unit
ICC1 ICC supply current (low-power
mode, standby, typical) VI = ground,
no load (11) 106 132 140 146 mA
26 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Notes to table s:
(1) See the Opera t i ng Re qui reme nt s f or Al t era Devic es Data Sheet.
(2) Minimum DC input on I/O pins is –0.5 V and on the four dedicated input pins is –0.3 V. During transitions, the
inputs m ay und ers h oot to –2.0 V or over sh oot t o 7. 0 V for pe riods sh or ter than 20 n s un der no -loa d co ndi t ions.
(3) VCC must rise monoton ically.
(4) Numbers in parentheses are for industrial-temperature-range devices.
(5) Typical values are for TA = 25° C an d VCC = 5.0 V .
(6) These values are specified under the MAX 9000 recommended operating conditions, shown in Ta bl e 12 o n pag e 24 .
(7 ) Du ring in-s y s t em pro gr amming, th e mini mum VIH of the JT AG TCK pin is 3.6 V. The mini mum VIH of this pin
durin g JTAG te sting remains at 2.0 V. To att ain t his 3.6 -V VIH during programming, the ByteBlaster and
ByteBlasterMV download cables must have a 5.0-V VCC.
(8) This parameter is measured with 50% o f the ou t pu ts eac h sin ki n g 12 mA. The IOH parameter refers to high-level
TTL or CMOS output current; the IOL parameter refers to the low-level TTL or CMOS output current.
(9) JTA G pin input le akage is typically –60 µΑ.
(10) Capacitance is sample-tested only and is measured at 25° C.
(11) Measu re d with a 16-bit loadable, enab led, up / down c ounter progr am med into eac h L AB . ICC is measured at 0 ° C.
Figure 13 shows typical output drive characteristics for MAX 9000 devices
with 5.0-V and 3.3-V VCCIO.
Figure 13. Output D rive Characteristics of MAX 9000 Devi ces Note (1)
(1) Output drive characteristics include the JTAG TDO pin.
Table 17. MAX 9000A Device Typical ICC Supply Current Values
Symbol Parameter Conditions EPM9320A EPM9560A Unit
ICC1 ICC supply current (low-power
mode, standby, typical) VI = groun d, no load (11) 99 174 mA
= 5.0 V
Room Temperature
= 3.3 V
Room Temperature
ypical I
urrent (mA)
Output Voltage (V) Output Voltage (V)
OTypical I
Current (mA)
5.0-V 3.3-V
Altera Corporation 27
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
T i mi ng Model The continuous, high-performance FastTrack Interconnect ensures
predictable performance and accurate simulation and timing analysis.
This predictable performance contrasts with that of FPGAs, which use a
seg mented conn ect ion scheme and hen ce have unpr e di cta b le
performance. Timing simulation and delay prediction are available with
the MAX+PLUS II Simulator and Timing Analyzer, or with industry-
standard EDA tools. The Simulator offers both pre-synthesis functional
simulation to evaluate logic design accuracy and post-synthesis timing
simulation with 0.1-ns resolution. The Timing Analyzer provides point-
to-point timing delay information, setup and hold time prediction, and
device-wide performance analysis.
The MAX 9000 timing model in Figure 14 shows the delays that
correspond to various paths and functions in the circuit. This model
contains three distinct parts: the macrocell, IOC, and interconnect,
including the row and column FastTrack Interconnect and LAB local array
paths. Each parameter shown in Figure 14 is expressed as a worst-case
value in the internal t im ing cha r ac ter is tic s tables in t his data sh ee t. H an d -
calculations that use the MAX 9000 timing model and these timing
parameters can be used to estimate MAX 9000 device performance.
fFor more information on calculating MAX 9000 timing delays, see
Application Note 77 (Understanding MAX 9000 Timing).
28 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Fig ure 14. MA X 9000 Timing Model
Logic Array
Control Delay
Shared Expander
Global Input
I/O Pi
I/O Register
Output Data
I/O Cell
Control Delay
Parallel Expander
Drive Delay
I/O Register
Feedback Delay
Altera Corporation 29
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Tables 18 through 21 show tim ing for MAX 9000 d evices.
Table 18. MAX 9000 External Timing Character istics Note (1)
Symbol Par ameter Condit i ons Speed G rade Uni t
-10 -15 -20
Min Max Min Max Min Max
tPD1 Row I/O pin input to row I/O
pin output C1 = 35 pF (2) 10.0 15.0 20.0 ns
tPD2 Column I/O pin inpu t to
column I/O pin output C 1 = 35 pF
(2) EPM9320A 10.8 ns
EPM9320 16.0 23.0 ns
EPM9400 16.2 23.2 ns
EPM9480 16.4 23.4 ns
EPM9560A 11.4 ns
EPM9560 16.6 23.6 ns
tFSU Global clock setup time for I/O
cell 3.0 5.0 6.0 ns
tFH Global clock hold time for I/O
cell 0.0 0.0 0.0 ns
tFCO Global clock to I/O cell output
delay C1 = 35 pF 1.0 (3) 4.8 1.0 (3) 7.0 1.0 (3) 8.5 ns
tCNT Minimum internal global clock
period (4) 6.9 8.5 10.0 ns
fCNT Maximum internal global clock
frequency (4) 144.9 117.6 100.0 MHz
30 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Table 19. MAX 9000 Internal Timing Characteristics Note (1)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Speed Grade Unit
-10 -15 -20
Min Max Min Max Min Max
tLAD Logic array delay 3.5 4.0 4.5 ns
tLAC Logic control array delay 3.5 4.0 4.5 ns
tIC Array clock delay 3.5 4.0 4.5 ns
tEN Register enable time 3.5 4.0 4.5 ns
tSEXP Shared expander delay 3.5 5.0 7.5 ns
tPEXP Parallel expander delay 0.5 1.0 2.0 ns
tRD Register delay 0.5 1.0 1.0 ns
tCOMB Combinatorial delay 0.4 1.0 1.0 ns
tSU Register setup time 2.4 3.0 4.0 ns
tHRegister hold time 2.0 3.5 4.5 ns
tPRE Register preset time 3.5 4.0 4.5 ns
tCLR Register clear time 3.7 4.0 4.5 ns
tFTD FastTrack drive delay 0.5 1.0 2.0 ns
tLPA Low-power adder (5) 10.0 15.0 20.0 ns
Altera Corporation 31
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Table 20. IOC Delays
Symbol Parameter Conditions Speed Grade Unit
-10 -15 -20
Min Max Min Max Min Max
tIODR I/O row output data delay 0.2 0.2 1.5 ns
tIODC I/O column output data delay 0.4 0.2 1.5 ns
tIOC I/O control delay (6) 0.5 1.0 2.0 ns
tIORD I/O register clock-to-output
delay 0.6 1.0 1.5 ns
tIOCOMB I/O combinatorial delay 0.2 1.0 1.5 ns
tIOSU I/O register setup time before
clock 2.0 4.0 5.0 ns
tIOH I/O registe r hold time after
clock 1.0 1.0 1.0 ns
tIOCLR I/O register clear delay 1.5 3.0 3.0 ns
tIOFD I/O register feedback delay 0.0 0.0 0.5 ns
tINREG I/O input pad and buffer to I/O
register delay 3.5 4.5 5.5 ns
tINCOMB I/O input pad and buffer to row
and column delay 1.5 2.0 2.5 ns
tOD1 Output buffer and pad delay,
Slow slew rate = off,
VCCIO = 5.0 V
C1 = 35 pF 1.8 2.5 2.5 ns
tOD2 Output buffer and pad delay,
Slow slew rate = off,
VCCIO = 3.3 V
C1 = 35 pF 2.3 3.5 3.5 ns
tOD3 Output buffer and pad delay,
Slow slew rate = on,
VCCIO = 5.0 V or 3.3 V
C1 = 35 pF 8.3 10.0 10.5 ns
tXZ Outpu t buffer disable delay C1 = 5 pF 2.5 2.5 2.5 ns
tZX1 Output buffer enable delay,
Slow slew rate = off,
VCCIO = 5.0 V
C1 = 35 pF 2.5 2.5 2.5 ns
tZX2 Output buffer enable delay,
Slow slew rate = off,
VCCIO = 3.3 V
C1 = 35 pF 3.0 3.5 3.5 ns
tZX3 Output buffer enable delay,
Slow slew rate = on,
VCCIO = 3.3 V or 5.0 V
C1 = 35 pF 9.0 10.0 10.5 ns
32 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Notes to tables:
(1) These values are specified under the MAX 9000 device recommended operating conditions, shown in T able 12 on
page 24.
(2) See Appl icati o n No te 77 (U n der s tandi n g MAX 9000 Ti m ing ) for more information on test conditions for tPD1 and tPD2
(3) This parameter is a guideline that is sample-tested only. It is based on extensive device characterization. This
parameter applies for both global and array clocking as well as both macrocell and I/O cell registers.
(4) Me as ure d wit h a 16-b it lo adab le, en abled , up/down cou nt er pro g r a mmed in each LAB .
(5) The tLPA parameter must be added to the tLOCAL paramete r for macrocells running in low-power mode.
(6) The tROW , tCOL, and tIOC delays ar e wors t- case values fo r typica l a pp licat ions. Pos t -c omp ilation t iming simulat ion
or timing analysis is required to determine actual worst-case performance.
The supply power (P) versus fr equency (fMAX) for MAX 9000 devices can
be calculated with the following equation:
The P IO value, which depends on the device output load characteristics
and switching frequency, can be calculated using the guidelines given in
Application Note 74 (Evaluating Power for Altera Devices). The ICCINT valu e
depends on the switching frequency and the application logic.
The ICCINT value is calculated with the following equation:
× fMAX × togLC)
Table 21. Interconnect Delays
Symbol Parameter Conditions Speed Grade Unit
-10 -15 -20
tLOCAL LAB local array delay 0.5 0.5 0.5 ns
tROW FastTrack row dela y (6) 0.9 1.4 2.0 ns
tCOL FastTrack column de lay (6) 0.9 1.7 3.0 ns
tDIN_D Dedicated input data delay 4.0 4.5 5.0 ns
tDIN_CLK Dedicated input clock delay 2.7 3.5 4.0 ns
tDIN_CLR Dedicated input clear delay 4.5 5.0 5.5 ns
tDIN_IOC Dedicated input I/O register
clock delay 2.5 3.5 4.5 ns
tDIN_IO Dedicated input I/O register
control delay 5.5 6.0 6.5 ns
Altera Corporation 33
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
The parameters in this equation are shown below:
MCTON = Number of macrocells with the Turbo Bit option turned on,
as reported in the MAX+PLUS II Report File (.rpt)
MCDEV = Number of macrocells in the device
MCUSED = Number of macrocells used in the design, as reported in the
MAX+PLUS II Re port File
fMAX = Highest clock frequency to the device
togLC = Average percentage of logic cells toggling at each clock
(typically 12.5%)
A, B, C = Constants, shown in Table 22
This calculation provides an ICC estimate based on typical conditions with
no output load, using a typical pattern of a 16-bit, loadable, enabled
up/down counter in each LAB. Actual ICC values should be verified
during operation, because the measurement is sensitive to the actual
pattern in the device and the environmental operating conditions.
Figure 15 shows typical supply current versus frequency for MAX 9000
Table 22. M AX 9 000 ICC Eq ua tion Const a nt s
Devi ce Cons t ant A Constant B Cons t ant C
EPM9320 0.81 0.33 0.056
EPM9320A 0.56 0.31 0.024
EPM9400 0.60 0.33 0.053
EPM9480 0.68 0.29 0.064
EPM9560 0.68 0.26 0.052
EPM9560A 0.56 0.31 0.024
34 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
Figu re 15. ICC vs. Frequency for MAX 9000 Devices (Part 1 of 2)
Frequency (MHz)
50 75 100 12525
118 MHz
Frequency (MHz)
50 75 100 12525
144 MH
59 MHz
42 MHz
ICC Active
ICC Active
Frequency (MHz)
42 MHz 42 MHz
50 75 100 12525
118 MHz
Frequency (MHz)
50 75 100 12525
118 MHz
ICC Active
ICC Active
Altera Corporation 35
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Figu re 15. ICC vs. Frequency for MAX 9000 Devices (Part 2 of 2)
Tables 23 through 26 show the dedicated pin names and numbers for each
EPM9320, EPM9320A, EPM9400, EP M 9480, EPM9560, and E PM9560A
device package.
Frequency (MHz)
42 MHz 59 MHz
50 75 100 12525
118 MHz
Frequency (MHz)
50 75 100 12525
144 MHz
ICC Active
ICC Active
Table 23. EPM9320 & EPM9320A Dedicated Pin-Outs (Part 1 of 2) Note (1)
Pin Name 84-Pin PLCC (2) 208-Pin RQFP 280-Pin PGA (3) 356-Pin BGA
(GCLK1)1 182 V10 AD13
(GCLK2)84 183 U10 AF14
DIN3 (GCLR) 13 153 V17 AD1
DIN4 (GOE)72 4 W2 AC24
TCK 43 78 A9 A18
TMS 55 49 D6 E23
TDI 42 79 C11 A13
TDO 30 108 A18 D3
36 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
GND 6, 18, 24, 25, 48,
61, 67, 70 14, 20 , 24, 31, 35,
41, 42 , 43, 44, 46,
47, 66 , 85, 102,
110, 113, 114, 115,
116, 118, 121, 122,
132, 133, 143, 152,
170, 189, 206
D4, D5, D16, E4, E5, E6,
E15, E16, F5, F15, G5,
G15, H5, H15, J5, J15, K5,
K15, L5, L15, M5, M15, N5,
N15, P4, P5, P15, P16, R4,
R5, R15, R 16, T4, T5 , T16
A9, A22, A25, A26, B25,
B26, D2 , E1, E26, F2 , G1 ,
G25, G26, H2, J1, J25, J26,
K2, L26, M26, N1, N25,
P 2 6 , R2, T1, U 2 , U26, V1,
V25, W25, Y26, AA2, AB1,
AB26, AC26, AE1 , AF1,
AF2 , AF4, AF 7, AF20
(5.0 V only) 14, 21, 28, 57 ,
64, 71 10, 19, 30, 45, 112,
128, 139, 148 D15, E8, E10, E12, E14,
R7, R9, R11, R13, R14,
D26, F1, H1, K26 , N26, P1,
U1, W 26, AE26, AF25,
(3.3 or 5.0 V) 15, 37, 60, 79 5 , 25, 36, 55, 72 ,
91, 11 1, 12 7, 13 8,
159, 176, 195
D14, E7, E9, E11, E13, R6,
R8, R10, R12, T13, T15 A1, A2, A21, B1, B10, B24,
D1, H26, K1, M25, R1, V26,
AA1, AC 25, AF5 , AF8,
No Connec t
(N.C.) 29 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,
13, 15 , 16, 17, 18,
109, 140, 141, 142,
144, 145, 146, 147,
149, 150, 151
B6, K19, L2, L4, L18, L19,
M1, M2, M3, M4, M16, M17,
M18, M19, N1, N2, N3, N4 ,
N16, N17 , N18, N1 9, P1 ,
P2, P3, P17, P18, P19, R1,
R2, R3, R17, R18, R19, T 1,
T2, T3, T17, T18, T19, U1,
U2, U3, U17, U18, U19, V1,
V2, V19, W 1
B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9,
B11, B12, B13, B14, B15,
B16, B18, B19, B20, B21,
B22, B23, C4 , C23, D4,
D23, E4, E 22, F4 , F23, G4,
H4, H 23, J23 , K4, L4, L23,
N4, P4, P23, R3 , R26, T2 ,
T3, T4, T5, T22, T23, T24,
T25, T26, U3, U4, U5, U22,
U23, U24, U25, V2, V3, V4,
V5, V22, V23, V24, W1,
W2, W3, W4, W5, W22,
W23, W24, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4,
Y5, Y22, Y23, Y24, Y25,
AA3, AA4, AA5, AA22,
AA23, AA24, AA25, AA26,
AB2, AB3, AB4, AB5,
AB23, AB24, AB25, AC 1,
AC 2, AC23, AD4, AD23,
AE4, AE5, AE6, AE7, AE9,
AE11, AE12, AE14, AE15,
AE16, AE18, AE19, AE20,
AE21, AE22, AE23
VPP (4) 56 48 C4 E25
Total User
I/O Pins (5) 60 132 168 168
Table 23. EPM9320 & EPM9320A Dedicated Pin-Outs (Part 2 of 2) Note (1)
Pin Nam e 84-Pin PLCC (2) 208-Pin RQFP 280-Pin PGA (3) 356-Pin BGA
Altera Corporation 37
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
(1) Al l pins not listed are user I/O pins.
(2) P erform a complete thermal analysis before committing a design to this device package. See Applica ti on No te 74
(Evaluating Power for Altera Devices).
(3) EPM9320A d evi c es ar e n ot offer ed in this package.
(4) During in-system programming, each device’s VPP p in must be connected to the 5.0-V power supply. During
normal device operatio n, the VPP pin is pulled up internall y a n d can be c onnec t ed t o the 5.0- V s upply or left
(5) The user I/O pin count includes dedicated input pins and all I/O pins.
(1) Al l pins not listed are user I/O pins.
(2) P erform a complete thermal analysis before committing a design to this device package. See Applica ti on No te 74
(Evaluating Power for Altera Devices) for more information.
(3) During in-system programming, each device’s VPP pin must be connected to the 5.0-V power supply. During
normal device operatio n, the VPP pin is pul led up internal ly and ca n be conn ec t ed t o t he 5 .0-V supply or lef t
(4) The user I/O pin count includes dedicated input pins and all I/O pins.
Table 24. EPM9400 Dedicated Pi n-Out s No te (1)
Pin Name 84-Pi n PLCC (2) 208-Pin RQFP 240-Pin RQFP
DIN1 (GCLK1) 2 182 210
DIN2 (GCLK2) 1 183 211
DIN3 (GCLR) 12 153 187
DIN4 (GOE)74 4 234
TCK 43 78 91
TMS 54 49 68
TDI 42 79 92
TDO 31 108 114
GND 6, 13 , 20, 26, 27, 47 , 60,
66, 69, 73 14, 20, 24, 31, 35, 41, 42,
43, 44, 46, 47, 66, 85, 102,
110, 113, 114, 115, 116,
118, 121, 122, 132, 133,
143, 152, 170, 189, 206
5, 14, 25, 34, 45, 54, 65,
66, 81, 96, 110, 115, 126,
127, 146, 147, 166, 167,
186, 200, 216, 229
VCCINT (5.0 V only) 16, 23, 30 , 56, 63, 70 10, 19, 30, 45, 112 , 128 ,
139, 148 4, 24, 44, 64, 117 , 137 ,
157, 17 7
VCCIO (3. 3 or 5. 0 V) 17, 37, 59, 80 5, 25, 36, 55, 72, 91, 11 1,
127, 138, 159, 176, 195 15 , 35, 55, 73, 86, 101 ,
116, 136, 156, 176, 192,
205, 22 0, 235
No Connect (N.C.) 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 109,
144, 145, 146, 147, 149,
150, 151
1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 168, 169, 170,
171, 172, 173, 174, 175,
178, 179, 180, 181, 182,
183, 184, 185, 236, 237,
238, 23 9, 240
VPP (3) 55 48 67
Total User I/O Pins (4) 59 139 159
38 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
(1) All p in s not listed ar e user I/O pins.
(2) D u r in g in -system programmin g, eac h dev ice’s VPP pin must be connected to the
5.0-V power supply. During normal device operat i on, the VPP pin is pulled u p
int er na ll y and ca n be c on ne c ted to the 5.0-V supply or left unc on nected.
(3) The user I/O pin count includes dedicated input pins and all I/O pins.
Table 25. EPM9480 Dedicat ed Pin -Out s Note (1)
Pin N ame 208-Pin R QFP 2 40-Pin RQFP
DIN1 (GCLK1) 182 210
DIN2 (GCLK2) 183 211
DIN3 (GCLR) 153 187
DIN4 (GOE) 4 234
TCK 78 91
TMS 49 68
TDI 79 92
TDO 108 114
GND 14, 20, 24, 31, 35, 41, 42,
43, 44, 46, 47, 66, 85,
102, 110, 113, 114, 115,
116, 118, 121, 122, 132,
133, 143, 152, 170, 189,
5, 14, 25, 34 , 45, 54, 65,
66, 81, 96, 110, 115, 126,
127, 146 , 14 7, 16 6, 16 7,
186, 200 , 21 6, 22 9
VCCINT (5.0 V only) 10, 19, 30, 45, 112, 128,
139, 148 4, 24, 44, 64 , 117 , 137 ,
157, 177
VCCIO (3.3 or 5.0 V) 5, 25, 36, 55, 72, 91, 111,
127, 138, 159, 176, 195 15, 35, 55, 73, 86 , 101 ,
116, 136 , 15 6, 17 6, 19 2,
205, 220 , 23 5
No Connect (N.C.) 6, 7, 8, 9, 109, 149, 150,
151 1, 2, 3, 178, 179, 180,
181, 182 , 18 3, 18 4, 18 5,
236, 237 , 23 8, 23 9, 24 0
VPP (2) 48 67
Total User I /O Pi ns (3) 146 175
Altera Corporation 39
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Table 26. EPM9560 & EPM9560A Dedicated Pin-Outs (Part 1 of 2) Note (1)
Pin N ame 208-Pi n RQFP 240-Pin R QFP 280-Pin PGA (2) 304-Pin RQFP (2) 356-Pin BGA
(GCLK1)182 210 V10 266 AD13
(GCLK2)183 211 U10 267 AF14
DIN3 (GCLR) 153 187 V17 237 AD1
DIN4 (GOE) 4 234 W2 296 AC24
TCK 78 91 A9 114 A18
TMS 49 68 D6 85 E23
TDI 79 92 C11 115 A13
TDO 108 114 A18 144 D3
GND 14, 20, 24, 31, 35,
41, 42, 43, 44, 46,
47, 66, 85, 102,
110, 113, 114,
115, 116, 118,
121, 122, 132,
133, 143, 152,
170, 189, 206
5, 14, 25, 34 , 45,
54, 65, 66, 81, 96,
110, 11 5, 12 6,
127, 14 6, 14 7,
166, 16 7, 18 6,
200, 21 6, 22 9
D4, D5, D16, E4,
E5, E6, E15, E16,
F5, F15, G5, G15,
H5, H15, J5, J15,
K5, K15, L5, L15,
M5, M15 , N5,
N15, P4, P5, P15,
P16, R4, R5, R15,
R16, T4, T5, T16
13, 22, 33, 42, 53,
6 2 , 73, 74, 10 2,
121, 138, 155,
166, 167, 186,
187, 206, 207,
226, 254, 273,
A9, A2 2, A2 5,
A26, B25, B26,
D2, E1, E26, F2 ,
G1, G2 5, G26,
H2, J1, J25, J26,
K2, L26, M26, N1,
N25, P26, R2, T1,
U2, U26, V1, V25,
W25, Y26, AA2,
AB1, AB26,
AC2 6, AE 1, AF1,
AF2, AF4, AF7,
(5.0 V only) 1 0, 19, 30, 45,
112, 128, 139,
4, 24, 44, 64, 117,
137, 15 7, 17 7 D15, E8, E10,
E12, E14, R7, R9,
R11, R13, R14,
12, 32, 52 , 72,
157, 177, 197,
D26, F1, H1, K26,
N26, P1, U1,
W26 , AE2 6,
AF25, AF26
(3.3 or 5.0 V) 5 , 25, 36, 55, 72,
91, 111, 127, 138,
159, 176, 195
15, 35, 55, 73, 86,
101, 11 6, 13 6,
156, 17 6, 19 2,
205, 22 0, 23 5
D14, E7, E9, E11,
E13, R6, R8, R10,
R12, T1 3, T15
3, 23 , 43, 63, 91,
108, 127, 156,
176, 196, 216,
243, 260, 279
A1, A2 , A21 , B1,
B10, B24, D1,
H26, K1, M25,
R1, V26, AA1,
AC2 5, AF5, AF 8,
40 Altera Corporation
MAX 9000 Programmable Logic D evi ce F ami l y Da ta Sh eet
(1) All pin s not listed ar e user I/ O pins.
(2) EPM9560A devices are not offered in this package.
(3) During in-system programming, each device’s VPP pin must be c onnec te d to the 5.0- V powe r s u pply. D uring
normal de v ice op er at ion, the VPP pin is pulled up internally and can be c onnect e d to th e 5.0-V s upply or left
(4) The user I/O pin count includes dedicated input pins and all I/O pins.
No Connect
(N.C.) 109 B6, W1 1, 2, 76, 77, 78,
79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
84, 145, 146, 147,
148, 14 9, 15 0,
151, 15 2, 15 3,
154, 22 7, 22 8,
229, 23 0, 23 1,
232, 23 3, 23 4,
235, 23 6, 29 7,
298, 29 9, 30 0,
301, 30 2, 30 3,
B4, B5, B6, B7,
B8, B9, B11, B12,
B13, B14 , B15 ,
B16, B18 , B19 ,
B20, B21 , B22 ,
B23, C4, C23, D4,
D23, E4, E22, F4,
F23, G4, H4, H23,
J2 3 , K4, L4, L2 3,
N4 , P 4, P2 3, T4 ,
T23, U4, V4, V23,
W4, Y4, AA4,
AA23, AB4,
AB23, AC23,
AD4, AD23, AE4,
AE5, AE6 , AE 7,
AE9, AE1 1,
AE12, AE14,
AE15, AE16,
AE18, AE19,
AE20, AE21,
AE22, AE23
VPP (3) 48 67 C4 75 E25
Total User
I/O P i n s (4) 153 191 216 216 216
Table 26. EPM9560 & EPM9560A Dedicated Pin-Outs (Part 2 of 2) Note (1)
Pin N ame 208-Pin RQFP 240- Pin RQFP 280-Pin PG A (2) 304- P i n R QF P (2) 35 6-Pin BGA
Altera Corporation 41
MAX 9000 Pr o grammable Log i c Dev ic e Fam ily D ata Sh eet
Information contained in the MAX 9000 Programmable Logic Device
Famil y Data S heet version 6.3 supersedes information published in
previous versions.
Version 6.3
Version 6.3 of the MA X 900 0 P rogrammabl e Logi c Dev ice Family Dat a
Sheet contains the following change: added Note (7) to Table 13.
Copyright © 2001 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, th
stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified
trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Alte
Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of the
respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pendin
applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products
current specificatio ns in accordance with Alte ra’s standard warran ty, but reserves the right to make chan g
to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility
or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service
described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera
customers are advised to ob tain the latest version of device specific ations before relying o n
any published information and befo re placing orders for products or services.
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42 Altera Corporation
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Results For: EPM9560*
13 part numbers found and 19 obsolete part numbers found
MAX 9000 Device Family
MAX 9000 Datasheet MAX 9000 Literature
Part Number Format Buying Altera Devices
Part Number Device Pin & Package Temperature Speeds Options
EPM9560ABC356-10 EPM9560A 356 pin BGA Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -10 None
EPM9560ARC208-10 EPM9560A 208 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -10 None
EPM9560ARC240-10 EPM9560A 240 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -10 None
EPM9560ARI208-10 EPM9560A 208 pin RQFP Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -10 None
EPM9560ARI240-10 EPM9560A 240 pin RQFP Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -10 None
EPM9560RC208-20 EPM9560 208 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15, -20 None
EPM9560RC240-20 EPM9560 240 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15, -20 None
EPM9560RC304-15 EPM9560 304 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15 None
EPM9560RI208-20 EPM9560 208 pin RQFP Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -20 None
EPM9560RI240-20 EPM9560 240 pin RQFP Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -20 None
EPM9560RI304-20 EPM9560 304 pin RQFP Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -20 None
Your search for EPM9560* found 19 obsolete part numbers.
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Part Number Format Buying Altera Devices
Part Number Last Order Date Last Ship Date Replacement Notes
EPM9560ARC304-10F 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560BC356-15 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
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EPM9560BC356-20 5/31/02 11/30/02 No direct replacement PDN 0117
EPM9560GC280-15 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560GC280-20 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RC208-15C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RC208-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RC240-15C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RC240-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RC304-15C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RC304-15F 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RC304-20 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RC304-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RI240-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560RI304-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9560WC208-15 12/31/96 3/31/97 EPM9560RC208-15 PDN 9618
EPM9560WC208-15C 12/31/96 3/31/97 EPM9560RC208-15C PDN 9618
EPM9560WC208-20 12/31/96 3/31/97 EPM9560RC208-20 PDN 9618
EPM9560WC208-20C 12/31/96 3/31/97 EPM9560RC208-20C PDN 9618
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Results For: EPM9400*
4 part numbers found and 6 obsolete part numbers found
MAX 9000 Device Family
MAX 9000 Datasheet MAX 9000 Literature
Part Number Format Buying Altera Devices
Part Number Device Pin & Package Temperature Speeds Options
EPM9400RC208-20 EPM9400 208 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15, -20 None
EPM9400RC240-20 EPM9400 240 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15, -20 None
Your search for EPM9400* found 6 obsolete part numbers.
Obsolete Part Numbers
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EPM9400LC84-15 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9400LC84-20 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9400RC208-15C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9400RC208-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9400RC240-15C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9400RC240-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
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Results For: EPM9480*
4 part numbers found and 4 obsolete part numbers found
MAX 9000 Device Family
MAX 9000 Datasheet MAX 9000 Literature
Part Number Format Buying Altera Devices
Part Number Device Pin & Package Temperature Speeds Options
EPM9480RC208-20 EPM9480 208 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15, -20 None
EPM9480RC240-20 EPM9480 240 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15, -20 None
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EPM9480RC208-15C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9480RC208-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9480RC240-15C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9480RC240-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
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Results For: EPM9320*
11 part numbers found and 9 obsolete part numbers found
MAX 9000 Device Family
MAX 9000 Datasheet MAX 9000 Literature
Part Number Format Buying Altera Devices
Part Number Device Pin & Package Temperature Speeds Options
EPM9320ALC84-10 EPM9320A 84 pin PLCC Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -10 None
EPM9320ALI84-10 EPM9320A 84 pin PLCC Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -10 None
EPM9320ARC208-10 EPM9320A 208 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -10 None
EPM9320ARI208-10 EPM9320A 208 pin RQFP Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -10 None
EPM9320BC356-20 EPM9320 356 pin BGA Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -20 None
EPM9320LC84-20 EPM9320 84 pin PLCC Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15, -20 None
EPM9320LI84-20 EPM9320 84 pin PLCC Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -20 None
EPM9320RC208-20 EPM9320 208 pin RQFP Commercial
( 0 to 90°C) -15, -20 None
EPM9320RI208-20 EPM9320 208 pin RQFP Industrial
( -40 to 105°C) -20 None
Your search for EPM9320* found 9 obsolete part numbers.
Obsolete Part Numbers
Part Number Format Buying Altera Devices
Part Number Last Order Date Last Ship Date Replacement Notes
EPM9320ABC356-10 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9320BC356-15 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9320GC280-15 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9320GC280-20 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9320LC84-20H 2/28/02 8/31/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
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EPM9320RC208-15C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9320RC208-15F 5/31/02 11/30/02 No direct replacement PDN 0117
EPM9320RC208-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
EPM9320RI208-20C 8/31/01 2/28/02 Contact Altera PDN0106
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