DS109-1 (v1.2) May 7, 2003 www.xilinx.com 1
Advance Pr oduct Specificati on 1-800-255-7778
© 2003 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. All Xilinx trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at http://www.xilinx.com/legal.htm.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Guaranteed to meet full electrical specifications ov er
TA= –40°C to +125°C
Techno logy: 0.35 µm EEPROM process
Full Boundar y Scan Te st (IEEE 1149.1) for flexible
in-system de vice and syst em testing
Fast programmng times in production sav es time and
- Increases system reliability through reduced device
High-speed pin-to-pin dela ys of 10 ns (100 MHz)
Slew rate control per output to reduce EMI
100% routable which enables all device resource s to
be utilized
Family Overview
The Cool Runner™ XP LA3 (extended Pr ogramma ble Logic
Array) Automotive IQ product family of CPLDs is targeted
for low power systems that include portable, handheld,
automotive, and power sensitive applications. Each mem-
ber of the XPLA3 family includes Fast Zero Power™ (FZP)
design technology that combines low power and high
speed. Wi th this design tec hnique, the XPLA 3 fa mily deliv-
ers power that is less than 100 µA at standby without the
need for "turbo bits" or other power down schemes. By
replacing conventional sense amplifier methods for imple-
menting p ro duct terms (a technique that has been used in
PLDs since the bipolar era) with a cascaded chain of pure
CMOS gates, the dynamic power is also substantially lower
than any other CPLD. CoolRunner devices are the only
Tota lCM OS PL Ds, as th ey u se both a CMOS process tech-
nology and the patented full CMOS FZP design technique.
The CoolRunner XPLA3 family employs a full PLA structure
for logi c allocation within a functon block . The PLA provides
maximum flexibility and logic density, with superior pin loc k-
ing capability, while maintaining deterministic timing.
XPLA3 CPLDs are supported by WebPACK™ and WebFIT-
TER™ from Xilinx and industry standard CAE tools
(Cadence/OrCAD, Exemplar Logic, Mentor, Synopsys,
ViewLogic, and Synplicity), using text (ABEL, VHDL, Ver-
ilog) and schematic capture design entry. Design verifica-
tion uses industry standard simulators for functional and
timing simulation. Development is supported on personal
computer, Sparc, and HP platforms.
The XPLA3 family features also include i ndustr y-standard,
IEEE 1149 .1, JTAG interface through which boundar y -s can
testing and In-System Programming (ISP) and reprogram-
ming of the device can occur. The XPLA3 CPLD is electri-
cally reprogrammable using industry standard device
0CoolRunne r XPLA3 CPLD
Automotive IQ Pr oduct F amily
Introdu c tion and Ordering
DS109-1 (v1.2) May 7, 2003 014
Ad va nc e Pr o duct Sp eci fic ation
Table 1: CoolRunner XPLA3 Device Family
Macrocells 32 64 128 256 384 512
Usable Gates 750 1,500 3,000 6,00 0 9,000 12,000
Registers 32 64 128 256 384 512
FSYSTEM (MHz)959595 888777
Table 2: CoolRunner XP LA3 Packages and User I/O Pins
44-pin VQFP 36 36 - - - -
100-pin VQFP - 68 84 - - -
144-pin TQFP - - 108 120 - -
208-pin PQFP - - - 164 172 180
CoolRunner XPLA3 CPLD Automotive IQ Product Family Introduction and Ordering Information
2www.xilinx.com DS109-1 (v1.2) May 7, 2003
1-800-255-7778 Advance Product Specification
Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)
Recommended Operating Conditions
Quality and Reliability Characteristics
Component Availability
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit
VCC Supply voltage(2) relative to GND –0.5 4.0 V
VIInput voltage(3) relative to GND –0.5 5.5(4) V
IOUT Output current, per pin –100 100 mA
TJMaximum junction temperature –40 150 °C
TSTR Storage temperature –65 150 °C
1. Stresses above th ose listed may cause m alf unction or permanent damage t o the device. This is a stress ra ting only. Func ti onal
operat ion at these or any other condition above those indicated in the operational and programming specification is not implied.
2. The chip supply voltage must rise monotonical ly.
3. Maxim um DC under shoot belo w GND mus t b e limite d to ei ther 0 .5V or 10 mA, whiche v e r is e asier to achi ev e . Duri ng tr ansit ions , the
devi ce pins may undershoot to –2.0V or overshoot to 7.0V, provided this over- or undershoot lasts less than 10 ns and with the
for cing current being limited t o 200 mA.
4. External I/O voltage ma y not exceed VCC by 4.0V.
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit
TAAm bient temperature –40 +125 °C
VCC Supply voltage 3.0 3.6 V
VIL Low-level inpu t voltage 0 0.8 V
VIH High-level input vo ltage 2.0 5.5 V
VOO utput voltage 0 VCC V
TRInput rise time - 20 ns
TFInput fall time - 20 ns
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TDR Data retention 20 - Years
NPE Program/erase cycles (Endurance) @ TA = 70°C 10,000 - Cycles
Pins 44 100 144 208
Type Plastic VQFP Plastic VQFP Plastic TQFP Plastic PQFP
Code VQ44 VQ100 TQ144 PQ208
XCR3032XL -10Q---
XCR3064XL -10 Q Q - -
XCR3128XL -10 - Q Q -
XCR3256XL -12 - - Q Q
XCR3384XL -12 - - - Q
XCR3512XL -12 - - - Q
1. Q = Automo tive IQ (TA = –40°C to +125°C).
Co ol R un ne r X PL A 3 C P LD Automot ive I Q Prod uc t Fami ly In troduc ti on and Orde rin g In formation
DS109-1 (v1.2) May 7, 2003 www.xilinx.com 3
Advance Produ ct Speci ficati on 1-800-255-7778
Ordering Information
For more d etails about the CoolRunner XPLA3 Automotive devices, refer to the
indivi dual specifications:
DS119, XCR303 2X L Data sheet
DS119-1, XCR306 4X L Data sheet
DS119-2, XCR312 8X L Data sheet
DS119-3, XCR325 6X L Data sheet
DS119-4, XCR338 4X L Data sheet
DS119-5, XCR351 2X L Data sheet
Revision History
The fo llowing table shows the rev ision histor y for this doc um ent.
Date Version Revision
07 /17/02 1.0 I nitial X ilin x r ele as e .
02/10 /03 1.1 Upda ted FSTSTEM f or XCR3384XL from 83 to 87 MHz.
05/07 /03 1.2 A dded 120 I /O to XCR3256XL in Table 2.
XCR3032XL -10 VQ 44 Q
Example: Temperature Range
Numbe r of Pins
Package Type
De vi ce Type
Speed Grade
Device Ordering Options
Device Speed Package Temperature
XCR3032XL -10 10 ns pin-to-pin delay VQ44 44-pin Quad Flat Pack (VQFP) Q = Automotive IQTA = –40°C to +125°C
XCR3064XL -12 12 ns pin-to-pin delay VQ100 100-pin Quad Flat Pack (VQFP)
XCR3128XL TQ14 4 144-pin Plast ic Qua d Flat Pack (TQFP)
XCR3256XL PQ208 208-pi n Plastic Quad Flat P ac k (PQFP)