Pre-Production WM 7121P, WM7121PE
w PP, June 2014, Rev 3.0
Wolfson Microelectronics plc (“Wolfson”) products and services are sold subject to Wolfson’s terms and conditions of sale, delivery
and payment supplied at the time of order acknowledgement.
Wolfson warrants performance of its products to the specifications in effect at the date of shipment. Wolfson reserves the right to
make changes to its products and specifications or to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should therefore
obtain the latest version of relevant information from Wolfson to verify that the information is current.
Testing and other quality control techniques are utilised to the extent Wolfson deems necessary to support its warranty. Specific
testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed unless required by law or regulation.
In order to minimise risks associated with customer applications, the customer must use adequate design and operating safeguards
to minimise inherent or procedural hazards. Wolfson is not liable for applications assistance or customer product design. The
customer is solely responsible for its selection and use of Wolfson products. Wolfson is not liable for such selection or use nor for
use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Wolfson product.
Wolfson’s products are not intended for use in life support systems, appliances, nuclear systems or systems where malfunction can
reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. Any use of products by the
customer for such purposes is at the customer’s own risk.
Wolfson does not grant any licence (express or implied) under any patent right, copyright, mask work right or other intellectual
property right of Wolfson covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which its products or services might be or
are used. Any provision or publication of any third party’s products or services does not constitute Wolfson’s approval, licence,
warranty or endorsement thereof. Any third party trade marks contained in this document belong to the respective third party owner.
Reproduction of information from Wolfson datasheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by
all associated copyright, proprietary and other notices (including this notice) and conditions. Wolfson is not liable for any
unauthorised alteration of such information or for any reliance placed thereon.
Any representations made, warranties given, and/or liabilities accepted by any person which differ from those contained in this
datasheet or in Wolfson’s standard terms and conditions of sale, delivery and payment are made, given and/or accepted at that
person’s own risk. Wolfson is not liable for any such representations, warranties or liabilities or for any reliance placed thereon by
any person.
Wolfson Microelectronics plc
Westfield House
26 Westfield Road
EH11 2QB
Tel :: +44 (0)131 272 7000
Fax :: +44 (0)131 272 7001
Email :: sales@wolfsonmicro.com