5mm Pitch Miniature Potting Connector for Secondary Power Supply
DF5 Series
1. Potting Product
This connector is capable of potting 9mm maximum, and
22.5mm mounting height is a low profile. (Figure 1).
2. Prevent Mis-insertion
When the socket and pin header are mated, this connector is
equipped with a mechanism to prevent reverse insertion or
dissimilar contact insertion.
3. Means to Prevent Solder Cracks
The pin header employs glass enforced resin, and takes
countermeasures to prevent solder cracks due to heat shrinkage.
4. Prevent Reverse Insertion in Printed Board
Boss is added to the pin header, and prevents reverse
insertion in the printed board.
5. Full Lock Mechanism
The outer lock system employs full lock mechanism.
6. Current Capacity of 8A
Power can be supplied at 8 A maximum. Specification will
change according to applicable cable, number of contacts,
number of rows. For further information, refer to product
specifications as listed on next page.
Business machines, industrial equipment, consumer
appliances (hot water supply, washing machines, refrigerator)
Figure 1-1
Single row type
Figure 1-2
Double row type
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at www.hirose-connectors.com, or contact your Hirose sales representative.
DF5 Series5mm Pitch Miniature Potting Connector for Secondary Power Supply
Product Specifications
Item Specification Condition
Insulation Resistance
1000M ohms min. 500V DC
Withstanding voltage
No flashover or insulation breakdown. 1500V AC/1 minute
Contact Resistance
30m ohms max. 100mA
Single Insertior/
0.3N (30gt) min., 4.5N (450gt) max. Measured with 1.14±0.002mm steel pin
Extraction Force
No electrical discontinuity of 10μs or more
Frequency: 10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude of 0.75 mm, 2 hours in each of the 3 directions.
Humidity (Steady state)
Contact resistance: 30m ohms max., Insulation resistance: 500M ohms min.
96 hours at temperature of 40ç and humidity of 90% to 95%
Temperature Cycle
Contact resistance: 30m ohms max., Insulation resistance: 1000M ohms min.
: 30 minutes
15 to 35
: 10 minutes
: 30 minutes
5 to 35
: 10 minutes ) 5 cycles
Durability (Mating/un-mating)
Contact resistance: 30m ohms max. 30 cycles
Resistance to
No deformation of
Flow: 260ç for 10 seconds
Soldering heat
components affecting performance.
Manual soldering: 350ç for 3 seconds
Product Part Material Finish Remarks
Crimping Socket Insulator Polyamide White UL94V-0
Crimping Contact for Socket
Contact Phosphor bronze Tin plated --------------------
Pin header Insulator Polyamide Beige UL94V-0
Contact Brass Tin plated --------------------
Note 1: Includes temperature rise caused by current flow.
Note 2: The term "storage" refers to products stored for long period of time prior to mounting and use. Operating Temperature
Range and Humidity range covers non conducting condition of installed connectors in storage, shipment or during
Note 3: Information contained in this catalog represents general requirements for this Series. Contact us for the drawings and
specifications for a specific part number shown.
Ordering Information
No. of rows
No. of contacts
AWG#18 AWG#20 AWG#22
Single row
2 to 10 8A 6A 5A
Operating Temperature Range
35 to +85ç(Note 1)
Operating Moisture Range
40 to 80%
Current rating
Double row
10 7A 6A 5A
12 7A 6A 4A
Storage Temperature Range
10 to +60ç(Note 2)
14 7A 5A 4A
Storage Humidity Range
40 to 70%(Note 2)
16 7A 5A 4A
Voltage rating
500V AC
Contact Pitch: 5mm
Contact type
C : Crimping Socket
DSA: Straight pin header
Series Name: DF5A
Number of contacts
: Single row: 2 to 10
Double row
: 4 to 16
Connector type
S : Single row socket
DS : Double row socket
P : Single row header
DP : Double row header
packaging type
SCF: Socket contact, reel packaging
SC : Socket contact, bag packaging
Applicable cable type
None: UL 1007 equivalent (jacket diameter 1.5 to 2.2mm)
A: UL 1015 equivalent (jacket diameter 2.2 to 2.9mm)
Applicable cable size
1822: AWG#18~#22
DF5A - 1822 SCF
1 2 3
1 3
DF5A - *S - 5 C
2 3 4 5
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at www.hirose-connectors.com, or contact your Hirose sales representative.
DF5 Series5mm Pitch Miniature Potting Connector for Secondary Power Supply
Product No CL No.
Number of Contacts
DF5A- 2S-5C 676-0007-8 2 5.0 10.5
DF5A- 3S-5C 676-0008-0 3 10.0 15.5
DF5A- 4S-5C 676-0009-3 4 15.0 20.5
DF5A- 5S-5C 676-0010-2 5 20.0 25.5
DF5A- 6S-5C 676-0011-5 6 25.0 30.5
DF5A- 7S-5C 676-0012-8 7 30.0 35.5
DF5A- 8S-5C 676-0013-0 8 35.0 40.5
DF5A- 9S-5C 676-0014-3 9 40.0 45.5
DF5A-10S-5C 676-0015-6 10 45.0 50.5
Single Row Socket
Note: A packaging quantity is delivered by
the bag unit (100 pcs.).
Single Row Pin Header
Part Number CL No.
Number of Contacts
DF5A- 2P-5DSA(05)
676-0016-9-05 2 5.0 12.5
DF5A- 3P-5DSA(05)
676-0017-1-05 3 10.0 17.5
DF5A- 4P-5DSA(05)
676-0018-4-05 4 15.0 22.5
DF5A- 5P-5DSA(05)
676-0019-7-05 5 20.0 27.5
DF5A- 6P-5DSA(05)
676-0020-6-05 6 25.0 32.5
DF5A- 7P-5DSA(05)
676-0021-9-05 7 30.0 37.5
DF5A- 8P-5DSA(05)
676-0022-1-05 8 35.0 42.5
DF5A- 9P-5DSA(05)
676-0023-4-05 9 40.0 47.5
676-0024-7-05 10 45.0 52.5 Note: A packaging quantity is delivered by
the bag unit (100 pcs.).
Contact Inserted
No. indicator
Polarity mark
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at www.hirose-connectors.com, or contact your Hirose sales representative.
DF5 Series5mm Pitch Miniature Potting Connector for Secondary Power Supply
Double Row Socket
Double Row Pin Header
Part Number CL No.
Number of Contacts
DF5A- 4DS-5C 676-0025-0 4 5.0 10.5
DF5A- 6DS-5C 676-0026-2 6 10.0 15.5
DF5A- 8DS-5C 676-0027-5 8 15.0 20.5
DF5A-10DS-5C 676-0028-8 10 20.0 25.5
DF5A-12DS-5C 676-0036-6 12 25.0 30.5
DF5A-14DS-5C 676-0037-9 14 30.0 35.5
DF5A-16DS-5C 676-0038-1 16 35.0 40.5
Note: A packaging quantity is delivered by the
bag unit (100 pcs.).
Part Number CL No.
Number of Contacts
DF5A- 4DP-5DSA(05)
676-0029-0-05 4 5.0 12.5
DF5A- 6DP-5DSA(05)
676-0030-0-05 6 10.0 17.5
DF5A- 8DP-5DSA(05)
676-0031-2-05 8 15.0 22.5
676-0032-5-05 10 20.0 27.5
676-0033-8-05 12 25.0 32.5
676-0034-0-05 14 30.0 37.5
676-0035-3-05 16 35.0 42.5
Note: A packaging quantity is delivered by the
bag unit (100 pcs.).
Contact Inserted
No. indicator
Polarity mark
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at www.hirose-connectors.com, or contact your Hirose sales representative.
DF5 Series5mm Pitch Miniature Potting Connector for Secondary Power Supply
BPCB mounting pattern (Board thickness = 1.6±0.1)
Socket Crimping Contact
Applicable Cable
Part Number HRS. No. Quantity J K
UL style Jacket dia. AWG size
Contact construction Type
DF5-1822SCF 676-0001-1
Reel 5,000
1007 1.5 to 2.2 AWG#18 43 cores/0.16mm 2.8 3
DF5-1822SC 676-0002-4
Bag 100
AWG#20 21 cores/0.18mm
DF5A-1822SCF 676-0003-7
Reel 5,000
1015 2.2 to 3.2 AWG#22 17 cores/0.16mm 3.8 4
DF5A-1822SC 676-0004-0
Bag 100
Note 1. The applicable cable conductor is a tin plated and annealed copper wire.
Note 2. If other cables are used instead of the applicable cable, contact the HRS Sales Department.
Strip length: 3 to 4mm
BApplicable Crimping Tools
Type Item Part Number CL No. Applicable Contact
Press unit CM-105 901-0005-4 ------------------------------
Auto- AP105-DF5-1822S 901-4542-5 DF5-1822SCF
matic Applicator
901-4546-6 DF5A-1822SCF
DF5-1822/CR-HT 550-0264-0 DF5-1822SC
Manual crimping tool
DF5A-1822/CR-HT 550-0265-2 DF5A-1822SC
----- Extraction tool RP13-PC-TP 150-0021-5
BApplication Pattern
DF5A-*P-5DSA (05) DF5A-*DP-5DSA (05)
Note 1. For C and G sizes, please refer to pages where individual product patterns are shown.
Note: If any trouble has been caused due to other tools, which are not designated by Hirose, Hirose won't guarantees any product.
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at www.hirose-connectors.com, or contact your Hirose sales representative.
DF5 Series5mm Pitch Miniature Potting Connector for Secondary Power Supply
Recommended soldering
Flow: 260ç for 10 seconds
Manual soldering: 350ç for 3 seconds
2. Cleaning condition Refer to the "Nylon Connector Use Hand book"
3. Connecting condition Refer to the "Nylon Connector Use Hand book"
4. Cautions
The color phase of this product may be slightly differ from that of the formed product according to the
manufacturing lot, and consequent storage condition, however, the difference affects no performance.
5. Precautions Refer to the "Nylon Connector Use Hand book"
The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at www.hirose-connectors.com, or contact your Hirose sales representative.