MOSIDEN BVEZIF 3 TFPCHART 2 (VU 7O-FRA)LET 7 ZIF TYPE FPC CONNECTORS (Reflow Soldering Terminals) L Type UNIT : mm (BEFORE INSER- oA ad TING A FPC) 17 79' #88 m =15 wee ial I PUSH STROKE! 2 -e--= +55 (zempee) Ly | | (AFTER INSERT- + ING A FPC) cc | 1 22 | i HVC3100 Series | Li {Ps 15 | + alos | [ros 125 ofthe 1.25 (N-1)= D--- aa ~_. Be ween PUSH STROKE -} 2 pe------ #-+5.5 (eae i; oo | - | (AFTER INSERT- r Jy # ' ING A FPC) i 0.6 man) HVC3300 Series 0.8 DIA HOLE ee Lp _ i ~~ =0.9 J is ane 7 ERBBSO) AER OD HT ko Peep ip a3 ome AMtCt. CERO ML & KARE Bl! 05 F oy Wee DMEM EPHET tat po rs | HVC3200 series are provided with eA -126X(N =D 4 1.25X(N-1=De a guide post to facilitate accurate HOLE LAYOUT BOTTOM VIEW positioning during reflow soldering. This improves both work efficiency and soldering strength. FORE INSER- _ NG A FPC) 7S Re 15 PUSH STROKE 2 45.5 aemee (AFTER INSERT- = el [ap HVC3600 Series 63 Hosiden Corporation ~g8MGZZIF 3 TFPCHARTS (VY IO-#RA)LSETT _ ZIF TYPE FPC CONNECTORS (Reflow Soldering Terminals) L Type Va HVC3800 Series YIRDFRBOWRRO BAT EK AhtCtd. fFROML + SATA NLP SPNET. HVC3700 series are provided with a guide post to facilitate accurate positioning during reflow soldering. This improves both work efficiency and soldering strength. + -125X(N1)=D (BEFORE INSER- TING A FPC) PUSH STROKE- 4 UNIT : mm +. 7 5RMATI ON 15 2 Bs (ERD (AFTER INSERT- -1.25X(N1)=D ING A FPC) HOLE LAYOUT BOTTOM VIEW vERC HVC3109-01-010 | Peo p PS HVC3111-01-010 HvG3117-01-010 1. tT SAO REC DUT BME OL O6(AD ZAH) (QULIL-LIDA : 94V-O (3h SF PCs : SaPb xy HVC3309-01-010 HVC3311-01-010 |[- Eanes HVC3317-01-010 i HVC3620- or 610 HVC3607-01-010 HVC3608-01-010 HVC3612- 01-010 a HVC3614-01- O10 HVG3615-01-010 HVC3616- a 010 HVC3622~ 01 010 2. EEGSRLISHC A 7 LK Saeco, A #1 KS LUS A y HOFPCHABRE HH TEES. RCM < ZC AU HVC3805-01-010 HVC3806-01 -010 HVC3807-01-010 HVC3812-01-010 HVC3815-01-010 a, ; a Po HVC381 8-01 -O1 0 ey aay HVC3808-01-010 HVG3814-01-010 Fivege20-9 01 -010 HVC3822- of 010 NOTES: 1, Products with the model numbers listed above 4.5 4.5 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 35 49 1) Insulating Material : NYLON 66 (Glass-reinforced) 2) UL Flame-Resistance Class : 94V-O 3) Applicable FPC Specifications : SnPb Plating 2.In addition to the products above, heat resistant grades are aiso available. Connectors for carbon-coated and gold-plated FPCs can be produced. Consult us for details. C3 HVT VARA