tyco / Flectronics Coil Data (values at 23 C) Telecom-, Signal- and RF Relays AXICOM P2 V23079 Relay Ordering Information Nominal Operate/set voltage range Release/ Coil Coil Relay Tyco part voltage reset voltage power Resistance code number Unom Minimum Minimum Maximum voltage Yin voltage U ax Vde Vdc Vdc Vdc mw Q/+10% THT, non-latching, standard coil 3 2.25 6.50 0.30 140 64.3 V23079-A1008-B301 | 2-1393788-2 4 3.00 8.70 0.40 140 114 V23079-A1016-B301 | 2-1393788-9 45 3.38 9.80 0.45 140 145 V23079-A1011-B301 | 2-1393788-4 5 3.75 10.90 0.50 140 178 V23079-A1001-B301 | 0-1393788-3 6 45 13.00 0.60 140 257 V23079-A1002-B301 | 0-1393788-8 9 6.75 19.60 0.90 140 578 V23079-A1006-B301 | 2-1393788-0 12 9.00 26.15 1.20 140 1029 V23079-A1003-B301 | 1-1393788-1 24 18.00 52.30 2.40 140 4114 V23079-A1005-B301 | 1-1393788-6 THT, non-latching, overmolded coil 3 2.25 6.50 0.30 140 64.3 V23079-A2008-B301 | 6-1419120-6 4.5 3.38 9.80 0.45 140 145 V23079-A2011-B301 | 3-1393789-9 5 3.75 10.90 0.50 140 178 V23079-A2001-B301 | 3-1393789-5 6 45 13.00 0.60 140 257 V23079-A2002-B301 | 3-1393789-6 9 6.75 19.60 0.90 140 578 V23079-A2006-B301 | 3-1393789-8 12 9.00 26.15 1.20 140 1029 V23079-A2003-B301 | 3-1393789-7 THT, latching, 2 standard coils 3 2.25 6.50 2.25 140 64.3 V23079-B1208-B301 | 4-1393788-1 45 3.38 9.80 3.38 140 145 V23079-B1211-B301 | 4-1393788-2 5 3.75 10.90 3.75 140 178 V23079-B1201-B301 | 3-1393788-3 6 45 13.00 4.50 140 257 V23079-B1202-B301 | 3-1393788-5 9 6.75 19.60 6.75 140 578 V23079-B1206-B301 | 3-1393788-9 12 9.00 26.15 9.00 140 1029 V23079-B1203-B301 | 3-1393788-6 24 18.00 52.30 18.00 140 4114 V23079-B1205-B301 | 3-1393788-7 THT, latching, 1 standard coil 3 2.25 9.20 2.25 70 128 V23079-C1108-B301 | 5-1393788-3 4.5 3.38 13.85 3.38 70 289 V23079-C1111-B301 | 5-1393788-4 5 3.75 15.33 3.75 70 357 V23079-C1101-B301 | 41393788-5 6 45 18.50 4.50 70 514 V23079-C1102-B301 | 4-1393788-7 9 6.75 27.75 6.75 70 1157 V23079-C1106-B301 | 5-1393788-1 12 9.00 37.00 9.00 70 2057 V23079-C1103-B301_ | 41393788-8 24 18.00 74.00 18.00 70 8228 V23079-C1105-B301 | 5-1393788-0 SMT, long pins, non-latching, standard coil 3 2.25 6.50 0.30 140 64.3 V23079-D1008-B301 | 6-1393788-1 4.5 3.38 9.80 0.45 140 145 V23079-D1011-B301 | 6-1393788-2 5 3.75 10.90 0.50 140 178 V23079-D1001-B301 | 5-1393788-5 6 45 13.00 0.60 140 257 V23079-D1002-B301 | 5-1393788-6 9 6.75 19.60 0.90 140 578 V23079-D1006-B301 | 5-1393788-9 12 9.00 26.15 1.20 140 1029 V23079-D1003-B301 | 5-1393788-7 24 18.00 52.30 2.40 140 4114 V23079-D1005-B301 | 5-1393788-8 SMT, long pins, non-latching, overmolded coil 3 2.25 6.50 0.30 140 64.3 V23079-D2008-B301 | 4-1393789-7 45 3.38 9.80 0.45 140 145 V23079-D2011-B301 | 4-1393789-8 5 3.75 10.90 0.50 140 178 V23079-D2001-B301 | 4-1393789-3 6 45 13.00 0.60 140 257 V23079-D2002-B301 | 4-1393789-4 9 6.75 19.60 0.90 140 578 V23079-D2006-B301 | 4-1393789-6 12 9.00 26.15 1.20 140 1029 V23079-D2003-B301 | 4-1393789-5 Further coil versions are available on request. USA: 1-800-522-6752 Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 South America: 55-11-36-11-1514 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 UK: 44-141- 810-8967 Germany: 49-6251-1331999 Dimensions are shown for reference purpose only. Specifications subject to change. Dimensions are in millimeters and inches. Catalog 1308202-2 Revised 06-05 www.tycoelectronics.com axicom@tycoelectronics.com