Use a 1µF or more capacitance value of bypass capacitor between VIN pin and GND, C1 as shown in the
typical applications above.
• In terms of the capacitor for setting delay time of the latch protection, C2 as shown in typical applications of
the previous page, connect between Delay pin and G ND pin of the IC with the minimum wiring distance.
• Connect a 1µF or more value of capacitor between V OUT and GN D, C3 as shown in typical application s of the
previous page. (Recommended value is from 10µF to 22µF.) If the operation of the composed DC/DC
converter may be unstable, use a tantalum type capacitor instead of cera mic type.
• Connect a capacitor between VOUT and the dividing point, C4 as shown in typical applications of the previous
page. The capacitance value of C4 depends on divider resistors for output voltage setting. Typical value is
between 100pF and 1000pF.
• Output Voltage can be set with divider resistors for voltage setting, R1 and R2 as shown in typical
applications of the previous page. Refer to the next formula.
Output Voltage = VFB × (R1+R2)/R2
R1+R2=100kΩ is recommended range of resistances.
• The operation of Latch protection circuit is as follows: When the IC detects maximum duty cycle, charge to
an external capacitor, C2 of DELAY pin starts . And maximum duty cycle continues and the voltage of DELAY
pin reaches delay voltage detector threshold, VDLY, outputs "L" to EXT pin and turns off the external power
To release the latch protection operation, make the IC be standby mode with CE pin and make it active in
terms of B/D version. Otherwise, restart with power on.
The delay time of latch protection can be calculated with C2, VDLY, and Delay Pin Charge Current, IDLY1, as in
the next formula.
Once after the maximum duty is detected and relea se d befo re d elay time, charge to the cap acitor is halt and
delay pin outputs "L".
• As for R1211x002A/C version, the value s and positioni ng of C4, C5, R3, and R4 shown in the above diagram
are just an example combination. These are for making phase compensation. If the spike noise of VOUT may
be large, the spike noise m ay be picke d into VFB pin an d make the operatio n un stable. In this case, a resistor
R3, shown in typical applications of the previous page. The recommended resistance value of R3 is in the
range from 10kΩ to 50kΩ. Then, noi se level will be decreased.
• As for R1211x002B/D version, EXT pin outputs GND level at standby mode.
• Select the Power MOSFET, the diode, and the inductor within ratings (Voltage, Current, Power) of this IC.
Choose the power MOSFET with low threshold voltage depending on Input Voltage to be able to turn on the
FET complet ely. Choose the diode with low VF such as Shott ky type with l ow reverse cu rrent I R, and with fa st
switching speed. When an external transistor is switching, spike voltage may be generated caused by an
inductor, therefore recommended voltage tolerance of capacitor connected to VOUT is three times of setting
voltage or mo re.
∗ The performance of power circuit with using this IC depends on external components. Choose the most
suitable com ponents for your application.