SMALL DIMENSION (ELECTRONIC) FUSES 1/4" x 1-1/4" Fast-Acting Fuses AGC Fast-Acting ABC Fast-Acting GBB Very Fast-Acting Physical Size: Physical Size: Physical Size: 1/4" x 1-1/4" (6.3mm x 32mm) Construction: Glass Tube, Nickelplated brass endcaps. Voltage Rating: See Below Interrupting Rating: See Below Agency Approvals: UL Listed product meets standard 248-14 UL Listed Card: AGC 1/500-10 UL Recognition Card: AGC 11-30 CSA Component Acceptance Card (Class No. 1422 30) CSA Certification Card (Class No. 1422 01) Electrical Characteristics Current Rated AC Interrupting Rating Voltage Rating1 AC (Max.) 250V 125V 32V 1/20 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 1/16 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 1/10 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 1/8 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 3/16 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 2/10 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 1/4 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 3/10 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 3/8 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 45/100 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 1/2 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 3/4 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 1 250V 35V 10000A 1000A 1-1/4 250V 100A 10000A 1000A 1-1/2 250V 100A 10000A 1000A 2 250V 100A 10000A 1000A 2-1/4 125V 100A 10000A 1000A 2-1/2 125V 100A 10000A 1000A 3 125V 100A 10000A 1000A 4 125V 200A 10000A 1000A 5 125V 200A 10000A 1000A 6 125V 200A 10000A 1000A 7 125V 200A 10000A 1000A 8 125V 200A 10000A 1000A 9 125V 200A 10000A 1000A 10 125V 200A 10000A 1000A 15 32V - - 1000A 20 32V - - 1000A 25 32V - - 1000A 30 32V - - 1000A 1/4" x 1-1/4" (6.3mm x 32mm) Construction: Ceramic Tube Voltage Rating: See Below Interrupting Rating: See Below Agency Approvals: UL Listed product meets standard 248-14 UL Listed Guide & File numbers (ABC 1/4-15A): JDYX & E19180. UL Recognition Guide & File numbers (ABC 20-30A): JDYX2 & E19180. CSA Certification Record No: 053787 C 000 & Class No: 1422 01 & 1422 30. Electrical Characteristics Current Rated Rating Voltage AC (Max.) DC (Max.) 1/4 250V 125V 1/2 250V 125V 3/4 250V 125V 1 250V 125V 1-1/2 250V 125V 2 250V 125V 2-1/2 250V 125V 3 250V 125V 4 250V 125V 5 250V 125V 6 250V 125V 7 250V 125V 8 250V 125V 10 250V 125V 12 250V 125V 15 250V 125V 20 250V 125V 25 125V 125V 30 125V 125V AC Interrupting Rating1 250V 125V 35A 10000A 35A 10000A 35A 10000A 35A 10000A 100A 10000A 100A 10000A 100A 10000A 100A 10000A 200A 10000A 200A 10000A 200A 10000A 200A 10000A 200A 10000A 200A 10000A 200A 10000A 750A 10000A 400A 1000A - 1000A - 1000A 1 Interrupting ratings were measured at 70% - 80% power factor on AC, and at a time constant described in UL 198L. NEW EDISON ABC CROSS REFERENCE OLD EDISON BUSS GOULD BBC ABC GAB 1/4" x 1-1/4" (6.3mm x 32mm) Construction: Ceramic Tube Voltage Rating: See Below Agency Approvals: UL recognized product meets standard 24814 UL Recognized Card: GBB 1-30A (JFHR2, E56412) CSA Component Certified Card (Class 1422-01 File 53787) Product Code & Voltage Rating Product Voltage Code Rating AC GBB-1 250V GBB-1-1/4 250V GBB-2 250V GBB-3 250V GBB-4 250V GBB-5 250V GBB-6 250V GBB-7 250V GBB-8 250V GBB-9 250V GBB-10 250V GBB-12 250V GBB-15 250V GBB-20 250V GBB-25 125V GBB-30 125V DC 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V NEW EDISON CROSS REFERENCE OLD EDISON BUSS GOULD LF GBB -- 322 GBB None LF 314 1 Interrupting ratings were measured at 70% - 80% power factor on AC, and at a time constant described in UL 198L. NEW EDISON AGC CROSS REFERENCE OLD EDISON BUSS GOULD BGC AGC GGC LF 312 45