5X7 Dot Character VFD Module 2 Lines of 20 Characters 5mm High High Speed Parallel/Serial Interface Operating Temp -40C to +85C Single 5V Supply High Brightness Blue Green Display ASCII, Katakana & Extended Character Font 8 User Definable Character RAM CU20026-TW200A The module includes the Vacuum Fluorescent Display glass, driver and micro-controller ICs with refresh RAM, character generator and interface logic. The high speed 8 bit parallel interface is 5V CMOS compatible suitable for connection to a host CPU bus. The asynchronous serial interface accepts baud rates up to 19,200 with or without parity. Two character font tables can be hardware or software selected. User defined characters and many control commands are available. PWR (AMP171825-3) IDC (16 WAY) 17.0 16.0 39.0 19.0 11.5 23.4 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION Parameter Symbol Power Supply Voltage VCC Power Supply Current ICC Logic High Input VIH Logic Low Input VIL Logic High Output VOH Logic Low Output VOL 13.0 100.2 147.0 155.0 4.0 1.6 10.7 Dimensions in mm & subject to tolerances. Mounting holes 3.5mm dia. International Font Additional Katakana Font CHARACTER FONTS Value 5.0VDC +/- 5% 290mADC typ. 2.0VDC min. 0.8VDC max. 4.4VDC min. 0.5VDC max. Condition GND=0V Vcc=5V VCC=5V VCC=5V IOH = -2.0mA IOL =2.0mA The power on rise time should be less than 100ms.The inrush current at power on can be 2 x ICC. OPTICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Parameter Value Character Size/Pitch (XxY mm) 3.3 x 5.05/5.1 x 9.95 Dot Size/Pitch (XxY mm) 0.5 x 0.55/0.7 x 0.75 2 Luminance 700 cd/m (204 fL) Typ. Colour of Illumination Blue-Green (Filter for colours) Operating Temperature -40C to +85C Storage Temperature -40C to +85C Operating Humidity (non condensing) 20 to 80% RH @ 25C SOFTWARE COMMANDS Instruction D0-D7 Back Space 08H Horizontal Tab 09H Line Feed 0AH Form Feed 0CH Carriage Return 0DH Clear Display 0EH Increment Write Mode 11H Vertical Scroll Mode 12H Horizontal Scroll Mode 13H Underline Cursor On 14H 5x7 Block Cursor On 15H Cursor Off 16H Instruction Blinking Cursor International Font Katakana Font Escape Send User Font Position cursor Software Reset Luminance Flickerless Write Cursor Blink Speed Character Data User Character Data TIMING PARAMETERS (min) Data Set Up To Write 100ns Write Pulse Width 160ns Hold After Write 10ns Subject to change without notice. Detailed specification on request. IUK Doc Ref: 4404 Iss:1 12Aug03 D0-D7 17H 18H 19H 1BH +43H +48H +49H +4CH +53H +54H 20H+ 00H+ NORITAKE ITRON VFD MODULES PCB JUMPERS (O)PEN (L)INK Baud J2 J1 J0 19200 O O O 9600 O O L 4800 O L O 2400 O L L 1200 L O O Parity J4 J3 EVEN O O ODD O L NONE L L/O Font JA International L Katakana O 3 PIN POWER CONNECTOR Pin Sig 1 VCC (5V) 2 SIN/TEST 3 GND (0V) IDC DATA CONNECTOR Pin Sig Pin Sig 1 D7 9 /WR 2 D6 10 /CS 3 D5 11 SIN/TEST 4 D4 12 BUSY 5 D3 13 GND (0V) 6 D2 14 GND (0V) 7 D1 15 VCC (5V) 8 D0 16 VCC (5V) CONTACT Noritake Sales Office Tel Nos Nagoya Japan: +81 (0)52-561-9867 Canada: +1-416-291-2946 Chicago USA: +1-847-439-9020 Munchen (D): +49 (0)89-3214-290 Itron UK: +44 (0)1493 601144 Rest Europe: +49 (0)61-0520-9220 www.noritake-itron.com 2x20, 5mm Dot Character