ADC6 is valid and Bit 3 is set when the data in ADC3 and
ADC7 is valid. At the start of the next conversion sequence, all
bits of the ADCSTAT register are cleared. Additionally, at the
end of the complete conversion sequence (when the data in the
ADC7 register is valid), a dedicated ADC interrupt is generated.
This interrupt can be masked and controlled by the PIC block.
Depending on initial synchronization delays, the worst case total
conversion time (defined as the duration from the rising edge of
the convert start command to the generation of the ADC inter-
rupt) for all eight channels is:
= 49 × t
which corresponds to 1.88 µs for a DSP instruction rate of
26 MHz. Additionally, in this operating mode, the time delay
between sampling of successive pairs of analog inputs is 8t
308 ns (at 26 MHz).
Sequential Sampling Mode
This operating mode is selected by setting Bit 3 and clearing
Bit 4 of the ADCCTRL register. In this operating mode, simul-
taneous sampling is abandoned and the A/D conversion se-
quence samples each analog input sequentially. Therefore, in
the first ADC clock period, VIN0 is sampled and held by the
first sample and hold amplifier. In the second clock period, the
held sample of VIN0 is applied to the first stage of the ADC
pipeline and the VIN1 signal is sampled. This process continues
until each of the analog inputs has been sequentially sampled
and converted (i.e., VIN0 followed by VIN1 followed by VIN2,
etc.). In this operating mode, the total conversion time is the
same as the Simultaneous Sampling mode. However, successive
channels are sampled at 4t
(or 154 ns at 26 MHz) intervals.
In this mode, Bits 0 to 3 of the ADCSTAT register are all set
together when all eight conversions are complete. The interrupt
is generated, as before, when the data in the ADC7 register is valid.
Offset Calibration Mode
In order to maintain the high accuracy of the ADC system of
the ADMC401, it may be necessary to measure and compensate
for any intrinsic offset and/or gain errors in the A/D conversion
system. The Offset Calibration mode, which is selected by setting
Bit 4 and clearing Bit 3 of the ADCCTRL register, is intended
to be used for measuring any offsets in the sample and hold
amplifiers. When this mode is selected, all analog inputs (VIN0
to VIN7, ASHAN and BSHAN) are disconnected from the
inputs to the sample and hold amplifiers, and the SHA inputs
are internally connected together and to the reference voltage
(at the V
pin). Since these connections are in effect only
during the conversion sequence, a complete conversion se-
quence must be initiated. Following the end of conversion,
the data in the ADC0 to ADC3 registers may be taken as four
separate measurements of the offset of the first sample and hold
amplifier. Similarly, the data in the ADC4 to ADC7 registers
may be taken as measurements of the offset associated with the
second sample and hold amplifier. These data values could be
averaged to obtain an offset value for each sample and hold
amplifier that could be stored and used to compensate all future
measurements. The end of conversion status bits are updated
and the interrupt is generated in a manner identical to the Si-
multaneous Sampling mode.
Gain Calibration Mode
It may be desirable to measure and compensate for any gain
errors associated with the A/D conversion process across the
entire input voltage span of the A/D system. The Gain Calibra-
tion mode, selected by setting both Bits 3 and 4 of the ADCCTRL
register, is designed to offer significant user flexibility in deter-
mining the amount of gain compensation that may be required.
In this mode the dedicated GAIN input pin is internally con-
nected directly to the noninverting input of each sample and
hold amplifier. The user may apply different precise analog
voltages across the input voltage span to this pin to measure
gain errors over the operating range.
A complete conversion sequence for each different GAIN input
must be initiated. Following the end of conversion, the data in
the ADC0 to ADC3 registers may be used to calculate four
separate measurements of the gain error of the first sample and
hold amplifier. Similarly, the data in the ADC4 to ADC7 regis-
ters may be used to calculate the gain associated with the second
sample and hold amplifier. These data values could be averaged
to obtain gain error values for each sample and hold amplifier
that could be stored and used to compensate all future measure-
ments. The end of conversion status bits are updated and the
interrupt is generated in a manner identical to the Simulta-
neous Sampling mode.
Following the end of conversion sequence in any of the four
operating modes, the A/D system reverts to its Single Channel
mode. In this configuration, the multiplexers are set such that
the VIN0 input is continuously sampled and converted. The results
of these conversions are placed in the dedicated ADCXTRA
register that is updated with the results of a new conversion
every ADC clock period (or 154 ns at 26 MHz). This feature
permits the continuous tracking of a single analog input, if re-
quired. The OTR bit for these conversions is placed in Bit 4 of
the ADCSTAT register. No interrupt is generated following
these conversions and no other status bits are generated. The
ADCXTRA register is not updated during the conversion se-
quence of any of the four operating modes.
The ADMC401 contains an onboard bandgap reference that
can be used to provide a precise 2.0 V output for use by the A/D
system and externally on the V
pin for biasing and level–
shifting functions. Additionally, the ADMC401 may be config-
ured to operate with an external reference applied to the V
pin. The SENSE pin is used to select between internal and
external references.
The actual reference voltages used by the internal ADC circuitry
of the ADMC401 appear on the CAPT and CAPB pins. For
correct operation of the internal voltage reference generation
circuitry, either with internal or external reference, it is neces-
sary to add a capacitor network between these pins, as shown in
Figure 20. A 10 µF tantalum capacitor in parallel with a 0.1 µF
ceramic is recommended as well as two 0.1 µF capacitors to
analog ground. The internal bias circuitry may take up to 15 ms
after power-up to settle. Any ADC conversions performed prior
to this may not be as accurate as possible. The start-up time
may be evaluated by measuring how long it takes for the voltage
difference between CAPT and CAPB to settle to V
. Addi-
tionally, a 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor must be connected between
the CML pin and analog ground. Finally, the V
pin should
be decoupled to analog ground by a 10 µF tantalum capacitor in
parallel with a 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor.