_______________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,
or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com.
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
General Description
The MAX5388 evaluation kit (EV kit) is an assembled
and tested PCB that features the MAX5388N 100kΩ dual
digital potentiometers. The MAX5388 IC consists of one
digital potentiometer in a variable-resistor configuration
and one digital potentiometer in a voltage-divider config-
uration and communicates through an SPI™-compatible
serial interface.
The MAX5388EVMINIQU+ evaluation system (EV sys-
tem) includes the EV kit and the MINIQUSB+ interface
board. The MINIQUSB+ interface board can be used to
enable PC communication through the 3-wire serial inter-
face. Windows® 2000-, Windows XP®-, and Windows
Vista®-compatible software provides a professional user
interface for exercising the MAX5388’s features. The
program is menu driven and offers a graphical user
interface (GUI) complete with buttons, track bars, and
edit boxes. The EV kit software can be used to evaluate
the MAX5386, MAX5388L, MAX5388M, MAX5391, and
MAX5393. The EV kit can also be interfaced directly to a
user-supplied 3-wire system.
The MAX5388 IC can be powered from a 2.6V, 3.3V,
or 5V source generated from the MINIQUSB+ inter-
face board and EV kit circuitry, or from a user-supplied
external 2.6V to 5.25V DC power supply. Order the
MAX5388EVMINIQU+ for a complete PC-based evalua-
tion of the MAX5388.
The EV kit also contains PCB footprints for the MAX5386,
MAX5391, and MAX5393. To evaluate these parts, order
samples and fit the parts in places U1, U2, and U3,
S 2.6V to 5.25V Single-Supply Operation
S PC USB to 3-Wire Interface or Stand-Alone 3-Wire
Serial-Interface Operation
S Easy-to-Use Menu-Driven Software
S Includes Windows 2000-, Windows XP-, and
Windows Vista-Compatible Software
S Fully Assembled and Tested
Component Lists
19-5176; Rev 0; 3/10
MAX5388 EV System
MAX5388 EV Kit
SPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.
Windows, Windows XP, and Windows Vista are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Ordering Information
+Denotes lead(Pb)-free and RoHS compliant.
MAX5388EVKIT+ 1 EV kit
MINIQUSB+ 1 Maxim command module
C1, C2, C3,
C7, C10, C11,
C14, C15, C19,
C20, C23, C24,
1FF Q10%, 16V X5R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R71C105K or
TDK C1608X5R1C105K
C4, C8, C12,
C16 4
0.1FF Q10%, 50V X7R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R71H104K or
TDK C1608X7R1H104K
C5, C6, C9,
C13 0Not installed, ceramic capacitors
C26 1
10FF Q10%, 6.3V X5R ceramic
capacitor (0805)
Murata GRM21BR60J106K or
TDK C2012X5R0J106K
J1 1 2 x 4-pin header
J2 1 2 x 8-pin header
J3 1 8-pin female receptacle
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
2 ______________________________________________________________________________________
MAX5388 EV Kit (MAX5388EVKIT+) (continued)
µMAX is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products,
Component Suppliers
MAX5388 EV Kit Files
Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX5386, MAX5388, MAX5391, or MAX5393 when contacting these component suppliers.
*EP = Exposed pad.
Component Lists (continued)
Murata Electronics North America, Inc. 770-436-1300 www.murata-northamerica.com
TDK Corp. 847-803-6100 www.component.tdk.com
INSTALL.EXE Installs the EV kit files on the computer
MAX5388.EXE Application program
FTD2XX.INF USB driver file
UNINST.INI Uninstalls the EV kit software
USB_Driver_Help.PDF USB driver installation help file
JU1, JU3–JU6,
JU8–JU18 16 2-pin headers
JU2, JU7, JU19 3 3-pin headers
JU20 1 4-pin header
R1 1 40.2kI Q1% resistor (0603)
R2 1 100kI Q1% resistor (0603)
U1 0 Not installed, digital potentiom-
eter (16 TQFN-EP*)
U2 0 Not installed, digital potentiom-
eter (16 TQFN-EP*)
U3 0 Not installed, digital
potentiometer (14 TSSOP)
U4 1
256-tap dual digital
potentiometer (10 FMAXM)
Maxim MAX5388NAUB+
U5 1
Adjustable output LDO regulator
(5 SC70)
Maxim MAX8512EXK+
(Top Mark: ADW)
U6 1
2.6V LDO regulator (5 SC70)
Maxim MAX8511EXK26+
(Top Mark: AAW)
U7 1 Single 1.8V to 5V level translator
(6 SC70)
U8 1 Dual 1.8V to 5V level translator
(8 SSOP)
20 Shunts (JU1–JU20)
1 PCB: MAX5386/5388/5391/5393
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 3
Quick Start
Required Equipment
• MAX5388EVsystem
MAX5388 EV kit
MINIQUSB+ command module (USB cable
• User-supplied Windows 2000, Windows XP, or
Windows Vista PC with a spare USB port
• Oneortwomultimeters
Note: In the following sections, software-related items
are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items
directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and under-
lined refers to items from the Windows operating system.
The MAX5388 EV kit is fully assembled and tested.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation:
1) Visit www.maxim-ic.com/evkitsoftware to down-
load the latest version of the EV kit software,
5388Rxx.ZIP. Save the EV kit software to a tempo-
rary folder and uncompress the ZIP file.
2) Install the EV kit software on the computer by run-
ning the INSTALL.EXE program inside the tempo-
rary folder. The program files are copied and icons
are created in the Windows Start | Programs
3) Verify that shunts are correctly installed on the
jumpers listed in Table 1 for proper operation of the
EV kit.
4) Connect the multimeters to measure resistance
across the MAX5388’s (U4) WA and LA PCB pads
and voltage across the WB and LB PCB pads.
5) Connect the MINIQUSB+ interface board to the EV
kit J2 and J3 connectors.
6) Connect the included USB cable from the PC
to the MINIQUSB+ interface board. A Building
Driver Database window pops up in addition to
a New Hardware Found message when installing
the USB driver for the first time. If a window similar
to the one described above is not seen after 30s,
remove the USB cable from the board and recon-
nect it. Administrator privileges are required to
install the USB device driver on Windows 2000,
Windows XP, and Windows Vista.
7) Follow the directions of the Add New Hardware
Wizard to install the USB device driver. Choose
the Search for the best driver for your device
option. Specify the location of the device driver to
be C:\Program Files\MAX5388 (default installation
directory) using the Browse button. During device
driver installation, Windows may show a warning
message indicating that the device driver Maxim
uses does not contain a digital signature. This is
not an error condition and it is safe to proceed
with installation. Refer to the USB_Driver_Help.PDF
document included with the software if you have
problems during this step.
8) Start the EV kit software by opening its icon in the
Start | Programs menu.
9) Observe as the program automatically detects the
USB connection and starts the main program.
10) Using the Device Connected combo box, select
MAX5388 from the list and then press the Default
button. The EV kit software main window appears,
as shown in Figure 1.
11) The EV kit is now ready for additional testing.
Table 1. Jumper Configuration
*Default position.
JU16 Not installed MAX5388 LA disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5388 LA connected to GND
JU17 Not installed MAX5388 HB disconnected from the U4 VDD voltage source
Installed* MAX5388 HB connected to the U4 VDD voltage source
JU18 Not installed MAX5388 LB disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5388 LB connected to GND
1-2 VPOWER = 5V
1-3* VPOWER = 3.3V
1-4 VPOWER = 2.6V
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
4 ______________________________________________________________________________________
Figure 1. MAX5388 Evaluation Kit Software Main Window
Detailed Description of Software
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Panel
The MAX5388 EV kit software GUI shown in Figure 1 is
a Windows program that provides a convenient means
to control the MAX5388 dual potentiometer. Use the
mouse or press the Tab key to navigate through the GUI
controls. The correct SPI write operations are generated
to update the MAX5388 internal memory registers when
any of these controls are executed.
The software divides the EV kit functions into group
boxes. The Interface group box indicates the EV kit
Status and the last write operation Command Sent
and Data Sent indicators. This data confirms proper
device operation. The Device Connected combo box
selects the Maxim part being evaluated and enables
the Update Pot A and B checkbox function when
choosing the MAX5391 or MAX5393 option from the
list. The Default button programs both potentiometers
to their midscale positions. The lower Potentiometer A
and Potentiometer B group boxes provide controls to
change the respective wiper positions. The main win-
dow’s bottom-left status bar provides the USB interface
circuit communication status.
The EV kit software can also be used to evaluate
the MAX5386, MAX5388L, MAX5388M, MAX5391, and
Software Startup
Upon startup, the EV kit software automatically searches
for the USB interface board’s circuit connection. In the
Interface group box, the Device Connected combo box
allows the user to select the proper part being evalu-
ated. Upon selection of the device being evaluated, the
Update Pot A and B checkbox is enabled/disabled. The
EV kit enters the normal operating mode when the USB
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 5
connection is detected and the part has been selected.
Since the MAX5388 does not have read capability, all
the edit boxes are set to question marks (??) and the
Potentiometer_ track bar is set to midscale. If the USB
connection is not detected, the software prompts the
user to retry, exit the program, or enter the demo mode.
Demo Mode
The EV kit software enters the demo mode—when the
USB connection is not detected—by selecting Cancel
on the MAX5388 Evaluation Kit Interface Circuit
popup window (Figure 2). The software can also enter
demo mode at any time from the main window by select-
ing the Options | Demo Mode menu item. When in
demo mode, all software communication to the EV kit
circuit is disabled; however, most of the software GUI is
functional. Demo mode allows the user to evaluate the
software without hardware connectivity. To exit demo
mode, deselect the Options | Demo Mode menu item.
Potentiometer A and B Wiper Positions
The wiper position track bars (WA, WB) in the
Potentiometer A and Potentiometer B group boxes
are used to change the wiper position between the H_
and L_ end points. Use the computer mouse or arrow
keys to move the wiper position between the 256 posi-
tion points. The wiper position can also be changed by
entering the desired integer value in the edit boxes, or
by pressing the up or down arrows in the respective
edit box. A change in the W_ wiper position track bars,
or HW_/WL_ edit boxes, writes to the volatile memory
and the wiper position is updated with the data sent.
The wiper position is shown in the HW_ and WL_ edit
boxes. The HW_ edit box shows the wiper position with
respect to the potentiometer H_ end point and the WL_
edit box shows the wiper position with respect to the
potentiometer L_ end point.
Factory Default
Pressing the Default button resets the potentiometer A
and B wiper positions to the factory-default midscale
Status Indicator
The Status indicator in the Interface group box displays
EV Kit Operational when the EV kit enters the normal
operating mode after the USB connection is detected.
If the USB connection is not detected, or when the
software enters the demo mode, the Status indicator
displays Demo Mode. Demo mode is used to exercise
the software without hardware connectivity.
Command Sent Indicator
The Command Sent indicator in the Interface group
box displays the last command sent from the master
(software) to the MAX5388. There are two commands
available in the MAX5388 IC. Table 2 describes the two
MAX5388 commands.
Data Sent Indicator
The Data Sent indicator in the Interface group box dis-
plays the last data sent from the master (software) to the
MAX5388. The Data Sent indicator displays the last data
Figure 2. MAX5388 Evaluation Kit Interface Circuit Popup Window (Interface Board Not Found)
Table 2. MAX5388 SPI Command
VREGA 00000000 0x00 SPI data is written to potentiometer A. Wiper WA position updates
with SPI data.
VREGB 00000001 0x01 SPI data is written to potentiometer B. Wiper WB position updates
with SPI data.
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
6 ______________________________________________________________________________________
sent for the write to potentiometer A (0x00) or potentiom-
eter B (0x01) commands.
The MAX5388 IC uses an 8-bit (MSBs, D7–D0) data byte
to set the wiper position. Refer to the MAX5386/MAX5388
IC data sheet for additional information.
Keyboard Navigation
Press the Tab key to select each GUI control. The select-
ed control is indicated by a dotted outline. Using Shift +
Tab moves the selection to the previously selected con-
trol. Buttons respond to the keyboard’s space bar and
some controls respond to the keyboard’s up and down
arrow keys. Activate the program’s menu bar by press-
ing the F10 key and then press the letter of the desired
menu item. Most menu items have one letter underlined,
indicating their shortcut key.
When a number is entered into the edit boxes, it can be
sent to the device by pressing the Enter key. It is also
sent when Tab or Shift + Tab is pressed.
Simple SPI Commands
There are two methods for communicating with the EV
kit, through the normal user-interface panel (Figure 1) or
through the advanced user interface available by select-
ing the 3-Wire Interface (Figure 3) utility from the main
program’s Options | Advanced User Interface menu
bar. A window is displayed that allows SPI send/receive
data operations.
On the 3-wire interface tab, the Connection group box
defines the hardware connections of the interface. For
the EV kit, K10 is selected from the Clock (SCK)(SCLK)
drop-down list, K12 from the Data from master to slave
(MOSI)(DIN) drop-down list is disabled, K11 from the
Data from slave to master (MISO)(DOUT) drop-down
list, K9 from the Chip-select (CS) for data framing
drop-down list, and Use standard connections for
high-speed SPI checkbox is checked (see Figure 3).
The Configuration group box allows the user to config-
ure the logic level and data rate. For the EV kit, check
the Send & Receive MSB first checkbox and verify that
the CPOL=1(clock idle high) and CPHA=1(sample 2nd
edge) checkboxes are unchecked (see Figure 3).
The Send and Receive Data group box allows the
user to send data to the MAX5388. The Data bytes to
be written edit box indicates data to be sent from the
master (microcontroller) to the device (MAX5388). Eight-
bit hexadecimal numbers should be comma delimited.
Press the Send Now button to transmit the data from the
master to the device. Data appearing in the Data bytes
received edit box is data read from the device. The Data
bytes received edit box in the EV kit software always
shows a default value of 0xFF since the MAX5388 does
not send data back to the master.
Note: The SPI dialog boxes accept numeric data in
hexadecimal format. Hexadecimal numbers must be pre-
fixed by $ or 0x. Figure 3 shows a simple SPI write-byte
operation using the included 3-wire interface diagnostics
tool. In this example, the software is sending command
0x01 (write to potentiometer B) and data 0x7F. The data
sequence sets the MAX5388 wiper position to 127.
General Troubleshooting
Problem: Software reports it cannot find the interface
• Is the USB cable connected to the MINIQUSB+
• Has Windows plug-and-play detected the board?
Bring up Control Panel->System->Device Manager,
and look at what device nodes are indicated for USB.
If there is an Unknown device node attached to the
USB, uninstall it—this forces plug-and-play to try
• If using an off-board SPI interface, is the power
ground connected to the EV kit ground (GND) at one
of the header J1 pin connections (J1-2, J1-4, J1-6,
or J1-8)?
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 7
Figure 3. Simple Low-Level 3-Wire Interface
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
8 ______________________________________________________________________________________
Table 3. VPOWER Rail (JU20)
Table 4. Header J1 Pin Assignments Table 5. JU16 Jumper Function
(Potentiometer A)
*Default position.
Note: The MAX5388 VDD input has a minimum 2.6V requirement.
Detailed Description of Hardware
The MAX5388 EV kit is an assembled and tested PCB
that features the MAX5388N 100kI dual digital poten-
tiometers. Both potentiometer A and B have an end-
to-end resistance of 100kI and each wiper can be
programmed independently among 256 tap positions.
The MAX5388 IC consists of one digital potentiometer in
a variable-resistor configuration and one digital potenti-
ometer in a voltage-divider configuration The EV kit uses
a MAX5388N IC in a 10 µMAX package on a proven two-
layer PCB design.
The EV kit provides connector J1 to interface with the
MAX5388 CS, DIN, SCLK, and GND signals directly to
a user-supplied 3-wire system. Connector J1 also pro-
vides a connection for the EV kit’s 2.6V to 5.5V VPOWER
power-supply input.
The EV kit is typically used with a MINIQUSB+ interface
board for communicating with a PC through the 3-wire
serial interface. Logic-level translators U7 and U8 pro-
vide proper SPI interface translation when using 2.6V to
5.5V to power the MAX5388 VDD input.
MAX5388 VDD Input Source
The VPOWER rail is typically supplied as 3.3V or 5V by
the MINIQUSB+ interface board circuitry, or 2.6V using
LDO regulator U6. The VPOWER rail sets the MAX5388
VDD input to 5V, 3.3V, or 2.6V. See Table 3 for proper
jumper configurations for setting the MAX5388 VDD input.
SPI Clock and Data-/Chip-Select Inputs
The MAX5388 features a clock and data-/chip-select
input pins for SPI-compatible communication to con-
trol the MAX5388 wiper position. The clock, data-, and
chip-select pins can be driven by the MINIQUSB+
interface circuit or the PCB header (J1), along with a
user-supplied external SPI-compatible controller. An
external SPI-compatible controller can be connected to
CS (J1-3), DIN (J1-5), SCLK (J1-7), and GND (J1-2) on
header J1 to communicate with the MAX5388 IC. When
using an external SPI-compatible controller, verify that
the MINIQUSB+ interface board has been disconnected
from the EV kit’s J2 and J3 headers. See Table 4 for
header J1 pin assignment.
Potentiometer, Variable Resistor with
Ground Reference (Potentiometer A)
The MAX5388 IC potentiometer A is internally configured
as a variable resistor. The EV kit allows potentiometer A
to be configured with ground reference by shorting LA
to ground. Table 5 lists jumper options for configuring
potentiometer A.
Verify that any power source connected to the WA or LA
pads are voltage and current limited to the maximum con-
ditions stated in the MAX5386/MAX5388 IC data sheet.
Potentiometer, Voltage-Divider or Variable Resistor,
with Ground Reference (Potentiometer B)
The EV kit provides an option to configure the MAX5388
potentiometer B as a potentiometer or voltage-divider,
1-2 5V (MINIQUSB+ circuitry) 5V
1-3* 3.3V (MINIQUSB+ circuitry) 3.3V
1-4 2.6V (LDO U6) 2.6V
Not installed External source applied at EV kit VDD and
GND PCB pads
External source applied at EV kit VDD and
GND PCB pads
J1-2, J1-4, J1-6, J1-8 GND
J1-3 CS
J1-5 DIN
Not installed Not
Potentiometer without
GND reference
Installed* Connected
to GND
Potentiometer with
GND reference
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 9
open ended or with ground reference, respectively. Use
jumpers JU17 and JU18 for potentiometer B configura-
tions. Table 6 lists jumper options for configuring poten-
tiometer B.
Potentiometer B can also be configured as a variable
resistor by shorting the HB and WB pads using a wire.
When operating as a variable resistor, any power source
connected to the HB, WB, or LB pads must be voltage
and current limited to the maximum conditions stated in
the MAX5386/MAX5388 IC data sheet.
Note: To test the device in resistor mode, the ohmmeter
must be GND referenced to the MAX5388. This can be
accomplished by connecting the L_ pin to GND or the H_
pin to VDD. Resistance can then be measured between
W_ and L_ or W_ and H_ PCB pads.
Evaluating the MAX5386, MAX5391,
and MAX5393 ICs
The EV kit is populated with additional PCB footprints
(U1, U2, and U3) and various jumpers to evaluate the
MAX5386, MAX5391, and MAX5393, respectively.
Jumper JU1 and LDO U5 are available to use as a
1.7V power source when evaluating the MAX5391 and
MAX5393 EV kits. Refer to the MAX5386M, MAX5391L,
MAX5391N, or MAX5393 evaluation system data sheets
for additional information when evaluating the MAX5386,
MAX5391, or MAX5393 digital potentiometers.
Table 6. JU17 and JU18 Jumper Functions (Potentiometer B)
Table 7. Jumper Configuration (JU1–JU20)
*Default position.
JU17 JU18
Not installed Not installed Not connected Not connected Potentiometer open ended
Installed Connected to GND Potentiometer with GND reference
Installed* Not installed Connected to VDD Not connected Voltage-divider open ended
Installed* Connected to GND Voltage-divider with GND reference
JU1 Not installed* 1.7V LDO output disabled
Installed 1.7V LDO output enabled
JU2 1-2* MAX5386 VDD voltage not powered
2-3 MAX5386 VDD voltage dependent on jumper JU20 configuration
JU3 Not installed MAX5386 HA disconnected from the U1 VDD voltage source
Installed* MAX5386 HA connected to the U1 VDD voltage source
JU4 Not installed MAX5386 LA disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5386 LA connected to GND
JU5 Not installed MAX5386 HB disconnected from the U1 VDD voltage source
Installed* MAX5386 HB connected to the U1 VDD voltage source
JU6 Not installed MAX5386 LB disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5386 LB connected to GND
JU7 1-2* MAX5391 VDD voltage not powered
2-3 MAX5391 VDD voltage dependent on jumper JU20 configuration
JU8 Not installed MAX5391 HA disconnected from the U2 VDD voltage source
Installed* MAX5391 HA connected to the U2 VDD voltage source
JU9 Not installed MAX5391 LA disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5391 LA connected to GND
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
10 _____________________________________________________________________________________
Table 7. Jumper Configuration (JU1–JU20) (continued)
*Default position.
JU10 Not installed MAX5391 HB disconnected from the U2 VDD voltage source
Installed* MAX5391 HB connected to the U2 VDD voltage source
JU11 Not installed MAX5391 LB disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5391 LB connected to GND
JU12 Not installed MAX5393 HA disconnected from the U3 VDD voltage source
Installed* MAX5393 HA connected to the U3 VDD voltage source
JU13 Not installed MAX5393 LA disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5393 LA connected to GND
JU14 Not installed MAX5393 HB disconnected from the U3 VDD voltage source
Installed* MAX5393 HB connected to the U3 VDD voltage source
JU15 Not installed MAX5393 LB disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5393 LB connected to GND
JU16 Not installed MAX5388 LA disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5388 LA connected to GND
JU17 Not installed MAX5388 HB disconnected from the U4 VDD voltage source
Installed* MAX5388 HB connected to the U4 VDD voltage source
JU18 Not installed MAX5388 LB disconnected from GND
Installed* MAX5388 LB connected to GND
JU19 1-2* MAX5393 VDD not powered
2-3 MAX5393 VDD voltage dependent on jumper JU20 configuration
1-2 VPOWER = 5V
1-3* VPOWER = 3.3V
1-4 VPOWER = 2.6V
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
______________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Figure 4. MAX5388 EV Kit Schematic
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
12 _____________________________________________________________________________________
Figure 5. MAX5388 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—Component Side
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
______________________________________________________________________________________ 13
Figure 6. MAX5388 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component Side
Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied.
Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
14 Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600
© 2010 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
MAX5388 Evaluation System
Evaluates: MAX5386/MAX5388/MAX5391/MAX5393
Figure 7. MAX5388 EV Kit PCB Layout—Solder Side
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