PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Highlights & Features
Univer sal AC input range
Power wil l not de-rate from input voltage 100Vac to 264Vac
High MTBF > 700,000 hrs. per Telcordia SR-332
Short C ircuit / Overvoltage / Overload / Over Temperature
Vers atile co nnector options (Termin al Block , Front Face)
Safety S t and ards
CB Certified for worldwi de use
Model Number: PMT-5V50W1A
Unit Weight: 0.23 kg (0.5 1 lb)
Dimen sions (L x W x D): 98 x 98 x 38 mm
(3.86 x 3.86 x 1.50 inch)
Gen eral Description
The new PMT series of panel mount power supplies is the latest off ering from one of the world’s largest power supply manufacturers
and solution providers Delta. The PMT products also offer a nominal output voltage of 5V with a wide operating temperature range
from -10°C to +70°C and can withstand shock and vibration requirements (in accordance to IEC 60068-2-27 and IEC 60068-2-6
respectively). In addition to features like overvoltage and overload protections, Delta’s PMT series of panel mount power supplies is
un li ke m any other bra nds i n th e sam e price level . The PMT ser i es i s des ign ed for cost com pet iti ve m ar ket s witho ut compr omising t h e
quality of the components and product specifications. The series of products has an expected life time of 10 years and this versatile
product has three different connector options (Terminal Block and Front Face) and can also be converted into L Frame (PML) type of
power su pplies t o satisfy differen t app l ication n eeds .
Model Inf or m a t io n
PMT Panel Mount Power Suppl y
Model Number
Input Voltage Range
Output Current
PMT-5V50W1A 85-264Vac 5Vdc 10.0A
Model Numbering
Panel Mount Product Type
T Enclosed
L L Frame*
Output Voltage Output Power Si ngle Phase No PFC Connector Type
A Terminal Block
G Fr ont Face*
**For Terminal Block
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Input Ratings / Charact eri stics
Nominal Input Voltage 100-240Vac
Input Voltage Range 85-264Vac
Nominal Input Frequency 50-60Hz
Input Frequency Range 47-63Hz
Input Current < 1.10A @ 115Vac, < 0.65A @ 230Vac
Efficiency at 100% Load 82.0% typ. @ 230Vac
Max Inrush Current (Cold St art) 45A typ. @ 230Vac
Leakage Current < 1mA @ 240Vac
Out put Ratings / Character istics
No minal Output Voltage 5Vdc
Output Voltage Tolerance ± 1% (i nitial set point tolerance from factory)
Output Voltage Adj ustment Range 4.50-5.50Vdc
Out pu t Cur rent 10.0A
Output Power 50W
Line Regulation < 0.5 % typ . (@ 115Vac & 230V ac input , 100% inpu t)
Load Regulation < 1% typ. (@ 115Vac & 230Vac input, 0-100% input)
PARD (2 0 MHz) < 80mVpp @ 25°C to 5C,
< 160mVpp @ -10°C to 0°C
Ris e Time < 30ms @ nomina l input (100% load)
Start-up Ti me 1,200 ms typ. @ 115Vac ,
500ms typ. @ 230Vac (100 % load)
Hold-up Time 20ms typ. @ 115Vac, 100ms typ. @ 230Vac
Dynamic Response
(Overshoot & Undershoot O/P Voltage) ± 10% (1 000mVp-p) @ 0-100% load
( Slew R ate: 0.1A/ µS )
Start-up wi th Capacitive Loads 8, 000µF Max
Case Chassis Aluminium
Cas e C ov er SGCC
Dimensions (L x W x D) 98 x 98 x 38 mm (3.86 x 3.86 x 1.50 i nch)
Unit Weight 0.23 kg (0.5 1 lb)
Indicator Gree n LED (DC OK)
Cooling System Convection
M3.5 x 5 Pins (Rated 300V/15A)
PM-5V50W1AG M3.5 x 5 Pins (Rated 300V /20A)
AWG 14-12
AWG 14 -12
Nois e (1 Meter f rom po w er su pply) Sound Pressur e Level (SPL) < 25dBA
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Surrounding Air Temperat ur e Operating -10°C to +70°C
Storage -25°C to +85°C
Power De-rating > 50°C de -rate power by 2.5% / °C
< 100Vac de-ra te power by 1.3 3% / V
(80% load @ 85Vac)
Operating Humidity 5 to 95% RH (Non-Condensing)
Operating Altitude 0 to 5, 00 0 M eters (0 to 16,400 ft)
Shock Test (Non-Operating) IEC 60068-2-27, H alf Sine Wave: 50G for a duration of 11ms,
3 shock s for ea ch 3 directions
Vibration (Non-Operating) IEC 60068-2-6, Random: 5Hz to 500Hz (2.09Grms) ;
20 min per axis f or al l X, Y, Z direc tion
Pollution Degree 2
Overvoltage 5.75-7.50V, SELV Ou tput, Hiccup Mode,
Non-Latching (Auto-Recovery)
Overload / Ove rcurrent 105-150% of rated load curr ent, Hicc up Mode,
Non-Latching (Auto-Recovery)
Over Temperature Non-Latc hing ( Auto-Recovery)
Short Cir cuit Hiccu p M od e, N on-Latching
(Auto-Recov ery when t he fault is remov ed)
Protection Against Shock Cla ss I with P E * co nnec tion
*PE: Primary Earth
Reliability Data
MTBF > 700, 000 hrs. as per Telcordi a SR-332
I/ P: 100Vac, O/P: 100% Load, Ta: 35°C)
Expected Cap Li f e Tim e 10 years (115Vac & 230Vac, 50% load @ 40°C)
Safety Standards / Directives
Electrical Safety TUV Bauart to EN60950-1, UL/ cU L r eco gniz ed to UL 60950-1
and CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1,
CB scheme to I EC 60950-1, CCC to GB4943
CE In conformance wit h EMC Directi ve 2014/30/EU and Low
Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
Mat erial and Parts RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Compl i ant
Galvanic Isolation In p ut to Output 3.0KVac
Input to Ground 1.5KVac
Output to Ground 0.5KVac
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
EMC / Emis si o ns CISPR 22, EN 55022, FCC Title 4 7: Clas s B
Immunity to EN 55024
Electrostatic Discharge IEC 61000-4-2 L evel 4 C r iter ia A
Air D is ch arge: 15k V
Contact Discharge: 8kV
Radiated F ield IEC 61000-4-3 L evel 3 Criteria A
80MHz-1GHz, 10V/M wi th 1kHz tone / 80% modul ati on
Electrical Fast Transie nt / Burst IEC 61000-4-4 L evel 3 Criteria A
Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Level 3 Cr iter ia A
Comm on Mode2): 2kV
Dif feren tial M od e3): 1kV
Conducted IEC 61000-4-6 Level 3 C r iter ia A
150kHz-80MHz, 10Vrms
Power Frequency Magnetic Fields IEC 61000-4-8 C ri teria A
Voltage Dips IEC 61000-4-11 100 % dip; 1 cy cle (20ms ) ; Self R eco verable
Low Energy Pulse Test (Ring Wave) IEC 61000-4-12 Level 3 200A Crit eria A
Comm on Mode2): 2kV
Dif feren tial M od e3): 1k V
1) Criteria A: Normal performance within the specification limits
2) Asymmetrical: Common mode (Line to earth)
3) Symmetrical: Differential mode (Line to line)
Blo ck Diagram
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Device Descriptions
1) Input & Out put terminal bloc k connector
2) DC vo l tag e adju st ment poten t iomet er
3) DC OK cont rol LED (Green)
PMT-5V50W1AA: Ter minal Block
L x W x D: 98 x 98 x 38 mm (3.86 x 3.86 x 1.50 inch)
PMT-5V50W1AA: Terminal Block
PMT-5V50W1AG: Fron t Face
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
PMT-5V50W1AG: Front Face
L x W x D: 98 x 98 x 38 mm (3.86 x 3.86 x 1.50 inch)
PML-5V50W1AA: Ter minal Block
L x W x D: 98 x 98 x 37.5 mm (3.8 6 x 3.8 6 x 1.48 inch)
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
PML-5V50W1AG: Front Fa c e
L x W x D: 98 x 98 x 37.5 mm (3. 86 x 3 .86 x 1.48 inch )
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Engineering Data
Output De-rating VS. Input Voltage
1. Power supply components may degrade, or
be damaged, when the power supply is
continuously used out side t he shaded region,
refer t o the graph shown in Fig. 1.
2. If the output capacity is not reduced when the
surrounding air temperature >50
°C, the
device will run into Over Temperature
Protection. When activated, the output
voltage will go into bouncing mode and will
recover when the surrounding air
t em p er at ur e i s l o wer ed or t h e l oad i s r ed u ced
as far as necessary to keep the device in
working condition.
3. In order for the device to function in the
manner intended, it is also necessary to keep
a safety distan ce of 20m m wi th adj ac ent units
while the devic e is i n op eratio n.
Depending on the surrounding air
t emp era tur e an d out put l oad deliver ed b y the
power su pply, the device can b e very h ot!
5. If the device has to be mounted in any other
orientation, please do not hesitate to contact
info@deltapsu.com for more details.
Fig. 1 De-rating for Vertical and Horizontal Mounting Orientation
> 50°C de-r ate po w er by 2.5% / °C
No output power de-rating for the input
voltage from 100Vac to 264Vac
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Assembl y & In st all at ion
Mounting holes for power supply (device). The power supply shall be mounted on minimum 2 mounting holes using M3 screw
minimum 5mm length.
This surface bel ongs to customer’s end system or panel wher e the power supply is mount ed.
Side Mounting (Vertical) Base Mounting (Vertical) S ide Mounting (Horizontal)
Fig. 2 Recommended Mounting Orientations
PM-5V50W1AA / PM -5V50W1AG: U se f l exi b l e c a bl e (s tr a n d ed o r s ol i d ) of AW G N o. 14-12. U ser s ho u ld ca l cu l at e a nd s el ec t
the suitable wire specification (type/quantity/diameter) according to actual output current. The torque at the Connector shall not
exceed 13Kgf.cm. The insulation stri pping length should not exceed 0.275” or 7mm (Refer t o Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Assem bly Reference
Ensure the mounted device is kept at ≥ 4mm safety distance at all sides from other components and equipments. In addi tion, to e nsure
sufficient convection cooling, always maintain a distance of ≥ 20mm from ventilated surfaces while the device is in operation.
Safety Distance
D1 = 4.0mm Min.
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Fig. 4 Mounting Screw
Safety Instructions
If user’s mounting orientation is not according to the recommended mounting orientations, please consult Delta for further
L frame (PML) and Open frame (PMB) options are to be manufactured by Delta and not to be reconfigured by users from the
standard enc l osed configuration.
The device i s not recommended to be placed on low t hermal conductive surface. For exam ple, pl astics.
The enclosure of the device can become very hot depending on the ambient temperature and load of the power supply. Do not
touc h t he d evic e while it is in operation or immediately after po wer is turned O FF. Risk of bu rnin g!
Do not to uc h the ter minals while power is being su pplied. Ri s k of electr ic shock.
Prevent any foreign metal, particles or conductors from entering the device through the openings during installation.
It may cause el ectric shock, safet y hazard, fire and/or product fail ur e.
The power supply must be mounted by metal screws onto a grounded m etal surface. It is highly recommended that the Earth
terminal on the connector be connected to the grounded surface.
Warning (For Standard Terminal Block and Front Face Terminal Block products): When connecting the device, secure Earth
connection before connecting L and N. When disconnecting the device, rem ove L and N connections before rem oving the Earth
L-01: Latc h
P-03: Bracket
These accessor i es are used to mount the panel mount power supply onto a DI N rail.
For PMT and PM L Series (Refer to Fi g. 4): Only use M3 screw ≤ 3mm
through the base mounting holes. This is to keep a safe distance
between the screw and internal components. Recommended mounting
tig hte ning torque: 4~7Kg f .c m.
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Start-up Time
The t ime r equired for the output voltage to reach 90% of its set value, after the input voltage is applied.
Rise Tim e
The t ime requir ed for the output voltage to change fr om 10% to 90% of its set value.
Hold-up Time
Hold up time is the time when the AC input collapses and output vol t age retai ns regulation for a certain peri od of time. The time
required for the output to reach 95% of its set value, after the input voltage is removed.
Graph illustrating the Sta rt-up Time, Ris e Time, and Hold-up Time
Inrush Current
Inrush current is the peak, instantaneous, i nput current m easured
and, occurs when the input voltage is first applied. For AC input
voltages, the maximum peak value of inrush current will occur
during the first half cycle of the applied AC voltage. This peak
value decreases exponentially during subsequent cycles of AC
Dynamic Response
The power supply output voltage will remains within ±10% of its
steady state value, when subjected to a dynamic load from 0 to
100% of its rat ed current.
PMT Panel Mount Power
5V 50W 1
/ PMT-5V50W1A
Al l parameters are specified at 25 °C ambient and AC input unles s otherw is e indicated.
www.DeltaPSU.co m (Dece mber 2016, Rev. 01)
Overload & Overcur r ent Pr otections
The power supply’s Overload (OLP) and Overcurrent (OCP)
Protections will be activated when output current exceeds 105%
of IO (Max l oad). I n s uch occ urrence, t he V O will start to droop and
once the power supply has reached its maximum power lim it, the
protection is activated and the power supply will go into “Hiccup
mode” (Auto-Recovery). The power supply will recover once the
fault condition of the OLP and OCP is removed and IO is back
within th e s pec if ication s.
It is not recommended to prolong the duration of Io when it is
<105% but >100%, since it may cause damage to the PSU.
Short Cir c uit Protecti on
The power supply’s output OLP/OCP function also provides
protection against short circuits. When a short circuit is applied,
the output current will operate in “Hiccup mode”, as shown in the
illustration in the OLP/OCP section on this page. The power
supply will return to normal operation after the short circuit is
Overvoltage Pr otection
The power supply’s overvoltage circuit will be activated when its
i n t er nal f eed ba c k cir c ui t fa il s . The o u t pu t v ol ta g e s hal l n ot ex c eed
its specifi cations defined on Page 3 under “Protecti ons”.
Over Temperature Protection
As mentioned above, the power supply also has Over
Tem p erat ure Pr otect i on (OTP). In the ev ent o f a hi gher op erati ng
temperature at 100% load, the power supply will run into OTP
when the operating temperature is beyond what is recomm ended
in t he de-rating graph. When activated, the output voltage will go
into bouncing mode until the temperature drops to its normal
operating temperature as recommended in the de-ra t ing graph.
Delta RoHS Compliant
Restriction of the usage of hazardous substanc es
The European directive 2011/65/EU limit s t he maximum impurity level of hom ogeneous m ateri als such as lead,
mercury, cadmium, chrome, polybrominated flame retardants PBB and PBDE for the use in electrical and
electr onic equi pment. RoHS is the abbrevi ation for “Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in
elec tric al and elec tronic eq uipment”.
This product conforms to this standard.