DURACELL SIZE DL1/3N Lithium Manganese Dioxide Battery CR11108 SPECIFICATIONS ~ Min. No Load Voltage 3.1V Min. On Load Voltage 2.7V on 60 Q at xlZ 1s le Rated Capacity 160mAh on 3/8 1.35k Q to 2V yr Min. Life 62Hrs on 1k Q to 1.4V | + | Volume 1.1 cm? 11.60 mm MAX. 2 | Weight 3g 11.30 mm MIN. Typical Discharge Characteristics Voltage Voltage 3f- 2.6; 22 1.8 1.4 1 0.6 0 3.4 26 2.2 1.8 1.4 0.6 0 Current at 2.6V Q mA 220 11.8 10 12 30 40 50 Hours of Service at 20C DURACELL Batteries. Issue 6l To be read in conjunction with the General Information module In line with its continuing development programme, Duracell reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice