Page 8 Changes in Device Support
Quartus II Software Version 9.1, SP1 Device Support Release Notes © February 2010 Altera Corporation
Applies to: Cyclone IV GX Devices
VCCIO pin count incorrect with device migration turned ON
When you migrate from a Stratix IV to a HardCopy IV or HardCopy IV GX device, if a
pin is NC in the Stratix IV device and VCCIO in either HardCopy device, the
migration result is NC. The correct migration result should be VCCIO, when the
referred IO bank is available in all devices of the current migration chain.
Applies to: HardCopy IV and HardCopy IV GX Devices
Arria II GX and Stratix IV GX require regenerating transceiver reconfiguration Memory
Initialization File
When the transceiver channel and PLL dynamic reconfiguration is enabled, and the
transceiver bonding mode is X4 or X8, the TX clock (coreclkout) is inactive after
reconfiguration. You must regenerate the transceiver reconfiguration Memory
Initialization File (.mif) with the Quartus II software version 9.1 SP1.
Applies to: Arria II GX and Stratix IV GX devices
Updated Cyclone IV E performance specifications
The Quartus II software version 9.1 SP1 performance specifications for Cyclone IV E
devices are incorrect. Refer to the Cyclone IV E handbook for the correct performance
Applies to: Cyclone IV E devices
Arria II GX devices require recompilation
The Quartus II software versions up to and including 9.1 can produce functional
failures in Arria II GX devices due to race conditions in the secondary signal region of
RAM. This possible malfunction is fixed in Quartus II software version 9.1 SP1, and
requires that you recompile your design.
Applies to: Arria II GX devices
No vertical migration for Engineering Sample Stratix IV 230 GX and E and 530 GX and E
Stratix IV 230 GX and E and 530 GX and E devices in Engineering Sample version are
not allowed for vertical migration with the production devices due to the voltage
changes. (Core voltage for ES devices is 0.95V, while core voltage for production
devices is 0.9V.). To access vertical migration, use the corresponding production
device in the design.
Applies to: Stratix IV devices
Migration combinations of devices show fewer VCCIO pins
In certain migration combinations of Arria II GX and Stratix IV GX and Stratix E
devices, fewer VCCIO pins may be seen as available, when vertical migration in the
following paths is enabled: