Standard Power MOSFETs File Number 2330 IRFP250, IRFP251, IRFP252, IRFP253 Power MOS Field-Effect Transistors N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power Field-Effect Transistors 25 A and 30 A, 150 V - 200 V N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE loston = 0.085 Q and 0.120 2 D Features: m SOA is power-dissipation limited a Nanosecond switching speeds G a Linear transfer characteristics a High input impedance a Majority carrier device s 92CS-43357 TERMINAL DIAGRAM The IRFP250, IRFP251, IRFP252, and IRFP253 are n-channel enhancement-mode silicon-gate power field- effect transistors designed for applications such as switch- ing regulators, switching converters, motor drivers, relay TERMINAL DESIGNATION SOURCE drivers, and drivers for high-power bipolar switching tran- Z LJ sistors requiring high speed and low gate-drive power. => These types can be operated directly from integrated DRAIN circuits. trae) O The IRFP-types are supplied in the JEDEC TO-247 plastic _ package. [ TOP VIEW GATE JEDEC TO-247 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter IRFP250 IRFP251 IRFP252 IRFP253: Units Vos Drain - Source Voltage @ 200 150 200 150 Vv Vor Drain - Gate Voltage (Ras = 20 KQ) 200 150 200 150 Vv Ip @ Te = 25C Continuous Drain Current 30 30 25 25 A Ip @ Tc = 100C Continuous Drain Current 19 19 16 16 A tom Pulsed Drain Current 120 120 100 100 A Vas Gate - Source Voitage +20 v Po @ Tce = 25C Max. Power Dissipation 150 (See Fig. 14) Ww Linear Derating Factor 1.2 (See Fig. 14) w/c lua Inductive Current, Clamped @ 120 | 120 | 100 | 100 A Toe Storage Temperature Range ~55 to 150 G Lead Temperature 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case for 10s) C 3-309Standard Power MOSFETs IRFP250, IRFP251, IRFP252, IRFP253 Electrical Characteristics @ Tc = 25C (Uniess Otherwise Specified) Turn-on speed is substantially controtied by Ls + Lo. lid Type Min. Typ. Max. { Units Test Conditions BVoss_ Drain - Source Breakdown Voltage hep eee 200 _ _ Vv Ves = OV IRFP251 IRFP253 150 _ - Vv to = 250uA Vesin Gate Threshold Voltage ALL 2.0 = 4.0 Vv Vos = Ves, lo = 250 A less Gate-Source Leakage Forward ALL _ _ 100 nA Ves = 20V loss Gate-Source Leakage Reverse ALL _- = -100 nA Ves = -20V loss Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current = 250 uA Vos = Max. Rating, Ves = OV ALL _| [1000 [pA [| Vos = Max. Rating x 0.8, Vos = OV, Te = 125C loom On-State Drain Current @ IRFP250 inFP251 | 30 7 = A Vos > Into X Rosion mea, Ves = 10V IRFP252 IRFP253 |. 25 7 A Rosion Static Drain-Source On-State IRFP250 Resistance @ iREP251 | | 2-07 | 0.085 | 9 Ves = 10V. lo = 168 InEp252 0.09 | 0120} a IRFP253 . . Qts Forward Transconductance ALL 8.0 14 = Si) Vos > lotion X Rosionimax, 1p = 164 Cis Input Capacitance ALL = 2000 = PF | vgs = OV, Vos = 25V, f= 1.0 MHz Coss Output Capacitance ALL = 800 = pF See Fig. 10 Crs Reverse Transfer Capacitance ALL = 300 = pF tatond Turn-On Delay Time ALL = = 35 ns Voo = 95V, lo = 16A, Zo = 4.72 t Rise Time ALL = = 100 ns See Fig. 17 tarotn Turn-Off Delay Time ALL _ ~ 425 ns (MOSFET switching times are essentially t Fall Time ALL _ _ 100 ns independent of operating temperature.) Qs Total Gate Charge ALL _ 73 120 nc Ves = 10V, Ip = 38A, Vos = 0.8V Max. Rating. (Gate-Source Pius Gate-Drain) See Fig. 18 for test circuit. (Gate charge is Que Gate-Source Charge ALL 37 56 nc essentially independent ot operating Qs ___Gate-Drain (Miller) Charge ALL 42 63 | nc | temperature.) Lo Internal Drain Inductance ALL _ 5.0 _ nH Measured between Modified MOSFET : the contact screw on symbol showing the header that is closer to | internal device source and gate pins inductances and center of die. Ls Internal Source Inductance ALL - 12.5 - nH Measured from the ? source pin, 6mm a (0.25 in.) from is header and source bonding pad. s Thermal Resistance RnJC _Junction-to-Case ALL = = 0.83 | C/W RCS Case-to-Sink ALL = 0.1 = C/W _| Mounting surface flat, smooth, and greased. RinJA _Junction-to-Ambient ALL = _ 30 C/W | Free Air Operation Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics Is Continuous Source Current IRFP250 _ _ 30 A Modified MOSFET symbol (Body Diode) IRFP251 showing the integral 2 IRFP252 reverse P-N junction rectitier. IRFP253 | 7 25 A Is Pulse Source Current IRFP250 _ _ 120 A 6 (Body Diode) @ IRFP251 IRFP252 3 iRFP253 | ~ {| 100] A Vsp Diode Forward Voltage @ IRFP250 = = = IREP251 - _ 2.0 Vv Tc = 25C, Is = 30A, Vos = OV IRFP252 _ _ _ IREP253 =_ - 18 Vv Te = 28C, Is = 25A, Vas = OV te Reverse Recovery Time ALL = 750 = ns Ts = 150C, Ir = 30A, dle/dt = 100A/ys Qrr Reverse Recovered Charge ALL - 47 _ uc Ty, = 150C, le = 30A, dle/dt = 100A/ys ton Forward Turn-on Time ALL Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible. @ Ty = 25C to 150C. @ Pulse Test: Pulse width < 300s, Duty Cycle = 2%. @ Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by max. junction temperature. See Transient Thermal Impedance Curve (Fig. 5}. @ L= 100 wH (See Fig. 15) 3-31080 us PULSE TEST Vesziv 1p, DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) 3.5V Q 10 20 30 a0 50 Vps. ORAIN-TO- SOURCE-VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 1 Typical Output Characteristics 80 us PULSE TEST ig. DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) a O4 08 12 16 20 Vps. DRAIN.TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 3 Typical Saturation Characteristics 0.05 THERMAL IMPEDANCE (PER UNIT) SINGLE PULSE (TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE) Ss o nu ZinscltY/ Ringe. NORMALIZED EFFECTIVE TRANSIENT on 5 2 5 4 2 wd 2 Standard Power MOSFETs IRFP250, IRFP251, IRFP252, IRFP253 x 2 80 ys PULSE TEST Vos > 'p(on) * Boston) max. 2 20 = = tb a ao 15 oa 2 3 z z Ty = 1289C a ' oo s Ty = 289C \ 5 Ty = -809C 0 1 2 3 a 8 6 7 8 Vgs. GATE:TO-SQUACE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 2 Typical Transfer Characteristics OPERATION IN THIS AREA IS LIMITED BY Rosion) IRFP252, IRFP250, 51 IRFP252, 53 ip, DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) Te = 250C , Ty = 150C MAX . ! t Rinse = O83 KW |: IRFP251, 83 SINGLE PULSE be sias IRFP250, 52 ae 1G 2 5 10 20 $0 100 6200 500 Vps. DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) Fig. 4 Maximum Safe Operating Area ty _.| 2 1. DUTY FACTOR, 0 = it 2. PER UNIT BASE = Ringe = 0.83 DEG. C/W 3. Tym Te = Pom Zmucitl. 19-2 2 5 10-1 2 5 to 2 5 10 ty, SQUARE WAVE PULSE DURATION (SECONDS) Fig. 5 Maximum Effective Transient Thermal Impedance, Junction-to-Case Vs. Pulse Duration 3-311Standard Power MOSFETs IRFP250, IRFP251, IRFP252, IRFP253 20 Ty = -50C 3S Ro Ty = 250 Ty = 150C wn Ty = 125C ~ o 8 Vos > !Dian) * Roston) max. 1 \ 1 80 yrs PULSE TEST Ty = 259C on Qf, TRANSCONDUCTANCE (SIEMENS) tor. REVERSE DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) N Q 1 2 3 4 9 10 20 30 a0 50 Vg. SOURCE-TO DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS) tg, DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) Fig. 6 Typical Transconductance Vs. Drain Current Fig. 7 Typical Source-Drain Diode Forward Voltage 1.25 24 Ves = 10V ' Ip = 16A, 2.2 4.15 (NORMALIZED) 2 o io a 0.85 BV pss, DRAIN-TO-SOURCE BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE Rosion). DRAIN TO-SOURCE ON RESISTANCE (NORMALIZED) s 0.6 0.75 -40 0 40 80 120 160 Ty, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) 02 -40 0 40 a0 120 160 . ' Fig. 8 Breakdown Voltage Vs. Temperature Ty, JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (C) 4000 Fig. 9 ~ Normalized On-Resistance Vs. Temperature Vgg 20 20 ' f= 1 MHz 3200 Cigg * Cys + Cog, Cas SHORTED Cres = Cog . ; CoC 1 Vos i 2400 Coss = C48" Coe Cag Vos * 100v. = Cas + ' t Yh [Vos = 160V, IRFP250, 252 Cigs 1600 C, CAPACITANCE (pF) 800 Vgs. GATE TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) 3 / Ip = 38A FOR TEST CIRCUIT +1 SEE FIGURE 18 0 10 20 30 40 50 Vos. ORAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS) a 28 56 84 W2 149 Oy, TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC) Fig. 10 Typical Capacitance Vs. Drain-to-Source Voltage Fig. 11 Typical Gate Charge Vs. Gate-to-Source Voltage 3-3120.10 ] ZA V4 ~~ 4 J Veg = 20V 0.22 qT qT t Ros(on) MEASURED WITH a CURRENT PULSE OF = 2.0 us DURATION. 7 s INITIAL Ty = 25C, & (HEATING EFFECT OF 2.0 us z 018 Vs = }0V -+ PULSE 1S MINIMAL.) 1 2 3 = z w 2 0.14 > ao ao o E z 4 i a $s B ao 0.06 0 40 80 120 160 Ip, ORAIN CURRENT (AMPERES) Fig. 12 Typical On-Resistance Vs. Drain Current 140 \ \ 120 \ \ 100 N 80 60 Pp. POWER DISSIPATION (WATTS) 40 . \ N 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Tc CASE TEMPERATURE (C) Fig. 14 Power Vs. Temperature Derating Curve ADJUST Ry TO OBTAIN SPECIFIED Ip Vos use tsid OUT. | GENERATOR OR SOURCE | {MPEDANCE L___ J Fig. 17 Switching Time Test Circuit Standard Power MOSFETs IRFP250, IRFP251, IRFP252, IRFP253 30 24 2. e IRFP250, 251 = = =< 18 IRFP2S2, 253 E z ul ac oc > o ZW < x a 2 6 0 25 50 16 100 125 150 Tc, CASE TEMPERATURE (C) Fig. 13 Maximum Drain Current Vs. Case Temperature VARY tp TO OBTAIN REQUIRED PEAK I, Ey=O.5BVpss Ec = 0.75 BVpgs Fig. 15 Clamped Inductive Test Circuit Fig. 16 -- Clamped Inductive Waveforms lav T 1 Out BATTERY } I +V O oS CURRENT (ISOLATED REGULATOR SUPPLY) SAME TYPE CURRENT CURRENT SAMPLING SAMPLING RESISTOR RESISTOR Fig. 18 Gate Charge Test Circuit